Five Watches: “…”
You were still in a daze just now, don’t think I didn’t see it.
“”Is the original Hassan a swordsman? Matthew said in surprise.”
“No, it’s not this that is surprising! “Roman didn’t know what he saw, and his voice was even more surprised than Matthew, “This spirit base reaction, could it be that this ASSASSIN is a crown…””
“Roman hasn’t finished speaking yet, the sword light flashed, and the communication between Roman, Kashima Yu and others was cut off in an instant.”
“Cursed Wrist Hassan knelt down on the ground and said respectfully, “My lord, please forgive me for visiting. We plan to fight the Lion King. However, if you want to fight the Lion King, you still lack a bit of fighting power, so please help us! It’s all for the future of our mountain people! “”
“The first generation of Hassan said without any ups and downs, “Curse Wrist, you are still as short-sighted as before… In what you said just now, you got two things wrong. “”
“”Two things wrong? Hassan the Curse Wrist asked puzzledly, “My lord, what do you say?” “”
“The first generation Hassan set his sights on Kashima Yu, “Mage, I ask you, to fight the Lion King… Is this true?” Is it true that what you seek is the head of the Lion King who has fallen to be a god? “”
“Faced with this question, Kashima Yu was silent, but after a long time of contemplation, she shook her head, “To be honest, I don’t know. “”
“”Your Majesty Kashima? ! “Hassan the Cursed Wrist is just stupid, that’s not what he said earlier!”
sixthChapter 100 Ruthless Sorry Machine
“”But, it’s really impossible for me to kill someone I haven’t even met, right? ” Kashima Yu scratched his head and said with a smirk, “Although I really hate Shengba… But what if these things are not out of the Lion King’s original intentions, but some treacherous ministers slandered, which led to this What kind of result? “”
“”I’m sorry, Curse Wrist, although I only said this at this time, I don’t intend to lie to you. Kashima Yu said apologetically, “It’s true that we want to attack the holy capital together… But whether to defeat the Lion King in the future, I want to make a decision after seeing the Lion King with my own eyes.” “”
“”Uh, uh…so that’s it. Hassan the Cursed Wrist nodded clearly and said, “It was indeed just an agreement to attack the holy capital together before, and there was no discussion on the subsequent matters. “”
“Then, the first-generation Hassan asked again, “Just now, as the curse said, it still lacks a little combat power, but is it really only a little bit worse? “”
“Kashimayu shook his head, “To be honest, Hassan’s combat power alone is not enough. “”
“”Your Majesty Kashima? ! “Hassan the Cursed Wrist is stupid again, why do you say that they seem to be good?! Although compared with the blessed Knights of the Round Table, they are indeed not that good…”
“The first-generation Hassan ignored Hassan, who was full of sorrow, and continued, “Magicians, the true intentions of the Lion King, the nonsense of the Sun King, the flaws of human reason, and the beginning…” ”
“”After you master everything, my sword will become your vanguard, my sword will turn into a bird of prey and peck off the eyes of Sun Knight Gawain, and my black clothes will turn into night and devour the holy capital. “”
“”Excuse me, big man wearing a skull, I can’t understand what you mean at all, please speak more clearly, understand more! “Master Sanzang said dissatisfied.”
“”Dear Sanzang, don’t use such a perfunctory name, at least you should call him Wang Hassan. “Kashima Yu reminded.”
“”Master…” Mash gently tugged at Kashima Yu’s sleeve, “Wang Hassan is not a good name, is it? Please, don’t continue this rude behavior, otherwise even Mr. Hassan Wang will be upset… Eh? “”
“While talking, Matthew was stunned. Unknowingly, she also adopted the title Wang Hassan… It’s over, won’t she be killed?”
“To be honest, the oppressive feeling that this servant in front of her gave her was like when she faced that magic king!”
“”No problem. “”
“But unexpectedly, Wang Hassan didn’t care about their impolite behavior, “You can call them whatever you like, I am anonymous, and I don’t pay attention to these. “”
“”Huh…” Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, “You can say that, we are also relieved. “”
“Hey, it’s easy to call that. Sanzang said with a smile, “What you said just now means that if we don’t investigate something clearly first, you won’t help us?” So what should we investigate? There should be some clues, right? “”
“”A foreign world in the middle of the desert, everything you seek is in it. Located in the desert, but not within the reach of the boy of the Sun King, the treasure house of knowledge buried in the yellow sand is called – Atlas Institute! “”
“”Atlas House? ! Matthew’s eyes widened in astonishment, obviously, she had heard of this place before!”
