“”Although Yu Hou fought with all his strength, the guy seemed to have merged into the darkness and left easily. “”
“Hearing the words of Osmandis gnashing his teeth, Matthew suddenly reacted, “Beheaded? Ah, senior, it’s that one! “”
“Kashima Yu also reacted accordingly. At that time, the three of them were fired because they saw the scene where Osmandis’ head fell to the ground!”
“”It’s the one I met for the first time…then why are you still alive? “Kashima Yu asked purely out of curiosity.”
“”Although he is an enemy, it is indeed an assassination technique that has reached the realm of a god. If Yu hadn’t been fighting in his own temple, Yu would have died long ago. “While Osmandis praised him, he also explained why he was still alive.”
“After that, Yu was unable to move freely and could only wait for the wound to heal. When you first visited Yu Zhi Temple, it happened to be when Yu was recovering from his injuries. “”
“”Really, if I knew that guy would also assist you, I would have helped you from the beginning. This is what pointless action refers to! If you had said it earlier, Yu would not have to fight you. “”
“Osmandis complained quite a bit, Sun King and King Hassan, are you afraid of losing when you beat a Lion King? Just ask you, how can you lose when you have such a big advantage, even if you have a flying dragon on your face?!”
“Hahaha, that’s right. “Kashima Yu laughed loudly, “But it would be better to play a game, right? “”
“If you don’t fight a game, you won’t be able to establish your own status. Kashima Yu can still understand this.”
“Osmandis smiled slightly, “Hmph, not bad…Little girl, Yu admires you more and more. “”
“Afterwards, everyone discussed tactics with King Osmandis, and after agreeing on the time for the battle, everyone rushed to the East Village with all their might.”
“Fortunately, with the horse provided by Lancelot, we finally caught up before the final battle.”
“Welcome back, thank you for your hard work. “Bedwell seems to have known the news of their return, and has been waiting outside the East Village in advance.”
“”I heard that the cooperation request to King Osmandis has been successfully completed, right? What a celebration to have the assistance of that king! By the way, we also have good news for you. “”
“”Oh! What good news? “Looking at Bedivere’s happy face, Kashima Yu hurriedly asked.”
“Before Bedivere could speak, Hassan the Cursed Arm suddenly appeared, “Welcome everyone, as you can see, the preparations here have basically been completed. “”
“Kashimayou glanced at the village and found that the village that had been burned by the fire once again became alive again.”
“”It seems to be getting lively here. “”
“Yes, the village now gathers representatives of the various villages. “It was An Mi Hassan who hurried over who spoke, “We have been discussing the cooperation issue for attacking the holy capital for a while, and almost 7,000 soldiers have arrived. “”
“”It’s more than that! Hassan Baimao also came here, and there was both grief and relief in his words, “Since East Village and West Village were sanctioned by the light of Suzheng, they agreed with our uprising, and there are many people in the Holy Land who have stood up behind the scenes There are more than two thousand people! The number of soldiers has reached more than 9,000! “”
“In this case, the troops will be even stronger! Kashima Yu clenched his fists and said, “Combined with Lancelot’s army and King Osmandis’ beast army, it should be enough to fight the Lion King’s solemn knights!” “”
Chapter 627: Pre-war Meeting
“At night, Fujita used his Noble Phantasm again and started holding a banquet.”
“However, Lancelot, Da Vinci and others held the final meeting in the camp.”
“”Oh, there is not even a little flower decoration, and it is the last night, but this kind of boring battle meeting is still going on. “Da Vinci said with disgust.”
“Lancelot smiled wryly, “Please forgive me a little more, someone must be in charge of the overall situation of the troops. I am also looking forward to the delicious food at the banquet…but I am also patient, so please be patient. . “”
“”Okay, okay, who let Lancelot save my life? I can only cooperate honestly. Da Vinci smiled lightly and waved his hands, “Speaking of which, the most important thing is how to break through the main entrance, right?” Do you want to explode it with my treasure? “”
“Her rubbing nuclear bombs are still very powerful.”
“Lancelot shook his head, “That’s the problem, Camelot’s main entrance is not so easy to destroy! That front door can neutralize any malicious attack or evil power, and even the holy sword can’t move a single bit if it’s just pure firepower. “”
“”Is it possible that we can only ignore the main entrance? Da Vinci blinked his eyes and said, “If that’s the case, it should be necessary to build an archery tower in advance, right?” “”
“”Yes, it is more realistic to build an archery tower and then attack the holy capital from the city wall. “Lancelot nodded and said, “And King Osmandis’ beast legion will also attack from the west side of the holy capital, not only can part of the troops be separated, but also hopeBecause the gods and beasts destroyed part of the city wall. “”
“”However, it is not so easy to destroy the city wall, right? After all, the holy capital is the holy spear of the Lion King itself. Moreover, what about the guerrilla knight Mordred? asked Da Vinci.”
