The Holy Grail War they experienced was long after 2004, right?
“That is to say, history has really been changed again…or has reality been reset again?” Yukinoshita Yukino had a headache. There have been so many problems on this planet and so many resets. This world, I don’t know how far it is from the world in the video!
“Then, Holmes continued, “I investigated the records of this battle, but I couldn’t figure out its process and outcome anyway. The only things that can be traced back are the data from the beginning of the Holy Grail War and the seven magicians who participated in that war. roster. By the way, among the seven magicians, there are Kashima and Mash who you know. “”
“Emmmm, maybe that’s a little inaccurate. The daughter of the man you know, to be exact. ’ said Holmes after some thought.
“A possibility popped up in Kashima Yu’s mind, “Could it be the former director of Chaldea–Sakura Chiyo’s father? “”
“Eh? My father! Did he actually participate in the Holy Grail War?” Sakura Chiyo immediately became numb. How should I put it, there is a feeling that you often chat with someone to brag, but suddenly find that person is the emperor… …Moreover, that emperor is still her father.
Sakura Chiyo’s father is also a bit messy, he participated in the Holy Grail War?
He has this ability, why doesn’t he know it? If he wanted to know, would he still be a hard worker?
“That’s right, Sakura Chiyo’s father, the late former director of Chaldea. “As Holmes was talking, he realized that the three-pointed Hermes had already given the answer.”
“It clearly states that the winner of the Holy Grail War is the former director of Chaldea!”
“Well, there is a follow-up to the record. Holmes flipped through the records a little excitedly, “During the Holy Grail War, he also brought an assistant. That person was welcomed into Chaldea as a staff member in the year following the Holy Grail War. To be head of the medical department at the young age of 22 is simply an extraordinary promotion! “”
“”The person in charge of the medical department… is Dr. Roman? Matthew was a little confused, “Doctor, did he know the former director before he came to Chaldea?” “”
“”That’s right! “Holmes nodded heavily, “And there is even more strange thing, all the experiences of the character Romani Achiman are all unknown!” No matter how you investigate, you can’t find any records before the Holy Grail War. “”
“”If you can further use the three-pointed Hermes, you should be able to find clues…” He sighed and shook his head, “But to find a person’s information from among the billions of people’s information that is updated every year… time Not enough at all. By the time we find the information, the Lion King may have completely destroyed this era. “”
“After sighing, Holmes calmed down, and looked at Kashima Yu and Matthew solemnly, “Let’s go back to the previous topic… I said that I don’t trust Romani Archman, and this is I don’t trust his reason! He is undoubtedly a human being, but he has something to hide…and it’s a concealment, something that is quite close to the truth! “”
“Both Kashima Yu and Matthew fell into silence. Although emotionally speaking, they are more willing to trust Dr. Roman. But…”
“Well, can I interrupt you? “Master Sanzang said suddenly, “Of course, I didn’t interrupt you because I was tired of being an audience and kept silent… I just want to ask, what did the former director of Chaldea promise? what wish? “”
said Holmes, shaking his head. “Who knows?” Three-pointed Hermes does not record individual wishes… only the results remain. For the record, after that, he had great success as a magician. Not only has the heroic spirit summoning system been successfully established, but even the future can be observed. What’s more, the method of interfering with the era, such as the transfer of spirits, has been completed. “”
“”From common sense…” Holmes said after a while, “the wish he made should be ‘wealth’! He has no reason for human incineration. According to the data, his sensibility is almost the same as that of ordinary people… Therefore, he should be used by a third party, or he stepped on the destruction without him noticing. mines. “”
“”The third person is Professor Nozaki? “Kashima Yu asked.”
“”Nozaki Umetaro entered Chaldea following Sakura Chiyo, and he is undoubtedly the subordinate of the King of Magic…Therefore, there is still a possibility that the Holy GrailWar is only a channel to obtain funds, and has nothing to do with human burning. “”
“Holmes rubbed his brows, and said with quite a headache, “Actually, this is what gives me a headache… If this is the case, this is the only conclusion that can be drawn about Romani Achiman—although it is inexplicable.” , but has nothing to do with the incident, a dispensable and mysterious person who will only cause trouble. “”
“Hahaha, it’s very Dr. Roman’s style. Matthew swept away the gloom before, and smiled very brightly.”
