“”I will deal with the villagers hiding in the cave after I have dealt with you… Your fate is to be burned to the ground together with this shabby village. “”
“”Aren’t you going to let go alone? Why do you have to do this? ! “Quiet Hassan asked Tristan angrily.”
“”The human beings who were scheduled to die after the complete end of Shengba, they just died a period of time earlier, why should they be sad? In addition, do you still have such an aftertaste to question me? Poison girl… don’t you wonder how we got here? ” Tristan said coldly.”
“”what do you mean? “Quiet Hassan asked, frowning.”
“”Hmph, it’s because you rashly acted together with them that we were able to find this place! When I arrived at the fortress, my strings could only trace your footsteps alone. If you escaped alone, this kind of thing would not happen. “”
“”What did you say? ! “Quiet Hassan’s eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief, “It’s because of me that you…””
“That’s right, it’s all your fault! You should have confessed everything in that prison cell, and died alone! An ant should be like an ant, a slave should be like a slave, you should have weighed yourself long ago. “The corner of Tristan’s mouth curled up and said softly.”
“”Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! “Quiet Hassan covered his head, and the whole person fell into madness.”
“If it wasn’t for her, these villagers should be enjoying the night food at this moment… If it wasn’t for her, these villagers should be talking to family and friends at this moment… If it wasn’t for her, these villagers should be walking in the night…”
“It’s all her fault, it’s all her fault… everything is her fault!”
“Unprecedented guilt and self-blame filled her whole heart in an instant.”
“Just when she was about to be completely swallowed by this despair, Kashima Yu’s angry shout dispelled the shadow in her heart like thunder.”
“Stop talking nonsense to me! You were the ones who killed the villagers, you were the ones who burned the village, and you were the ones who turned this land into hell! What face do you have to say here that Tranquility is the sinner! “”
“”That’s right! Miss Jing Mi, please don’t be fooled by him! Matthew also stared at Tristan viciously, “Moreover, it’s not just Miss Tranquil who has been followed, but all of us have been followed!” Therefore, all of us have the obligation to defeat this knight! “”
“”Um? Tristan, who had been expressionless all this time, was finally moved, “This breath… how is it possible, is that man here too?” The only Knight of the Round Table chosen by the Holy Grail who did not respond to the call of the Lion King! “”
“After being surprised, Tristan lowered his eyes and said coldly, “Well, if this is fate, then use this bow to identify your authenticity! Whether you are that man or not depends on your screams Tell it.”
“Before the words fell, Tristan’s fingers had already plucked his bowstring, and with the melodious sound of the piano, several vacuum arrows that could not be seen by the naked eye tore through the air, and went straight to Matthew and Jing Jing. Come.”
“Mash immediately waved the shield in his hand, blocking those vacuum arrows one by one.”
“Every time I received the impact of the vacuum arrow, Mash felt numb in both arms. It was not an ordinary attack. Every blow had the power to split mountains and rocks!”
“If it were an ordinary person, just being hit would instantly split the armor in two!”
“And more importantly, his speed of plucking the bowstring is extremely fast, and he can shoot more than a dozen vacuum arrows in just an instant!”
“Although Mash was able to block every time, he was completely suppressed by the tempest-like attack rhythm, and was completely unable to counterattack! If this continues, there is no doubt that when the physical strength is exhausted, there will only be defeat This is the way to go!”
“Quiet Hassan also noticed this, and immediately threw several daggers in his hand…but Tristan only needs to free up a few vacuum arrows to block all of those daggers.”
“Although Mash will be more relaxed, the situation of being suppressed has not changed.”
“”Well! So strong! Quiet Hassan said tremblingly and horrified, “It’s obvious that I just plucked the bowstring like a musical instrument, but the vacuum arrows I shot could easily knock down my dagger… This power must be able to easily tear apart the enemy. ! “”
“Matthew’s expression is even more ugly, “Not only is he powerful…he also has the blessing of the Lion King!” “”
“”That’s right…ah, it’s really sad, although I didn’t intend to use this blessing on you, but this is not a power that I can freely control, but a ruthless power that I will sway mercilessly even in the face of the weak Blade… I am so sad that I have to send the unblessed to Hades again. “”
“As Tristan spoke, he plucked the bowstring again.”
“That’s it, Tristan! “”
“With a roar of anger, Bedivere’s right arm shone with golden light, fell from the sky, and struck Tristan’s chest!”
