“”The chosen ones can only be sent to the holy capital, there is no other way… But how to deal with the unselected ones is my freedom, the king did not order them to be punished. Moreover, there are not a few wandering knights who violate the king’s order, and they also need a stable place, so I let the knights be the guards of the refugees, that is, my private army. “”
“Lancelot averted his gaze a little stiffly, as if he felt that this kind of behavior of exploiting loopholes was against chivalry.”
“Hahaha, this is completely sophistry, it can be regarded as a crime of treason, Lancelot. “Although what Sanzang said was demeaning, under her sunny smiling face, it seemed like a compliment.”
“Matthew followed suit with eyes looking at trash, and praised in derogatory terms, “You moth, you can’t tell from your appearance that you are so beautiful, Dad! “”
“Lancelot’s expression froze, and his breathing began to dazzle again, “Du, I told you not to use this title. “”
“”Oh, I said, why is there such a commotion, it turns out that you guys have arrived, but it really made me wait for a long time. “”
“Suddenly, a very familiar voice sounded in a tent.”
“Everyone cast their eyes one after another, and saw a hand wearing a blue glove sticking out from the tent, and then a very familiar person slowly walked out of it.”
“Kashima Yu and Matthew’s eyes widened, and they couldn’t say a word. I’m afraid this is just their hallucination!”
“The man covered his mouth and smiled softly, “Hehehe, this reaction is really good! Kashima, Matthew, long time no see~ Da Vinci, the almighty genius, has appeared again after a long time~ How are you doing? How about having a toast to celebrate the reunion? “”
“Da, dear Da Vinci? ! ! “”
“Kashima Yu shouted in joy and shock.”
“”No good-bye hugs? It’s a pity, I’ve waited so long~ But forget it, just treat it as you are embarrassed to hug in front of everyone. “Da Vinci raised his eyebrows and teased, “After all, your joy is clear at a glance… But, Kashima, if your mouth continues to open like this, your jaw will drop. “”
“”This tone is really Da Vinci’s kiss, right? “Kashimayou walked over excitedly, touching Da Vinci here and there.”
“Dr. Roman’s communication was suddenly connected, and his obviously relieved expression appeared in front of everyone, “Great, I finally connected to the communication again, you guys are back from the desert, as long as you are fine. I also saw Da Vinci’s kiss…… Eh? ! ! Wait! Is it Da Vinci? ! ! “”
“Da Vinci narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a dangerous tone, “Oh, Romani, thank you for your kindness.Unsightly reaction, when I go back, I will definitely invite you to try my new move–astronaut home run! “”
“Hahaha, just kidding. “Dr. Roman said with a dry smile, “I wasn’t very surprised. I just saw that Kashima and Matthew couldn’t react, so I made this out in accordance with the atmosphere. How did you survive, though? Didn’t your staff explode? No matter how you think about it, you should be dead. “”
“Well, I was also surprised by that. “Da Vinci said with a smile, “I actually threw the staff over my head at the time, so that at least I could avoid instant death… But I didn’t expect that the knight leading the enemy rushed to protect me! Do you believe this? I can’t believe it myself. “”
“”Is it Sir Lancelot who rescued Da Vinci?” Matthew looked at Lancelot gratefully, for the first time she felt that this man is not too bad.”
“Lancelot turned his gaze away, and said with some embarrassment, “That… I can see that she is a beautiful woman from a distance, so I rushed up instinctively. “”
“”What did you say? The gratitude and smile on Matthew’s face disappeared instantly, “I’ll ask again, what did you just say?” “”
Chapter 620: Goddess of the Holy Spear
“I didn’t expect that Lancelot also fell in love with Da Vinci. Does my brother have a rival in love?” Kaguya Shinomiya said with a strange smile. She would think of Da Vinci when she saw Da Vinci. Gong Yunying’s epic social death scene.
Sigong Yunying shivered suddenly, “What’s going on? Why does it feel like someone is speaking ill of me behind my back?”
“”Well, this…” Lancelot shivered and was speechless for a long time.”
“Hahaha, it’s really Lancelot’s style, you really don’t care as long as you see a beautiful woman. “Bedwell smiled very happily, and this situation reminded him of the former Knights of the Round Table.”
“Kashima Yu also laughed, “I can understand Galahad’s mood. “”
“”Hey, wait, Kashima, do you know the real name of the Heroic Spirit fused with Mash? ! “Roman slammed his hands on the table, and said in great surprise.”
“”Well, at the Atlas Institute, I got the real name of the heroic spirit who entrusted me with power. Matthew nodded and said, Holmes’ help was hidden in the words.”
“Although she trusts Dr. Roman, since she has agreed to Holmes, she will not betray her integrity.”