“As for Kashima Yu, he said dissatisfiedly, “Isn’t it just causing trouble for people… Doctor Roman has helped us a lot! “”
“”About your trust in him, I have a deeper understanding. But…” Holmes changed the topic and said, “For me, he is still a very important suspect. Also, please don’t tell him the content of the conversation here. I can’t trust him until I find out his secret. “”
“”At least, Romani Aqiman still kept silent to you after knowing the outcome of the Holy Grail War, didn’t he? “”
“After a moment of silence, Kashima Yu smiled, “Everyone has secrets, right? It’s no big deal if we didn’t tell us… At least I don’t believe that a person like him who hides in the dormitory and eats cakes in his spare time at work is some kind of schemer. “”
“As we talked, Kashima Yu’s expression became a bit dark. Although I said that I would treat her to a cake when we first met, but I never got one… At least after everything is over, I hope to be able to eat it That cake.”
Chapter 615: Galahad
“Okay, that’s all I want to know. But the answer to Matthew’s question, I just found it by the way when I searched for the records of Chaldea. Can I tell you the answer? “Holmes said expectantly.”
“This process of uncovering mysteries can be regarded as fun for every detective.”
“The answer to my question? Matthew was a little puzzled at first, although he exclaimed a little and said, “Could it mean the real name of the heroic spirit who came here to transfer his power to me?” “”
“” Exactly! Although I already guessed the answer at that time, I was vague because there was no clear evidence, but now I can tell you the truth, are you ready to listen to the answer? Miss Matthew. “”
“Hearing what Holmes said, Bedivere quickly stopped him and said, “Please wait a moment!” This answer should be found by Your Majesty Mash, not by us…””
“No, I’ll clarify! Sherlock Holmes said with a serious face, “Since you already know the answer, it is an act of fools not to look directly at the truth under such circumstances!” What’s more, Sir Bedivere, what are you afraid of? “”
“”Is it because she is afraid that Ms. Matthew will still remain unchanged after knowing her real name? Or is it still impossible to unfold the real treasure after knowing the real name? I can conclude that these are unnecessary concerns! “”
“”Because Ms. Matthew’s spirit is as firm as iron! She will not change because of the presence or absence of the treasure, even if the treasure cannot be unfolded, she will not stop moving forward! For the only thing she believes in, she will muster up the courage to fight to the last moment! “”
“Under Holmes’ passionate words, both Matthew and Bedivere couldn’t help but widen their eyes.”
“Seeing everyone’s astonishment, Holmes adjusted his emotions, “I’m sorry, I’m so shamelessly agitated… Then, Ms. Matthew, can I reveal the truth now?” The fate you were given, the name of the heroic spirit who saved your life. “”
“Maxiu couldn’t get attention for a while, and turned to look at Kashima Yu, “Senior, is this really okay? “”
“”Although it lacks romance, I think it’s okay. “Kashima Yu said with a smile.”
“”Um. Matthew nodded heavily, then looked at Holmes, “Then please tell me, Mr. Holmes!” The real name of that heroic spirit, the real name of this shield! “”
“Holmes laughed very happily, and said, “I am very happy. Just let me do what a detective should do and uncover the whole truth. After all, how did Chaldea stabilize the summoning of Heroic Spirits? That’s because there is a ‘gathering of heroes’ here. “”
“”The seat where a large number of heroes once gathered was called the Round Table Oath Ceremony. Chaldea processed that holy relic, and used it as a catalyst for summoning, and embedded it in the body of the fusion element. “”
“I mean, you understand, Ms. Matthews?” The weapon in your hand looks like a shield, but it’s not actually a shield. The contract you concluded with Ms. Kashima is the basis for Ms. Kashima’s subsequent ability to summon many heroic spirits. It can be called a round shield. “”
“Hahaha, that’s right, the sacred round shield you are holding is made with a round table as the core! “”
“”Then it’s time to reveal the mystery of the true name of the heroic spirit on you. The fusion experiment of heroic spirits carried out by Chaldea is the only successful case. I feel disgusted by Chaldea’s inhumane experiments, but I still want to keep you alive. As for those who remain in this world, during the Chaldea bombing incident, all will be entrusted to your existence. “”
“”The name of that heroic spirit is – Galahad! One of the Knights of the Round Table, the holy knight who successfully found the Holy Grail with only his own strength. “”
“” Galahad, Knight of the Round Table? Matthew seemed shocked by the news, he lost his strength all of a sudden, and couldn’t help but slumped on the ground.”
