What does your monkey look like?
Monkeys who become immortals are different from ordinary monkeys, right?
“”Leave that kind of thing aside for now! Sanzang jumped over this topic confidently, “Back to the question just now!” Listen up, the end of the world is at hand, and even if you don’t care, your people won’t want to lose this land! You should be the one who understands this kind of thing best! “”
“”You who have been talking about protecting the people all the time, then show us your arrogance! Isn’t Pharaoh Osmandis the strongest in Egypt? Then don’t just protect the people, but also protect the land that the people desire! Fool! “”
“”…” Listening to the Sanzang’s words spit out like a machine gun, Osmandis fell into silence. Although he is not a monkey, but he looks exactly like the Monkey King, he also understands at this moment. To the hopelessness of being preached to.”
“”Oh, has even this great king been said to be stupid? Although I have known it for a long time, this explosive power is really powerful. “Fujita said gloatingly.”
“”hahahahahahahahaha! ! Osmandis laughed wildly again.”
“The difference is that this time, even Kashima Yu can tell that he is really smiling.”
“”You actually said to protect the land of the people? What Yu guards is the law of the gods! It’s just that judging from the results, the subjects were protected at the same time! But…” Osmandis sneered, “For you brave men, Yu is always an obstacle. “”
“”Excellent king, but also a tyrant who should be defeated! Therefore, no matter in what era or in what world, I will reign as your enemy! Pharaoh Osmandis will not save the world, because he is the king who rules! “”
“Kashima Yu blinked, “Although the logic seems strange, I can tell that he wants to be our opponent? “”
“”Hahaha, not bad! Yu can’t hold back the urge to kill you all now! “”
“”Eh? Listening to what Osmandis said, Sanzang frowned in dissatisfaction, “I don’t think it’s okay to do some kind deeds once in a while, right?” “”
“”Humph! Osmandis said with a cold snort, “Xuanzang Sanzang, what you said is good, but there is a fatal flaw in your words!” As a reward for making Yu laugh out loud, let Yu Lai personally make up for this for you! “”
“”A fatal deficiency? Sanzang blinked, “Did I miss something again?” “”
“”nature! “Osmandis’s eyes burst out with endless killing intent, “Whether you can save the world with your strength, this has not yet been proven!” Therefore, I will grant you this opportunity! “”
“As we spoke, a golden cup floated out of Osmandis’s body—the Holy Grail!”
“I saw him scratch his arm, let the blood flow into the Holy Grail, and then directly dried up the blood in the Holy Grail!”
“”The shadow of the demon god residing in the Holy Grail! False god of the demon god Amon, I hereby give you the correct name! One of the seventy-two Demon God Pillars, Demon God Yamon——no, just call his real name! One of the true gods enshrined in my great temple, its name is the great god Amon Ra! “”
“During the words, Osmandis’s body changed drastically, and his original human form began to swell and deform, but in a short while, it has become a huge, golden pillar!”
“And there are many lines on the huge pillar…or blood vessels are more appropriate? There is a faint blue light flowing in those blood vessels, exuding a sense of oppression that makes people feel frightened! ”
“A little lower in the middle of the pillar, there are several huge spikes! But Yu Kashima feels that those spikes are a bit like eyes?”
“Wow! Da Vinci looked at the pillar in shock, “King Osmandis is a big guy!” Amon Ra has the highest divinity in ancient Egypt! “”
“”It is impossible for such a huge divinity to appear in the world, but if you give the name of the Demon God Pillar and forcefully attach it to the Demon God Pillar, it is barely possible! Although it is temporary, it is also a real god, a super powerful enemy beyond the scope of the Demon God Pillar! “”
“Although Da Vinci’s words were full of worries, Kashima Yu laughed happily, “But from another perspective, because it is attached to the Demon God Pillar, this Amon Ola can’t perform at all. Show all your strength? “”
“”good! In other words, we still have hope of victory! Matthew said firmly, “Besides, we can’t move forward without defeating him!” The Sun King became like that just to witness our power! In order to prove that we can defeat the Lion King – we must defeat the great god Amon Ra! “”
“Seeing that everyone seemed to have made up their minds, the huge spikes on the pillar began to tremble, and then inside the Great Temple, at the feet of Kashima Yu and others, yellow sand began to fill the sky.”
“Senior, get out of here! Matthew seemed to have noticed something, and shouted in horror, she had already made a decision in a blink of an eye.”
“Before Kashima Yu could react, he was directly knocked out by Mash.”
“The yellow sand all over the sky exploded with a bang, and the huge smoke covered the entire space!”
