“”Uuuuuuuuu…” Hassan the Cursing Wrist did not move, but stopped in place, and said very annoyed, “My Cursing Wrist has made a slip of the tongue again every six months… These strangers, your names are ? “”
“”My name is Kashima Yu, this is Matthew, and this is Bedivere. “”
“…” Hassan the Cursed Wrist thought carefully, “It is true that the Knights of the Round Table in the Holy City did not have these names, although the possibility of using aliases is not ruled out… However, since Your Excellency Arash Having said that, I will trust you for the time being. “”
“”Kashima sister saved us, Uncle Skull, so please don’t quarrel with Kashima sisters. “Lu Shide walked to the side of Hassan, the cursed arm, and pulled the clothes on his body and said.”
“Curse-wrist Hassan lowered his head, and when he saw Lu Shide’s face clearly, he exclaimed, “You are Lu Shide? ! Is that you? Where is your mother? Is Thalia not with you? “”
“Lu Shide shook his head, “We got separated, they said that my mother is not in this team. “”
“”! ! ! “Hassan’s fist clenched tightly, and he immediately understood the meaning of such a statement.”
“He looked at Kashima Yu, at Matthew, at Bedivere, at the rest of the refugees…everyone had only sadness in their eyes, and he completely let go of the hope in his heart, “Is that so? , I see… I really appreciate your care. “”
“While talking, Hassan’s eyes hidden under the skull mask leaked tears, “Salia was originally born in this village and grew up here. She and I…are childhood sweethearts. Despite her father’s objections, she married into a family in the Holy Land. “”
“”It’s ironic. It’s obviously a past that I’ve abandoned long ago. It’s something that has nothing to do with me after I became a heroic spirit. But, but… I didn’t expect that I would be summoned to the era of my own life. This is too harsh. For me Too harsh for this immature person. “”
“Curse Arm Hassan took a few deep breaths and calmed down his complex emotions, “Okay, I will repay you for your kindness. I allow you to enter the village, but please allow me to monitor your actions… Ala Your Excellency, please lead the way for them, I will go back and arrange a place for them first. “”
“After finishing speaking, Hassan the Cursed Arm jumped a few times and disappeared among the rocks.”
“”I just said why he knows the environment of this mountain so well. It turns out that it is the era and place he has been in. Arash sighed, then turned his head and smiled at Kashima Yu and the others, “Sorry for keeping you waiting, let me introduce myself first, I am a servant of the ARCHER job agency, Arash.” “”
“”It’s not a great hero, even if you haven’t heard of it, it’s no big deal. “Arash laughed and said, “Okay, come with me to the village. Due to the lack of food, there may be no way to prepare a welcome feast for you, so don’t be disgusted. “”
“Looking at Arash in the distance, Kashima Yu sighed in his heart, if these are not considered great heroes, the number of great heroes in this world is not known to be much less.”
“After a group of people followed Arash for a long time, they finally came to the village of the mountain people. It was a fairly flat canyon among the mountains. Almost all the houses were built on the mountain. Various foods are planted in the canyon, as well as some small animal farms.”
“But there is no river. The villagers probably found groundwater for drinking. Otherwise, there is no way to support these villagers and crops.”
“BadWeier showed a little smile, and said in a compliment, “It’s really a pretty outstanding village.””
Chapter 581: Conversation with Bedivere
“”However, such a huge village is completely invisible when it is in the mountainous area. Bedivere felt it carefully, and said doubtfully, “There is no magic enchantment here, how did it work?” “”
“Hahaha, this is the wisdom of the mountain dwellers. Arash laughed and said, “The village is skillfully hidden on the back of the mountain. If you are not very familiar with this land, you will not be able to reach this village.” “”
“”Before, Brother Curse Wrist didn’t want to bring you in, and he didn’t want the location of the village to be discovered by outsiders… But don’t worry, Brother Curse Wrist is the kind of cold-faced and warm-hearted type, and it won’t take long for you as a companion. “”
“Hearing Arash’s words, Kashima Yu nodded thoughtfully, “So it’s understandable… After all, there is no magic barrier protection, once it is discovered, it will be all over. “”
“”Moreover, the life of the residents here seems to be very difficult. “Roman’s figure appeared in front of everyone, “After a general glance, everyone is very thin… Although they are not starving, they can’t be called rich anyway. But even so, they still did not give up their feelings for the Holy Land. “”
“”There is indeed incompatibility between the residents here and the Knights of the Holy Capital. Matthew sighed.”
“”That’s right. “Bedwell said with a sad face, “But now, their affection for the Holy Land is being trampled by the Knights of the Holy Capital. “”
“Speaking, everyone fell into silence again.”
“Arash also noticed this silence, and quickly asked, “Speaking of which, where did you come from?” This is the first time I’ve seen a human Master here, and…””
“Arash looked at Kashima Yu, and said with a smile, “It seems that you have a very special destiny. “”
“Kashima Yu then explained to Arash their identities and their purpose of coming here.”
