“” Yu can’t even feel angry now, but ridiculous! You say so, Nitocris? You can make Yu Xiao so happy, do you think you didn’t help them in vain before? “”
Nitocris bit her lower lip lightly, and said in a low voice, “I’m very sorry, Pharaoh Osmandis, my actions have tarnished your prestige twice in a row. “”
Chapter 622 This is the correct way to save
“”Ha ha ha ha……””
“Facing Nitocris’s apology, Osmandis laughed wildly, “It’s okay, because this really makes me happy, so it can’t be regarded as a gaffe. “”
“”However, on the eve of the duel with the Lion King, Yu’s star will be dimmed… Just because he hastily obtained the Holy Grail, Yu seems to be blinded by it. “”
“”So far, everyone has been pursuing the Holy Grail, even after knowing that the world and the future will be completely burned… This time, in order to prevent such a thing from happening, Yu sealed the Holy Grail here, and now it is bane. “”
“”I wanted to seal the Holy Grail, but it was sealed by the Holy Grail instead. I thought that as long as the Holy Grail is in hand, the Lion King would not dare to act rashly, but now it seems that it is a joke! “”
“Facing the Sun King’s self-deprecating words, Nitocris quickly said, “No, Pharaoh, your judgment is correct! Although Heroic Spirits are greedy beings, you are different! Pharaoh enjoys the unmatched splendor and wealth on this earth, and it is because of you that you will not use the Holy Grail. “”
“”Hmph, even if you enjoy all the glory, your desire will not disappear. Osmandis snorted coldly, and then said jokingly, “By the way, aren’t you also a pharaoh?” Yu doesn’t mind transferring the Holy Grail to you, how about it, it’s not too late yet? After getting the Holy Grail, it is also a pleasure to make yourself the real Horus. “”
“Nitocris shook her head quickly, “I am too immature as a pharaoh, in front of you, I would not call myself a pharaoh. The Holy Grail belongs to you, it is enough for me to guard the mirror of the underworld. “”
“”What a well-behaved woman, it seems that what the queen needs may not be power, but friends. But forget it, at least talking with you can relieve the boredom. Immediately afterwards, Osmandis’s expression became extremely cold, “Then go, Pharaoh Nitocris, and cut off your friendship!” “”
“”Obey! “After receiving the order, Nitocris got up and left here.”
“Looking at the back of Nitocris, Osmandis said softly, “Pharaoh is a god…but if this land disappears, what is a god? No matter what the Lion King is going to do, the Magic King’s manpower will not change, after all his planThe plan is so perfect. “”
“”To wait for death, or to flee from death? The Lion King XUAN chose the latter… And what about Yu, as the Sun King, should he choose between the two? “”
“On the other side, when Kashima Yu and the others were advancing towards the interior of the Great Shrine, Sanzang’s expression became more and more gloomy.”
“Fujita was the first to notice that her expression was wrong, and quickly asked, “What’s the matter, Sanzang, with a gloomy face, I thought you would yell with excitement. “”
“”I wanted to do that, but after entering the temple, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. Sanzang said with a sullen face, “I’m sorry, Kashima, although if you say it at this time, it may destroy the morale you have worked so hard to build up.” But I don’t think it’s okay to say no to this matter. “”
“”Because I have been to the holy capital, I can feel that this great temple has the same atmosphere as the holy place of the Lion King! Therefore, this place will also become a refuge! Osmandis has the same means as the Lion King, and he may do the same thing as the Holy Capital in this great temple! “”
“”That is to say, King Osmandis also chose to escape, so there is no need to fight the Lion King at all? Matthew exclaimed, if this is the case, it is completely impossible to form an alliance with Osmandis!”
“That’s disrespectful, Matthew! There is no way for Pharaoh Osmandis to escape! Nitocris who just arrived couldn’t help scolding.”
“Queen Nitocris? Lu Daoyou’s eyes lit up, “I was in the desert last time, I really want to thank you.” “”
“”Hmm…” Nitocris’s expression was a bit wrong, it was a gentle and determined expression, “Kashima, Mash, it’s been a long time since we said goodbye in the desert. “”
“”To be able to return to the Great Temple again, I first express my appreciation to you for keeping your promise. But this is like a test, you must show your strength! Let not the ears of Pharaoh Osmandis hear the voice of the powerless! “”
“Looking at the firm eyes of Nitocris, Kashima Yu understood that if she didn’t show enough strength to make her admit it, let alone go to see Osmandis…they might even die here!”
“I see, let’s go, Matthew! “”
“Nitocris smiled slightly, “That’s right, that’s what a brave man should be… O mirror of the underworld, a forgotten land of subjugation, Nitocris ordered, return to the present world! “”
“As the words fell, the mirror of the underworld appeared behind Nitocris, and dozens of huge ghosts floated out of the mirror.”