“”By the way, doctor, we also learned the true face of the Lion King’s Holy Lance, I will send the information about the Holy Lance to you immediately,””
“”yes? Great! “Roman laughed brightly, “I didn’t expect to get so much information. This operation is really profitable!” Then, Mash, the report will trouble you. “”
“Oh, the true face of the holy gun, it seems very interesting! Da Vinci’s eyes lit up immediately, “I want to know about this too!” Rather, I want to know all of your experiences so far! After all, I just got up from the bed a few days ago, and I have been lying down all the time. “”
“Afterwards, Kashima Yu and Matthew told Da Vinci about their experience during this time, and about the holy gun.”
“Oh, I see. “Da Vinci nodded knowingly, “According to its attributes, it is an orderly and kind human being who gathers in Camelot, and then sucks the entire Camelot into Lungomigniad, turning it into an isolated space no matter what it is in. Something that can last forever, something like a cosmic colony. “”
“”If it can reach that level, I’m afraid that even the King of Magic’s human burn can resist… This should be the purpose of the Lion King. “”
“”Yes, we think the idea itself is correct. said Lancelot.”
Sanzang patted Bedivere on the shoulder, “Mr. Bedivere, just say it, and say that Mr. Lancelot is wrong!” “”
“”Eh? “Bedwell was taken aback, then shook his head, “No, I…””
“”Mr. Bedwell is very gentle, if that’s the case, let me speak for you. Sanzang suppressed his smile, and said to Lancelot, “The idea of ​​the Lion King is wrong!” In any case, she shouldn’t take away the choice from people! “”
“”But everyone at the round table has accepted this kind of thing… No, in order to accept this kind of thing, they killed their own will! That’s because everyone believed in the former King Arthur, but the current King Arthur is different! Even if the body is the same, the heart is already a completely different person! “”
“…” Lancelot was silent for a long time, “Yes, the king is no longer the same as before… But why? Why did the king become like that? There is no sign of being controlled by the so-called magic king. “”
“”Although there are knights who think that the king has gone mad and express resistance, but the king has no reason to go crazy at all! “”
“Listening to Lancelot’s words, Da Vinci shook his head slightly, “It’s not that he’s crazy, nor is he insane… the current King Arthur probably doesn’t even have sense! “”
“”Not even rational? Do you want to say that the king is a puppet? “Lancelot frowned slightly, and a black figure appeared in his mind-Aggervin!”
“”Could it be said that the king is already a puppet who only obeys Agguiwen’s instructions? ! “”
“If that’s the case, then he has to rush back to the holy capital immediately and kill Aggavin… But, he remembered that Aggavin was summoned by the Lion King together with them? And, when they were summoned by the Lion King The Lion King already looked like that when he was summoned.”
“”Aggrew? oh youAre you talking about King Arthur’s assistant officer? Da Vinci shook his head and said, “Although I don’t know what he is thinking, but he doesn’t have that kind of power.” What I want to say is that King Arthur is no longer a heroic spirit! Due to holding the Holy Lance for a long time, her attributes have changed””
“”The attributes have changed? What does it mean? “Lancelot asked puzzled.”
“”King Arthur was originally born on earth, right? But because of the Holy Lance, it has become a legend of sitting upright in the sky. In order to maintain the “eternal human world”, she denies all human happiness, which has gone far beyond the scope of indifference, and is the perspective of a transcendent. She thinks so from the bottom of her heart! “”
“”Humans are valuable things, but human life is worthless… The result under the guidance of this concept is today’s Camelot, which can be said to be God’s perspective! This is what I mean by irrationality. “”
“Hearing Da Vinci’s guess, Roman also nodded, and said in agreement, “It’s really possible that the attribute changes… That is to say, King Arthur who appeared in this singularity is not a heroic spirit, but a god? right? “”
“”The Lion King is a god? That is, the goddess? “Kashima Yu blinked, why did the enemy’s level suddenly increase by several levels?”
“”But such gods are not good. Buddhas must be merciful. ” Sanzang said dissatisfied.”
“And Lancelot said in disbelief, “God…but why did it become like this? “”
“Bedwell gritted his teeth with a look of grief, but he didn’t speak.”
“”The matter of King Arthur’s deterioration will be discussed later, the current situation is too bad! To create a human world that is not included in human reason? If it really becomes like that, even if the King of Magic is defeated and the burning of humanity is solved, the history of mankind will become a mess! “”
“”The Holy Lance of the Lion King—the holy city of Camelot is a cancerous cancer repaired by humanity, and the Lion King must be stopped at all costs! “”
“Roman said with a solemn expression.”
Six hundred and twenty first chapters ready to form an alliance
“”…” Lancelot said after a long silence, “Let me go to meet the king, and then launch a rebellion in the hall… This should stop the Holy Lance, right? “”
“Both Matthew and Bedivere looked at Lancelot in surprise, as if they couldn’t believe that he would make such a decision.”
“However, Da Vinci shook his head, “This is not good, Lancelot, you received the blessing from the Lion King, right?” From the moment of receiving the blessing, the Knights of the Round Table cannot defy the Lion King! Although I don’t want to say this… But, the moment you raise your sword to the Lion King, you will be burned to ashes! “”
“Lancelot fell silent. He knew that this was the truth… and it was an irrefutable fact!”
