“”This smell…” Matthew’s nose moved twice, and after finding the source of the smell, she couldn’t help but look at Bedivere worriedly, “It’s like burnt meat…not just the arm, but the whole body Body? ! “”
“”Please do not mind! On the contrary, Bedivere was still in the mood to comfort Matthew, “The important thing now is to retreat as soon as possible!” “”
“”Right on my mind! ” Da Vinci ran over from behind, just at that moment, she ran to the back to do something, “So I took advantage of the moment just nowTime to get rid of the enemies behind! Let’s run away, Gao Wen in the daytime can’t deal with it at all! “”
“”As expected of Da Vinci! “Kashimayou said in surprise, then carried the child he was pulling on his back, turned around and ran away.”
“And Matthew quickly put Bedivere on his shoulders, and retreated while watching Gawain vigilantly.”
“”Want to escape? Stop delusional! “Gao Wen seemed to have recovered from the shock of Bedivere’s appearance, and immediately noticed Kashima Yu’s plan, and Dang even wanted to stop them.”
“But what followed was a violent flash and an earth-shattering roar!”
“It was a flash bomb thrown by Da Vinci… Although Gawain is known as the Sun Knight, he is not the sun after all. Facing such a strong flash of light, his vision was also taken away.”
“When he recovered from the state of losing his vision, there was nothing in front of him…whether it was refugees waiting for holy punishment, or Kashima Yu, Matthew, Da Vinci, or Bedivere, the Knights of the Round Table, a It’s not here anymore.”
“” Tsk! “Gao Wen clenched the holy sword Caventine angrily, “Why… Bedivere, why would a knight like you choose to betray the king! “”
“After being puzzled and confused for a while, Gawain sighed and walked into the holy capital. The news of Bedivere’s appearance must be notified to the king no matter what.”
“Because he knows that, to the king, Bedivere is undoubtedly a special existence!”
“Kashimayou and the others who fled all the way found that the sky had changed back to the appearance of night again, which meant that Gawain did not chase them. No matter what the reason was, the fact that Gawain did not pursue them made them feel relieved. Take a deep breath. Gao Wen in the daytime is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!”
“After defeating many solemn knights back and forth, their group finally got rid of the pursuit of the solemn knights.”
“Well, thank you very much. “One of the refugees came to Kashima You and the others, and said sadly, “I’m sorry, although I am very grateful, but…we really can’t be happy. “”
“Of course, seeing that kind of tragedy, how could anyone smile from the bottom of their hearts?”
Chapter 573 Is knight such a dangerous profession?
“”sorry. The male refugee apologized very sincerely, and then said rather shamelessly, “There is one more thing that is hard to tell…why on earth did you save us?” “”
“Perhaps because he felt that his words seemed a little ungrateful, he quickly explained, “Please don’t get me wrong, we are really grateful to you for saving our lives, thank you very much!” But, that…””
“”You want to say that we have different races and different beliefs, and you can’t provide us with satisfactory returns, so you don’t understand why we saved you? “Da Vinci saw through his thoughts at a glance.”
“The male refugee nodded, “Exactly, why on earth are you helping us? How powerful are the knights of the holy capital? There should be enough reasons to be enemies of those knights of the holy capital, right? “”
“Kashima Yu pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, I just wanted to help you, that’s all. “”
“”Want to help? The male refugee said in astonishment, “Is it because of this reason that you disobeyed the Lion King?” “”
“Sorry, can you hear me? “Bedwell interrupted the male refugee’s words, “You probably can’t provide suitable remuneration, so you feel uneasy about this kind of help, right?” Then I will make a proposal, we will continue to serve as your guards, but at the same time, you also need to help us with one thing. “”
“Oh, really? Is there anything we can help you with? “Hearing this, the male refugee showed a happy expression for the first time.”
“A lot of times, being helped too much by others actually makes people feel very uncomfortable, especially when I can’t repay the help!”
