“Hearing this, Hassan the Cursed Wrist also became interested, “The son of King Arthur’s enemy? In other words, it was a parasite sent into the body of the Lion King as a spy? “”
“”That’s right. “Roman noddedNodding, “By the way, if you only look at the genealogy, he is also the half-brother of the rebellious knight Mordred. He is also the youngest brother of the Sun Knight Gawain.” ”
“”Well, that’s right. Matthew nodded, and then added, “However, Gawain and the concubine Morgan seem to have nothing to do with each other. Although Mordred is a child created by Morgan, he only looked forward to being by Morgan’s side when he was a child. Perhaps, for the demon concubine Morgan, Agguiwen is the only trustworthy child. “”
“”Because of this, most of the Knights of the Round Table hate him. After all, he is the son of the enchantress Morgan, who may betray King Arthur at any time. But in the end…” Matthew’s expression was a little lonely, “was he killed by Lancelot? “”
“Well, that’s right, King Arthur’s wife, Guinevere, had a relationship with Lancelot, and the person who accused the two of being unfaithful was Aggressive, who denounced Guinevere as a dirty woman.” woman, and then Lancelot killed Aggravin in anger. Then, taking this opportunity, the Knights of the Round Table collapsed. “”
“Roman told all about Aggavin in one breath, and then said, “From this point of view, Aggavin was indeed the murderer who caused the collapse of the round table and the death of King Arthur. “”
“”After all, we also know that King Arthur is a woman, and he was forced to use the identity of a man only in order to govern the country. As a woman, King Arthur naturally cannot give Guinevere happiness, so the love between Guinevere and Lancelot probably has King Arthur’s acquiescence. “”
“”However Aggressive exposed all this, not only did King Arthur have to issue a verdict on Lancelot and Guinevere, but also completely broke the friendship between Lancelot and Gawain, and finally gave This gave Mordred the opportunity to rebel… which led King Arthur to the end of her legend. “”
“”That said, it’s really…” Kashima Yu said with a shocked face, “It’s a plan that is linked together, it’s terrible, it’s terrible! Whether it’s the demon concubine Morgan or Agguiwen, they are too scary! “”
“As for Mordred… with that brat-like personality, Kashima Yu really can’t imagine her plotting behind the scenes.”
“”Hmm…Although I’m not interested in the legend of the Knights of the Round Table, it’s true after hearing it this way. Hassan the Cursed Wrist couldn’t help sighing, “This guy named Agguiwen is definitely a formidable opponent.” “”
“Let me just say that this guy, Ageguiwen, looks rebellious!” Kosaka Kyousuke said triumphantly, “I can tell at a glance that he is rebellious!”
“What did you see, this is what I saw!” Kosaka Kirino rolled his eyes at him, and then boasted, “I really admire myself, I’m so smart!”
“After telling the story of Agguiwen, Fufu didn’t know whether she was bored or what, she jumped off Matthew and ran towards a fork in the road.”
“Ah, Fufu, don’t run around in this kind of place. “Matthew hurriedly followed, but when she followed up, she found that this was a secret door!”
“When she opened the secret door, two secret cells appeared in front of her, and each cell held a servant.”
“”Senior, Mister Curse Wrist, Miss Sanzang, come quickly, there is a hidden cell here, and there are two servants! “”
Chapter 593 She is dead
“”Really? I’ll be right there! “Master Sanzang shouted excitedly.”
“A follower in the prison heard Sanzang’s voice, and said a little excitedly, “This voice, could it be Sanzang? “”
“”Fujita, the voice just now was Fujita! Sanzang became even more excited, “Kashima, we finally found it.” “”
“Then let’s go quickly. “Kashima Yu and Hassan the Cursed Wrist glanced at each other, their eyes were full of excitement, and finally they didn’t have to continue walking in such a gloomy place.”
“Everyone hurried over. Fortunately, there are not many guards here, only a huge stone man with a knife.”
“After spending some time, everyone rescued the two servants who were locked in the cage.”
“”Hahahaha, not only are you willing to accept Sanzang as your companion, you even rescued me, you guys are all extraordinary benevolent people. “Holding a red longbow, carrying a quiver on his back, the man with the appearance of a samurai with long green hair laughed boldly.”
“”Fujita, please say hello first! Say that without introducing yourself, are you a monkey? ” Sanzang said dissatisfied.”
“Hahaha, it’s true that we haven’t exchanged names yet. I’m so excited to be free suddenly. I’m really sorry. The samurai man laughed and said, “I am a servant of ARCHER’s job agency. My real name is Fujita. For some reasons, I became the caretaker of this monk. Thank you again for your assistance.” “”
“” Not a caretaker, but a disciple! Really, how many times do I have to say it before you understand! Sanzang said rather annoyed, “Listen well, the so-called disciples are those who must protect the master under any circumstances, obey what the master says, and protect the safety of the master!” So, don’t make me worry all the time! “”
“”Um… oh… um. “Fujita was suppressed by Sanzang’s aura for a while, but in a blink of an eye, he reacted, “Wait, it’s your fault this time, right? Say something like ‘that fortress must be fun’, and run to provoke those knights, that’s how you end up like this! “”
“” On the way to escape, the two of us got separated, just as I was looking for you, but ran into a knight in purple armor, and was caught after losing. “”
“The knight in the purple armor… is it the Knights of the Round Table? “Maxiu asked, generally speaking, ordinary solemn knights would not wear such fancy clothes.”