Matthew frowned and said, “It seems that the only way is to reconcile with Hassan and attack the holy capital from the front… But I don’t know if there will be enough time?” “”
“”A frontal attack? “Master Sanzang said unwillingly, “Although the big man of the skeleton said that he would come, but this alone can’t defeat the Lion King’s army, right? After all, the gap between the number and quality of troops is too great! If you fight head-on, it’s almost like seeking your own death… Although I don’t care about it myself, I absolutely cannot accept that you are seeking your own death! “”
“Bedwell also agreed, “Indeed, our side is overwhelmingly deficient in terms of combat power!” “”
“”However, there is another guy with a lot of troops who has no place to use! “Kashima Yu said with a smile.”
“”That’s right, Osmandis, the Sun King! Matthew also nodded.”
“”This is impossible! How could that arrogant king be willing to help us? ! “Bedwell outright dismissed the possibility.”
“Da Vinci also said, “I am also opposed to doing this. Instead, we should think about how to fight the Lion King after defeating him, right? “”
“”However, if the Lion King is left alone, and the holy capital becomes the tower of the end, then the territory of Egypt will also disappear, right? As long as the Sun King is told this, he can’t leave the Lion King alone. Kashima Yu put forward his own thoughts, “In this case, I think he should be able to assist us.” “”
“Well, indeed, the king of Egypt would not refuse a favorable offer. “Lancelot said, as a guerrilla knight who has been performing missions all year round, he still has a little understanding of the Sun King.”
“”Oh? “Da Vinci glanced at Lancelot. If Lancelot said so, maybe there is something wrong?”
“”What is the condition? First things first, conditions like handing over Kashima are not acceptable. “”
“Lancelot shook his head, “Don’t worry, that guy is actually very simple… He will help the side that has a chance of winning, so we just need to show the combat power worthy of forming an alliance with him. “”
“Wow, that’s really simple enough to say that. “Kashima Yu was a little scared, is this really a king?”
“However, since the answer is so simple, it is a good thing for them.”
“Soon, everyone decided to head towards the Great Temple in the depths of the desert. Bedivere went first to contact Hassans, and the rest were going to the Sun King’s Temple.”
“After sitting on Da Vinci’s improved four-seater sea, land and air universal mobile tool, an all-terrain vehicle with cat ears and tail fins-the Flapping Bastet Meow, everyone crossed the desert all the way and went straight to the Great Temple.”
“”In short, an envoy has been sent to Osmandis, let’s wait for his reaction here. Da Vinci stood outside the Great Temple with one hand on his hip, looking very proud.”
Matthew asked curiously, “Dear Da Vinci, I would like to ask, what is the content of the order?” “”
“”Hmph, of course—we are going to propose to you a joint battle soon, wash your neck and wait! Yes, it is like that. “”
“After listening to Da Vinci’s words, Kashima Yu went numb, “Isn’t this a declaration of war? ! “”
“I’m convinced. Are you really not afraid of fighting when you post this kind of thing? Didn’t you say that Da Vinci was a genius? Could it be that he was a genius who specialized in scientific research and didn’t understand diplomacy?” Koshitani Natsumi looked bewildered. It is estimated that a bunch of sphinxes will rush out soon.
“”Hmph. Da Vinci put his hands on his hips, “That Sun King is not the kind of person who helps others because of their humility.” Instead of speaking to him humbly and respectfully, it is better to show our strength and prove that we are equal to him! “”
“”Oh I got it. “Kashima Yu looked like I realized it, and then clapped his hands happily.”
“At this moment, the Great Temple suddenly shook, and as the gate opened, a large number of Sphinxes rushed out.”
“”Alas! So many monsters! “San Zang began to suffer from old illnesses again, and his whole body became tense.”
“Lancelot began to boost the morale of the solemn knights under his command, “Everyone is ready to fight, and we are about to contact Osmandis’ army head-on! Now is the time to show our strength and prove to the enemy that our knight’s strength can outnumber a hundred! “”
“”Oh! “The solemn knights shouted one after another, each with high fighting spirit, even facing the beast Sphinx, they were not afraid at all.”
“”Then the battle of the army will be handed over to Sir Lancelot and his solemn knights. Da Vinci smiled and turned to look at Kashima Yu, “Kashima, are you ready?” “”
“Well, ready! “Lu Daoyou also raised his hands very excitedly, “We are ready to assault the Great Temple!” “”
“”Yes, break through the group of sphinxes and meet the Sun King! “Maxiu raised the shield in his hand and charged straight forward.”
“With those solemn knights entangled the Sphinx, Mash and the others broke into the Great Temple without much trouble, and then proceeded to the depths of the Great Temple.”
“Inside the Great Temple, the Sun King, who is full of gold accessories and full of rich temperament, still sits on the throne.”
“When Kashima Yu and others broke into the Great Temple, Sun King Osmandis obviously sneered, turned his head and said to Nitocris, “Yu did say that he could come back at that time, and that they Sooner or later he will fight Yu. But I didn’t expect them to be so overconfident! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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