“Mash, are you alright? “Kashima Yu hurried over and helped Mash up.””I’m fine, thank you, senior. Matthew’s cheeks were flushed, and she shook her head and said, “It’s just that my legs lost strength just now… But it’s not pain or panic, I just feel very happy.” “”
“”Because, now I finally know the name of the person who saved us and was willing to believe in us. This makes me extremely happy. Have I shamed that name in the fight so far? “”
“Seeing Matthew’s performance, Holmes said to Bedivere with a smile, “Look, no matter what happens, she will never forget to be grateful. How could she express pessimism towards the hero who gave her life? Your previous thoughts were really too much. “”
“…” Bedivere was silent for a moment, then laughed, “Indeed, there is nothing wrong with that, Galahad’s choice is correct. “”
“Galahad… No wonder Matthew hates Lancelot so much, and now he finally knows the reason.” Nozaki Umetaro showed a clear look, so it all made sense.
It is strange that Galahad can get used to Lancelot! It’s good not to give him two sticks!
“Well, Nozaki-kun, who is Galahad?” Sakura Chiyo had never heard of this name.
“Well, all you need to know is that he is Lancelot’s son.” Umetaro Nozaki said succinctly, “and he is a son who doesn’t like Lancelot very much.”
“”Okay, the condition of the three-pointed Hermes should not be good. After this inquiry, the power will probably be cut off. Therefore, it is time to inquire about the Holy Lance Lungomeniad held by the Lion King. You must know what it is. said Holmes, operating the machine. “Hermes, show us its true value!” “”
“”Hmm…that’s how it is, I understand a little bit. Holmes nodded lightly after reading the information, and then turned to look at Bedivere, “Mr. Bedivere, how much do you know about the holy spear held by the Lion King?” “”
“Bedwell shook his head slightly, “I don’t know the details, the king also holds many treasures besides the holy sword. The Holy Lance Lungomeniad is also one of them, and the Knights of the Round Table have not been informed of its details. “”
“”Ah, right! Bedivere said suddenly as if he had thought of something, “Merlin called that the Tower of the End!” A pillar of light towering over the distant sea on the west side of the British Isles, beyond the horizon, a tower at the end of the world! “”
Chapter 616: The Tower at the End
“”tower? Isn’t that a gun? While it’s true that both are long and thin… which one is the Rungomigniad? ” Sanzang asked in a daze, as if he had been dazed.”
“Bedwell also said with some embarrassment, “Ah, sorry, I don’t know much about this either… Your Excellency Holmes? “”
“As he spoke, he turned his eyes to Holmes for help.”
“Sherlock Holmes didn’t pretend to be a fool, and said directly, “There are two holy spears, Ms. Sanzang! One is a huge tower that runs through the world. This is the appearance of the existence of the Holy Lance given form, in order to show us that the “Holy Lance is still alive”. “”
“”Although the Tower actually exists, people cannot reach it. After all, it is the ‘end of the world’, and the end can never be reached. The tower stands at the end of the world, overlooking everything in the world, watching everything. “”
“”The other one is the holy spear held by the Lion King. This spear is similar to the shadow cast by the tower on the ground. It is also a personal weapon that can directly use the tower’s ability and power! “”
“Listening to Holmes’ explanation, Matthew blinked and said, “That is to say, the tower is the main body, and the gun is the sub-machine? “”
“What a good analogy, Ms. Matthew. The tower is something that has always existed at the end of the world, and the gun is the weapon that the manager of the tower has always held. The question is why the tower is stabbed on the planet…””
“Holmes gradually fell into contemplation, “There is a view that our human world is just a layer of cushion on the surface of this planet, and this cushion is formed by the laws of physics. In order not to let such a mat fall off, it is sewn to the planet. “”
“”This seems to be the phenomenon known as the ‘Tower of the End’. The existence of this tower is not limited to Britain. There are several towers scattered all over the world. One of them is the Holy Spear held by the Lion King. “”
“”The tower at the end means so, the king has always held such a terrifying thing…” Bedivere sighed, and then asked, “But what does it have to do with the situation in the holy capital? What is the Lion King going to do with that tower? “”
“”I’m afraid…the Lion King wants to use the Holy Lance as a tower. The Lion King has established an ideal city in the holy capital and summoned the chosen humans. That’s not picking out honest humans, it’s picking people who can only do the right thing no matter what happens. “”
“”According to the calculation of the three-pointed Hermes, the Holy Lance can only accommodate the souls of 500 people, and that city is the Holy Lance itself, and the people who are sent into the Holy Lance are equivalent to being accommodated in the Holy Lance! The Lion King said that he wanted to protect the right people, but the truth is that he locked them up to prevent them from escaping! “”
“Holmes spoke his conjecture.”