“Afterwards, King Hassan’s eyes flashed a red light that contained endless killing intent, “Then, the man with the cursed wrist, hand over your head!” “”
“Hassan the Curse Arm was not surprised at all, and he had no intention of resisting at all. He just lowered his head respectfully, “Yes, Hassan the Curse Arm is willing to accept punishment. “”
“”Wait a minute, Mr. Wang Hassan! Kashimayou shouted in shock, “Why did you want to cut off Hassan’s head?” ! “”
“”My face is the death of the old man, my sword is the judge of the old man, you magician… I am the old man of the mountain among the old men of the mountain, and I am Hassan who killed Hassan! “Wang Hassan said flatly, “The old men in the mountains all saw my mask when they were dying, and no one can escape from my sword. “”
“”Therefore, the fact that Hassan of that era asked me for help was tantamount to declaring that ‘I am no longer qualified to be an old man in the mountain’. Need to be stripped of the mask of the old man of the mountain. “”
“”Why is this…” Kashima Yu bit his lip and looked at Curse Wrist Hassan, “Curse Wrist, you clearly knew this would happen, yet you still brought us here! “”
“Suddenly, Kashima Yu clenched his fists and said to Wang Hassan, “If this is the case, we don’t need help!” Is it possible not to take the life of the cursed wrist? “”
“Hassan the Cursed Wrist remained silent because he didn’t know where to start.”
“”Curse Wrist, although you are only a compatriot for a while, you have not explained your fate to them. Sure enough, you haven’t changed at all, you always give up too early. “”
“Wang Hassan slowly put down the giant sword he raised, “Raise your head, Cursed Wrist, you who have already lost face, you can’t continue to lose your composure…Fulfill your duties with this group of people, when it’s done , I will cut off your head again. “”
“…” Cursed Wrist Hassan suddenly raised his head, looked at King Hassan in disbelief, and after a while, he said firmly, “Thank you so much! I swear only in the name of the old man in the mountain, I will definitely complete the mission! “”
“Wang Hassan did not reply, but urged, “Go to the Atlas Court as soon as possible, the time left is running out. “”
“Then, King Hassan disappeared in front of everyone again.”
“After Wang Hassan disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, the conversation with Wang Hassan really made people feel uncomfortable… That kind of oppressive feeling is really notCommon people can have. ”
“After leaving the Azrael Temple, Sanzang stretched his waist and said happily, “Finally back under the sun, although it’s a bit scary, but everyone is fine!” “”
“”Yeah, it’s good that everyone is fine…Even I didn’t expect that I could keep this head. Hassan the Curse Wrist touched his neck and sighed.”
“”Wang Hassan is too scary…” Kashima Yu smiled wryly.”
“”That is the leader of the 19 old men in the mountains in the past. It must be scary. Hassan the Cursed Wrist smiled, and then pointed to Hassan who was beside him, “Compared to this, Kashima, can you take care of An Mi?” She has been like that since just now, and you are the only one here who can get close to Tranquility. “”
“Kashima Yu cast his gaze away, only to see Serenity Hassan lowering his head, muttering incessantly, “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…””
Chapter 601: The Village in Flames
“Quiet is completely Siegflying.” Kato Megumi sighed, “It has completely become a ruthless sorry machine. But then again… that King Hassan is really scary, just take a look.” They’re all trembling.”
The only problem was that the dignified assassin was actually wearing heavy armor, carrying a huge sword and a huge shield, which made her a little confused about the profession of assassin for a while.
But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Wang Hassan was standing in front of everyone so dignifiedly that only a few people could see him. This is basically considered invisible, right? !
If you can do this, even if you dress like a berserker, you can sneak in very easily.
“After Kashima Yu comforted Serenity Hassan, Serenity Hassan finally came out of that depressed state.”
“Afterwards, Roman’s communication was picked up again, “The communication was finally restored, what happened just now? Except for the state of Kashima, the sound and video are completely uncapturable! Who can tell me what happened. “”
“”Okay, doctor, I’ll report the situation…” Matthew quickly explained to Roman what happened during this time.”
“After listening, Roman nodded knowingly, “So that’s it, Atlas Academy…huh? “”
“As he spoke, Roman’s eyes widened, “Atlas Academy? Is it the Atlas Academy I know? ! “”
“Matthew nodded heavily and said, “If nothing else happens, the Atlas Academy we know is right! “”
“”Atlas Institute, if I remember correctly, it seems to be the manufacturer of Trismegistes? “Kashima Yu asked uncertainly.”
“”Yes, senior, to analyze Chaldeas’s spirit computer…the maker of the pseudo-spirit calculator Trismegistes is the Atlas Academy! Matthew nodded approvingly, “It’s really thanks to you, senior, for remembering.” After all, it is such a long name. “”
“”Well…the Atlas Academy in this era, no, the Sun King’s desert is from BC, right? In other words, this is the Atlas Academy in BC, and I always feel very dangerous. said Roman with a sigh.
