“While on the way, Kashima Yu asked, “Holmes, do you know what the Atlas Court is? “”
“Well, that’s a good question. “Holmes nodded slightly and said, “That is the academy of alchemists based in the Atlas Mountains. It is also known as the giant’s cellar. A group of alchemists who are the ancestors of magic and the truth of the world. “”
“”It is said that although they are magicians, they are a group of apprentices who lack magic circuits. Therefore, in the process of learning magic, they seldom rely on magic power, but rely on a lot of props… This method is incompatible with modern science and technology. concepts are quite similar. “”
“”In addition, their motto is–‘We don’t need to be the strongest ourselves, we just need to create the strongest’. Based on this creed, they created many weapons. Among them, the most famous are the seven taboos spread in the magic world-the seven weapons that can destroy the world produced by the Atlas Institute! “”
“”The alchemists of the Atlas Institute repeated their inventions, created failed works, and piled up terrifying weapons. It can be said that this is a store of ‘magic dress’ that is incomparable anywhere on the ground.Storage library! How, do you have a little understanding of the Atlas Academy? “”
“A forbidden weapon to destroy the world, a treasure house piled up like a mountain! Is there such a good place?!” The eyes of the president of the beautiful country lit up like light bulbs.
If he got that kind of weapon, wouldn’t it mean that he could do whatever he wanted? Serving as the President of Blue Star is now!
“Secretary, order the army to go to Atlas Mountain to find some treasures and come back.”
Hearing what the president said, the secretary was speechless. The Atlas Mountains are in Africa! Not here!
Although in the eyes of their beautiful Chinese, that place is no different from their own territory… But the Atlas Institute is the site of a group of alchemists! There are still seven kinds of weapons to destroy the world in their hands! You still want to go get some treasures?
You think that our beautiful country has only been destroyed by Frieza once, and the number of times is too small, so you want to increase the number of times of destroying the country, right? Co-author, do you regard the number of times of country destruction as cultural heritage?
Listen to my advice, the water in the world of magicians is very deep, we can’t grasp it, it’s better to spend money to recruit some talents… Although it took so long and so much money, I didn’t recruit anything, but I can continue Work hard.
“”I probably understand that it’s a scary place…but why is it called the giant’s cellar? ” Kashima Yu scratched his head and asked.”
“”Well, in Greek mythology, isn’t there a giant who supports the sky? Its name is Atlas. In addition, the place where the academy is located is called Mount Atlas, and at the same time, the name of the Atlas Mountains comes from the giant. So the Atlas Academy and the Giant Atlas are easily associated, right? Although it doesn’t really have much to do with it. “”
“Hearing Holmes’ answer, Kashima Yu nodded slightly, and then asked again, “Speaking of which, there are no apprentices here at all, so they must be completely wiped out, right?” But I remember that Trismegistes, the spirit calculator in Chaldea, was still made by them. “”
“Sherlock Holmes shook his head, “According to my investigation, the Atlas Institute was active until the Humanities were burned down. The reason why there is no one here is probably because… No, I shouldn’t just talk about my speculations. When we get to the central part, we should naturally understand. “”
“”An underground academy full of puzzles, a research facility made with an unknown technological system… Is its true face an ideal shelter, or a huge tombstone? Why don’t we have expectations and move towards the truth. “”
“As a detective, as a truth finder, Holmes is now acting as a riddle, making Kashima Yu really bored.”
“”Speaking of which, it seems that Matthew girls can’t use Noble Phantasms, right? Is it because there are still some abilities that have not been mastered? “Holmes, who had just been a riddler, changed the topic and asked.”
“”Well, I’m ashamed to say… I don’t know the real name of the Heroic Spirit who lent me its power. Matthew said with a sigh, if she could use the real treasure, she wouldn’t have lost so badly in the battle with the Knights of the Round Table.”
