“”No problem. The Lion King appeased Agguiwen, and then said, “This is the wish of a knight who has performed tasks for a long time but does not ask for any praise, and I shall allow it.” “”
“”…” Agguiwen’s face turned black as if he had eaten a fly, “I obey, my king. Sir Lancelot, you are allowed to speak, speak. “”
“”Your Majesty, this time, at the request of Sir Tristan, I attacked the village of the rebels, because there were rebels who invaded the main gate of the holy capital hidden in that village. Lancelot hesitated, but finally asked, “My lord, why did you use the Holy Lance?” “”
“”In this battle, even Sir Tristan’s fire seems excessive, and it would be too cruel to lower the light of punishment on top of it. Why do you treat that village like this, please tell me your true meaning. “”
“”If it’s not your decision, but someone other than you… the ministers present must also be very concerned about it, right? Wang’s judgment was whether he was seduced by someone. “”
“Lancelot’s words are almost blunt. Aggression is a treacherous minister. He only knows how to lure the Lion King to do all kinds of cruel things.”
“Of course Aggraine understands this too, he narrowed his eyes slightly, “Mr Lancelot, you don’t seem to have any deep meaning in what you said. “”
“Lancelot snorted coldly, “Only those with evil thoughts think so, we don’t need suspicious people at the round table!” “”
“…you bastard! “After a long silence, Aggavin glared at Lancelot like an angry tiger, and he even put his hand on the hilt of his sword.”
“Stand back, Aggavin! “The Lion King stopped his action in time, and said helplessly, “I don’t know why, once you face Lancelot, you are always so impatient. “”
“”Mr. Lancelot, I will answer your questions. Listen well, knights, I mean all the solemnity by the Holy Lance. “”
“”The reason why the Holy Judgment has never been lowered in the residential area before is very simple. Once the village is destroyed, it will only intensify the fire of resistance and increase their cohesion, causing them to be able to assemble an army capable of invading the holy capital. . That would just waste my time waiting. “”
“”After all, we have to open the tower of the end before the king who is completely burned by humanism enters the next stage… And now, the Holy Lance has entered the final stage, and the tower of the end can finally accept us. “”
“”In other words, we don’t need to worry about the people of the mountain to waste our time, so I directly punished that village. “”
“”Any objections, Sir Lancelot? “”
Chapter six hundred and seventh different treatment
“”But, in this case, there is no need for a Holy Judgment! Lancelot said hastily, “If they can enter the Tower of the End, then they won’t have any influence on us at all, and naturally there is no need to take their lives!” “”
“No, whether they will affect us or not is uncertain at this moment… because, under my king’s holy judgment, they are still alive! “Tristan walked into the palace and said coldly.”
“”You say they are still alive under my king’s sanction? ! “Aggie Wen said in disbelief, “This is impossible!” How could anyone among them be able to block my king’s holy spear! “”
“”But there is indeed one of them—Arash Kamango, who is equal to me… no, a hero far above me! ” Tristan said with some admiration.”
“”real or fake? He is obviously a bastard who likes to preach to people, but his strength is quite powerful. ” Mordred yelled excitedly.”
“” Mordred, shut up! Aggressive said angrily, “Mr. Tristan, is the Arash you mentioned such a powerful man?” “”
“Yes, it is indeed remarkable. Moreover, he is also the opponent I asked Sir Lancelot to crusade against… It seems that both I and Lancelot were too naive, and as a result, the rebels survived and left the building Mountain. “”
“”The only thing I know is that they are headed for the desert… presumably intending to join forces with Osmandis, which is the worst of all possibilities. “”
“Tristan nodded and said with a sigh.”
“What a mistake! What are you going to do, Lancelot! “Aggevin immediately became furious, and selectively forgot Tristan’s mistake, and only reprimanded Lancelot.”
“”…” Lancelot was naturally aware of the discriminatory treatment of Aggavin, but he did not argue, but said directly, “Needless to say, it is natural to go to track down the rebels and capture them! Please wait for me to wash away my stigma before lowering the punishment. At that time, I will hand over this head to the king! “”
“Don’t think about it, you idiot! The pursuit will be handed over to others, and you will not be given any more chances! “Ageguiwen turned his head and said to Gao Wen, “Gao Wenqing, arrest Lancelot, immediately relieve him of his post, and sentence him to confinement!” “”
“”…” After a moment of silence, the Lion King directly ignored Agguiwen’s words and said to LanceLott asked, “Can you catch up?””
“Of course, I swear by my sword—Arondette! “Lancelot nodded solemnly.”
“”king! “Aggewen looked at the Lion King in disbelief. He didn’t understand why the king always trusted this man so much…even if this man did that kind of thing!”
“The Lion King didn’t pay attention to Agravin’s gaze, and said blankly, “Lancelot, I ordered you to hunt down the rebels. The wall of the royal city is about to appear, and it is time to come back before that. “”
“”Yes! “After Lancelot agreed, he turned and left the palace.”