“Bedwell saw this and suggested, “No matter what the reason is, we are finally against the Lion King. In order to survive, we must find a reliable ally. You also know that the only people on this land who will resist the Lion King are the people of the mountain. Therefore, I need your assistance. “”
“Seeing that the refugees are still in a daze, Bedivere continued to explain, “As you can see, we are very similar to the people in the holy capital. If we go directly to the village of the mountain people, we will not be trusted. of. Do you understand what I said? “”
“”Oh I got it. Only then did the male refugee come to his senses, “As long as we testify that you saved our lives, the old man in the mountain and the others will not embarrass you anymore.” “”
“”That’s right. “Bedwell smiled, “We will protect you with all our strength until you escape into the mountain people’s village, and then I will ask you to act as intermediaries between us and the mountain people. This condition should be pretty good, right?” “”
“Ah, very good, it’s great to be able to help you. The male refugee breathed a sigh of relief, “Then I will tell you this, thank you… Thank you so much!” “”
“After thanking Kashima Yu and his party again, the male refugee ran back and told the rest of the refugees about it.”
“”I actually… can understand their feelings. Matthew bit her lip and said softly, “They can only rely on us to survive, but they are actually very afraid of being abandoned because they are useless?” That’s why we looked so happy when we heard that we needed their help. “”
“”So Bedivere is really powerful, if it weren’t for BedivereIf Will, they might have been living in panic and anxiety. “Kashima Yu laughed loudly and patted Bedivere’s…arm.”
“Although she is tall at 1.76 meters, she is quite short compared to Bedwell, who is 1.87 meters.”
“Ah… well, that’s the only strength I have. “Hearing Kashima Yu’s praise, Bedivere said a little embarrassed.”
“While talking, there seemed to be footsteps coming from a distance.”
“”It seems that the solemn knights are catching up…Although I want the refugees to have a good rest, we don’t have much time. “Bedwell said solemnly, “I’m going to defeat these knights, Kashima, you are here to protect the refugees… After a short rest, we must continue on our way. “”
“”OK. Da Vinci nodded, “Then I’ll pass the news to the refugees and treat the wounded by the way.” “”
“After finishing speaking, Da Vinci walked towards the refugees, and Kashima Yu exhorted Bedivere with a solemn expression, “Please be careful! “”
“Although she is very worried about Bedivere, she also knows that these refugees have reached their limit now. If they don’t take a break, they will not be able to move on! In this case, the only choice is to send the Serious Knight to a farther place. Defeat, otherwise, the refugees will not be able to rest well.”
“At the same time, the refugees also need someone to protect them… After all, it is not ruled out that there will be solemn knights detouring from other directions.”
“the other side……”
“Gao Wen strode into the palace, “Your Excellency, Assistant Officer, where is His Majesty the Lion King?” “”
“Aggewen glanced at him, “The king has already fallen asleep… I know about the flaws in the holy punishment. I will convey this matter to the king, and then the king will punish you. Before that, you will be punished.” Go back to your own mansion and wait. “”
“Gao Wen frowned slightly, “It’s a pity, can’t you see the king even at this time? “”
“”Naturally, we can do the trivial matters of refugee escape. “Aggrevin nodded.”
“”Refugees fleeing? Tristan said in amazement, “Such a mistake happened… Although it is not like Gao Wenqing would commit a gaffe, but it is what actually happened… It is really sad. “”
“”Hahaha, shouldn’t it be mercy? Mordred laughed loudly, “After all, the Sun Knight is very gentle.” “”
“”This is not tenderness, but disrespect! Tristan ruthlessly denied Mordred’s words, “Holy punishment is the king’s decree, if you fail to do this well, even the Knights of the Round Table will die!” There is no need to wait for the king’s ruling, Agguiwen, can I carry out the punishment on Gao Wenqing? “”
“I can’t escape death? Wouldn’t Gao Wen be killed like this? Just such a small mistake, he will be killed? It’s too outrageous! Even the gangsters are not so exaggerated!” Chitoge Kirisaki thought for a while The gangster group in my family feels that the rules of the Knights of the Round Table are much looser.
Is being a knight such a dangerous profession?
Chapter 574 Where is this troublesome spirit?
“Hey, Tristan, what do you mean by this, that you want to be punished, and at most it’s just a matter of self-reflection behind closed doors, right? There’s no need to chop off his head. ” Mordred said in a panic.”
