“”what? Sanzang was stunned for a moment, “But why didn’t the big man of the skeleton tell everyone directly?” That’s faster and less time-consuming, right? “”
“”It’s because we have to come here for a reason! Not to this academy, but to this desert! Matthew said calmly.”
“The combat power of the people of the mountain is not comparable to that of the holy capital. Whether it is an ordinary warrior against the solemn knights, or Hassan against the knights of the round table, they are far inferior! Therefore, we need allies. A mighty ally!”
“Mash and Kashima Yu glanced at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other’s eyes—let’s go to the Sun King!”
“After knowing all the things that should be known, Holmes led everyone outside.”
“After walking for a while, you can already see the sunlight coming in from the entrance of the cave not far away, Matthew said happily. “Thanks to Mr. Holmes, we were able to come out so quickly. “”
“I don’t know how long it will take to get out of this huge labyrinth relying on them alone.”
“Hahaha, it’s great to be able to help you all at the end. “Holmes smiled and waved to everyone. “Then, I bid farewell to all of you here.” “”
“”You still can’t trust Chaldea? “Kashima Yu asked.”
“”Chaldea does have puzzles, but that’s not why I’m leaving. “Holmes shook his head and said, “It’s me and other people who need to be tracked down. But before I leave, let me leave you with a difficult problem… You say, why did DIAN happen in 2017?” ”
“”Eh? “Mash and Kashima Yu were stunned. Is there any need to think about this question? Could it be that the Magic King wanted to do this, so he did it?”
“Holmes raised his eyebrows, “Has no one questioned this matter? Since the entire human history is to be burned, wouldn’t it be better to start from the past? In that case, you would not even be born, and the human world would have come to an end. But he started burning in the past from 2017! “”
“”Why do you want to do this? There can only be one conclusion, he has a reason to wait until 2017! But what exactly is this reason? “”
“I think there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that the length of time from the past to 2017 is valuable, so once it starts burning from the past, this value will be discarded. “”
“”The second possibility is…even the magic king can’t see things after 2017. The magic king has clairvoyance that can see through the future. If even this kind of him can’t see the future after 2017… “”
“Holmes stopped talking, but the meaning of those words made people shudder.”
“”…Is there no future from the beginning? ” Kashima Yu said with a trembling voice.”
“”…” Holmes suddenly laughed, “who knows? Maybe it’s just the simplest answer, because it was destroyed by the King of Magic, so there is no future, right? Then everyone, I will take my leave first. If we can meet again next time… I hope it is not in the wilderness, but in the bustling city. “”
“Amidst the laughter, Holmes disappeared from everyone’s sight.”
“When Kashima Yu and others came out of the underground labyrinth, the sandstorm seemed to have stopped, and the bright sun shone on everyone, bringing everyone a happy mood.”
“But when they saw Lancelot squatting aside, guarding them, the joy was over.”
“”Ambush us at the exit, he is really a calm man. “L Fujita couldn’t help complaining, maybe it’s admiration?”
“”The escape scene ends here, you have nowhere to escape, just obediently grab your hands and grab it! “”
“As Lancelot’s words fell, the solemn knights surrounded everyone.”
“”Your Excellency Kashima, please step down, the wrong things done by the Knights of the Round Table should be settled by the Knights of the Round Table! “Bedwell stepped forward and looked directly at Lancelot.”
“But Kashima Yu pressed Bedivere, “Wait a minute, before that, I want to talk to him about the holy gun. “”
“Ah, this is… I was too excited. “The fighting spirit on Bedivere dissipated immediately, and he gave up the position to Kashima Yu, muttering in a low voice, “The knights of the round table trust the king, so they may not know the true face of the Holy Lance. “”
“At this moment, Bedivere still has a glimmer of hope, saying that he cannot convince the Knights of the Round Table.”
“Seeing that Bedivere stepped aside, Kashima Yu took a deep breath and asked, “Mr. Lancelot, I have one thing to ask you before the battle. Do you know the true face of the Holy Lance and the identity of the Lion King?” What is the purpose? “”
“”what? “Lancelot was slightly taken aback.”
“Seeing Lancelot’s performance, Kashima Yu thought it would work, and quickly said, “The holy capital is not an ideal city, but a tower at the end, a cage to collect human beings and house them!” And when it is done, everything on this land will be destroyed! “”
“”Unexpectedly…” Lancelot looked at them in shock.”