“But Holmes said, “You are wrong to think like this. The real name is not a big problem. You can’t use the real Noble Phantasm, it’s just the wrong foot to take. However, please rest assured that this problem can be solved only a little bit. As long as I gather all the information, there is nothing I cannot find out. “”
“”…” After finishing speaking, Holmes fell into silence, and then smiled wryly, “Ah, I’m sorry, I boasted too much just now, and I actually have something that I don’t understand—that is the incident of burning human rights.” The prisoner, the true identity of the Magic King. “”
Chapter 612 Half Brothers and Sisters
“”After all, I don’t have any information about him at all. Although there are traces of him everywhere in the era, there is no way to connect those clues with King Solomon. “”
“”If there is someone who has met the King of Magic directly, I can compare whether he is the same as King Solomon… But it is impossible to find an eyewitness so coincidentally, it seems that it can only be deduced by intelligence Finally. “”
“Holmes shook his head and let out a long breath.”
“Kashima Yu and Mash looked at each other, it seems…the two of them are the witnesses.”
“”By the way, both Mash and I have seen the King of Magic. ” Kashima Yu smiled and raised his hand and said.”
“Holmes’ eyes lit up instantly, “So you are such important witnesses!” Please be sure to have a good talk with me! What is his appearance? What about the sound? What about the magic system? Most importantly… I want to know your immediate impressions of him! I hope you can recall well, no matter how trivial things are, is there anything strange about the King of Magic? “”
“What you said is indeed a bit…” Kashima Yu tilted her head, as if thinking about what words to use to describe it better, and finally she said, “I feel that the appearance of the Magic King seems to be missing something. “”
Matthew nodded and said, “Well, I feel the same way too! “”
“Is there something missing…” Sherlock Holmes said thoughtfully, “The reason why people who meet the King of Magic for the first time feel this way is that it is not a problem that is consciously found in the other party. But subconsciously aware of the problem of that level, right? “”
“”Excuse me, Miss Matthew, can I trouble you to draw a sketch while walking? I want you to draw a picture of the King of Magic you see. Originally, if you do this, you will be cursed, but this is the Atlas Academy, and it has perfect countermeasures against external curses, so it won’t cause any harm to you, so don’t worry. “”
“Matthew looked at theHe glanced at Kashima Tour, then nodded solemnly and said, “I understand… Although I am not very good at drawing, I will try my best to output the magic king we have seen on paper. In addition, Mr. Holmes, I can Would you like to add something?””
“Speak, Ms. Matthew. More information is always better. “Holmes motioned to Matthew.”
“Matthew then said, “I think back to our conversation with the Magic King, I feel that his words and deeds are not stable! He is sometimes violent, sometimes calm, and sometimes indifferent to us… In my opinion, he is like suffering from schizophrenia. “”
“”Um? Holmes raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked curiously, “Ms. Matthew, please tell me in detail, what kind of conversation did you have with him?” “”
“Afterwards, Matthew drew a sketch while talking to Holmes about the situation at the time.”
“After listening to everything, Holmes nodded lightly, “So that’s the case, thank you, Ms. Matthew, this is indeed very meaningful information. I’ve seen the tip of the iceberg of who the Magic King really is. “”
“No, you’re welcome, it’s my pleasure. Matthew said with a blushing face. In fact, she is also a fan of Sherlock Holmes… However, she is really embarrassed to reveal her fan identity in front of the Lord.”
“Oh, it turns out that Matthew is also a fan of Sherlock Holmes!” Conan said a little excitedly, “Then we are half brothers and sisters! It’s a pity, why are you ashamed to reveal your fan status? If it was me, I would definitely It takes several autographs! If possible, it’s better to have another detective showdown!”
Although he admires Holmes, he wants to win against Holmes even more!
“For Matthew’s shy attitude, Holmes smiled lightly and didn’t tease him. After all, he is a gentleman.”
