“At this moment, this woman who looks like a monk is running around crying, avoiding the attack of wild beasts.”
“”It’s a beast! “Maxiu exclaimed, speeding up her feet, and rushed over, the huge shield in her hand was as light as a feather when she waved it.”
“But how could the shield be really feathers? Every time it hit the beasts, those beasts flew several meters away as if struck by lightning!”
“After killing several beasts, the rest of the beasts finally realized that the two-legged beast in front of them is stronger than the other two-legged beasts!”
“Amid a roar, the wild beasts dispersed one after another, leaving only a few dead beasts lying on the ground.”
“After seeing that the beasts had been chased away, the female monk was obviously relieved, but before she came over to thank her, there was a roar that shook the sky behind her.”
“What followed was a terrifying flame!”
“”Wow! Fire, it’s fire! Stop, don’t breathe fire, it’s hot! It’s just a rumor that I’m delicious! Don’t cook me like this, I don’t taste good at all! “The female monks ran around screaming.”
“But the giant dragon behind her, as if she didn’t hear it, is still breathing out scorching dragon breath, trying to make a barbecue.”
“Ah… Tang Monk meat?” A high-level official in Huaguo fell into silence again. He never expected that he could actually see Tang Monk being eaten by a monster in a place other than Journey to the West… Although the monster I haven’t eaten yet.
“”What the hell! What is that huge monster! Hassan Baimao looked at the extremely huge dragon, and his whole body exploded, “How could there be such a monster in this land!” “”
“In short, go save her first! “Kashimayou said quickly, “If you don’t help, she might be turned into a barbecue!” “”
“Yes, senior! Hearing this, Matthew immediately rushed over to block the scorching dragon’s breath with a shield, probably because he had fought too many dragons at the French singularity, and Matthew seemed particularly experienced.”
“I saw Mash moving forward against the dragon’s breath, and then aiming at the dragon’s claw, a shield smashed it.”
“”Roar! “After the giant dragon suffered this blow, it felt as if the entire toe had lost consciousness. It was so painful that it looked up to the sky and howled, and the dragon’s breath also stopped.”
“”Drink! “Then Mash jumped into the air, and the shield hit the dragon’s head, knocking it into a daze for several seconds.”
“”EMMMMM…” After weighing it for a while, the magic dragon seemed to realize that the enemy is not so easy to mess with, and quickly flew away with fluttering wings.”
“After beating the dragon away, Kashima Yu trotted over to help the burned female monk up, “Well, are you alright? “”
“”Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowater , I was thinking of summoning a white dragon horse, but I don’t know if I was in a bad mood, but I summoned a magic dragon… and almost got roasted and eaten, wow…” ”
“The female monk was crying, “In the end, it’s all the fault of giving Wukong and the others a holiday!” I shouldn’t have given them a holiday! “”
“Wukong, White Dragon Horse? “Kashimayou looked at the female monk in front of her in surprise. If she heard and remembered correctly, Tang Seng is probably the only monk who can match up with these two characters.”
“But shouldn’t Tang Seng be a man? How could it be a woman? And the evil on her chest is bigger than hers!”
“Yes, I am Xuanzang Tripitaka. Sanzang gradually stopped his sobbing, nodded and said, “I was summoned to a certain place about half a year ago, and then came here along the Silk Road…in order to prevent the unprecedented crisis of anomalies in the Holy Land!” “”
“However, to be honest, this crisis makes people feel extremely overwhelmed. As Sanzang spoke, he became dejected all of a sudden, “But because it is the guidance of the Buddha, I have no choice but to come.” “”
“Master Sanzang, it doesn’t look like a follower from the holy capital… By the way, do you understand the situation of this era? know the saint of lion kingboth? Matthew asked.”
“Well, of course I know! Sanzang said as a matter of course, “It looks like I stayed there as a guest for two months. It was such a comfortable city, everyone was carefree and smiling, and there were no bad guys. But it wasn’t where I belonged, so I left. “”
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Chapter 591 New impression is that the evil is great
“”Holy City, is it such a good place? “Kashimayou said with a gloomy face, although it sounds very beautiful, but that beauty is built on the grief of countless poor people in this land.”
