“”Roar! “Although the monster is quite big, its strength is only that. Even though Bedivere didn’t use all his strength, it still screamed and fell to the ground.”
“After some grilling, Mash and Kashima Yu tremblingly ate the meat, this monster’s meat… To be honest, it was even worse than when they were forced to eat by Medea last time. The pancakes from the Demon God Pillar are better.”
“”It’s so hard…so strong with the smell of spices…” Matthew said with a bitter face, “Thank you, Bedivere, for thinking of me, you even used spices specially. “”
“Bedwell blinked. He didn’t use spices at all. It’s probably because of the meat itself… But let’s just take it as it is.”
“By the way, Kashima, Matthew, do you want to try this? This is a precious part that can only be obtained by a whole monster. “As he spoke, Bedivere took two round objects from the grill, “Look, these big, soft eyeballs. “”
“”! ! ! “Kashima Yu & Matthew, “Please forgive us for rejecting it with all our strength!” “”
Chapter 578: Face-to-face Tauren
“After eating the barbecue monster with difficulty, the group set foot on the road to the village of the mountain people again. Along the way, they saw many huge potholes, just like craters.”
“”Senior, don’t you think that pothole is very interesting? Matthew asked, “After climbing up the mountain, I can see that there are large and small unnatural potholes all over the wilderness. What are those?” “”
“”Sister, don’t you know the sanctions of the Lion King? “The rescued child Lu Shide asked.”
“”The Lion King’s sanction? what is that? “Kashima Yu asked puzzled.”
“”Emmmm, once in a while, a flash of light will be emitted from the holy capital, and then it will become like this. The knights all said that it was the “sanction of the Lion King”, so we followed suit. “Lu Shide thought for a while and said.”
“”In other words, those craters are all man-made? Matthew said in surprise, those craters are not only huge in size, but also innumerable in number! It’s as if an attack of this level is just a random blow from the Lion King.”
“”Since it was said that it was the punishment of the Lion King, it means that it was caused by the Lion King’s Noble Phantasm, right? This land is literally about to be destroyed by the Lion King! “Roman said with a serious face.”
“”That’s right, we, as the natives of this land, can’t live on this land at all… We are in the wilderness, and sanctions will fall on our heads at some point, and we flee into the desert, just Will be eaten by the monsters of the Sun King. “”
“The male refugee said with a sad face, “The mountainous area is considered a relatively safe place, but there is a lack of food. We had no choice but to go to the Holy Capital in order to survive…but the Holy Capital also rejected us! We just want to live, even if it is such a simple wish, it is difficult to realize. “”
“”I didn’t expect it to be so tragic…” Bedivere said with a sad face, “The round table has fallen, and the king has become a demon king surpassing Vortigern! The Lion King in the holy capital is already an evil that must be defeated for the people of this land! “”
“”Bedwell…” Kashima Yu looked at Bedwell worriedly. His former comrades-in-arms and former king have all become enemies. Can he really endure this pain?”
“In this silent atmosphere, the group climbed one mountain after another. The male refugee said a little excitedly, “Great, we are almost there…””
“”Speaking of which, those who live in the mountains are all people who left the Holy Land for various reasons, but even so, they still build villages in the mountains as close to the Holy Land as possible in order to offer prayers to the Holy Land. “Speaking of which, the male refugee has mixed emotions.”
“The reason why he left the Holy Land is very clear to him, not becauseNot because of the loss of faith, but because of being persecuted by most of the people in the Holy Land! Otherwise, who would want to leave the big city and stay in this remote mountain where water and food are scarce? ”
“It would be great if they were willing to accept us…” The male refugee sighed and said almost hopelessly. After all, if you really want to say, they are also part of the persecution of these people, even if they are resentful Weird.”
“”It sounds like the relationship is complicated. “Kashima Yu doesn’t know the reason, but just looking at the faces of these refugees, he can feel the relationship. It’s not just complicated.”
“”However, now the holy capital has been established on the wreckage of the holy land… the place where the faith is placed was taken away in front of my face, which is enough to be called a tauren in front of me. “Roman scratched his head and said.”
“”In front of the tauren…Doctor, what have you been looking at all day? ” Kashima Yu said with a dark face.”
“Don’t say it as if you understand our feelings! “An angry shout came from the top of everyone’s head.”
“The sudden sound put everyone on alert. Matthew followed the sound and saw a black man wearing a skull mask and his right wrist was wrapped in a large amount of cloth. He was standing on a boulder. glared at them.”
“Isn’t this a curse wrist? I’m an old acquaintance!” Yukinoshita Yukino sighed, seeing her old acquaintance again made her feel a little emotional.
“Speaking of which, the strength of the curse arm I saw in the Holy Grail War last time is not bad. Can Bedivere and Mash win the curse arm?” Hikigu Hachiman asked.
Saber seemed very confident, “Whether it’s Bedivere or Mash, they won’t lose to Cursed Wrist!”
“”Master, it’s a servant! Matthew said vigilantly.”