“”Well, that’s right, he calls himself Lancelot, and he’s a very serious swordsman. “L Fujita nodded and said.”
“While these few people were communicating, Hassan, the curse arm, also looked worriedly at another servant who was rescued, “Quiet, are you okay? “”
“Hassan, who is called Tranquil, has wounds all over her body, as well as scars from dried blood. Just by looking at it, one can understand how cruelly she was tortured.”
“Kashima Yu wanted to go over and help her go, but for some reason, Hassan, the cursed arm, held her back and told her not to get close to that Serene Hassan no matter what.”
“”Well…I’m fine. “Quiet Hassan shook his head and said in a hoarse voice, “Let’s leave quickly. If we stay too long, something may happen. “”
“After all, Jing Mi Hassan was about to leave, but I don’t know if it was because of the serious injuries on her body. As soon as she took a step, she staggered and fell to the ground.”
“”Be careful! “Kashima Yu completely forgot about Hassan’s instructions, and subconsciously hugged Hassan.”
“The two fell to the ground together, but fortunately, Kashima Yu became a cushion for Tranquil Hassan, and Tranquil Hassan was not further injured.”
“And the skull mask on Tranquil Hassan’s face fell off with the impact, revealing her beautiful face.”
“”Wh…what…” Seeing this scene, Hassan the Cursed Wrist said in great horror, “How could this be…you told her not to go over like that, why did you still go over there! My God, Lord Kashima…””
“”what happened? “Mashu, who was attracted by the purple knight that Fujita said before, saw the situation of Yu Kashima.”
“Kashima Yu hugged Tranquility Hassan and fell to the ground. Although she didn’t know what happened, she could probably guess what happened. The only thing that puzzled her was that both Kashima Yu and Tranquility Hassan were stiff. On the ground, motionless.”
“Senior, wake up soon? You won’t refuse to get up just because you want to hug Miss Jing Mi more? Matthew puffed his mouth, and said a little unhappy.”
“Quiet Hassan slowly stood up from Kashima Yu’s body, his beautiful face was full of sadness, “No…this person can’t stand up anymore. “”
“”Eh? What does can’t stand up mean? Matthew asked in surprise.”
“”The delusional poison body I have cultivated can kill all people who come into contact with my body… My body is a body of poison. The skin, mucous membranes, and body fluids are all highly poisonous. Therefore, in the legends of the far east The “Poison Maiden” was produced as a prototype, and it is a highly poisonous condensate. “”
“Quiet Hassan said very sadly, “If it was an ordinary contact, she wouldn’t die instantly, maybe she could be rescued… But just now, when she hugged me, she accidentally touched my lips… The situation is hopeless. “”
“The scene was immediately silent. Whether it was Matthew, Roman, or Sanzang and Fujita who were fighting around, they all lost their voices at this moment.”
“After a long time, Roman smiled stiffly, “Well, I didn’t seem to hear what you said just now. “”
“There is no doubt that Roman has begun to escape from reality at this moment.”
“But Quiet Hassan pulled Roman back to the cruel reality, “I’m sorry, this person is dead, I’m sorry… I came to save me, but I caused her death. “”
“I just died like this…” Kashima Yu stared at this scene in a daze, didn’t he die too lightly? He was obviously going to save people, why did he feel so cold when he turned around!
And isn’t this the magic king that hasn’t been defeated yet? Then the rest of the journey depends entirely on Matthew alone?
This singularity reduced Da Vinci and her, which is too exaggerated!
On the other side, Masayuki Hori cursed angrily, “Kashima, you idiot, you have a knife on your head! Why can’t you understand?! You go around teasing girls all day long, this time Take your own life away!”
Chapter 594 Blooming Poisonous Flowers
“Just when everyone was extremely shocked and terrified, Kashima Yu who was lying on the ground suddenly blinked, “Although it is indeed a little numb, I seem to be alive. “”
“Speaking, she stood up with her hands on the ground. It seemed that it was because of the poison. She was still a little dizzy and couldn’t stand stably.”
“Mash hurriedly supported her excitedly, “Senior, it’s really great that you’re fine. “”
“No way, I actually stood up… But, why? “Quiet Hassan’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, how many people she has killed so far with the poison on her body!”
“Although it’s a good thing that the savior is still alive…but why is her poison ineffective?”
“”It should be because Kashima has anti-drug properties, probably…” Roman also breathed a sigh of relief, and said very happily. As for the reason, he just made up a random one, “After all, even London’s magic Mist Kashima can bear it…””
“Oh, I still have this kind of ability?” Kashima Yu stared at him with bright eyes. Although it’s not a very cool ability, it can be regarded as a superpower, right?