“Matthew looked at Lancelot who slowly lowered his sword with some joy, “Sure enough, the Knights of the Round Table were not informed of the truth about the Holy Lance. “”
“However, just when they all started to feel happy, Lancelot suddenly exploded, and his figure disappeared instantly. In just a moment, the sword Arondette appeared above Kashima Yu’s head! Just thinking Split Kashima Yu in half!”
“Senior, be careful! Matthew pulled Kashima Yu past him, and quickly blocked the blow with his shield.”
“Lancelot said with a gloomy face, “You guys even know this, so I can’t let you go, otherwise, you will definitely spread the news and spread unnecessary terror!” “”
“”You know about the Holy Lance, and you know all of this is wrong, but you still want to work for the Lion King? Matthew gritted his teeth and looked at Lancelot, the anger in his eyes began to rise wildly.”
Chapter 618 Father’s Kindness and Daughter’s Filial Piety
“Here it is, the scene of fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety is finally coming!” Shinomiya Kaguya became excited, probably because she was the one who had done such things as fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety, so she was very fond of it. This scene is so exciting!
If possible, she hopes that every savior’s video can see this scene of fatherly love and daughterly filial piety!
“Hayasaka, hurry up and get some melon seeds, let’s eat and watch!”
Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya’s order, Hayasaka Ai sighed helplessly, “Understood, Miss Kaguya, wait for me.”
Sigong Yan’an on the other side was also very excited, his eyes were almost shining, “Hurry up, hit her, hit her! It’s only natural for dad to teach his daughter a lesson!”
How aggrieved he is now being bullied by Shinomiya Kaguya with the double steel chain finger, how much he hopes that Lancelot will beat Matthew violently.
“” Shoutout! I have said long ago that none of us at the round table is disloyal to the king, the things you said, the Lion King is calling usAfter the knights of the round table, they have already declared to us! And we swear to obey her word! “”
“”Under this philosophy, we slaughtered our fellow Crusaders! Even if we feel non-human consciousness in Wang’s behavior, we have already decided to be enemies of all humans in this era! “”
“”That’s all I have to say, if you still have any objections, you can go to the king’s court to raise it! “”
“Lancelot roared and swung the sword again, as if he was going to split Mash in half like firewood!”
“But Matthew is not a firewood after all. After she withstood Lancelot’s attack, the anger in her eyes was almost overflowing, “Ahhhh! I am, thoroughly, angry, angry! ! ! “”
“”what? ! “Lancelot suddenly trembled, like a frog being stared at by a snake,”
“What’s going on, what’s wrong with him? Why is he suddenly frightened by this girl in front of him?”
“At this time, Kashima Yu and Bedivere’s eyes widened, and they looked at Mash in disbelief. Is this still that gentle, lovely girl?”
“”I’m already on fire! Although not with me, he must have the same idea as me! So let me speak for him! Cavalier Lancelot, give me enough time! “As soon as Matthew exerted force on the shield in his hand, he pushed Lancelot back a few steps in a daze.”
“”Not only took Arondette’s blow, but also suppressed me? No, the point is not this, this shield, this aura… Also, enough, enough is enough? Are you teaching me a lesson? “Lancelot was messy and said in disbelief.”
“”Do not! I’m just angry! Are you still King Arthur’s most beloved knight? If you have doubts about Wang, you should correct them! If the king does something wrong, it’s time to fight it! This should be your way of chivalry, and this is the responsibility you can take on! “”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait a little, let me take it easy! “After listening to Matthew’s words, Lancelot quickly covered his chest and panted heavily, and began to calm down his messed up thoughts.”
“”This kind of tone that doesn’t regard father as father, and the hair that hides one side of the eye…you, you can’t be…””
“Lancelot has already had a horrible guess, but if he doesn’t have dementia, he remembers that the child should be a boy…”
“And Matthew seemed to have lost the patience to continue talking to Lancelot, she scolded angrily, “I don’t want to talk to you anymore, Knight Lancelot! I solemnly propose a duel to you again! “”
“Mash? “Kashimayu is numb, why did it suddenly turn into a duel? And this angry Mash, is she really her gentle and lovely little Mash?”
“Don’t worry, senior, I will never lose to this person! This shield, this armor, and the depths of his heart are all shouting like this! “”
“Following Matthew’s roar, a dazzling light erupted from her body, the armor on her body changed in an instant, and a long sword appeared at her waist… This is the second coming of the spirit foundation on the spot. Already!”
