“”What happened, the solemn knights actually went one by onecollapsed? “Maxiu stopped the attack in his hand in surprise, and wanted to go forward to check the situation.”
“But Hassan, the cursed arm, quickly stopped her, “Your Majesty Mash, don’t go forward! Go ahead and even you will be poisoned. “”
“” Poisoned? “Kashima Yu blinked, then turned his head to look at Serenity Hassan.”
“Quiet Hassan nodded slightly, “I am Quiet Hassan, the flower of poison that blooms in the dark night. My dance will let the poison ride the wind and assassinate the enemy… Thanks to everyone who has been obstructing the upright knights, I can kill the poison. The wind spreads around the solemn knight, thank you very much. “”
“Quiet Hassan thanked everyone very politely, then blushed and looked at Kashima Yu, “I’ve been waiting for a long time…Master Kashima, am I… useful? “”
“”Goo! “Kashima Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva in horror, this girl is so scary!”
“But because it was so scary, she didn’t dare to say this at all, so she laughed and praised, “Ah, um, of course… Thanks to your dance, Your Highness, we were able to escape. “”
“After Jing Mi heard this, she walked over to Kashima Yu with a blushing face, her whole body almost stuck to Kashima Yu’s body, she looked like a little girl.”
“Kashima…” Hori Masahyuki covered his face, with a look of disbelief, “You are a heinous crime!”
I don’t know why, but he has vaguely seen a day in the future when these heroic spirits came to their drama department, and in order to compete for Kashima, they destroyed the entire school… no, maybe the entire Sakura Kingdom was sunk!
Maybe, a group of heroic spirits will fight to the edge of the universe, and even the Dao will be wiped out!
“That, senior…too close! “Mash stared at Kashima Yu, and Serenity Hassan on Kashima Yu.”
“Kashima Yu smiled wryly. She didn’t dare to pull Serenity Hassan down… So, she could only turn her eyes to Cursed Hassan as if asking for help.”
“”Cough cough. “After receiving Kashimayou’s request for help, Hassan, the cursed arm, could not pretend that he hadn’t seen it. He coughed twice and said, “Hey, Quiet, stay away from Your Excellency Kashima. It’s rare to meet someone who won’t die even if I touch it. I understand how I feel, but Mr. Kashima is our guest and benefactor, so don’t cause trouble for them. “”
“…” Serenity Hassan got off Kashima Yu with a disappointed face, but still stood very close, “Of course I won’t cause trouble for Kashima-sama…and I will protect her well. “”
“After a little perception, Quiet Hassan said to everyone, “The poison has faded, we can almost leave here. “”
“Oh, this would be great, to be honest, I’m also worried about Baimao. “After the curse wrist finished speaking, he walked over first.”
“After confirming that there is no problem, he gave everyone a gesture to act.”
“After a group of people came to the ground, after a while, Baimao ran over and complained, “It’s too slow! I was alone for an hour, and I thought I was going to die! “”
“”Wow! very sorry! ” Lu Daoyou was taken aback by Baimao’s resentment, “Thank you, Miss Baimao. “”
“”You are the leader of the West Village… Even you are here, thank you very much for coming to rescue me. “Quiet Hassan thanked.”
“It seems that the task has been completed smoothly. I just saw Agguiwen running away towards the holy capital at high speed, so I had this premonition. “Hassan Baimao’s voice sounds quite happy.”
“”This way I won’t let my battle go to waste, uh… so tired! Once I relax, I feel so tired that I am almost unable to think. “”
“Baimao Hassan was very tired while talking, but he pulled himself together and ran to steal some horses, “Let’s go, let’s go, get on the horse, and try to get back to the mountains before dawn. “”
“After a long raid, everyone finally rushed back to the mountain before dawn.”
“Oh, welcome back, Kashima, thank you for your hard work. Arash seemed to have got the news a long time ago. He greeted everyone with a smile at the gate of the village, and then stretched out his hand to pull Bedivere who was hiding behind him, “Bedwell should not hide behind either, you have to greet the heroes well.” “”
“Bedwell, who was pulled out, looked very lonely,” I naturally understood…but at such an important moment, I was lying on the bed and didn’t know anything, what a disgraced knight. “”
“”That’s not the case, Bedivere, it is our greatest credit that you can recover from your injury. ” Kashima Yu patted Bedivere’s arm and said happily, “I’m so happy to see you standing here properly. “”
“Bedwell was taken aback for a moment, a blush flashed across his face, and then he smiled, “Welcome back, it’s great that you are safe and sound. I heard that when you bumped into Mr. Agguiwen, I broke out in a cold sweat… It was an amazing feat to be able to repel that iron Agguiwen! “”
“Bedwell praised everyone, making everyone laugh very happily.”
“Arash looked at Sanzang and Fujita and asked, “Are these two the new members mentioned in the news? “”
“”That’s right, I am Xuanzang Tripitaka, and I am here to bring you the blessing of the Buddha. ” Sanzang said very proudly.”