“”Based on what you said, the Magic King probably has the nature of a ‘mirror’. A mirror that reflects the person standing before it, a mirror that reveals the same nature as the person speaking to it. “”
“”A rough man speaks to him, and he answers harshly. When a wise man speaks to him, he will respond sincerely. Cruel people will think him cruel, and gentle people will think she is gentle. “”
“”This should not be without self, and it is different from multiple personalities, schizophrenia and so on. The Magic King may have multiple attributes…and the number of multiple attributes may exceed our imagination! “”
“After listening to Holmes’ guess, Kashima Yu asked in surprise, “But, Matthew said, he also expressed his indifference to us, saying that life is worthless. Among all of us who were present at the time, there should be no one who had such an idea. “”
“”That’s the problem, and that’s what scares me, Ms. Kashima. “Holmes raised his eyebrows and said, “‘Indifference to human beings’ is probably not reflected in the mirror, but the truth of the King of Magic!” Because, he has completely destroyed human beings, and he has won the victory, so he is indifferent to human beings! “”
“”For the King of Magic, human burning is not an ongoing task, but a task that has ended! The fate of mankind should have ended, and mankind should not have the option of “fighting him”! “”
“”However, a miracle happened in the event of human incineration that was already over… Needless to say, it is you Chaldea! “”
“Because the human race is extinct, is it indifferent to us? “Kashima Yu’s face was a little ugly, and she couldn’t help thinking, if that’s the case, is their struggle really meaningful… Can the Magic King really be defeated?”
“But just a second after these thoughts arose, Kashima Yu shook his head and drove these distracting thoughts out of his mind. Don’t think too much, she just needs to continue to fight!”
“”That’s right, because for the Magic King, his task is no longer human incineration, but the next job. Holmes’ face was also a little gloomy, “What I’m worried about is exactly what his ‘next job’ is. “”
“”This matter can be said to be a perfect crime… After all, there are no informers, no police, no judges, all human beings are extinct, and only criminals are still at large! “”
“Did Holmes tell a bad joke, although no one can laugh…”
“Seeing that no one laughed, he also skipped this question very tacitly, and said as if encouraging, “Detectives are the existences that start their activities after the incident. Although they can solve the truth of the incident, they cannot overthrow it event. “”
“”But… Ms. Kashima, Ms. Matthew, you are different, only you can overthrow this largest-scale murder in history! The Magic King doesn’t believe this, and his contempt is one of the guarantees for your road to victory! “”
Chapter 613 Could it be an organization composed of spies and traitors?
“After being encouraged by Holmes, everyone mustered up their energy and moved on.”
“After smashing traps and defense machines one after another, everyone finally approached the central part.”
“”It’s almost here, everyone, please be happy, countless answers are waiting for us ahead. “Holmes said with a smile, “There are two reasons why the old man in the mountain sent you here. “”
“One is about this singularity, to give you knowledge about the Lion King and the Holy Lance. Second, it is about the seven singular points, or, it is the corner of the mystery of human nature burning. “”
“”No matter which of these two questions, I have already prepared the answer, but before that… I have a piece of advice, no, is a declaration! “”
“Holmes’ expression suddenly became extremely solemn.”
“Kashima Yu and the others all looked at each other. Although they didn’t know what Holmes was going to say, they knew that what they were going to say next must be a very important topic.”
“Seeing that everyone had made their plans, Holmes paused and said, “The biggest reason why I chose to meet you in this Atlas Court… is that Chaldea cannot observe here! Ugly words ahead, I don’t believe in Romani Achiman! “”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?” sakura chiyo was immediately numb, could it be that this seemingly gentle Roman is actually a big villain?” !
Could it be that Chaldea is an institution composed of spies and traitors?
“Although this kind of setting where the person who has always been a companion is finally revealed to be a villain is easy to touch the hearts of readers…but it seems too cliché to say that there is Professor Nozaki in the front and Dr. Roman in the back. Right?” Nozaki Umetaro complained with a straight face.
However, what is in this video is reality after all, not comics, even if it is cliche, he can’t say anything.
“Kashima Yu and Mash froze in place, and then both of them looked gloomy.”
“Mr. Holmes, I hope you will stop saying such things. “Kashima Yu said solemnly, and Mash looked at him with the same expressionless face.”
“When there was a serious shortage of talents in Chaldea, it was Dr. Roman who held multiple positions and worked hard. When she and Matthew returned to Chaldea, it was Dr. Roman who worked tirelessly to perform physical examinations for them. After they performed the spiritual transfer, it was Dr. Roman who observed their conditions almost day and night…”
“Although the person who said that was a veritable great detective… But why would she doubt the person who has been helping them and supporting them because of someone she only met once?”