“”That’s how it is, laying the foundation of humanism is really an incomparably great responsibility. Arash’s face became serious, “Let’s go and set up the summoning array first, the leylines of this village can be used, and the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can feel at ease.” “”
“”But, is it really okay to do this kind of thing without Mr. ASSASSIN’s permission? Matthew asked hesitantly.”
“Before, Hassan the Cursed Arm said that he would monitor them, but no matter how you think about it, he didn’t fully trust their performance. Under such circumstances, wouldn’t it cause Hassan the Cursed Arm to be angry if he set up a summoning array without authorization?”
“Hahaha, it’s all right. “Arash laughed loudly, “Brother Curse Wrist won’t be angry because of this kind of thing, and I will tell him in advance in the future. “”
“After bringing everyone into the village, Arash said goodbye to everyone with a smile, and said that he would report to the curse wrist.”
“When Arash returns, the summoning array has been set up.”
“”Is it done? Arash said, “Would you like to accompany me to do some work?” The village is very unsafe recently. There are thieves and monsters. If we can repel them, it will not only reassure the villagers, but also gain the trust of the villagers. More importantly, we can also get food, killing three birds with one stone! “”
“”Oh! “Lu Daoyou cheered after a while, “It would be great if you can gain the trust of the villagers! “”
“Hahaha, then let’s go quickly. Arash smiled like a child, then turned to Bedivere and said, “Brother Knight, go and rest first, you just need to protect this village on my behalf.” “”
“”This…” Bedivere hesitated.”
“Kashima Yu patted him on the back, “Bedwell should go to rest, you are already exhausted, right? “”
“After pondering for a moment, Bedivere finally nodded, “I see, you all pay attention to safety. “”
“” Once you’ve decided, let’s go! First of all, go to the halfway up the mountain. It was detected that there are monsters gathering there. It seems that we can have a meal today! “Arash smiled, and took the lead to lead the way.”
“Under the leadership of Arash, they killed the gathered monsters. Naturally, they have gained the trust of the villagers just as Arash said.”
“And after that, a week passed.”
“Kashima, Matthew, and Arash came back with the food they got from hunting. Looking at the excited villagers, Matthew also seemed very happy.”
“”I have been staying for a week so far…Although I want to go here to the holy capital to find out the situation. Matthew sighed and said, “But we can’t leave this village alone. The food in the village is very scarce. If we leave, the only one who can go hunting is Mr. Arash. “”
“”Indeed…but it’s time for us to make up our minds. We will never be able to fix this singularity without leaving here. “Roman said very solemnly, “In order to see the Lion King, we must go to the Holy Capital and fight the Knights of the Round Table. “”
“While they were talking, Bedivere came over, “You are here, Matthew, Kashima… Before the break, can you go to another place to chat with me?” “”
“Another place? “Kashima Yu blinked, a little surprised, why did he have to go to another place?”
“Well, it’s a more personal topic, please come with me. “After that, Bedivere took the lead and headed towards a hidden place.”
“Kashima Yu and Mash glanced at each other, then followed.”
“After arriving at the place, Bedivere looked at Matthew and asked, “MaHugh Kyrielight, that’s your name, right? “”
“Well, it’s my name, what’s the problem? Matthew asked puzzled.”
“”If there is anything presumptuous, please forgive me. Bedivere asked politely, “Is this name the real name of a heroic spirit?” I know this is not a question that should be asked of a Servant, but I still have the courage to ask, and please forgive my rudeness. “”
“As a follower, generally speaking, you will hide your real name. After all, when the real name is revealed, others can find the opponent’s weakness from the hero’s legend. As Bedivere said, this is not what a follower should say. question asked.”
“But what Mash is hesitating is not this question, but…she is not a heroic spirit, and she doesn’t even know the name of the heroic spirit who lent her power.”
“Kashima Yu patted Matthew on the shoulder and encouraged, “Tell him it might be better. “”
“”Um. Matthew nodded and said, “Senior Bedivere, to be precise, I am not a heroic spirit, but a sub-servant, the product of the fusion of human beings and heroic spirits.” Matthew Kyrielight is my human name. As for my real name, the heroic spirit who fused with me didn’t tell me, so I never responded. “”
Chapter 582: Knights of the Round Table
“”So that’s how it is…” Bedivere nodded knowingly, “Thank you for being willing to tell me this, please allow me to apologize for my rudeness, the doubts in my heart have dissipated. Then Mash, please allow me to solemnly…””
“Speaking, Bedivere actually knelt down on one knee to Mash.”
“”Eh? “Matthew froze because of this sudden incident.”
“”To actually kneel down on one knee to apologize, is this the etiquette that a knight treats a lady? “Kashima Yu’s eyes are shining brightly, and he looks very energetic.”
“But Bedivere shook his head, “This is not an apology for my previous incompetence, but to show my respect as much as possible. I pay tribute to Mash and Kashima for the battles they have endured until now. You, who are knights of the round table like me, are undoubtedly worthy of respect. “”
“”and many more! You said Matthew is a knight of the round table? ! “Kashima Yu was stunned.”
