“”I can’t believe it too… Speaking of the Knights of the Round Table, they are supposed to be noble knights. Matthew also said in disbelief.”
“Bedwell’s face was very sad, “Yes, why exactly? I hid my identity and tried to infiltrate the holy capital just to see my king and ask him why he committed such atrocities…””
“”Is there something hidden? ” Kashima Yu guessed.”
“”I have no idea. Bedivere shook his head in confusion, “However, no matter what, I have to go to the king and ask her personally!” “”
“Kashima Yu smiled, “Let’s meet the king together! After all, we also shoulder the mission of restoring humanity! “”
“”Um. Matthew nodded with a smile, “Although the future is difficult, I will definitely use my shield to open a road to the place where the Lion King is for Senior Bedivere!” “”
“Thank you very much, both of you. Bedivere smiled softly, “In the days to come, please give me your advice.” “”
“”So, the goal is to advance to the Lion King’s palace, right? But before that, we have to go to the village of the mountain people first! After all, if we don’t get there, we can’t discuss how to fight back. Da Vinci said with a smile, “So, we have to hurry up.” “”
“Hearing Da Vinci’s words, several people laughed a few times, and quickly followed up… During the previous communication, they had already fallen behind the team by a certain distance, and Da Vinci came back specially to call them.”
“After more than a day, they were getting closer to the village of the mountain people. For some reason, there have been no serious knights in this period of time…Although this is the case, they are very happy.”
“After a long journey, they stopped to rest again. After all, the refugees are ordinary people. If they don’t rest, they may die of exhaustion on the road.”
“The child Lu Shide who was rescued by Matthew before also woke up, and the people around him kindly lied to him, saying that his mother left with another group first…but the lie is a lie after all. , it may not be long before it will be debunked.”
“In order to delay the time when the lies were debunked, Da Vinci specially took Lu Shide to play with the flapping sphinx, a universal vehicle.”
“”I didn’t expect this lady to have such a gentle side. I thought she should be a very rational type of person. “Bedwell said with a sigh.”
“”That arm… Bedivere, is that really the silver arm? ” Kashima Yu sat beside Bedivere curiously and asked.”
“”This one. Bedivere raised his silver arm, which shone dazzlingly in the sun, “This is a prosthetic limb I got from Merlin. I used to be a one-armed knight, but it would be too much for me to fight against the round table with one hand.” It was difficult, so Merlin came up with this idea. “”
“”This is an artificial treasure made by him after imitating the silver arm that Celtic defeated Nuyada. With my body, it cannot be used for a long time, but if it is only used for an instant, it can barely support it. “”
“After listening to Bedivere’s explanation, Roman said in amazement, “To be able to reproduce the arm of a god is really a remarkable technique… What material did you use? “”
“”Hey~ Dear Da Vinci, but he kept making noises like ‘my gauntlets are also very powerful’. It seems that his self-esteem has been stimulated. “Kashima Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled happily.”
“Of course I won’t lose to that Merlin! After I find a stable place, I will make something even more powerful than this, to let you know that I am not a quick talker! “Da Vinci came over at some point.”
“If you look closely, the person playing with Lu Shide has become Matthew… It’s quite like two children, one big and one small, playing together.”
“Hahaha, Da Vinci is really confident, but that’s Merlin. Although he is a scumbag, but his magic skills are very high, maybe he can even win the crown! “Roman laughed out loud.”
“But Da Vinci still looked confident, “Of course, I’m super confident!” If you can’t even beat Merlin, you can’t beat the Knights of the Round Table! “”
“Can’t beat the Knights of the Round Table? Kashimayou asked in surprise, “But Bedivere should be able to break the blessing that the Lion King bestowed on the Knights of the Round Table, right?” “”
“He remembered that in the battle before, Bedivere’s treasure even broke Gawain’s armor.”
Chapter 576 Impossible, Absolutely Impossible
“”The master is an ordinary person, so he didn’t feel it. Da Vinci restrained his smile and said, “Bedwell is afraidI’m afraid I’ve already reached the limit… Am I right? How many more times can you fight? once, or twice? “”
“Bedwell said with a firm expression, “No matter how many times, I can continue to fight! “”
“Can she really continue to fight?” Kazuka Nakano said with some heartache and some doubts, “At the very beginning, she was already in a state of burning out her body and soul? With that strong will Until now… but how long can she last?”
Such a gentle and beautiful silver-haired “big sister” faced such an encounter, and Kazuka Nakano felt distressed.
“Her?” Nakano Nino tilted her head, “Speaking of which, I’ve wanted to ask since just now, is she really a girl? Isn’t her height of 1.87 meters too exaggerated?”
“What are you talking about, girls can grow tall!” Nakano Kazuka retorted.
“But, is there such a possibility that Bedivere is a man, but he is just cute?” Nakano Yotsuba speculated, “After all, his voice is really magnetic, no matter how it sounds, it sounds like a man’s voice? ”
“Impossible, absolutely impossible!” Nakano Sanjiu directly denied this possibility, “It’s so cute, it can’t be a boy! Although the legendary Bedivere is a man… But King Arthur can be a woman , why can’t Bedivere be a woman?”