“”Destroying the city wall itself is just a thought, it doesn’t matter whether it can be done or not… As for Mordred’s troops, leave it to my troops. The knights under her command are very low-level, and it only takes two A frontal charge from left to right can wipe out all the knights under her command. “”
“Lancelot spoke unceremoniously in contempt for Mordred, “After that, we will also come to assist you to climb over the city wall. “”
“After Da Vinci thought for a moment, he nodded slightly and said, “Well… it seems that this method is the most ideal. At that time, Kashima and I will wait near the city wall, protecting the coalition army while waiting for your arrival. “”
“”But once they invade the holy capital, they will have to face Tristan and Aggregvin who are stationed in the holy capital. There should be continuous battles… we have to think of a way here. “”
“”Aggravel…” Mentioning this man’s name, Lancelot’s expression also darkened, just as Aggraven couldn’t understand him, he couldn’t understand Aggawen either.”
“”It’s impossible for that man not to have predicted our actions. The people of the mountain, the people of the desert, and the people of the holy city have joined forces, and the momentum is already so huge that it can’t be hidden at all… But there is still no movement in the holy city! Probably because that man didn’t tell the Lion King about the existence of the United Army! “”
“”I’m afraid he wants to use us to weaken the strength of the Lion King! His purpose is different from that of the Lion King, that man has only selfish desires! He influenced King Arthur behind the scenes and took power, whether in Britain or in this holy capital! “”
“”I should have killed that man long ago! The Lion King wouldn’t be crazy without that man! “”
“Lancelot said a lot, and threw all the blame for the crimes committed by the Lion King on Agravin… Unfortunately, Agravin is not the blame of this world after all.”
“Is that Aggie really that bad?” Yukinoshita Yukino asked Artoria curiously, “I don’t think Lancelot can’t understand him at all.”
“Secret Aggression is not a traitor… It’s just that the relationship between him and Sir Lancelot is really not very good.” Artoria smiled wryly.
After all, such things have already happened to the Knights of the Round Table, and it is impossible to return to the way they used to be no matter what…
“Well, I don’t think you’re right. “Da Vinci denied Lancelot’s words.”
“”What did you say? Lancelot suddenly widened his eyes and asked in surprise.”
“”If Aggavin really acted based on selfish desires, this kind of thing would not happen. He would be more active in attacking, dispersing his forces, and giving us the opportunity to encircle those forces and take advantage of them. But the Holy Capital has no such flaws! “Da Vinci analyzed.”
“”I think this should be the resentment of the consul Aggraven, right? How can I say this person… I always feel that he is standing beside the Lion King with great anger and persistence. “”
“” Persistence? Lancelot frowned slightly, “Is that man who is indifferent to anyone and as cold as iron?” How could such a man be persistent? “”
“Lancelot, who is hostile to Agravin, can’t even imagine such a thing.”
“On the other hand, Mash wanted to look for Kashima Yu after attending the banquet, but he couldn’t find anyone.”
“After asking others, I heard that it is somewhere in the back mountain.”
“Matthew went to look for it, but after searching for a while, she didn’t see Kashimayou, but Bedivere. She shouted from a long distance, “Mr. Bedivere, are you resting here? Excuse me, have you seen the senior? I heard it’s near here…””
“”Woo…ah…” Bedivere was sobbing, but when he heard Matthew’s voice, he immediately raised his head.”
“Matthew, who was walking towards Bedivere, stopped suddenly. Although there were still about ten steps away, she could easily see the tears on Bedivere’s face through the moonlight.”
“Eh? Senior Bedivere was crying just now? Matthew’s cheeks turned red instantly, and she felt ashamed of being caught on the spot for peeking at someone else’s diary.”
“Bedwell wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and chuckled lightly, “Well, Kashima didn’t come here. “”
“Ah, um… Well, I’ll go over there and look for it. I didn’t see anything just now…” Matthew faltered, then turned and left.”
“”Wait a minute, please. “Bedwell called to stop her, “I made you laugh just now…Although it may be shameless, can I ask you to sit down, I have something to ask you. “”
“”…” Matthew nodded, “Then I will be rude, Lord Bedivere. “”
“Speaking like this, Matthew sat across from Bedivere. This soft-looking man in front of her has always shown her gentle and firm side in front of them. She never thought that she could see him crying. .”
Chapter 628 It doesn’t seem to matter
“A man???” Tsuchiya Kota tilted his head, and then jumped up three feet high, “How could it be a man?!!! How is this possible! She looks like a gentle big sister!”
Kota Tsuchiya rolled his head on the ground crazily, and his whole body was about to collapse. Why is the goddess of his dreams a man!
“Wait!” Tsuchiya Kota suddenly raised his head, and there seemed to be a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.
That is a look that sees through the world of mortals and realizes everything!
“It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman…ah? ”
“”It’s finally time to attack the holy capital, are you alright, Mash? “Bedwell asked gently.”