Chapter 625 Dead ducks are not as stubborn as you
“Mash! “Lu Daoyou exclaimed, and then saw a beautiful figure flying out of the smoke—it was Matthew!”
“”Drink! “”
“Mashu let out a soft snort, and holding up the huge shield with both hands, it fell from the sky and hit the pillar.”
“The pillar has sunken visible to the naked eye, and even some cracks have begun to appear!”
“Oh, the attack worked! “Kashima Yu shouted in surprise.”
“”It’s not that simple. Da Vinci fanned the dust in front of his eyes with his hands, and said solemnly, “The magic power response has not decreased at all!” It is the Great Composite Temple that is providing magic power to Amon Ra! This is probably the trump card prepared by King Osmandis for the decisive battle with the Lion King! “”
“The damaged parts are being quickly repaired…” Matthew also gritted his teeth and said, “As long as it is in the Great Temple, it will not collapse. It is indeed a special fighting form to protect the people. “”
“Just as a few people were talking, the injuries on Amon La’s body were completely repaired, and then the spikes on his body trembled again.”
“Boom boom boom…”
“It seemed to be attracted by invisible magic power. It was as if countless mines had been planted in the entire hall, exploding everywhere, and several people were forced to run around.”
“When Fujita was free to dodge, he shot a few arrows. After the arrows hit the Demon God Pillar, they exploded like a missile. Even the Demon God Pillar would be injured by this kind of attack.”
“But the part that was shot recovered in a blink of an eye.”
“” Tsk! “L Teng too unhappily spat, and said, “This is going to be endless! Can this thing really be defeated? If we continue to consume, we must be the losers! “”
“”Well, that’s why we have to get serious! After avoiding the explosion again, Sanzang slowly closed his eyes, held the Zen staff in his right hand, and made a single palm salute with his left hand, “Although this is a trick that was reprimanded and sealed by Master Tathagata…””
“”But, King Osmandis, you don’t hesitate to become such an ugly form, but also to confirm our strength. Then I must also respond to your feelings! “”
“”The magic power index has suddenly increased a lot? ! Is the Tripitaka going to use the treasure? “Kashima Yu’s eyes widened. Although she knew that Sanzang’s spirit base was the spirit base of a top-level heroic spirit, she had never seen Sanzang show the aura of a top-level heroic spirit.”
“It’s better to say that I often see Sanzang being bullied by various miscellaneous fish monsters, so she can’t believe that Sanzang is a top heroic spirit…”
“”This exists because that exists, and this is born so that is born. This does not exist because that does not exist; this ceases so that ceases. Try to hit the Five Elements Mountain, practice thousands of times, and turn to the good thoughts that arise from one thought! “”
“Following the voice of Sanzang’s telekinetic treasure, a huge golden circle of light spread from Sanzang’s feet.”
“As the golden circle of light spread out, beautiful mountain peaks appeared on both sides of her back, and a huge Tathagata Buddha statue floated behind her. Under the dazzling Buddha light, people couldn’t see the Buddha statue clearly. look like.”
“”Five Elements Mountain! Sakyamuni palm! “”
“Sanzang gave a loud shout, and jumped into the air against countless explosions. His hands were like machine guns, and he swung countless afterimages to hit the Demon God Pillar!”
“In just a short while, thousands of palms were struck!”
“Finally, Sanzang waved his palm, and the huge Demon God Pillar flew more than ten meters away as if it had been hit by a dump truck, and finally crashed into the palace wall, smashing all kinds of things in the temple. It was smashed to pieces!”
“Master, is it not enough for us monks to just recite scriptures and learn martial arts?” A young monk looked at the video in confusion.
This eminent monk who attained the Tao more than a thousand years ago, no matter how he looked at it, was… different from what he had imagined.
“EMMMMM…” The old monk was also lost in thought, they couldn’t learn this kind of palm technique either!
“”…” Kashima Yu froze in place, this is nothing but a blockbuster?”
“Matthew alsoHe said in a daze, “It is true that the reaction of the Demon God Pillar disappeared…but, this…””
“Sanzang blinked, and immediately retreated from that state full of Buddha nature. It can be said that he returned to his original form in an instant.”
“She shouted in a panic, “Oops, it’s overdone! Whoa, King Osmandis, are you all right? ! “”
“”Cough cough. “Osmandis coughed from the ruins of the palace wall, and soon, a familiar figure stood up from the ruins.”