Why don’t you drink a bowl of poisonous mushroom soup and taste the taste?
“Although I don’t know what you are thinking, Kashima-kun… But I advise you to do things that are too extreme, what if your ability has disappeared?”Sakura Chiyo persuaded.
“Well…that makes sense, if you drink yourself into the hospital, it won’t be worth it.” Kashima Yu thought for a while, and decided to forget it.
If she really doesn’t have this ability, then… other saviors are admired by others, and it would be too embarrassing for her to lie in the hospital alone.
“Well, is it really all right? Is it okay even if you touch me? “Quiet Hassan still asked in disbelief.”
“”Well, it’s okay. “Kashimayou has almost recovered now, and even jumped a few times to show that he is really fine.”
“”Is that so… that’s great. “Quiet Hassan said, his face turned red.”
“Okay, since it’s okay, let’s go out quickly. After seeing Kashima swim, Hassan the Cursed Wrist relaxed a lot, and then urged, “Baimang alone can’t last long.” “”
“But just when everyone was about to act, an indifferent voice came over, “Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Wouldn’t it be nice to take a break here? “”
“” Does this voice sound familiar? ” Sanzang said with some nostalgia.”
“Following the sound of footsteps, soon another man in black armor with a resolute face came over with a group of solemn knights, “Although they are thieves, they can be regarded as guests from afar. Welcome everyone, next time It is the assistant officer of His Majesty the Lion King—Agguwen. “”
“”I have already reported my name politely, as for you…you don’t need to know, you don’t need it. “”
“Age Guiwen’s face didn’t change a bit, and he said incomparably coldly, “One master, one exclusive servant, two old men in the mountain, and Sanzang mage and her guard. You all are the ones who need to be rectified, and you have to clean up as soon as possible. “”
“As soon as Agguiwen finished speaking, the solemn knights rushed towards the crowd in groups.”
“The solemn knight is here… It seems that there is no need to talk with words at all! Matthew said solemnly, “Senior, please hide behind me!” “”
“”Aggewen, you are still so stubborn, that’s why everyone hates you. Sanzang said with a sigh.
“It’s okay, I hate humans, and being hated by the world is just as I wish. “Facing Sanzang’s persuasion, Agguiwen just said indifferently.”
“Countless solemn knights are constantly rushing towards the crowd. Even if Matthew and the others defeat one after another, the number has not decreased at all!”
“Because a large number of solemn knights are constantly coming here from the ground.”
“Looking at the solemn knights piled up on the ground, Agravin said indifferently, “Continue, treat it as a war of attrition, and there will always be a time to defeat them… There is still plenty of time, I don’t mind. “”
“”You can’t even escape in such a small space! “There is no way to help, Roman can only say anxiously there, “Why don’t you go directly to defeat Agguiwen, capture the thief first and capture the king.” “”
“But in a blink of an eye, he overturned his own thoughts, “No, no, he should also have blessings, right?” Bei… Without Lucius, there is no way to defeat the blessing of the Knights of the Round Table! “”
“No, you’re wrong, doctor. Matthew swung the shield in his hand horizontally, knocking down the three solemn knights, “Agguiwen has no blessings on him!” I don’t know why, but my feeling is right! “”
“”what? ! Why is there no blessing! “Roman asked in disbelief, since he is also a knight of the round table, why is it that only Agravin has no blessing?”
“Hmph, of course, a blessing is a contract with the Lion King, which is equivalent to becoming a servant of the Lion King. “Age Guiwen said indifferently, “Once you accept the blessing, you will be in trouble… After all, as a servant of the Lion King, you can’t do anything to the king, right? “”
“”That’s right. “Roman nodded thoughtfully. He remembered the topic that he had talked about with Kashima Yu before when he talked about Agguiwen. If he really wanted to say it, Agguiwen should be a character like Morgan’s spy! ”
“However, fortunately, this is the case, so there is hope of victory! Kashima, concentrate on attacking Agguiwen! As long as you defeat him, there is hope to go out! “”
“Hmph, idiot. “Aggie Wen sneered, “Even if you kill me, the action of the upright knight will not change!” No matter what happens, you are destined to be here… wait, what is this? ! “”
“Aggewen seems to have noticed something. His indifferent expression has finally changed at this moment. His face was livid, and he covered his mouth and nose with one hand. He left in a hurry before he could even give the solemn knight an order. here.”
“Master Aggraven, why are you… woo! Ugh! ! ! “One of the dignified knights noticed Agguivin’s retreat, and when he was about to ask why, he screamed and fell to the ground.”
“”What happened…limbs…weakness…breathing…””
“The rest of the solemn knights also screamed and fell down, their faces were ashen, and the weapons in their hands fell to the ground powerlessly, struggling desperately like live fish on an iron pot… But soon, They couldn’t move at all.”
Chapter 595 Endless Bag of Rice
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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