“Well, I’m all set. Matthew’s expression was a little worried, “Senior Bedivere, are you… well, is your body still hurting?” Was that just because of pain? “”
“”No, I’ve had enough rest, and I should be fine physically. “Bedwell chuckled lightly, “Besides, my body has lost feeling many years ago. “”
“”? ? ? “Matthew’s eyes widened suddenly, and she noticed a word, many years ago? Shouldn’t the heroic spirit have already died?”
“I didn’t care about Matthew’s surprise, Bedivere continued, but at this moment his expression was very lonely, “I cried because of fear just now… Sorry, because my spirit is not that strong. I was so scared that I didn’t have the courage to raise my head at all… That’s why I vented my fear like this where no one could see. “”
“” Fear? Matthew looked at Bedivere in surprise, “What a surprise, although I am also very afraid of fighting, but… I thought Senior Bedivere was already used to fighting, so there was no fear at all. “”
“No, it’s not the battle itself that’s scary. A wry smile appeared on the corner of Bedivere’s mouth, “I’m just afraid of my own behavior…worried about whether I did the right thing, worried about whether I did something wrong. As soon as I am free, I can’t help being afraid of these things, and I am always afraid of my own choices. “”
“…” Matthew was taken aback for a moment, and then pointed out sharply, “Senior Bedivere, are you afraid of seeing the Lion King? “”
“…” After thinking for a long time, Bedivere nodded bitterly, “Yes, you are right, I have come to this point, and I started to be afraid of seeing the Lion King. Mash, you are also one of the knights of the round table, there should be hesitation in your body, right? Are you, like me, terrified of confronting King Arthur? “”
Matthew hesitated for a moment and then nodded, “Yes. Seriously, I was also terrified of facing The Lion King. Whether I can still fight, whether I have helped my seniors, and whether everything will be in vain because of my own failure in the end… My mind is full of these thoughts, and I am terribly afraid. “”
“”However, whenever these fears emerge in my heart, I will think of that trust, that miracle… No matter what, I am unwilling to live up to that trust and miracle. “”
“Bedwell looked at Matthew in surprise, “Miracle, trust? Matthew, what is that? “”
“”I died once…” Matthew lowered her eyes, and whispered about the past, obviously not long ago, but in retrospect, it seems like a long time ago.”
“”On that day, there was a huge explosion, and rubble fell from the sky, crushing my body…the entire lower body was crushed, and I completely lost consciousness. “”
“”At that time, I could even feel my life force passing by every moment… Seriously, it was very scary, I thought about what I could do with the time I had left, and found that there was nothing to do. Do. “”
“Listening to Matthew’s description, Bedivere gradually pursed his lips. He seemed to be able to see Matthew alone in the ruins, unable to move under the boulder on his body, and could only wait in that solitude in despair. die.”
“”But…” Then, a smile appeared on the corner of Matthew’s mouth, “Someone held my hand, and in the flames, someone rushed to save me…Of course, it is impossible to save me, she Also understand this very well. She was terrified of death, and her knees kept shaking. But even so, she still thinks about me. “”
“”She can’t change my ending, so at least it should keep me relaxed until the end… She believed that this was the best way, so she smiled and held my hand. “”
“”I still remember the warmth of those hands…it was that warmth that awakened Mr. Galahad. “”
“Matthew raised his head and said with a smile, “Now I can understand that Mr. Galahad is not the only one who admits me, he believes in me and seniors——believes in the kindness of human beings who can do such things sex. I was not saved, but entrusted… So, even if I am very scared, I will continue to fight. “”
“”That’s right. Bedivere suddenly laughed, “You are different from me, you are undoubtedly a true knight, and I… I committed a crime, and it is an absolutely unforgivable crime.” I have come this far in order to atone for my sins, but I have sacrificed many things for it. “”
“”At that time in the desert, I said goodbye to you because to me, going to the holy capital is more important than you who are in trouble. “”
“”It was the same in front of the gate of the holy city. In order to see the king, I covered my face with a cloak and kept my head down. When the holy bald started and many people were killed, I did not raise my head. It wasn’t because I was trembling with anger when I witnessed the tyranny, but because at that time I only thought about how to sneak into the holy capital. “”
“”That’s when I heard the sound of fighting, it was you who were breaking through the knights’ siege for people to flee… that was what I was supposed to do. “”
“”What the hell am I doing? At the end of the journey, I turned out to be so ugly? ! Realizing this, I was driven by this anxious state of mind, and I swung my sword selflessly… and then I started to act with you. “”
“How could I be like you? “”
“Matthew stared at the man in front of her who kept belittling herself in silence. She wanted to tell him that this was absolutely not the case, but she didn’t know where to start.”
“Bedwell didn’t wait for her to speak.Meaning, he said to himself, “I am very scared… afraid of the end of this journey. I have lived for this reason until now, but now, I suddenly start to fear death.” ”
“”The journey is so hard, if I still can’t get the corresponding redemption in the end… When I think of this, I am so afraid that I can’t stand up, I am afraid that there will be a meaningless end in the end. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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