“”Next is Fujita… This is the West Village. It is indeed a village that lacks resources as I heard on the way. If so…” Fujita smiled and summoned a huge bag of rice, carry it on your shoulders.”
“”Trying hard to get rid of the evil insects, I ran up and down the mountains three times to obtain inexhaustible foodFood…surrounding the mountain for seven weeks is still not enough. Wearing a headband on the mountain is nothing to worry about. If you want to eat, you can roll up the whole mountain, Lord Dragon God spends generously, boil a pot of aquatic products, and the feast is full of harvest! “”
“”The treasure of the banquet – the endless bag of rice! “”
“Following a flash of golden brilliance, countless rice flows out of the rice bag carried by Fujita like a waterfall, burying everyone in it!”
“”Well, ha! “Hundred-faced Hassan stuck his head out from the rice pile, and grabbed the rice with a horrified expression. There is no doubt that it is not an illusion, but a real existence!”
“What is this, what is this! Is it food? It’s food, right? “”
“Hassan Baimao’s eyes are starting to shine. She has been worrying about the food of the villagers. When has she seen so much food!”
Chapter 596 I feel sad
“After obtaining a large amount of food, everyone started a banquet as a matter of course.”
“While everyone was enjoying the banquet, Tristan had already arrived in that fortress.”
“A group of soldiers lined up, and the lead soldier shouted, “Salute, all! Welcome the Knights of the Round Table, Tristan Qing to visit! “”
“Thank you for your welcome… However, I’m not in that mood right now. I want to check the situation at the scene, please show me the way. ” Tristan said without hesitation.”
“Yes, this way please! “The leading soldier quickly made a gesture of please, leading the way and taking Tristan to the underground cell, and the rest of the soldiers followed behind Tristan.”
“”Due to the sneak attack of the rebels, the force has been reduced by 70%, and now this fortress can no longer function normally. “The leading soldier said sadly.”
“”How sad that the knights of the Holy City would suffocate to death due to poison. “Tristan said sad words without the slightest ups and downs, “If such a cruel act is known to the king, he will definitely lament it. “”
“”Yes, in order to hold the funeral, the soldiers in the fortress are fighting together. After the funeral is over, we must do our best to wash away this shame! ’ said the leading soldier.”
“”Sad… I feel very sad. “Tristan said sadly, the grief in his words could be felt by the soldiers around him, and all the soldiers mustered up their fighting spirit and vowed to wash away their shame in the future!”
“But Tristan said, “I actually handed over this castle to you who can’t even judge such a trivial matter. “”
“”Yes… eh? “Just after the leading soldier answered, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He was about to ask a question, but saw a silver light flashing across his body in the air!”
“I only heard a sound of blood gushing, and the soldier was cut off in half!”
“”Alas! “A soldier behind shouted in horror, “Lord Tristan, you…””
“Before he finished speaking, Tristan plucked the demon string again, splitting the soldier in two, “Who allowed you to take the time to mourn the dead guy? ! I am sad… I am sad for your incompetence! “”
“Cui, Lord Tristan! Please forgive me, please forgive our incompetence! “Another soldier with a frightened face said quickly, “We will immediately form a pursuit force, and we will definitely wipe out the people of the mountain!” “”
“Hurry up, they escaped on horseback! “Tristan said coldly, “Although this should be the responsibility of the guerrilla knights…but since these bugs provoke the king, I can’t just sit idly by! “”
“”Yes Yes! “Those soldiers responded quickly, and then ran out in a panic, for fear that if they were a second behind, they would be cut into two pieces!”
“Early the next morning, Kashima Yu and others got together to discuss the matter of attacking the holy capital.”
“After all, the banquet is over, and it’s time to return to the cruel reality.”
“”Oh, I have experienced total war in Rome and North America, but this is the first time I have conquered such a huge city. “Roman said with both a sigh and a little worry, “I don’t know if it will go well. By the way, how many troops have you prepared to attack the holy capital? If there is not enough troops, I am afraid they will only be counter-killed. “”
“Although it sounds unpleasant…but what you said is also true. Baimao Hassan smacked his lips and said, “Moreover, our military strength is indeed worrying. At present, only half of the villages are in favor of attacking, and there are only about 7,000 soldiers who can go to the front line. “”
“Compared to the number of knights in the holy capital, is it more or less? “Kashima Yu asked.”
“”It’s not too small. According to our detection, the number of solemn knights in the holy capital is also less than 10,000. Even if they are more than us, they are not much more. Hassan the Cursed Wrist said with some concern, “However, in terms of quality, the knights of the holy capital are fundamentally different from our soldiers!” Facing a soldier from the holy capital, if we don’t have three people on our side, we will definitely not be able to win! “”
“” Calculated in this way, isn’t it only one-third of the opponent’s strength? Matthew exclaimed, “Is it really good to take the initiative in this situation?” “”
“”I’m afraid we can only take the initiative to attack. “Kashima Yu touched his chin and said, “Our side belongs to the exhausted side. If we continue to delay, it will only be more unfavorable to us… Moreover, Mordred said to Baimao that as long as St. After pulling out, everyone outside the holy capital will die, right? Not sure if it’s true, but what if? “”
“”That’s right, I am also worried about that matter, if it is true… we must be more proactive in attacking. “Hassan Baimao said in a solemn tone.”