“If Dr. Roman knew, how sad it would be.”
“The smile on Holmes’ face remained unchanged, and he said softly, “I can understand you too. Anyone who has just met will be angry when he hears that the person he spends day and night with is not trustworthy, right? But… well, I’ll leave it alone, let’s go to the central part of the Atlas Court first. “”
“During a moment of silence, everyone came to the central part of the Atlas Courtyard. It was a room with a rather strange shape, and there were many living materials needed by human beings in it.”
“There is a huge obelisk in the center of the room, and what is even more surprising is that the sky above the Atlas Court… turned out to be a blue sky! Even though it is hundreds of meters underground, it can be seen To the sky!”
“”A space that is almost the size of a city… It really opened my eyes. I didn’t expect to build such a huge hole underground. “Bedwell said in admiration, “Not only do we have all the supplies, we can even see the sky… Even if the sky is man-made, it can still make the apprentices feel very comfortable. “”
“But what’s in the middle? so big! Matthew looked at the obelisk in the center of the space in surprise.”
“”That is the largest recording medium of the Atlas Institute, a pseudo-spirit calculator three-pointed Hermes. Sherlock Holmes explained, “And it was also the prototype of Trismegistus, the spiritual calculator sent to Chaldea.” “”
“”That is the prototype? “Kashima Yu looked at the huge obelisk in surprise, which was much bigger than the one in Chaldea.”
“Holmes nodded and said, “Exactly, the one in Chaldea is just a copy of it. It is a photon crystal called the Philosopher’s Stone, and it is an Opazi that cannot be produced by the technology on the earth now. It was supposed to say hello to the staff here… But as you can see, this place is now deserted. I’m sorry, but I can only use it on my own. “”
“”Speaking of it, why is there no one? Holmes, didn’t you say that as long as you get to the central part, you can know the reason? “Kashima Yu asked.”
“”Indeed, it doesn’t look like it’s abandoned… After all, those materials are still very new, and the machines are still in normal operation. Matthew glanced around and said.”
“Well, I can see why. “Holmes nodded and said, “The answer is actually very simple… because this is not the Atlas Court in BC, but the Atlas Court in the era when Kashima, Matthew and the others lived!” In that era, the magicians had been burned out due to the burning of human power, but the Atlas Academy itself had not been wiped out. “”
“”Okay, let’s get to the point, all the events are recorded in the three-pointed Hermes. “As Holmes spoke, he led the way and brought everyone to the obelisk in the center of the space.”
“While walking, Holmes said, “For us who are not magicians of the Atlas Institute, we may not be able to know everything, but at least we can know the simple facts… It’s like doing a math problem. There will be ideas for solving the problem, but at least one correct answer. “”
“”EMMMMMM…” Kashima Yu said with some confusion, “Are we going to spy on other people’s things? Isn’t this kind of interest not very good? “”
“”Ha ha ha ha. Holmes laughed loudly. “Don’t think so. We are only interested in facts, and there is nothing shameful about it.” “”
“After a while of communication, everyone finally came to the bottom of the three-pointed Hermes.”
“After Holmes inspected it, he said happily,”Very good, you can use it…Then Hermes the three-pointed bird, the bird that flies in the underworld, answer my question!””
Chapter 614 At least hope to be able to eat cake
“”Tell me the ins and outs of the Holy Grail War that took place in Sakura Country in 2004, which was erased from all records and accounts! “”
“Hearing this, Matthew’s eyes widened sharply, “Holy Grail War? Could it be about the original singularity F? Could that be the cause of the incineration of humanity? “”
“No, not the cause, but an important factor. “Holmes shook his head and said, “According to records, the time and place where the ceremony of the last Holy Grail War was performed was a certain city in the Sakura Kingdom in 2004. “”
“2004?” Yukinoshita Yukino was confused, she couldn’t help but look at Hikigaya Hachiman, and also saw Hikigaya Hachiman’s confused eyes.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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