“She is also a Knight of the Round Table. No wonder she couldn’t treat Gawain as an enemy when she fought with that guy before.” Sakura Chiyo suddenly realized.
It seems that the singularity this time is the Knights of the Round Table session.
“Why does Xiao Chiyo behave like she only knows now, isn’t this something that your family has done?” Kashima Yu pinched her cheek and said with a smile.
“Ah…” Sakura Chiyo didn’t know what to say, could she say she didn’t know anything?
“Speaking of which, both the King Arthur in the original singularity and Gawain before the Holy Capital seem to have said something about Matthew’s shield. It seems that they have already guessed.” Nozaki Umetaro guessed.
“Matthew was also very surprised and said, “Mr. Bedivere, do you know the heroic spirit who fused with me? “”
“Bedwell nodded as a matter of course, “Of course, it’s not just me, all the knights of the round table who have seen you should feel it without exception. That is a knight who is not proud of martial arts, but a noble spirit. I hope you can discover his real name with your own strength. “”
“”You are not going to tell me the real name of the owner of this treasure, are you? Matthew asked.”
“”Yes, since that heroic spirit didn’t tell you, then I have no right to make irresponsible remarks. Bedivere said, “It’s just that since the heroic spirit in your body is the Knight of the Round Table, there is another problem… that is, whether you can fight the knights of your former compatriots.” “”
“”Ah, speaking of which, during the previous battle with Gawain, Mash did look very painful. ” Kashima Yu said.”
“”Well, when I saw the outer wall of the holy capital, and when I was fighting Gao Wenqing, my body screamed-this is wrong, this is not what King Arthur would do! Matthew said sadly.”
“”Well, that’s right, what the king has done on this land is by no means what I know King Arthur would do! “Bedwell said decisively, “So, I will definitely defeat the Lion King!” I have lived for this until now! “”
“”Your Excellency Hassan and I are rebels to the Holy City, and they will definitely be punished mercilessly by them, so I will stay here and assist Your Excellency Cursed Wrist. “”
“”But if your goal is to restore this era, then maybe there is no need to confront the Lion King, and it is too late to leave now! “”
“”Oh~” Kashima Yu finally realized, “So that’s the case, no wonder you asked us to come to this remote place to talk, it turned out that you were worried about our comfort, so you came to persuade us to escape. “”
“She found it strange that it was just about the Knights of the Round Table. There was no need to hide from the sidelines. After all, Bedivere was also a Knight of the Round Table. The villagers in this village would not care about this…they only cared about the Knights of the Round Table Did they help them, or did they slaughter their compatriots.”
“Obviously, both Matthew and Bedivere are the ones who helped them.”
“However, if you want to persuade her and Ma Xiu to escape, you have to choose a secluded place where no one can hear the conversation… After all, deserters are despised no matter where they are. For her and Ma Xiu For the sake of Xiu’s reputation, Bedivere brought them here specially.”
“But Kashima Yu shook his head, “However, regardless of whether we need to restore this era, we cannot forgive what the Lion King did! Because, it was The Lion King who was wrong! “”
“”EvenWhat’s more, the Sun King said that the Lion King is the cause of the changes in this era. Although we don’t know if what he said is true or not, we all have to go to the Lion King to see the situation! “”
“”That’s right! Matthew also nodded and said, “We will definitely fight the Lion King!” This is not only the responsibility of being a knight, but also the atonement for the people who live in this land and those who died in the holy punishment. “”
“…” Bedivere stared blankly at Matthew and Kashima Yu, although he suddenly laughed, “So, you have already made up your mind, and it is a determination that cannot be shaken by any words… It seems that I’m taking it too far. “”
“Hey, how can this be superfluous? Kashimayou narrowed his eyes and smiled, “Doesn’t this let us clearly know how much you care about us?” “”
“”Well. “Bedwell moved his eyes a little embarrassedly, “I will pass on your decision to His Excellency Curse Wrist… Whether His Excellency Curse Wrist can accept you and allow you to fight side by side with them is up to him to decide . “”
“”Brother Cursed Wrist, it must be fine. “Kashima Yu laughed loudly, “After all, just like Brother Arash said, he is a person with a cold face and a warm heart. “”
“After Kashima Tour, Matthew, and Bedivere left, the figure of Hassan the Cursed Arm came out from a shadow, “Well, although it is the duty, it is really not good to eavesdrop…not to mention , Hearing that kind of words, it’s not easy for me to refuse. “”
“Early the next morning, Bedivere took Kashima Yu and Matthew to find Hassan the Cursed Arm, and explained to him that Kashima Yu and Matthew wanted to fight together.”
“”Want to fight with us…hahaha! “”
“But unexpectedly, after hearing this, Hassan the Cursed Wrist laughed wildly, “It’s really a strange thing, we are refugees who have a hard time surviving, do you think that, like us? Will the refugees of the Lion King go to fight the solemn knights of the Lion King? “”
“”Eh? Matthew was stunned, “So…it seems to be the case. Senior, what should we do, we seem to have made a complete mistake? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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