“Mmmmm…” Nakano Wuyue agreed while eating the steamed stuffed bun.
“”That’s right…then treat it like this. “Da Vinci said with a smile, “However, I am an almighty genius. Just in case, I still have to prepare countermeasures against the Knights of the Round Table. “”
“As he spoke, Da Vinci’s smile suddenly froze, “But, before that, we still have to protect the civilians. “”
“Roman’s voice also sounded at the right time, “Everyone, there are magic reactions approaching at a high speed from behind, and the number is four! Judging from the reaction, it was a solemn knight… No, not just four of them! There are several waves of magical reactions coming one after another, and there is also an extremely powerful magical reaction! Should be a knight of the round table! “”
“”Obviously we almost got to the mountain…” Matthew gritted her teeth and said.
“”According to this speed, it will take less than a minute to contact us… It’s too late to stop them at the distance of the team! Kashima, Matthew, you should inform all the refugees to flee first. Bedivere, let’s stop them! “Da Vinci said quickly.”
“Let’s go, Matthew. “Kashima Yu hurriedly called Matthew to inform those refugees.”
“When Da Vinci and Bedivere rushed to the end of the rest area, a large number of solemn knights were already visible to the naked eye, and at the forefront of those solemn knights was a man with purple armor and purple hair .”
“Bedwell’s eyes widened in shock, “That’s it, Lancelot? ! “”
“” Lancelot? The legendary knight on the lake is another troublesome enemy. Da Vinci said solemnly, “What’s more, there are so many upright knights behind!” In this case, there is no possibility of winning at all! “”
“Master Lancelot, the enemy has been spotted, do we need to wait for the solemn knights to arrive behind?” “A solemn knight on the opposite side also saw Da Vinci and the others, so he asked Lancelot.”
“”No, the first and second teams have arrived, and the number is enough! Just rush in! Send an order to the solemn knights behind, and surround the refugees while we are fighting… But don’t kill the refugees, use these refugees as hostages, and coerce the rebels! “”
“Lancelot ordered with a serious face, “Do you understand? No need to harm any refugees, this is the order of the king! “”
“Understood, the honor of the King of Knights is with our flag! “After the solemn knight responded, he immediately turned around and ran back, preparing to deliver orders to the solemn knight behind.”
“Afterwards, Lancelot held up the Holy Sword of Indestructible Lake Light, “All troops, assault! “”
“”A lot of solemn knights! After quickly notifying the refugees to evacuate, Matthew hurried over with Kashima You, “They started to speed up, are they planning to rush over directly?” Master, please order! “”
“”The matter has come to this point, I can only…” Bedivere’s hands began to glow, and it was obvious that he was about to use the treasure.”
“No, with that number of upright knights and one knight of the round table, even if you use the Noble Phantasm, you won’t be able to deal with it! “Da Vinci directly denied Bedivere’s idea, and then took out a car and quickly sat on it.”
“”Da Vinci dear? Kashima Yu widened his eyes, seemed to think of something, and asked tremblingly, “What are you going to do?” “”
“”This is my improved orthopter with a magic constriction device, named the Sphinx Megiddo! That is, the bomb that exploded into the enemy army. Unfortunately, this machine does not have the function of automatic driving. Da Vinci said with a smile, “I will use this to clear all the enemies!” “”
“As Leonardo Da Vinci spoke, he activated the magic drive device of the Sphinx Megiddo, and the engine roared instantly, “This is my real chance to play… No, to be precise, it is my last It’s your chance to play. “”
“”Eh? “Kashima Yu and Mash were so confused that they couldn’t even speak.”
“Why does it sound like you’re going to manipulate this thing yourself. “Roman said with a dry smile, “Actually, this thing has an automatic driving function, right?” Those who just said are lying to us, right? It’s impossible for an omnipotent genius to not even be able to do automatic driving, right? “”
“”I’m sorry… Although it is said to be a bomb, it is actuallyI used my wand and the magic circuit to self-destruct. In other words, the car is the detonator, and my wand and I are the gunpowder, and neither of them will work! “Da Vinci still has a smiling expression, as if he is not going to blow himself up, but to eat.”
“”Don’t be sad, anyway, the follower itself is an undead that has died long ago. Since it has died long ago, it is nothing strange to die again… Romani, it will be up to you to take care of it from now on. Do it, although you are a coward, but you have worked hard until now, right? The way forward, even without my help, should be fine. “”
“After the voice fell, the Sphinx Megiddo shot out like a rocket.”
“”what is that? ! Lancelot, who was running on horseback, widened his eyes and shouted hastily, “All troops, be careful to dodge!” “”
“But, it’s too late…”
“The vehicle crashed directly into the solemn knight army, and the huge explosion covered all the solemn knights.”
Chapter 577: Quotations from King Arthur
“”Master, Da Vinci kissed him, he…” Matthew bit her lower lip sadly, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes slowly.”
“Go and rescue Da Vinci immediately! “Kashima Yu said immediately.”