“”I am Matthew Kyrielight, and the true name of the heroic spirit given is Galahad! Betting on this spirit foundation, I will cut off the uncleanness of the round table now! “”
“”Um? ? ? “Lancelot was so shocked by this sudden development that she was speechless, who did she just say she was?!!!”
“Just when Lancelot was shocked, Mash mercilessly smashed a shield on his head!”
“Kashima Yu even heard the sound of “click” similar to the cracking of bones…”
“” Gollum! “Kashima Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, are you so irritable? Didn’t you say that Lancelot is tough before? Now it’s about to lift his celestial cover…”
“”Well! “Lancelot snorted, feeling dizzy and unable to react to anything.”
“I only heard a sound of piercing through the air, and Lancelot suddenly woke up. This is the sound of a long sword piercing the air!”
“But before he could make a move, the blade had already cut through his armor, and a smear of blood was drawn on his chest!”
“”Woo! “Lancelot snorted and smiled wryly, just because he heard the name Galahad, he lost his mind, and then fell into this fate…”
“Maxiu shook off the blood on the sword and said coldly, “Are you awake? Sir Lancelot, if you still don’t understand, I will smash you with the whole city! “”
“”Do you want to do this? “Kashima Yu immediately took a breath, and the whole person was frightened!”
“… Hehehe. Lancelot smiled wryly, “I fought against the Knights of the Round Table and was defeated, and I was defeated so quickly… In such embarrassment, I no longer have the qualifications to call myself a knight of the king. Although I can’t wash away my stupidity, I have no reason to fight you. “”
“Lancelot is clutching the wound on his chest. Fortunately, he is already a Heroic Spirit. Otherwise, I don’t know how long this wound will take to heal.”
“”Such a stubborn person would give up so simply this time, why is that? ” Sanzang asked puzzled.”
“”Three Tibetans, because Galahad is the son of Lancelot. “Yu Kashima gave Sanzang popular science with a smile.”
“”is that a lie? ! Those two are father and son… Ah, no, are they father and daughter? ! Sanzang’s eyes widened, and he glanced back and forth between the two, with an expression of disbelief.”
“No, Miss Sanzang. Matthew argued with a cold face, “According to the testimony of Lord Galahad Lingji, he only saw that man as his father when he was a child!” In fact, Lord Lancelot and Lord GalahadThe relationship is not very good. I’m right, Dad! “”
Chapter 619 This title is not good for the heart
“”Actually, I really want to have a good relationship with him…” Lancelot blushed and said breathlessly, “Sorry, this name is not very good for the heart. If you are not mentally prepared, it will be because of Died of shock. “”
“Mash stared at him with a very subtle look.”
“Hahaha, the hostility and murderous intent have completely disappeared. Your Excellency Lancelot is no longer an enemy, right? Your Excellency Kashima, what are you going to do next? Whether to grab Lancelot and enter the holy capital, or hand him over to the people of the mountain. “”
“L Fujita asked with a big laugh.”
“But Kashima Yu’s expression was a bit low, “Da Vinci dear…””
“Da Vinci died in order to hinder Lancelot. It is really difficult for her to accept Lancelot as a companion.”
“As soon as I said this, Mash’s expression became gloomy.”
“Da Vinci’s death is, after all, an unbridgeable chasm.”
“Lancelot naturally knew this too, he said softly, “Since I lost to you, then my life will be handed over to you, but before that, please let me take you to a place. If I disappear, no one will know about that place, and it has to be avoided no matter what. “”
“”My troops will take you forward together. If you start from here, you will arrive in less than half a day. Please go there with me first. “”
“”There seems to be something hidden? Want to follow along? Kashima. Sanzang asked.”
“Kashima Yu thought for a while, then nodded, “Since it won’t take too much time, let’s go and have a look. “”
“Lancelot saw that Kashima Yu and the others agreed, so he ordered his subordinates to bring the horses and prepare to take everyone to that place. As for what those subordinates think…what else can they think? They can’t beat Lancelot , of course the only way is to forgive him!”
“After half a day’s trek, Kashimayou and the others finally arrived at a camp with Lancelot, a camp at the border of the desert!”
“”There is a camp in this kind of place? Matthew said in surprise, “And there are many people, people from the mountains, people from the desert, and people from the Holy Land…””
“”This level cannot be established in just a few days, this is enough to say that it is a village for refugees! Sanzang said in amazement.”
“Bedwell suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly, “Mr. Lancelot, are you… letting the refugees take shelter here and protecting them from being discovered? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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