“”Bedwell…” Lancelot looked at the man in front of him in shock, “Is this a hallucination? Are you really Bedivere? “”
“”no, I can not! He suddenly shook his head and said, “Only you, only you will never betray the king!” Illusion, this must be an illusion! “”
“Bedwell’s face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask, “Assume that I am an illusion, but the question I asked is real… Back to me, Sir Lancelot, why would a knight like you serve the current The Lion King? “”
“”Gao Wenqing said that no matter what happens, he will believe me. Lord Mordred said that disobedience to the king was disrespectful. Tristan asserts that the king’s instruction was an act of mercy. So what do you think? Can the act of destroying the entire village with that beam of light be called what King Arthur did? “”
“”…” Lancelot fell into a long silence. In the end, he didn’t choose to answer, but directly ordered, “Everyone is ready to fight and start arresting the rebels!” “”
“”Lancelot, tell me your answer! ’ growled Bedivere.”
“That’s not what a king does! The object entrusted by my sword is the Knight King, not the Lion King! Lancelot also roared angrily, but he said again in a blink of an eye, “But this has nothing to do with the task of arresting you. If you want to make an excuse, go to the king’s court and say it!” “”
“You know it, but you still plan to fight us? “Bedwell said through gritted teeth.”
“Lancelot didn’t speak, but silently commanded the solemn knights under him.”
“Well, since that’s the case, let’s talk about it after the battle! “Bedwell took a deep breath and assumed a fighting stance.”
“And Matthew looked at Lancelot full of anger, “Senior, the knight Lancelot has entered a fighting stance!” Although I don’t know why, I just know that this guy is a super unreasonable person! “”
“When she said this, even Mash herself didn’t realize that her tone was full of resentment.”
“It made Lancelot feel uncomfortable all over, thinking desperately in his mind, did he mess with this little girl somewhere?”
“But soon, these strange thoughts flew out of his mind, because Mash’s attack has arrived!”
“He immediately swung his sword to block Mash’s attack, and then ordered, “All attack!” “”
“The solemn knights obeyed, raised their weapons and surrounded Kashima Yu and the others.”
“”Miss Sanzang, Fujita, the solemn knights are entrusted to you! Matthew, Bedivere, Lancelot, please! “Kashima Yu quickly assigned tasks to several servants.”
“”Understood! “Sanzang chuckled, and with a wave of his Zen staff, he knocked a solemn knight to the ground.”
“And Fujita also pulled out the sword from his waist, and fought head-on with the solemn knights… After all, an archer who can’t melee is not a qualified archer!”
“The two of them were fighting indiscriminately against the solemn knights, but Mash and Bedivere were caught in a bitter fight!”
“Lancelot’s defense is too high, beyond their imagination! Although it’s not as good as Gawain’s defense, it’s not much worse.”
“Facing the attacks of Matthew and Bedivere, Lancelot basically didn’t even dodge for a moment, and only when Bedivere saw the opportunity to use the treasure, he did it once. defense.”
“But in the face of Lancelot’s attack, Matthew and Bedivere had to dodge and defend… The rhythm of the battle was soon completely controlled by Lancelot.”
“It’s as hard as a turtle! Matthew couldn’t help cursing softly… She didn’t know what was wrong with herself, she was usually such a gentle and sensible person, but when facing Lancelot, she always had a feeling that she would be all over the place without scolding him. Uncomfortable feeling!”
“What is the relationship between this Lancelot and the heroic spirit in Matthew’s body? My cute little Matthew is so angry.” Kashima Yu breathed out.
When did Matthew, who is usually so gentle, swear? Now they will call people like turtles!
“”I’m afraid it’s also the blessing of the Lion King, right? “Bedwell’s face was very ugly. He wanted to use a treasure to break the other party’s blessing, but was blocked by Lancelot with the sword Arondette.”
“He wanted to use the Noble Phantasm again, but the current state of his body does not allow it.”
“”It’s better to catch them with nothing, this is the desert of the Sun King, and no mountain people will come to rescue you! Coming to this desert without authorization is the way to kill you! “”
“While Lancelot was speaking, several waves of Suzheng knights came and surrounded everyone… At this time, Sanzang and Fujita were also a little tired, and the efficiency of defeating the Suzheng knights was obviously slow many.”
“”Ahhhh, is it possible that he will be captured like this? Sanzang began to shout impatiently again.”