“Obviously there are many injuries on his body, but Osmandis still said as if nothing happened, “Well, are you calling Yu? You idiot, Yu is the Sun King, how could something happen at this level? ! “”
“”Oh, all right. Sanzang patted his chest, obviously relieved, “Just now, seeing your injuries all over your body, I thought you were using too much force. “”
“Kashima Yu smiled, and said rather teasingly, “It’s obviously nothing, but it changed back very simply. “”
“Of course, Yu is the Sun King, the king of the gods! Naturally, nothing will happen to this level! Osmandis emphasized again, “But you played very well!” With such power, he is worthy to fight against the lion king who thinks he is a god! “”
“”Pharaoh! Are you okay? Nitocris broke in from the outside at this time, “I seem to have heard a terrible voice just now!” ? “”
“Oh, Nitocris, you came just in time. Osmandis said, while sitting back on the throne confidently, “Although Yu et al didn’t use their full strength, they undoubtedly defeated us, and they have shown us that they have the power to fight side by side with Yu et al ! “”
“”I didn’t use all my strength…” Kashima Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, “The mouth of a dead duck is not as hard as your mouth. “”
“Although Kashima Yuu did not deliberately lower his voice when he said this, Osmandis chose to become deaf.”
“He leaned on his head with one hand, “By the way, what did you say just now?” “”
“” is a proposal about a common front. “Since Osmandis is unwilling to mention the previous battle, Kashima Yu will act as if nothing happened.”
“”Um. Osmandis nodded quite satisfied, “You have already shown your strength, so I can’t just ignore it.” Xuanzang Sanzang, as you said, if you only protect your own people, you will be like the Lion King. “”
“”Because I was too focused on the future, I chose the safest path…but although the path is safe and strong, it is also very narrow. “”
“”Maybe it’s because Yu hastily took the Holy Grail, that’s why I have a style of losing Yu, and I have too much attachment to some things. “”
“As we spoke, Osmandis took out that golden cup again.”
“Seeing this scene, Kashima Yu seemed to understand something in her heart. She suppressed her excitement and asked softly, “King Osmandis, what is this? “”
Chapter 626: How the Flying Dragon Riding on the Face Lost
“”It’s a reward, here it is for you. Osmandis said indifferently, “This is a heart-shattering battle, enough for Yu to give this.” But don’t be too happy! This era is different from other singularities, only getting the Holy Grail cannot restore humanity! “”
“Well, we know very well that the chaos of this age cannot be undone without stopping the Holy Lance of the Lion King! Da Vinci took the initiative to pick up the Holy Grail, and then continued to ask, “King Osmandis, you gave up the trump card of the Holy Grail, which means that you are willing to assist us in attacking the holy capital… Can I understand it this way?” “”
“”It goes without saying, beautiful woman, that I have removed the guardian beasts outside. Osmandis said lazily, “I have lent you the rest of the beast legion, just use it!” Although Yu also wants to show Wang Wei on the battlefield, but Yu probably has other things to do, so attacking the holy capital will be left to you. “”
“”The Beast Legion refers to the Sphinx Legion outside, right? Isn’t this the strongest army in this country? ! Sanzang became excited, “Thank you, King Osmandis!” It’s a pity that you can’t come in person! “”
“”Hmph, you should be overjoyed, because you don’t have to worry about being robbed of the limelight on the battlefield by Yu! said Osmandis with a chuckle.
“Mash also seemed very happy, “That’s great, senior! It seems that we can bring good news to Mr. Wang Hassan. “”
“”what? ! You said… Wang Hassan? ! ! ! “Osmandis’s face changed instantly. His expression was like a super African chief who drew 3,000 stones but didn’t have a five-star.”
“He gritted his teeth, and asked almost like a roar, “Is it referring to the swordsman who looks like a god of death? You came to visit Yu’s desert because of what that guy said? ! “”
“”Yup. Sanzang nodded his head, “The big guy from Skeleton asked us to come to this desert, saying that as long as we do this, he would be willing to be Gao Wenqing’s opponent.” “”
“”That’s right. Osmandis laughed suddenly, “Kashima, then you really did something meaningless.” “”
“What do you mean by pointless? “Kashima Yu blinked with confusion on his face.”
“Nitocris is also a little confused, “Pharaoh Osmandis, who is King Hassan? “”
“Osmandis explained, “is the leader of the old man in the mountain, and is a role comparable to the Lion King! He is also Yu’s alert target! “”
“”The reason why Yu didn’t launch an all-out war against the Lion King was not to hold on to this great temple…””
“”That’s what happened after Yu summoned this desert and became hostile to the people of the mountain. Yu is alone on this throne thinking about tacticsSuddenly, a coolness flashed behind him. “”
“Speaking of which, Osmandis’ face became gloomy again,” Yu couldn’t help but looked back, and saw that man – the first generation of “Old Man in the Mountain” standing there! And he had already completed the mission, his perfect assassination had already beheaded Yu before Yu could react! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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