“Well, it is indeed such a good place. Sanzang nodded and said, “It was really a close call just now, I really want to thank you for saving me!” And the skeleton-like people in the back, the magician who can only hear the voice, and the creature that looks like a rabbit, thank you too. “”
“”F, F? “Fufu cried out dissatisfied, it doesn’t feel like a rabbit.”
“”My name is Roman, hahaha. “Roman introduced himself and asked, “By the way, are you willing to be our companion?” “”
“Judging from the reaction of the spirit base, it is a top-level follower of the spirit base, so it should still be effective, right?”
“As for the fact that the servant with the top spiritual foundation was driven around by wild beasts, Roman has selectively forgotten.”
“”of course! I, Tripitaka, will definitely repay the kindness I receive from others! Sanzang nodded heavily, “Since you want me to be your partner, then it’s only natural for me to be your partner.” “”
“”I always feel that compared to Bedivere and Hassan, the addition of side quests for companions this time is done very quickly… But if the combat can be improved, I should be happy. “Roman smiled happily, “Thank you, Master Sanzang, it is really lucky to have a follower to join. “”
“”This is not luck, it is the blessing of the Buddha. Sanzang said triumphantly, “You have the blessing of the Buddha on your body, specifically, it is me!” “”
“Cursed Arm Hassan: “…””
“Hundred-faced Hassan: “…””
“I don’t know who was being chased by a group just now, and was crying while running.”
“”By the way, is Master Sanzang alone? ” Kashima Yu asked expectantly.”
“Generally speaking, Sanzang is bound to appear on the stage with her three apprentices and the West Paradise Pilgrimage Group formed by Bailongma, right? Therefore, Kashima You is looking forward to several of Sanzang’s apprentices, especially the famous Monkey King !”
“If there is that person, we can deal with the Lion King and Sun King.”
“”Well… I was summoned alone, Wukong and the others didn’t follow me. But after being summoned, I still accepted an apprentice, although it was a bit unreliable, and he was captured in front of the Holy Capital Army’s fortress… As a master, I wanted to go back and save him, but I seem to be a little lost… Jiedi…””
“Sanzang said a little disappointed.”
“Kashima Yu was also a little disappointed to hear that the Buddhist scriptures group did not come out, but she still patted her chest and said, “Don’t worry, leave it to us! We just happen to be going there too! “”
“”Even the purpose is so consistent, it’s almost like fate. Matthew said with a little joy.”
“”Are you going there too? Woohoo, that’s great! Thank you, I like you so much, you all come to be my apprentices! Sanzang said with a full face of emotion.”
“”Ah…” Kashima Yu smiled wryly, why did she feel that Sanzang’s apprentice was like a handyman.”
“One thing to say, according to my experience of reading Journey to the West, Sanzang’s apprentices are not only responsible for doing chores, but also responsible for saving the master.” Yiyi Le shook his head and said.
His biggest impression of Tang Seng is… Tang Seng was captured by monsters again.
But after seeing this Tang Seng, he had a new impression of Tang Seng—the evil is great! Very big!
“After a day’s journey, Kashima Yu and the others finally arrived near the fortress of the Holy Capital Army at night.”
“”This is the fortress of the knights. Although the defense is solid, it doesn’t matter. These guards are all blind guys at night, so there is nothing to worry about. “Hundred-faced Hassan said coldly.”
“Maxiu glanced around, “There are about ten people on each of the outer walls… It’s hard to see what’s inside, doctor, is there a way to scan what’s going on inside? “”
“Let me see…” Roman quickly scanned and said, “There are two large buildings and one small one. In addition, there seems to be a space underground, probably an underground cell. As for the reaction of the followers, there are two underground… Sorry, I really can’t find any extra information. “”
“”The atmosphere is always a bit strange. Sanzang looked at the guards on the city wall and frowned slightly, “Compared with the last time I came here, it has become more gloomy. The people in this fortress are very nervous, as if they knew in advance that we would attack.” “”
“”Because we fought the Knights of the Round Table and drove them back, soPeople in the holy capital have also begun to pay attention to our movements, right? Hassan Baimao guessed.”
“”If this is the case, it will be troublesome… I would rather the people in the holy capital always treat us as stones on the side of the road. Hassan the Cursed Wrist sighed helplessly.”
“A lion that is not serious, and a lion that takes its enemies seriously, of course the latter is more terrifying!”