“”Hahaha,Don’t keep a straight face, at least we still have the advantage in terms of the number of followers, right? There are only five Knights of the Round Table, Lancelot, Gawain, Tristan, Mordred, and Aggavin, but we have eight! “L Fujita said quite boldly, “Even if the servants are one-on-one, there are still three spare servants who can help ordinary soldiers. “”
“”That can’t be done. “Arash shook his head and said, “The one-to-three problem just mentioned is also applicable to our servants… The Knights of the Round Table who have the blessing of the Lion King are not something ordinary servants can defeat at all! It can even be said that whether three-on-one can defeat the knights of the round table is a problem. “”
“Well, even His Excellency Arash said so, it seems that he is really not an ordinary powerful enemy. “Fujita frowned a little. At the banquet last night, he had experienced Arash’s strength, which was definitely far beyond his existence!”
“”As for the strength of the army, we will naturally continue to recruit… But the problem is Gao Wen, as long as that guy is still at the main gate, we have no chance of winning! “”
“”Usually speaking, you have to fight Gawain at night…but he happens to have the blessing of the Lion King who never sleeps. Bedivere sighed, “Without Sir Lancelot’s sword, or Arondette’s special treasure, even a defensive battle would be impossible.” “”
“”Arondette… is the legendary sword with an indestructible blade, right? From this point of view, it looks quite similar to my shield. ’ said Matthew.”
“But Bedivere shook his head and said, “No, Matthew, your shield is unique, only this, I hope you can remember it! In addition, Sir Lancelot’s Noble Phantasm is an anti-human Noble Phantasm, so perhaps he is the only one in the round table who is most suitable for fighting Gao Wenqing? “”
Chapter 597 Can you perform that again?
“As expected of our knights in France, you are cowhide.” A Frenchman tapped on the keyboard with excitement, extremely excited.
There is Joan of Arc black and white, and Lancelot again, let’s see who dares to say that France is proficient in surrender!
“What is yours from France? Isn’t this from our British Empire?” A netizen with an ID from England immediately expressed his objection.
This Frenchman became popular when he saw it. Lancelot, the knight of the round table, fled to France and established the country of Brittany. This is a well-known thing, why is it not their French?
Besides, even if it’s not from France, it’s from Celtic! What’s the matter with you England!
Are you England Celtic? Isn’t that descended from the Anglo-Saxons? ! The Celtics’ mortal enemy is almost the same!
It’s you people that King Arthur hit!
When the noise on the Internet became more intense, a netizen from the beautiful country made a speech, “As we all know, the Irish are the second largest ethnic group in our country, and their population even exceeds that of the Irish in Western Europe.”
“And the Irish are descendants of the Celts, so I don’t think King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table can be identified as the heroic spirits of England purely from the geographical point of view! Instead, they should be divided according to the closeness of blood relationship.”
“I declare that Celtic orthodoxy is in the beautiful country! King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table belong to our beautiful country! Of course Lancelot is too!”
With these words, both French netizens and English netizens were silent.
“Ah this…”
“Hearing Bedivere’s words, Master Sanzang became excited unexpectedly, “Ah, I thought of a good way! How about making Lancelot a companion and then Gawain’s opponent? ! If you give Lancelot a reward, you can try to give a rice ball. “”
“”Hey…” Matthew tilted his head helplessly, “Although I always think Lancelot is quite annoying, he shouldn’t be recruited by a rice ball. “”
“”Well, is that so? Sanzang said rather distressed, “But I think Lancelot should make sense. Although it’s just an intuition, my intuition is very accurate!” Because of the blessing of the Buddha. “”
“So this situation is too difficult to handle! If you can’t defeat Gao Wen, you won’t be able to see the Lion King… What’s more, the Lion King is not the only enemy in this land! There is also a king who has even got the Holy Grail! “Roman covered his head and said in pain.”
“”Yes, there is also the Sun King…” Kashima Yu said in distress, “We don’t even know what his intentions are. “”
“”That’s right, under such circumstances, it would be too hasty to launch a battle against the Holy Capital rashly… But if the battle against the Holy Capital is not launched as soon as possible, what if the Holy Capital is about to end? Ah, there are too many elements of instability! “Roman was crying, feeling like his whole body was about to collapse.”
“Well, as long as you find another powerful fighter who can deal with the Sun Knight Gawain, that’s fine, right? Quiet Hassan said suddenly, “Actually, we have a top-secret matter.” “”
“”Wait, Jing Mi, what you want to say is…” Baimao Hassan’s eyes widened, his face full of horror.”
“Quiet Hassan nodded, although there was fear in his eyes, he still said it calmly, “Please forgive me, Lord Baimao… But I think that now is the time for us to break the taboo… If we are not strong enough , I can only ask for help like that adult. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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