“Aggevin glared at the departing Lancelot, and the anger in those eyes could not be dissipated.”
“”Don’t be so excited, Aggravin, as long as it is handed over to Lancelot, there will be no problem. “Although the Lion King’s tone was still calm, he said as if he was relieved.”
“”Maybe that’s the case…you always trust him so much. “The anger on Agguiwen’s face gradually dissipated, and he bowed his head respectfully to the Lion King, “I overstepped, please forgive me, my king. “”
“After waiting for Agravin’s mood to stabilize, Tristan continued, “Secretary Agravin, there is one more thing, can I continue to report it? “”
“What is it, what else can it be? ! “Aggewen has stabilized on the surface, but in fact he is still a little irritable.”
“Among the rebels, there is that one… the one-armed knight, the most loyal person in the round table, our ally, the knight Bedivere! ” Tristan said in a deep voice.”
“Both Gawain and Mordred were silent, but Agravin said in disbelief, “What did you say? ! Bedwell? Why did that guy show up and be a rebel? ! This is impossible! “”
“Hahaha, it’s impossible…but it’s true. ” Mordred said with a smile.”
“” Mordred, did you already know? “”
“Hearing Agguiwen’s question, Mordred moved his head in embarrassment, “Ah, that, I don’t think this matter is so important! Didn’t you see that Gao Wen didn’t say anything? “”
“Ageguiwen frowned slightly, “So that’s how it happened, the battle in front of the main gate…Gao Wenqing, what’s going on? Why not report this to us, not to the king? “”
“Originally I intended to report this to the king. Gao Wen shook his head and said, “However, later I thought that the king hadn’t summoned him in the first place. Since he was a weak person who was not summoned, it was a trivial matter and there was no need to report it.” Am I wrong, Sir Aggressive? “”
“…” Agguiwen said in a cold voice after being silent for a moment, “Indeed, even if that man becomes an enemy, it won’t be a big deal. Thanks for your hard work, Gao Wenqing, go back and guard the main entrance. Sir Tristan please take charge of the security of the city, and Sir Mordred continues to sweep the forces around the holy capital. “”
“After Agguiwen gave the order, the three of them responded one after another, and then left the palace.”
“In the end, there were only two people left in the palace, Agguiwen and the Lion King. Agguiwen lowered his head and said respectfully, “My lord, please forgive my rude and noisy behavior in front of the imperial court. Please don’t pay attention to the matter of Lord Bedwell, maybe it’s just that Sir Tristan made a mistake… Assuming that it is really Lord Bedwell himself, then you only need to welcome him to the round table again. “”
“From here, it can be seen that Aggavin’s attitude towards Bedivere is completely different, at least a hundred times better than his attitude towards Lancelot… because, he knows, Bedivere is a Knight of the Round Table What a loyal existence in the world!”
“However, facing the persuasion of Agguiwen, the Lion King said in a daze, “What were you talking about just now? Bedivere…who is that? “”
“”…” Agguiwen raised his head suddenly, staring blankly at the Lion King, bewildered.”
“On the other side, Kashima Yu, Matthew, Bedivere, Master Sanzang, and Fujita have broken into the desert, and have been walking in it for a long time.”
“Before this, they received information from Hassan Baimao from one of the mountain people, saying that a suspicious person was found near the ruins. The person was wearing a turban and wearing a black cloak Clothes are the appearance of a Westerner, and maybe they can be a guide.”
Chapter 608: As expected of the blessing of the Buddha
“”Well, the sand has run into the eyes…” Kashima Yu blinked a little uncomfortable, the sandstorm all over the sky is still exactly the same as before.”
“It can be said that if Ma Xiu hadn’t been protecting her, she wouldn’t just be blinded by the sand at this moment, she might be blown into the sky by the wind and sand, and then buried in the sand again, turning into a white bone. ”
“Senior, please be careful. Matthew used a shield to block the wind and sand for Kashima Tour, while looking around for the suspicious figure, “It is said to be a Westerner wearing black cloak-like clothes, but I didn’t see it at all. “”
“Well, there is one thing I have to say…” Fujita said with a wry smile, “Have you seen Sanzang? “”
“”Eh? “”
“Everyone looked around in surprise, only to find that there was no sign of Sanzang at all!”
“Where did Master Sanzang go? “Kashima Yu shouted in panic, this is a desert, once you get lost, you can almost associate with the word death! Even if Sanzang is a follower, this situation will not be much better!”
“Just when everyone was panicking, Sanzang’s panicked shout suddenly came from not far away, “Wow, what is this! Why do lions have human faces on their faces? And there will be a flash of light in the eyes! don’t come hereI’m CASTER, I’m not a servant here to fight with you! “”
“Kashima Yu smiled wryly, “Sanzang really often encounters monsters…””
“Afraid of any accidents, everyone hurried to the voice.”
“But unexpectedly, when they arrived, the monster had already been repelled by Master Sanzang alone.”