“”Sir Mordred, that’s why you say you don’t understand the king’s heart. Tristan said blankly, “Are you planning to let the king personally behead the knights of the round table?” How sad… In order not to let the king experience this kind of sadness, I had no choice but to kill my friend’s life with my own hands! Gao Wen, can you understand me? “”
“Of course, this kind of decisiveness is very much your style! “Gao Wen nodded and said, “Before the throne, my blessing will be invalid, you can cut off my head!” “”
“”What’s so noisy? “The pure white Lion King suddenly appeared in the hall.”
“”To ask you to come to the throne at such a late night? ! “Ageguiwen’s eyes widened, and he said with trepidation, “Excuse me, my king, you have ruled here for half a year, and the holy capital is becoming more and more prosperous… The market is full of hustle and bustle, and the flowers in the courtyard are blooming. Even the desolate winds of hunger cannot touch this city! “”
“”All of this depends on your governance…My king, your rule cannot tolerate any filth, please go back and rest. “”
“Faced with the flattery of a courtier in the world, the Lion King just said lightly, “No need to flatter, Agguiwen, I’m just here to listen to the report. Knight Gawain, report to me in detail what happened in front of the main gate. “”
“Yes, my king. “Gao Wen half-kneeled on the ground, and told the Lion King everything that happened before.”
“That’s right, I see. Then raise your head, Gawain, but keep on kneeling. Because… you don’t need to get up anymore. “The Lion King said in a cold voice, and then she slowly raised her right index finger, gathering an incomparably dazzling brilliance at the tip of that index finger!”
“Then, that ray of light burst out like an arrow that leaves the string, and hit Gao Wen’s body in an instant!”
“Afterwards, Gawain smashed into the wall of the palace and flew out… If it was an ordinary person, he would have turned into flying ash at that moment!”
“”Wow, as expected of Gao Wen, in terms of tenacity, he is the number one round table! Mordred glanced at the broken place, and then said in surprise, “Not only did it smash through the walls of the palace, but even the outer walls of the holy capital were smashed!” But he survived! However, it seems that the repair of the wall will be troublesome in the future…””
“”Alive? Is Gao Wenqing still alive? “Agge Wen stared wide-eyed, unbelievableSaid. ”
“But the Lion King seems to have expected it a long time ago, “Listen up, all the knights of the round table, I have dealt a fatal blow to Gao Wenqing, and I can still survive after receiving my blow… So, it is considered that Gao Wenqing is pardoned.” , does anyone have an objection? “”
“”No, how could this subordinate object to the king’s ruling? Although it is sad… But from tonight, you can hear a new song praising Gao Wenqing in the tavern again, right? It’s sad that the songs praising me and Lancelot didn’t add up. said Tristan.”
“Agguiwen looks respectful, no matter how you look at it, she doesn’t seem to have any objections. As for Mordred, she smiled like a child, “How can I have any objection to the decision made by the king. “”
“The lake-green eyes of the Lion King looked at Mordred, “Mordred, I remember that you were not given the right to live in the Holy City. You can only stay in the Holy City during the day. Go to your territory! “”
“Facing this kind of behavior of driving people away, Mordred still smiled heartlessly, “I know, I’ll go back to the wilderness right now, and leave the defense outside to me, father. “”
“Is the relationship between Saber and your daughter so bad? You don’t even want her to live in the holy capital?” Yukinoshita Yukino asked. At the beginning, Mordred got along well with those knights of the round table, and She was smiling all day long, thinking that the legend she knew about Mordred’s rebellion against King Arthur actually had something else hidden.
But now it seems that there is no hidden secret at all! Under such circumstances, Mordred can still chat and laugh with the Knights of the Round Table… Is it the Knights of the Round Table who are big-hearted, or Mordred who is big-hearted?
Saber nodded and sighed, “After all, it was one of the reasons that led to the demise of Britain. I really can’t show any kindness to this child. However, her attitude towards me is quite strange. She doesn’t listen to others saying good things about me, and even more so. Don’t let people speak ill of me… Besides, you don’t want Mordred to hear you say she is my daughter.”