“”Hey, is it a follower? Obviously there was no magical reaction before. Roman said suspiciously, “Is it ASSASSIN?” Kashima, be careful! “”
“Hassan, who stood on the boulder, asked aloud, “Stranger, what’s the use of coming to our village? And they brought knights, are they trying to take away our last hope? “”
“”We escaped! “Kashima said loudly.”
“Hmph, of course I know! We have already mastered what you have done. Hassan the Cursed Wrist said in a cold voice, “This is the report from the spies – young people from other countries have rescued our compatriots.” “”
“That’s it, that’s great, then it won’t be misunderstood! Roman said happily, “You are the Servant ASSASSIN, right?” Long story short, we are…””
“”To shut up! Cowards who can only make sounds, who dare not show up, are not qualified to speak! “”
“Before Roman could speak, Hassan interrupted him, scaring Roman to apologize again and again, “Wow, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…””
“”Please wait, old man in the mountains, these people have protected us all the way here, please don’t make things difficult for them. The male refugee seemed to be arguing at the scene, and said quickly, “We are being chased by the Knights of the Round Table, can we enter your village and hide?” “”
“As he spoke, a guilty expression appeared on the face of the male refugee, “I understand that we have been persecuting you so far, and it is too selfish to say such things now… But please, our team There are wounded and pregnant women. We have no escape but here! “”
“Under the hopeful eyes of the male refugees, Hassan the Cursed Wrist did not speak, but just looked at everyone silently.”
Chapter 579 Arash
“Time is ticking, and as Hassan the Curse continues to remain silent, the hope in the hearts of the refugees has also begun to dissipate.”
“Just when the refugees were about to despair, Hassan’s hoarse voice finally sounded, “As long as you can still feel this guilt, the residents of this village are simple and kind people. I sincerely hope that this kindness will be rewarded. “”
“Hearing the words of Hassan the cursed arm, the male refugees, no matter how stupid they are, can understand that they have been accepted, and they can’t help saying excitedly, “Thank you, thank you so much! “”
“”Um. Hassan the Cursed Wrist accepted this thank you, and then stared at Kashima Yu and the others, “However, the strangers over there are another matter!” I don’t trust them, and naturally I won’t let them into the village… Of course, I can’t let them go back either! There was no guarantee that the girls who had been driven back would tell the knights the location of the village. “”
“”We will not do such a thing! “Kashimayou said hurriedly, “If you don’t want us to enter the village, we can leave now. “”
“But Hassan the Cursed Wrist remained unmoved, “This village was entrusted to me… From my standpoint, I can’t believe unfounded words! Get ready, if you don’t want to die, kill me first! “”
“As soon as the voice fell, Hassan’s figure with the cursed arm disappeared directly in place, and Matthew exclaimed, “It’s so fast, Master, be careful! “”
“In the next second, a huge force fell on her shield, Mash’s body couldn’t help but bend a bit, but it was still within her acceptable range… After all, Hassan is an assassin The Heroic Spirits are not too strong in terms of power alone.”
“”Drink! “Bedwell yelled angrily, jumped into the air, turned his right arm into a hand knife, and chopped it down heavily.”
“Generally speaking, there is no time to dodge the cursed arm Hassan just after the attack, but as an assassin, although his strength is insufficient, his agility is second-to-none. I saw Hassan the cursed arm stepped on the shield with his foot. On the ground, he flipped into the air, and even narrowly dodged it.”
“Hmph, do you want to fight two against one? Hassan the cursed arm sneered and threw a few daggers in the air, relying on the strength of stepping on the shield just now, and landed on a boulder.”
“Ding Ding Ding!”
“Bedwell swung his right arm quickly and knocked out all the daggers, “Please listen to us, we are not that kind of mean people. “”
“The male refugee came to his senses at this time, and quickly persuaded, “Old man in the mountain, they are not bad people, and even their companions sacrificed to save us, such people will definitely not be villains!” Please stop confronting them with swords! “”
“”To shut up! Hassan the cursed arm interrupted the refugee’s words quite violently, “I will never entrust the lives of my compatriots on the knights of the Holy Capital.” “”
“Kashima Yu, Matthew and Bedivere glanced at each other, and it’s a bit difficult… Right now, I’m afraid the only way to do it is to defeat this ASSASSIN first!”
“Matthew, take the initiative to attack and find a way to make it difficult for him to dodge! Bedivere, trouble is up to you to attack, remember, don’t use the treasure. “Kashima Yu quickly formulated a battle strategy.”
“Matthew & Bedwell,” Got it. “”
“Hmph, in the face of my old man in the mountain, would you still choose to hold back? “Hassan the Cursed Wrist sneered, and immediately threw a few daggers.”
“Maxiu put the shield in front of her, and the dagger hit the shield, making crisp sounds, and then fell to the ground… Her shield is so big that it can even cover the whole person, this weak dagger can’t do it at all. pose any threat to her.”
“Mash swung the huge shield directly, smashing the boulder on which Hassan the Cursed Arm was standing.”
“What a powerful force! Hassan the Cursed Wrist quickly jumped up from the boulder, terrified in his heart. He was obviously a woman, but his strength was about to catch up with him. What made it even more difficult for him was the huge shield, which he could completely ignore His dagger!”