“When Sanzang saw the crowd coming, he ran up to Fujita and complained, “Really, Fujita, you are such a big person, why do you still get lost! Listen well, always pay attention to Master, and only those who do not lose sight of Master can be regarded as good disciples! “”
“L Fujita smiled wryly, “Although I really want to refute, but I have already begun to feel that it is completely meaningless to refute… Sanzang, you are indeed a good master. I have never seen a monk like you who can make his disciples work hard. “”
“”Hey~ Are you complimenting me? ” Sanzang directly ignored the teasing in Fujita’s words, and said with a smile.”
“”Speaking of which, the monster Miss Sanzang encountered just now is a sphinx, right? Matthew asked, if a lion has a human face on its face, and its eyes can shoot light, then it is definitely the mythical beast under the Sun King – the Sphinx!”
“”Yes! “Kashimayou’s eyes lit up. The Atlas Institute is located in the territory of the Sun King, so it’s not surprising that there are sphinxes around there, right? It’s more likely that there are a lot of sphinxes. It will be the Atlas Academy!”
“”Miss Sanzang, where is the Sphinx? “”
“Having figured this out, Kashima Yu hurriedly asked.”
“”Sphinx? Sanzang blinked, “Is it that strange animal?” If that’s the case, there are a lot of them over there! “”
“A group of people followed Sanzang’s fingers and saw that it was a particularly high sand dune. Near the sand dune, a large number of Sphinx figures could be seen, as if they were on patrol.”
“”Oh! I have a hunch that there is the Atlas Court! Sanzang is so lucky, he deserves to be protected by the Buddha! “Kashima Yu shouted excitedly, it was beyond her expectation to find the Atlas Academy so quickly, there is nothing better than this!”
“”However, the problem is how to get in, just a few sphinxes, fighting against such a large group is definitely the way to death! We must find another way to enter. “Bedwell said worriedly.”
“”It would be nice to have the support of a doctor at a time like this. Matthew sighed, once they entered the desert, they couldn’t contact the doctor again, just like when they first entered the desert.”
“How about luring all these sphinxes out with Fujita’s rice? “San Zang suggested.”
“”You can think of all this… Sanzang, you better shut up. “Kashima Yu said speechlessly, that’s sphinx, if it’s meat, it’s fine, how can mere rice lure them out?”
“Why, I think my strategy should work! Sanzang shouted dissatisfied.”
“”Although delicious cuisine knows no borders, let’s forget it when facing Sphinx…” Even Mash was shocked by Sanzang’s whimsy.”
“Wait, I heard the sound of hooves! “L Fujita’s face changed suddenly, “A group of armed forces is coming to us!” This kind of heavy pressure is definitely the Knights of the Round Table! “”
“”Alas! ! There are Sphinxes in front, and Knights of the Round Table in the back… Kashima, what should we do? ” Sanzang fell into chaos again.”
“Her strength should be that of a top-level follower, but if this kind of personality that falls into chaos whenever something happens doesn’t change, I’m afraid she won’t be able to display her strength at all.”
“”I can only fight. Bedivere said in a deep voice, “Leave it to me here!” “”
“”is this OK? You shouldn’t have forgotten your current situation, right? ” Sanzang said worriedly, Bedivere has already reached the limit, if you continue to fight, you don’t know what the result will be.”
“Bedwell’s face remained unchanged, and he gently raised his right arm, “Don’t worry about me, as long as this spirit is still alive, I will never fall down!” “”
“While everyone was communicating, Lancelot came here with a large number of solemn knights.”
“Lancelot got off his horse, and a strong fighting spirit enveloped everyone present.”
“”Finally caught up with you, this is the third time I have confronted you. The first time was the pursuit of the holy capital, and the second time was the village of the mountain people. However, no matter which time, he failed to meet the leader of the rebels. Finally got this chance this time. “”
“He pulled out the sword Arondette from his waist, “Lancelot, the guerrilla knight of the round table, arrest you under the order of the Lion King!” To surrender or to resist? Regardless of the choice, I will accompany it to the end! “”
“Looking at this purple-haired, purple-armored man who looked like a gay man, Matthew’s eyes widened and he said in surprise, “Senior, I seem to… know that person very well? “”
“Very familiar? But isn’t Matthew an artificial human? You haven’t seen Lancelot, right?” Sakura Chiyo blinked, feeling a little strange, “Even if it’s the other Knights of the Round Table, Matthew doesn’t feel very familiar. Ah, it’s just that it’s hard to treat the other party as an enemy. Why is Lancelot different?”
Chapter 609: The Huge Queen
Nozaki Umetaro and Kashima Yu shook their heads, again, how could the two of them know something that you don’t even know?
Sakura Chiyo laughed dryly, and guessed softly, “Maybe it’s the Knight of the Round Table who merged with Mash, and has a good relationship with Lancelot, right?”
“”We did not surrenderplan, but before the battle begins, I have something to ask you. Knight Lancelot, on what grounds are you willing to serve the current king? “Bedwell walked to the front and asked Lancelot.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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