“…” SABER was silent for a moment, and sighed helplessly, “That child is really awkward, if you treat her as a girl, she will definitely go crazy…Of course, if you treat her as a pure boy, she will also Crazy.”
The corners of Yukinoshita Yukino’s mouth twitched a few times, what kind of arrogance, parental control and troublesome spirit is this! This character is too troublesome!
“Aggewen looked at the departing Mordred, and couldn’t help saying, “My lord, although this question may not be worth asking you, why didn’t you assign Lord Mordred to the Holy Capital? “”
“”It’s really not worth asking me. “The Lion King said in a cold voice, “Mr. Aggression, do you want to compete with Gao Wen in terms of tenacity?” Even if you are ruled by Iron Age, it must be difficult to withstand my blow, right? “”
“”No, I just think that if Sir Mordred is stationed in the holy capital, it should be able to make the defense stronger. “Aggewen quickly explained.”
“”No need, that guy can only be used outside, just keep her alive before the decisive battle comes. “”
“Hearing what the Lion King said, Agguiwen said thoughtfully, “That’s why… Then why don’t you order Mordred to chase the refugees?” Sir Mordred will be very happy if he can relieve the king’s worries. “”
“”It doesn’t need that, the mere refugees will die in the wilderness sooner or later, you just need to calm down and prepare for the decisive battle with the Sun King. When the knight on the lake returns triumphantly after finishing his mission, it will be the moment of decisive battle with the Sun King. Do you understand, Aggavin? “After the Lion King finished speaking, he turned and left.”
“It wasn’t until the figure of the Lion King walked away that Agguiwen said with an ugly face, “I plan to entrust that man again…””
“There seems to be resentment in his tone, and I don’t know who he is resenting.”
“Oh, this guy must be the type who will betray at the last moment, I have seen through everything!” Kosaka Kyousuke said excitedly, “After all, judging by his tone, he must be resenting the Lion King!”
“Yeah, it’s rare that you have the same opinion as me!” Kosaka Kirino kept nodding, and she also felt that this person would definitely betray him! After all, judging by the crazy praise in front of him, he is a typical courtier!
How can there be any loyalty to speak of, sycophant? What’s more, with his resentful appearance now, he is probably hating the Lion King.
Chapter 575 I’m Super Confident
“Aggevin, do you really not need to chase refugees? “Tristan saw that Agguivin’s face was not right, so he said something to bring him back from his thoughts.”
“Of course, it is the king’s order after all. “Age Guiwen suppressed the emotion on his face, nodded and said, “But, even if you don’t hunt down and kill refugees, dissidents must not be let go!” To be able to defeat Gao Wen…it must be the foreign master, immediately send people to chase and annihilate him! “”
“”I understand. Tristan nodded, “Then who should this task be entrusted to?” “”
“”Yeah, who should I leave it to…” Agrivin had a cold smile on his face, “There is a knight who has nothing to do—the guerrilla knight Lancelot! Immediately contact Sir Lancelot, who is returning to the holy capital, and order him to pursue the rebels from a foreign land, and he is not allowed to return to the holy capital before completing the mission! “”
“On the other side, at this time, Bedivere has defeated the solemn knights who came to pursue him, and together with Yu Kashima and others, he continued to escort the people to the village of the people of the mountain.”
“On the way, Bedivere said apologetically, “When we first met, I used pseudonyms for you. I’m so sorry. “”
“Kashima Yu smiled, and waved his hands indifferently, “After all, it’s the first time we met, so there’s nothing I can do… let aloneBesides, it’s a fact that you helped us. We shouldn’t blame the benefactor who saved us because of this little concealment. “”
“”That’s right, and now I know your real name… That means we have gained your utmost trust, right? “Roman said with a smile, “The current situation is almost understood. It is the Knights of the Round Table who occupy the holy capital and become a major force opposing the Sun King. “”
“”However, why did the Knights of the Round Table do such a thing. “Roman scratched his head, the only thing he couldn’t figure out was this, no matter where the legend came from, the knights of the round table were not the kind of tyrannical characters.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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