“Just when he was terrified, Bedivere’s attack also arrived. The timing of the selection was very good. It happened to be when there was nothing around him and he couldn’t use his strength.”
“”Don’t underestimate me! Hassan the Cursed Wrist snorted coldly, the cloth strip on his right arm exploded, and the right arm that looked like a devil’s arm stretched out, straight for Bedivere’s heart!”
“”ZABANIYA (Delusion Heart Sound)! “”
“Bedwell’s expression changed. Although he didn’t know what this arm was, the strange appearance gave him a bad feeling.”
“Senior Bedivere, leave this to me! Matthew stepped on the boulder next to him, jumped into the air with his strength, and knocked his right arm away with his shield.”
“After receiving this blow, Hassan the Cursed Wrist let out a muffled grunt, and fell down uncontrollably.”
“As for Bedivere, he fell to the ground, and quickly charged in the direction of Cursed Arm Hassan, aiming at the Cursed Arm Hassan’s abdomen is a violent blow!”
“”No! Hassan the Curse Wrist covered his stomach, and took a few steps back. The severe pain in his abdomen caused the sweat to flow down his face. The point… as an enemy is really good! It seems that they are not ordinary solemn knights, but knights of the round table! “”
“”Well… we are not the Knights of the Round Table. “Lu Daoyou explained helplessly, “We won’t tell the location of this village, so why don’t you trust us? “”
“”Don’t think about it! Even if I am smashed to pieces, I will not fall down! Hassan the Cursed Wrist scolded angrily, “Knights of the Round Table are nothing! Whether you want to leave or enter the village, you have to step over my dead body! “”
“Kashima Yu sighed helplessly, why did she meet such a dead-headed person…Although she can understand that the other party wants to protect her compatriots and is unwilling to experience risks.”
“Just when Kashima Yu and Mash and the others didn’t know what to do, a hearty voice sounded in everyone’s ears, “Hahaha, generally speaking, if you are smashed to pieces, you won’t be able to stand up again, yours Would God really want such a dedication? Now that the outcome has been decided, just admit defeat, Your Excellency the Wrist. “”
“The one who appeared in front of everyone was a man holding a red longbow, wearing green armor, and sounding muscular. He looked quite honest and honest.”
“Seeing this man appear, Curse Wrist immediately widened his eyes, and said in surprise, “Ah, Your Excellency Arash, why are you here… um, um…but…””
“Facing Arash’s persuasion, Hassan the Cursed Wrist faltered and didn’t know what to say.”
Chapter 580: Cursed Wrist of Sadness
“Arash? Another amazing guy.” Conan sighed, “There are all kinds of heroes in the Hall of Valor. Speaking of which, I don’t know if there is Sherlock Holmes…”
Thinking of his idol Sherlock Holmes, Conan couldn’t help being a little excited, but then he thought, Holmes is a character in the book after all, so it is unlikely that he will become a heroic spirit, right?
Even if he took 10,000 steps back, he really became a Heroic Spirit, and he might not necessarily appear in these videos… After thinking about it, Conan’s enthusiasm immediately cooled down.
“Xinyi, who is Arash?” Mao Lilan blinked and asked strangely, she had never heard of this name before, is it famous?
“EMMMM… is not well-known in our east, but in the west, he is definitely famous! He is a great hero in ancient Persian legends, as Manuch Hale, who is known as the last king of the West Asian gods The warrior of the king, the savior who ended the sixty-year-long war between Persia and Turku, and brought peace and tranquility to the people of the two countries!”
Conan explained, “By the way, in West Asia, people generallyI think the source of the word ARCHER (Archer) is his name – ARASHTHEARCHER (Arash Kamango)! ”
“Wow, he is such a great man.” Mao Lilan’s eyes widened, and she said in amazement, from the appearance, it is impossible to tell that he is such a great hero!
“So the heroic spirits are really good.” Mori Kogoro took a sip of wine and said enviously, for these heroic spirits, what is the difference between dead and not dead?
“But I’m still a detective anyway, so I’m sure I can become a heroic spirit after I die, right? Hehehe~” Mori Kogoro started to daydream after drinking too much wine.
Mao Lilan rolled his eyes at him, “Dad, the possibility of Shinichi becoming a Heroic Spirit is much higher than yours.”
“”They helped the refugees, didn’t they? Arash laughed, “You heard the news yesterday, didn’t you look very happy?” And yelling ‘Great, great! I don’t know how to thank you for such kindness! ’ and the like. “”
“”Well…” Hassan the Curse Wrist was speechless, “That’s because I don’t know their origins, if I knew they were members of the round table, I wouldn’t be grateful! “”
“”EMMMM…” Arash looked carefully at Kashima Yu and the others, “But they don’t seem to be on the round table, right? They said so themselves. So why not abide by the saying ‘you gotta give them a thank you hug’? “”
“Hey, um, do you want a hug? Matthew said in surprise with a blushing face, “This is our honor, Mr. ASSASSIN. “”
“Bedwell took a few deep breaths, “Please wait, I’m not ready yet. “”
“As for Kashima Yu, it is much more generous, she opened her hands, “Go ahead! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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