“Suddenly, a very majestic reprimand resounded in the sky.”
“What are you bastards doing? ! Don’t you know that this is the place that the Sun King likes? ! “”
“Accompanied by the loud noise, the desert where everyone was standing trembled violently! Wait until the tremor subsidesFinally, everyone looked up one after another, only to see an extremely tall phantom appearing in the sky… It was Queen Nitocris! ”
“My name is Nitocris! He was the pharaoh who was ordered by the Sun King to take care of the Atlas Court! Fear me, reverence me! If so, I can still let you live! “”
“”To be more specific, it means that you must either leave immediately, or surrender quickly! As you can see, I am powerful! “”
“”What a big Nitocris…” Kashima Yu looked at the huge phantom in a daze, but he couldn’t laugh or cry.”
“What Nitocris said, no matter how you think about it, it can only make people think that the cat uses the method of blowing hair to make others think that she is very powerful… To put it bluntly, it is a bluff.”
“However, she understands it because she knows Nitocris well.”
“As for the solemn knights, they obviously began to tremble, and even their formation faintly collapsed… After all, the phantom is really too huge! At a glance, their heads have even reached the clouds… In other words, this phantom is probably several thousand meters high!”
Chapter 610 This is just common sense
“One of the solemn knights said tremblingly, “Lan, Lord Lancelot… His Majesty the Lion King once said that as early as 14,000 years ago, there was a world-destroyer in the desert. Giant, could it be this guy? ! “”
“”Stupid, show me carefully, it’s a phantom cast by magic! She herself is not here, she is just operating from a distance! Lancelot scolded angrily, and asked the solemn knight to adjust the formation as soon as possible, “Don’t mess up the formation, adjust it for me quickly!” “”
“”This is a good opportunity, let’s go! “Kashima Yu shouted, calling everyone’s thoughts back.”
“Indeed, now is the best time. The formation of the solemn knights has collapsed, revealing several flaws.”
“When everyone realized this, they immediately dropped their opponents, turned around and ran away.”
“But is it really okay to just run away like this? Don’t you need to thank the giant? Sanzang shouted while running, “Thank you, someone I don’t know!” “”
“”If you have time to thank you, it’s better to run for your life!” What a hassle! ” Nitocris said dissatisfied.”
“Catch up quickly, don’t let them escape! “Lancelot shouted hastily, he wanted to catch up alone, but it is absolutely impossible to keep those people behind based on his own words!”
“”Yes! “The solemn knights also knew that they had made a huge mistake, so they didn’t dare to argue, and hurriedly chased there.”
“”Roar! “”
“The solemn knights hadn’t been chasing for long, and terrifying roars rang in their ears.”
“”what! Sphinx! Ahead here lies the lair of the Sphinx! Sir Lancelot, if you keep going, your life will be in danger! “”
“”Don’t panic! Form a phalanx with all members! Lancelot immediately ordered the solemn knights to line up, “Priority is given to annihilating the Sphinxes!” “”
“the other side……”
“Probably Queen Nitocris gave the Sphinx an order. Kashima Yu and the others passed through their lair easily without being hindered by the Sphinx.”
“Senior, we managed to escape. Matthew said happily, “Thanks to Nitocris, I have to ask her… ah! “”
“As Mash was talking, she suddenly screamed, and then disappeared in front of everyone.”
“Mash? ! “Lu Daoyou shouted quickly, “Did Matthew suddenly disappear just now? It’s like falling into a hole… Whoa! ! “”
“As we talked, Kashima Yu also fell.”
“Sanzang, Bedivere, and Tengta looked at each other. They already felt that something was wrong under their feet…but before they could make a move, they all fell down like dumplings in a pot.”
“It hurts…my ass. ” Kashima Yu grinned and rubbed her buttocks, she almost thought she was going to be thrown to death, “Is everyone alright? I just thought I heard several falling sounds. “”
“After hearing Kashima Yu’s inquiry, everyone responded one after another. Fortunately, no one was injured.”
“”I don’t know how to get out…” Kashima Yu sighed, what if I can’t get out?”
“Just as everyone was thinking about how to get out, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in the darkness, “Not bad, it seems that no one was injured, it’s great. Then I will light the lamp, maybe my eyes will be a little bit unbearable, and I hope you can understand. “”
“”Alas? Is there anyone else here? “”
“Just when Kashima Yu was surprised, flames rose up. After getting used to the sudden fire, everyone also saw clearly the person who appeared suddenly.”