“Then the test begins!” If you want to see the king, first kill these ghosts that answer my summons! “”
“”Roar! “The ghosts roared one after another and floated towards the crowd.”
“Leave the ghost to me! “San Zang said immediately, facing the enemy, she would always get flustered, but now she will not panic at all!”
“After all… facing ghosts, it can be regarded as her professional counterpart! Let her save these undead!”
“”drink! Sanzang yelled angrily, with an expression on his face like a vajra glaring at him, aiming at a huge ghost with the Zen stick in his hand, he knocked it down.”
“Following a dull sound, that huge ghost was saved on the spot and returned to reincarnation…”
“Ah, that’s what Chaodu did?” A monk was numb. Shouldn’t the so-called Chaodu choose a good day, fast in advance, set up an altar, and open the altar to recite scriptures?
How can you knock a ghost on the head with a Zen stick?
It’s not traditional at all… um, wait a minute?
The monk suddenly discovered his blind spot. Master Sanzang was born more than a thousand years ago. Theoretically speaking, the people of that era should be more traditional than theirs…or in other words, they are traditions!
In addition, judging from Journey to the West, Sanzang was a disciple of the Buddha in his previous life, and he went to obtain the scriptures and met the Buddha…
Logically speaking, Sanzang’s way of transcending should be the most standard!
“Could it be that this kind of salvation is the correct way of salvation? All along, our way of salvation has been wrong?” The monk fell into confusion and confusion.
Afterwards, he looked at the skinny appearance on his body, and he saw that he was powerless!
“No way! How can you perform the correct stretching like this? Get ready to exercise from today, and strive to become a muscle monk as soon as possible, so that you can perform the correct stretching!”
Chapter 623 You have a great talent for being funny
“Sanzang waved his Zen staff wide open and closed, like a god of war, and no one among dozens of ghosts could pass her.”
“Nitocris frowned slightly, and tapped the scepter lightly on the floor, and many mummies began to emerge on the ground again.”
“Although the mummy is also within the scope of Sanzang’s professional counterpart, but with the previous ghosts, there are too many mummies after all. The mummies bypassed Sanzang and rushed to the back.”
“Fujita drew the longbow, and the arrows seemed to be equipped with precision guidance. Each arrow could hit the forehead of a mummy, and then let the mummy cool down on the spot.”
“At the same time, Da Vinci also waved his wand to support.”
“” Sanzang, Da Vinci, Fujita, I leave this place to you! Mash, bypass them and go straight to Nitocris! “Kashima Yuyan said concisely.”
“Yes, senior! “Maxiu let out a soft cry, and put the shield in front of him, like a soldier attacking the city, rushing all the way.”
“Those ghosts and mummies tried to stop her, but Sanzang and Fujita knocked her away one by one.”
“”He rushed directly at me? ! ” Nitocris said in surprise, and at the same time knocked down the scepter in her hand again,Many mummies emerged from the ground. ”
“Having reached this position, neither Sanzang nor Fujita can help Mashu, and Mashu understands this. She waved the huge shield with one hand, and pulled out the pistol around her waist with the other hand. long sword.”
“Swinging the shield with the right hand and the sword with the left hand, the mummy blocking the way was either shot flying or fell to the ground.”
“Mash, who is like a Valkyrie, quickly rushed in front of Nitocris, and under her horrified gaze, Mash slammed into her with a shield.”
“Nitocris couldn’t dodge in time, she flew out as if she had been hit by a car.”
“There was a bang, and a wall was directly smashed by Nitocris!”
“A moment later, an arm stretched out from the bricks, and then Nitocris, who was in a panic, lifted the bricks, leaned on his staff, and stood up tremblingly.”
“”Well! She snorted, as if appreciating, but also as if reprimanding herself, “You are worthy of being a warrior who has experienced many battles, so you are qualified to meet the king… Please forgive me, Sun King, I really am not enough.” Calling himself Pharaoh…””
“As soon as the words fell, Nitocris fell to the ground with a thud.”
“After Nitocris fell, those ghosts and mummies also disappeared in place. Ma Xiu let out a long breath and put away the long sword.”
“Kashima Yu came over, and said with a complicated expression, “Maybe she will be resented later, right? But there is no other way. “”
“”Um. Matthew also nodded with a complex expression and said, “Queen Nitocris might be angry, right?” After all, we didn’t have a showdown as serious as her. “”
“Nitocris came here with the intention of killing them, so naturally, they should have the same determination! But…”
“”We have been helped by her so many times, so it was just a non-serious battle, she should forgive us, right? “Kashima Yu chuckled.”