“But Bedivere stopped her immediately, his eyes quickly scanned the sides, “No! There are other solemn knights, and these solemn knights are taking a detour, trying to surround the evacuating refugees! Da Vinci’s sacrifice will be in vain if we don’t defeat these solemn knights quickly! “”
“Cheer up, Kashima, that servant entrusted you with the follow-up matters because he trusted you! “”
“Hearing Bedivere’s words, Kashima Yu tightly clenched his fists, wiped away his tears unwillingly, and quickly said, “Defeat the Suzheng Knights, escort the refugees and run towards the mountains!” “”
“”…” Although Matthew was in grief, she knew what to do in the current situation, “Yes, Master! Dear Vinci…we will definitely be back. “”
“Although she knew that Da Vinci’s chances of surviving in that situation were extremely low. Even if he barely survived the explosion, it would be very difficult to survive against the Knights of the Round Table and the Serious Knights.”
“But she still said that, not for anything else, just holding hope…”
“Kashimayou, Matthew, and Bedivere hurriedly ran towards the solemn knights who were detouring. Matthew and Bedivere went all the way together, before the solemn knights had time to form an encirclement, they quickly surrounded them all. crush.”
“When the shock wave caused by the explosion gradually dissipated, Lancelot stood up from the ground. He coughed twice, feeling a little embarrassed, “Ahem…he will stop us at the cost of his own life. Although it is stupid, But it’s an amazing realization. No wonder that guy Agguwen was so anxious. “”
“”Lord Lancelot, in the explosion just now, six of our solemn knights were injured, and all the horses were killed. “One of the solemn knights staggered over and reported that although he was not injured, the impact of the previous explosion still made him very uncomfortable. “I’m afraid we can only pursue it on foot. “”
“”…” Lancelot shook his head after pondering for a moment and said, “No, let’s stop and repair for now. I don’t care about it. You are wearing such heavy armor. Without horses, there is no way to cross the mountains, let alone horses. The wounded are here. Send messengers to the western fortress and ask for horses to be supplied there, along with locals who are familiar with the mountains. “”
“”Yes! “The solemn knight nodded in response, and then went to arrange for the messengers.”
“”I’m afraid it will be a week later when the horses come over… That means it will be a week before we return to the holy capital. “Lancelot sighed helplessly, “In the next few days, we will go to the mountains to hunt for food. “”
“He knows that Agguiwen hates him very much, but he also knows why Agguiwen hates him, so he has nothing to say in the face of Agguiwen’s troubles, just accept the order.”
“On the other side, Kashima Yu and the others are continuing to advance into the mountains in silence. Everyone’s face is full of sadness.”
“”I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that woman to be sacrificed for us… I’m really sorry! “The male refugee who came to communicate with Kashima Yu and the others came over again and said with a sad face.”
“”Praise her well, only sincere praise can be worthy of her sacrifice. “Kashima Yuqiang said with a smile.”
“”Okay, don’t discuss these sad topics for now, sir, how long will it take to reach the village of the mountain people? “Roman asked the refugee.”
“”Probably still a day or so away. The male refugee made an estimate and said, “However, the important thing is not this, but water and food.” “”
“”Ah, speaking of it, so far, Da Vinci has provided food, and Da Vinci has used magic to make water. Kashimayou sighed, “Because he is too omnipotent, everyone is too dependent on Da Vinci.” “”
“”That means there is no way to prepare water and food now. “Roman also felt a little difficult, “Could it be that we can only rush to the mountain people’s village hungry? “”
“”No, the condition of the people is very bad now, if they are hungry, they probably won’t be able to walk to the village! “Bedwell said seriously, “It just so happens that I have learned the rules of survival in the wild from His Majesty King Arthur. Round Table King Arthur’s Quotations No. 8 – Even the meat of monsters can be eaten! Miss Matthew, please repeat! “”
“”Eh, eh? Matthew looked confused, and finally looked at Bedivere’s serious expression, stillGave in, “Well…even monster meat, you can eat it…””
“”Roar! “”
“Just after Matthew finished speaking, a monster with a very strange appearance appeared in front of everyone, Matthew’s eyes widened, “Say monster, monster is here! “”
“”I’ve felt its presence for a long time. Bedivere said with a confident smile, “It probably also regards us as its prey!” However, who is the prey and who is the hunter? Matthew, come on! “”
“Here, don’t you want to eat this?” Hikigu Hachiman just looked at the monster, and already felt that the SAN value was crazy, and he still planned to eat it?
Saber said with a serious expression, “Hunger is the enemy! In the absence of food, even monsters have to eat it!”
“It’s really hard to survive in the wild…” Hikigu Hachiman murmured, he inexplicably thought of that man, the man who could eat anything without turning his head.
“”Oh, oh! “Maxiu finally realized that the monster in front of him should be their next meal… Although the monster looks chilly, it’s better than letting the refugees go hungry!”
“Mashu roared and raised his shield high, blocking the giant claws of the monster, and then, Bedivere jumped into the air, his silver arm shone brightly, and hit the monster’s forehead with a hand knife, the huge head Transformed right away!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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