“This is a man wearing white gloves, holding a pipe, and wearing a suit, like a gentleman.”
“Hey, everyone, welcome to the mysterious and ancient Atlas Court. The gentleman-like man laughed, “I am Sherlock Holmes, the most powerful detective in the world, and the only consulting detective. It is the crystallization of the concept of detective, the representative BIAO of “the person who finds out the truth”–it is also the last key that leads you to the truth! “”
“Who did he say he was?” Conan stared at the man in the video dumbfounded.
What followed was an indescribable ecstasy welling up in my heart!
“Holmes! This is Holmes! I saw Holmes!” Conan jumped up excitedly. Holmes is his idol!
“Xinyi, what are you doing, don’t jump around.” Mao Lilan said with a straight face, how happy he was like a child……even though he is a child now.
“”You are Ms. Kashima, and then you are Ms. Matthew, this is the follower Xuanzang Sanzang, and this is the follower Fujita. And this… oh, what a surprise, one of the Knights of the Round Table is your partner. “”
“Holmes said everyone’s names one by one, and his smiling face made people feel good. “It’s the first time we meet, Knight Bedivere. As a fellow townsman, I can’t help but feel a sense of intimacy. “”
“How do you know everyone’s names? “Kashima Yu scratched his head and asked puzzledly, did someone tell him?”
“It’s nothing, it’s just common sense, folks. “Holmes said his famous lines with a smile.”
“Oh! The famous line has appeared!” Conan cheered like a fan.
“”The one just now was a famous line, right? Sure enough, he is the real Mr. Holmes, right? “Kashima Yu also said with some surprise.”
“”Hahaha, of course, it’s true. said Holmes, drawing on his pipe, and laughing. “Besides, before we met, we had been in touch by means of intelligence. “”
“”intelligence? Matthew was taken aback for a moment, then realized, “Is it London?” “”
“”That’s right, when you were in London, you successfully obtained information about my stay in the Magic Association, right? At that stage, you should have accepted me as a Shadow Facilitator. “”
“”Ah, so it seems that Mr. Andersen said that before he investigated, someone had already sorted out the information. Kashima Yu also remembered what happened in London, “It turned out that Mr. Holmes did it.” “”
“”Yes, if the arrangement is too simple and easy to understand, it will be discovered by Maqili. So I sorted it out into an arrangement that only a wise person can have meaning when they seek their true purpose. said Holmes, nodding.
“”That is the information you must know, not as a bystander, but to become the solver of this murder! “”
“”murdering case? “Kashima Yu blinked, why did he suddenly say that a murder incident is coming?”
Chapter 611 Serving as President of Blue Star is now
“Yes, the murder incident! Even I have never experienced a super-large-scale event that completely kills human beings through the “incineration of human nature”. From now to the past, the number of victims has exceeded hundreds of billions… It is simply a myth-level killing event! said Holmes with a grave face.
“”In order to find out the truth of this incident, I need your assistance. But unfortunately, I still can’t make friends with you Chaldea… because I have accepted Babbage’s commission now. “”
“”But this is not a big deal, just treat it as cooperation. The battle is up to you heroes, and I’m the detective, and it’s my job to solve the puzzles. “”
“Hearing Holmes’ words, Kashima Yu was still a little confused, “It means that he is willing to help us, but he will not join us for the time being. Is this the understanding? Also, what exactly is a puzzle? “”
“”Hahaha, Ms. Kashima understands very well. As for the puzzles, don’t worry, I’ll teach you about that in a moment. ‘You must know everything’, that’s what the old man in the mountain should have said to you, right? Then you should go to the center of this academy. “”
“”The center is 500 meters underground, and the road is like a labyrinth. I will show you the way to the center. As for everyone, please use your body to eliminate the trap. “”
“Hahaha, it’s a seamless cooperation, come on, hurry up, infinite knowledge is waiting for us. “”
“Holmes said with a smile.”
“Although Bedivere doesn’t trust Holmes too much…the main reason is that he feels that the man in front of him is too much like Merlin!”
“But Kashima Yu doesn’t think there is any problem… Bedivere is very sad about this, it seems that he has never suffered from Merlin!”
“However, since Kashima Yu thinks there is no problem, Bedivere agrees to act together with Holmes.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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