“”This is the so-called karma, right? Since she has helped us, it is difficult for her to have any objection to our repayment. said Da Vinci with a smile.
“If it were an ordinary person, they would probably choose options such as cutting out the roots at this time, but Kashima Yu would not do this, and about Kashima Yu… Da Vinci actually quite likes it.”
“”This is their base camp after all, so it’s okay to leave Nitocris alone. Alright, let’s go to the throne! “Kashima Yu clenched his right fist and raised it into the air, cheering.”
“After that, they didn’t encounter any obstacles again, but arrived inside the Great Temple safely.”
“Looking at the people who broke in, Sun King Osmandis raised his eyebrows slightly, “Did you actually defeat Nitocris? Not bad, worthy of praise. So, why are you here looking for Yu? Whether to dedicate the head to Yu, or to beg Yu’s forgiveness. “”
“Kashima Yu took a step forward, and said with a calm expression, “I have just told you about our purpose. “”
“”Um? Did you mean the report just now? It seems to mean that he wants to fight side by side with Yu, right? Pfft, hahahahaha! Osmandis suddenly laughed wildly, “What?” Is that serious? ! ! It really makes people laugh out loud! “”
“”Such a ridiculous report, even Yu couldn’t tell the truth from the fake… Yu burned the handout after laughing out loud. Although I delivered such a ridiculous biography to Yu, Yu will forgive you, and this time I will make an exception to forgive you, because Yu hasn’t laughed like this for a long time. “”
“”Master of a foreign country, I admit you, you are very talented—a funny talent! If you go to filming, you will surely become a highly anticipated comedian! After all, even Yu doesn’t have a talent like yours, hahahahahaha! “”
“Hearing Osmandis’s taunts, everyone’s face turned black, and Sanzang couldn’t help but angrily scolded, “Hey, King Osmandis, it’s too late, there must be a limit to contemptuous people , Kashima is very serious! Also, don’t put on a smile when you’re unhappy, you don’t think it’s funny at all, do you? “”
“”Eh? Isn’t the Sun King smiling? ” Kashima Yu asked in surprise.”
“Well, not laughing, he agreed with our proposal, so we didn’t encounter other obstacles on our way here. “Da Vinci whispered in Kashima Yu’s ear.”
“”Xuanzang Sanzang…a woman who crossed Yu’s territory without Yu’s permission, you seem to have some opinion on Yu. Osmandis raised his eyebrows slightly, and then grinned, “It’s okay, for the sake of your great achievements, I allow you to ask a question.” “”
“”thank you very much. After thanking Sanzang, he said, “Although I have never been to the Great Temple before this, I have been to many oases and temples. I heard about you in those places–cold and arrogant, but very reasonable to protect you.” King of the people. “”
“”You are not like the Lion King, you put people’s lives first, because you know that is the best way to make the country prosperous, because you think it is the king’s duty! “”
“”Uh-huh. “Osmandis listened very comfortably, and his eyes almost narrowed. After all, hearing people say good things about himself—especially a top-level and well-known heroic spirit said good things about him. Who doesn’t like it?”
“”but! “”
“As soon as Sanzang uttered these two words, Osmandis immediately frowned. But if you add the word “but” to any good words, the previous good words will change the flavor.”
“I only heard Sanzang continue, “But you want to give up this obligation, don’t you? You predict that if you and the lionThe king fights, the best result is to die together, so I don’t fight! Obviously you summoned this desert to this world, but because you can’t win the Lion King, you want to imprison the people in this temple! “”
“”We have proposed a way for you to give up escaping and fight the Lion King, why can’t you honestly fight side by side with us? ! “”
Chapter 624 What does your monkey look like?
“”idiot! Osmandis immediately scolded, “What’s the point of joining a party that has no chance of winning?” Moreover, even if you beat the Lion King, what problem can you solve? Due to human incineration, human beings have been incinerated! Even if you defeat the Lion King alone, it will be a waste of effort! “”
“”Yu will use Yu’s power to save Yu’s people, as for other things, what will happen to Yu? ! “”
“Hearing this, Sanzang, who was originally calm, suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart, “Ah! I’m angry! Why are you as willful as Wukong! “”
“Wukong, the Monkey King. “Osmandis felt that this evaluation was not bad at first. Although he was said to be self-willed, he was still on par with Monkey King after all.”
“But in a blink of an eye, he reacted, “Wait a minute, isn’t that a monkey? ! “”
“Well, yes, it’s a monkey! Sanzang nodded heavily, and then said with erratic eyes, “So, you look exactly like Wukong!” “”
“” That’s weird! Who would look exactly like a monkey! “Osmandis feels his beauty has been hit!”
“So the Monkey King looks like this?” Makise Kurisu was lost in confusion, is it different from what she knew?
What about the monkey?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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