“”! ! ! “Tristan was startled. If he can’t dodge this attack, even he won’t be able to please him!”
“He didn’t care about continuing to suppress Mash, and stepped back quickly, and the golden light was only an inch away from his chest! Thinking that he almost died in such a place, even the ruthless Tristan couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t help but tremble in my heart.”
“He was summoned with great difficulty, and finally had a new life… He has already sworn that this time he must offer his undying loyalty to the king this time!”
“No matter what, he doesn’t want to die here!”
“However, he almost died here! Who the hell is he?!”
“Tristan, who has always been calm, opened his eyes and looked at the person who attacked him with anger.”
“And when he saw the man’s face clearly, he fell into a sluggish state, “Could it be a dream…Bedwell, I didn’t expect you to appear on this battlefield, and you were waiting with us.” hostility! Ahhh…I’m so sad…this is such a sad thing! “”
Chapter 603 Please turn on the microphone to communicate
“” Sad? There is nothing more sad than what you are doing now! Mrs. Tristan… People like you would actually lay hands on unarmed villagers and set fire to the village… Has the dignity of the Round Table fallen to the bottom? Or is this what the king means now? ! “”
“Bedwell said with a sad face and anger mixed in his tone.”
“”madness! As a knight of the round table, wouldn’t he attack innocent villagers? Knight Bedivere, this is a huge misunderstanding! In Britain, our merciful King did advise us…but never forbid! “”
“There was a smile on the corner of Tristan’s mouth. I don’t know if he is mocking Bedivere’s innocence, or the bright side of the Knights of the Round Table.”
“”You only saw Wang Guangming’s side, so you can’t understand the real horror of that lord! ‘The king doesn’t understand people’s hearts’, how many times do you want me to say this sentence? ! “”
“” Tristan! ! ! “Unspeakable anger appeared on Bedivere’s face, he would never allow anyone to say that about that gentle and kind king no matter what!”
“Although the current king is different, he still cannot accept someone insulting the former king!”
“Especially the person who said that is a knight of the round table!”
“Under the influence of that anger, his arm burst into unprecedented brilliance.”
“The right arm collided with Tristan’s demon string Fernault, making a crisp sound, and the two of them were in a stalemate like this, constantly increasing their strength, trying to overwhelm each other.”
“”This anger… I didn’t expect that you, who are so gentle, would release such murderous aura. It seems that I just hit your pain point. And that right arm, it looks like a pretty powerful Noble Phantasm… From this point of view, I can’t show mercy. “”
“”I didn’t expect that I would have to use my own hands, and I would have to use this bow, to kill the knights who were chatting around the same round table… Killing the knights who once fought against many powerful enemies side by side, the pain will never heal…” ”
“As he spoke, Tristan’s tone softened, “Mr. Bedivere, when I think of penetrating you,Binding, cutting off… the chest is like being torn apart, ah, what a sorrow! So, can you reconsider? Return to the king’s seat. “”
“Emmmmmm…” Ebina Hime tilted her head and began to think.
Obviously, when Tristan wanted to kill Gao Wen, he didn’t hesitate at all, and even looked eager… Why was he reluctant to do it when he got to Bedwell? He even offered to surrender!
Gao Wen: Please turn on the microphone to communicate.
“Although I really want to win the CP of this pair, I haven’t figured out whether Bedivere is a man or a woman! Judging from the voice, it should be a man, but from the appearance, Bedivere is too similar My gentle big sister!”
Ebina Hime directly scratched her head and began to struggle. It was the first time she wanted to knock CP but couldn’t because the other party’s gender was unknown!
“…” Bedivere pursed his lips, and there was a little sadness in his lake-green eyes, “I also feel the same way. Although you are a pessimistic person, when fighting side by side, no one can be like you.” This works well with me. Whether it’s defense, offense, or anything else. “”
“”Yes, that’s right, we…” Tristan paused for a moment, then said softly, “We are not only companions, but also friends…I’m right, Sir Bedivere. “”
“”certainly! We’re friends! “Bedwell said firmly.”
“Hearing that, Tristan also had a smile on his face, but Bedivere’s next words froze his smile.”
“”Because I’m a friend, I can’t forgive you for this behavior! If what you have done has the permission of the Lion King, then I will step over your dead body and question the Lion King! “”
“…” After a long silence, Tristan said with a sigh, “It’s really sad…There is nothing more sad than the fact that Lord Bedivere wants to see the current king. Even I, who is called the Son of Sorrow, can’t look straight. “”
“”So, I won’t have any hesitation about killing you here! Saving a friend from tragedy is part of friendship! “”
“Tristan’s tone suddenly became extremely cold. I saw his arm not moving, but his fingers slid gently on the bowstring, and a dozen vacuum arrows shot out here!”