“Does the doctor object to our going there? “Kashima Yu asked.”
“But Roman shook his head, “No, since you can know the truth about the Lion King and the purpose of the round table when you get there, then there is no reason to object! Go, go to the Atlas Court! “”
“After deciding on the course of action to go to the Atlas Institute, everyone headed towards the East Village. No matter how you say it, you have to go back to the village first.”
“Fortunately, when going down the mountain, it’s always easier than going up the mountain, and we haven’t encountered wild beasts, monsters or anything, so everyone didn’t spend another two days. Instead, when the night just fell on the second day, it was almost We’ve arrived at East Village.”
“But at this moment, as an archer, who naturally has the sharpest vision, Fujita suddenly exclaimed, “Wait, what happened? ! “”
“”Your Excellency Fujita, did you find anything strange? asked Bedivere.”
“”It’s fire! The flames can be seen from the direction of the village! “Fujita said quickly, “There are countless torches moving quickly, and those holding the torches are… the solemn knights of the holy capital! “”
“”what? ! “”
“Everyone showed panic. Arash is the only one in the East Village now! Once the solemn knights attack the East Village, what will happen is self-evident!”
“”Your Excellency Kashima, I will go ahead! Hassan the Cursed Wrist said hastily, “Quiet, protect Lord Kashima well.” Then……””
“Curse-wrist Hassan looked at Bedivere and the others, and said pleadingly, “Your Excellency Sanzang, Your Excellency Fujita, Your Excellency Bedivere, I beg you, please help the people in the village!” please! “”
“” You don’t need to say that! Fujita, let’s go! “Master Sanzang lost the previous smile, said without hesitation, and ran out first.”
“Bedwell nodded heavily, before he even had time to speak, he hurriedly ran towards the East Village.”
“Looking at the accelerated pace of the three of them, Hassan, the cursed arm, disappeared in place after a few flashes.”
“”Senior…” Mash looked at Kashima Yu.”
“” We also speed up! “Kashima Yu said immediately, although as an ordinary human being, she really can’t run very fast, but she will try her best to speed up!”
“Quiet Hassan said, “I will lead the way, Mr. Kashima, please follow me!” “”
“When Kashima Yu, Matthew, Jing Mi rushed to the East Village, the entire East Village was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, with countless corpses lying on the ground, those eyes filled with fear and hatred seemed to beComplaining about the injustice of this world. ”
“”How could this be… unexpectedly, it’s so excessive…” Matthew clutched the shield tightly, tears slipped from the corners of her eyes unconsciously.”
“These people held a banquet with them just a few days ago. Everyone happily ate delicious food together and happily exchanged common topics.”
“But now, they have all turned into corpses…”
“”Oh oh oh! Hassan’s distressed voice came to their ears in the sea of ​​flames, “There is no one in this village who can be called a soldier!” Here are just some people who escaped from the sky and longed to continue to live, that’s all! But you… the soldiers of the Lion King started killing old and weak women and children? ! “”
“”anyone there? There are still people who are alive… well, ahem. Kashimayou yelled a few times, but was choked by the billowing smoke, “The fire and smoke are too big…you can’t see clearly at all. By the way, what about Arash? “”
“”Yes, Mr. Arash should protect this village, but what about others? Matthew also reacted, and at the same time, she began to have a bad premonition in her heart.”
“She would never believe that Arash abandoned the village and ran away! But if it’s not about running away, then…”
“But Quiet Hassan said suddenly, “There are mostly dead men on the ground… I guess Lord Arash led them to resist the Serious Knights! By the way, I heard that this village has caves for evacuation. If Lord Arash organized a resistance, then most of the villagers should have already moved towards the caves for evacuation! “”
“”Then, Arash…” Kashima Yu pursed his lips, with a look of grief in his eyes, Arash might not be here anymore.”
“Just then, a familiar voice rang in their ears.”
“”The great archer has passed away… Ah, I am saddened. Obviously got the chance to compete with such a great hero, but was interrupted by Lancelot with a sneak attack. “”
“Under the hateful eyes of Kashima Yu and others, the red-haired Knight of the Round Table, Tristan, slowly walked up to Kashima Yu, “Really, it made me so sad that I couldn’t help smiling. “”
Chapter 602: The Man
“”It was the Knight of the Round Table who killed the drunk Hassan! “Kashima Yu’s eyes widened, the man in front of her has brought her a great psychological shadow!”
“”Tristan, knight of the round table, came to take your heads. “Tristan said with quite a sigh, “Life is impermanent, and sometimes, meeting also means parting, but this is a helpless thing. Killing or being killed is the normal state of war. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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