“But Bedivere denied it loudly in surprise, “How is this possible! That city is Camelot! Although the details are different, it is Camelot, the city of the round table! How could it be the holy gun? “”
“No, Mr. Holmes’ conjecture is probably correct. Matthew said with a slight frown, “The first time I saw that, I felt an unprecedented terror… that should be the Holy LanceThe shell of Rungomigniad is definitely not something that can help humans! “”
“Bedwell clenched his fists worriedly, “What happened to the people in the holy capital? Are you living an unfree life under the protection of the king? “”
“Holmes shook his head and said, “Sir Bedivere, this is not a question of life or death, nor is it a question of freedom to live. But all the people in the holy gun will be sucked in by the holy gun, that is a refuge! However, that shelter has no room for life activities! “”
“”When the holy capital shrinks and turns into a tower, there will only be a compressed hell in that tower! People are not gathered together to live in an ideal city, but are collected as ideal samples! “”
“I say this, do you understand? Those humans are specimens! It is a specimen that is permanently preserved by the side of the Lion King and proves the value of human beings in the window! “”
“”how is this possible? ! Bedivere exclaimed, “Such a terrible act can no longer be called what human beings have done!” “”
“Treating humans as specimens? Could it be that she treats humans as insects?!”
“”This…” Lu Fujita said after thinking for a long time with a sullen face, “However, if the holy city becomes a tower, then the holy city will naturally disappear, and the Lion King’s army will also disappear. In this way, at least there will be no more disputes between the people of the mountain and the Lion King, which is barely a good ending, right? “”
“”what? ! Fujita, are you out of your mind? What kind of good is the way of the Lion King! Sanzang scolded her head and face, she couldn’t accept that the Lion King used humans as specimens no matter what!”
“What’s more, if it’s just that, the Lion King wouldn’t have sent troops to sweep up the villages of the Mountain People four times, right? She could just ignore the people of the mountain and wait for the Holy Lance to turn into a tower! Therefore, the Lion King must have other purposes! “”
“”good! Ms. Sanzang’s guess was very accurate. “Holmes nodded and said, “After seeing the analysis of the three-pointed Hermes just now, I realized that there is a deeper meaning of the Holy Baba of the Lion King. When the holy city is completely turned into a tower, when the tower is completed…””
“”…” Holmes took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression, “That means this area will become the ‘end of the world’! The price of creating a perfect world like the tower is that the world outside the tower will be destroyed! “”
“”The Lion King didn’t just protect his own people, but planned to abandon all the people except his own country! And this kind of collapse has already begun… The reason why this singularity is the singularity of the singularity is because it no longer exists in any corner of the world! “”
“”That’s it… No wonder when I walked through the desert, I found that there was nothing on the other side of the desert, only nothingness… It’s because this era has been cut off from human history. ” Sanzang said softly, until now, she finally understood what the meaning of the nothingness she saw before was.”
“”good! The person who created this singularity and wanted to destroy it is no longer the King of Magic! It is the god-like Lion King who does not hesitate to sacrifice a human being to lay the foundation, but also wants to own the ideal city! “Holmes delivered the final conclusion.”
Chapter 617 Need allies
“”So that’s the case, no wonder Mordred once said that when the holy city is completely completed, everything outside the holy capital will be destroyed. ” Kashima Yu said.”
“Everyone, let’s go back to the ground as soon as possible!” There is no time to delay, we must break into the holy capital before the holy gun is completed, and confirm the real intention of the lion king face to face! “Bedwell said anxiously.”
“”Indeed, we have to meet up with those skeleton people as soon as possible, and tell them these things too! Sanzang said in agreement, “I finally understand why that big guy with a skeleton made us come here.” “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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