“”Be careful! Matthew exclaimed and immediately waved his shield to block these attacks for Bedivere.”
“Thank you, Mash. “Bedwell retreated quickly, allowing Matthew to resist the attack for him, and then he gave a soft drink, stepped hard on his feet, and jumped into the air, and his right arm burst into light again.”
“This time, it’s not an ordinary attack, but a Noble Phantasm!”
“Hold its sword, silver arm! “”
“Bedwell’s right arm erupted with terrifying power, and the radiance even overshadowed the raging flames of the entire village, illuminating the entire valley!”
“However, vaguely, Matthew seemed to smell the burning smell again.”
“”drink! “Bedwell yelled and swung his right arm down, the dazzling light seemed to swallow Tristan completely!”
“After the radiance completely dissipated, Tristan appeared in front of everyone, although he was embarrassed, but almost unscathed.”
“”How come…” Kashima Yu said in amazement, Bedivere’s treasure can even break Gawain’s defense, how could it not break Tristan’s defense?!”
“Matthew glanced worriedly at Bedivere, who was panting heavily. She could feel that the power of Bedivere’s treasure this time has dropped too much compared to before!”
“Ah, I feel sad… the sound of burning flesh and bones, it’s too… how sad! ” Tristan said full of grief, “Although I don’t know how you got this arm, but this power is too extravagant for you. “”
“”Ha…ha…” Bedivere kept panting, and his vision seemed to start to blur.”
“He gritted his teeth lightly, feeling a surge of sadness involuntarily in his heart. Did he stop here? If so, how did he reach the throne of the Lion King?”
“”Although it wasted some time, forget it, the ending will not change anyway. You just disappear here, and the useless resistance ends here. Tristan raised his head slowly and looked up at the sky, “The time has come, please look at the western sky… You can accept your fate with regret.” “”
“The king’s punishment has come! “”
Chapter 604 Food power is still very trustworthy
“”What, what…” Kashima Yu hurriedly looked towards the western sky, only to vaguely see a golden beam of light descending from the sky.”
“And the location where it landed…”
“”It’s the direction of West Village! Quiet Hassan seemed to have thought of something, and said in horror, “That’s the punishment of the Lion King!” “”
“The beam of light landed on West Village, the earth-shattering sound could be heard even here, and the dazzling brilliance even filled the entire world!”
“”How could this be… West Village was swallowed by light…” Matthew said tremblingly, she thought of the countless potholes she had seen on that wild land, and every pothole there was It was caused by the punishment of the Lion King!”
“Under the impact of that kind of power, the village of the West… I’m afraid it has been reduced to nothing!”
“”This is the sanction of the Lion King, the Pillar of Purification of the Holy Spear Rungomigniad. I am so sad… There is no reason, no words, existence itself is a beautiful thing, and it makes people so sad…””
” Tristan lamented, “As you can see, that littleThe village of the Mountain People has disappeared… and this village will be next. “”
“”Mr. Tristan…you are not crazy, are you? ! So, is that what King Arthur did? ! “Bedwell looked at Tristan in disbelief, and angrily said.”
“Tristan opened his eyes, “Of course! How can you carry out Su Zheng if you are not conscious! In order not to leave anyone alive, my king made a holy judgment! That king has completely abandoned his heart! “”
“Ignoring everyone’s shocked expressions, Tristan said indifferently, “Five minutes later, the king’s punishment will fall on this mountain… Sure enough, it is still too difficult for me to kill you with my own hands, so let you Die under the king’s punishment. Goodbye, Lord Bedivere… No, I probably will never see you again. “”
“As the words fell, a large number of solemn knights have come around the crowd and surrounded them.”
“Obviously, these solemn knights want to contain them and prevent them from having the slightest chance of escaping.”
“Then Tristan left here slowly. In his opinion, there is no need to stay here any longer.”
“Oh, quiet! Hassan the Cursed Arm suddenly rushed over, attacking the solemn knights from the outside, and at the same time shouted anxiously, “I can feel a terrifying heat in the sky, it’s almost too late… But there is one thing that must be done do things, you know? “”
“Quiet Hassan nodded solemnly, “I know, Lord Kashima and the others must be allowed to escape!” “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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