“”Your Excellency Kashima, let’s observe the situation here today. I don’t think their nervousness will last long. Let’s retreat for now and take a good rest…””
“Hassan, the curse arm, has not finished his suggestion when there was a sound of footsteps nearby.”
“Everyone quickly found a hidden place to hide.”
“Soon, two patrolling guards came over, talking while patrolling.”
“During the communication between the two guards, everyone heard the reason why the atmosphere in this fort was so tense. It wasn’t that they knew they would attack, but that the assistant officer of the Lion King, Iron Aggavin, was coming to this fort. fortress!”
“Such a big man is going to visit suddenly, and it is not clear what his purpose is to come to this fortress. Naturally, the soldiers on and off the fortress have all raised their spirits.”
“It’s like when you are studying, you sit in the last row of the classroom, and when you know that the head teacher will come to the back door of the classroom for death solidification, will any students dare to play with their mobile phones?”
“During the communication between the two soldiers, the more important news they got was that the two servants that Roman scanned in the basement before responded that they were the old man in the mountain who had been taken away, and the new monk Sanzang had received him. that apprentice.”
“After the two soldiers walked away, Sanzang said in a calm voice, “It seems that the situation has changed. I also know Agguiwen. He is undoubtedly a man of steel! The spirit is as firm as steel, and the emotion is as cold as steel! “”
“”That guy doesn’t recognize any servants other than the Knights of the Round Table, so he can’t wait any longer. Otherwise, both Fujita and the old man in the mountain will be killed! “”
“”In this case, let’s save the two of them before he comes! “Kashima Yu said without hesitation for a moment.”
Chapter 592 I can tell at a glance that he is rebellious
“Just when Kashima Yu and others were about to act, Hassan the Cursed Arm stopped them, “Wait a minute! My ears can even hear the sound of the needle falling thousands of miles away, so I heard it! There is a group of running sounds, and they are rushing towards this fortress! “”
“”According to this speed, I’m afraid we will meet when we come out of the prison. If this is the case, it will be difficult to escape. I think we should divide our forces into two groups, one side sneaks in to rescue the two, and the other side ambush here, and immediately attack the fort after Agguiwen and others appear to attract Agguiwen’s attention. “”
“” This method is not bad. “Kashimayou nodded thoughtfully, “However, even if we are all together to attack the fortress together, it will be difficult to attract Agguiwen’s attention, right? After all, the number of people is too small. “”
“Leave the feint to me. “Hundred-faced Hassan said softly.”
“Looking at the puzzled and worried eyes of the crowd, Hassan Baimao explained, “I am an old man in the mountain with hundreds of appearances, even if I have hundreds of clones, it is no problem. Although each one is very weak, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the knights of the round table, but if it is against soldiers, it is completely fine. “”
“It’s amazing, Baimao! Kashimayou praised from the bottom of his heart, “The feint will be left to you, and we will rescue them as soon as possible!” “”
“After dividing up the tasks, everyone easily bypassed the sight of the guards and entered the underground cell all the way.”
“Although we met some undead enemies on the road, to everyone’s surprise, Master Sanzang, who was chased by wild beasts before, easily wiped out these undead.”
“Is this the monk’s special attack on spirit-type monsters?”
“However, what surprised everyone even more is that this underground cell seems to be extraordinarily large and extremely complicated.”
“After walking for a long time, they still haven’t reached the two captured servants.”
“Being bored, Kashima Yu asked about Agguiwen, “Speaking of which, who is Agguiwen? “”
“She has only heard of a few famous knights of the round table. After all, even when acting in the drama department, there are only a few famous knights on stage, such as King Arthur, Gawain, and Lancelot. Teh or something.”
“Those like Agguiwen have never appeared in dramas before, and she has never heard of them.”
“”Oh, Kashima doesn’t know about Aggie, so it’s time for Roman, my knowledge promotion expert, to come on stage. “Roman appeared in front of everyone with a smile, “Just treat it as a small talk on the road, let me explain a little bit. “”
“”Compared with Gawain, Lancelot, and Percival, who have vigorous legends, Aggregation is not very eye-catching. However, he is enough to be called King Arthur’s adjutant… At the same time, he is also King Arthur’s sister, but he hates and curses one of the sons of King Arthur’s concubine Morgan all his life. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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