Chapter 629 If you have the advantage, come out
“”no, I can not! Matthew suddenly shouted, “This will never happen!” “”
“”Matthew…” Bedivere, whose words were interrupted, looked at her in surprise.”
“Matthew stared at Bedivere, and said with great certainty, “The end of the journey that Senior Bedivere is looking for cannot be meaningless! “”
“”Because you could have ended this journey at any time, but no matter how hard it was and how frightening it was, you have made it this far! Because this is not for yourself, but for the journey of others! “”
“”So, I can conclude—the end of the journey must be meaningful! It must be enough to reward you for your hard work! “”
“Bedwell was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, “If this is the case… No, I should say that I will work hard in this direction! I can’t lose to a young knight. “”
“”Well, I’m sorry…” Matthew lowered her head with a blushing face, “I couldn’t help but say it just now, as if I was amazing, obviously I still can’t use the treasure skillfully. “”
“That’s right, even though she knows Galahad’s real name, Mash still can’t use the real Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm she’s using now is still the imaginary Noble Phantasm, the imaginary unfolding—the foundation of human reason.”
“Hahaha, yes. Bedivere smiled kindly, “Then, as a senior, let me give you a little suggestion.” “”
“”Suggest? what is it then? Matthew asked quickly.”
“”Mashu, regarding your treasure, do you regard it as a ‘defense and counterattack’ thing? Bedivere warned with a serious expression, “But, no!” The essence of this treasure is to protect the existence of people! Your consciousness should not be focused on bouncing off the enemy’s attack, but on the object that should be protected! “”
“”This is the shield, no, the essence of our round table! Not the fake Camelot of that holy capital, but the real road leading to the city of chalk that will never collapse! “”
“”The road to the city of chalk? Matthew asked in surprise and confusion, although she didn’t know what it was, but when she heard that sentence, her heart suddenly throbbed, and some emotions seemed to be gushing out.”
“Bedwell nodded, “Yes, you already have this qualification! The me who was saved by your soul just now is the best proof! “”
“Early the next morning, everyone led the coalition army to the holy capital.”
“The weather was very good that day, the sky was clear, and everyone could see it from a long distance away. A large number of soldiers were deployed at the gate of the holy capital.”
“And on the city wall, the number of archers is still abnormally large, far exceeding the usual level.”
“”That fellow, Agguwen, actually added archers to the city wall, almost three times the original number! Lancelot frowned and said, “It seems that they plan to wipe us out before we approach the city wall.” “”
“”In this case, it will be difficult to get close. “The cursed Hassan’s face is very ugly.”
“Although there are bound to be the first troops to ascend the city against the rain of arrows when attacking the city, but these poor people don’t have so many shields to use. Facing such a large number of defending archers, if they attack the city rashly, they will only kill the combined forces. The troops were completely consumed.”
“”Wait here for now! “Lancelot said in a deep voice, “King Osmandis’ beast legion is about to arrive, let them march to the west of the holy capital. In that case, a large number of archers defending the city can be attracted away. At that time, we will Then take the opportunity to go all out! “”
“”But even then, it would be difficult for us to get close, right? Even if we are optimistic, the number of people who can reach the main entrance is estimated to be only about 60%. “Da Vinci spread his hands and said helplessly.”
“This is different from what they discussed in the previous meeting. The original idea was to fight Mordred’s troops in the wild, fight Gawain’s troops at the main gate, and then take the opportunity to climb over the city wall…”
“But in the end, Mordred didn’t go out of the city at all. All her subordinates were probably taken away by Agguivin to defend the city, and even Gawain’s subordinates were probably taken away a lot. They behaved like a tortoise. group!”
“Although this is the correct way to open the city… But don’t you have the advantage here in the holy capital? If you have the advantage, come out for me! The big advantage is shrunk to the line of soldiers under the tower, isn’t it reasonable?!”
“This Agga-style script is deeply inherited by Shenyong, right?!”
“But why hasn’t Wang Hassan come yet? “Lu Daoyou looked around, logically speaking, they have fulfilled the agreement with Wang Hassan, Wang Hassan should come to fight Gao Wen… But until now, they have not seen Wang Hassan .”
“”The first-generation adults will definitely appear! Hassan the Cursed Wrist said confidently, “Anyway, we still have to wait for the arrival of the army of beasts, no matter what, don’t we?” “”
“Everyone glanced at each other and said nothing, after all, this is the truth, waitWho is not waiting? ”
“Wang Hassan won’t let them go, will he?” Kato Hui blinked and said, “If they are let go, this battle will be very close… But it shouldn’t be so, right? The dignified first Hassan, if you let go Human pigeons are too ridiculous.”
She doesn’t really want the first generation of Hassan to be the kind of person who contradicts what he says… I don’t know why, but she actually has a good impression of the first generation Hassan.
Probably because she is often overlooked, she feels like an assassin.
“But after waiting for a while, King Hassan has not arrived yet. Instead, the beast army has arrived, and has begun to attack the west side of the holy capital as agreed.”
“”Well…” Lancelot gritted his teeth and said rather dullly, “I can’t wait any longer! If we don’t attack again, it will be tantamount to giving the holy capital a chance to concentrate its forces to destroy the beast army! If we really have to wait until the Divine Beast Legion is wiped out, we will be next! “”
“”That’s right! Although I don’t doubt Wang Hassan’s promise, but…” Bedivere shook his head, “We can’t wait any longer, Sir Lancelot, when necessary, you can only fight with Gao Wenqing! “”
“”…” Lancelot took a deep breath and said, “Although I really want to say that I will be able to fight Gao Wenqing until the night, but he has the blessing of never night. Only this time, there is no way to win by delaying time. “”
“Sanzang patted his chest, and said in a big way, “Fujita and I will help you! When the time comes, the three of us will teach him a lesson together! “”
Chapter 630 Are you mentally ill?
“Then I’ll leave it to you, Your Excellency Sanzang. Hearing this, Lancelot exclaimed with delight, “As expected of a beautiful woman from a great eastern country, she is very charming.” “”
“Maxiu’s face turned black, “We are about to start a war, and you are still saying such things? Are you mentally ill? ! “”
“”Ahem, sorry. “Lancelot, who was scolded, trembled and dared not answer.”
“He drew his sword, Arondette, and held it high in the air, “Army, prepare!” From now on, we are going to capture the holy capital! For the sake of everyone living in this land, we want to impeach the fault of the Lion King! Everyone, draw your swords! Now is the time to return the Holy City to its true form! “”
“”Oh! ! ! “”
“All the soldiers shouted loudly, and the originally silent scene was filled with awe-inspiring atmosphere in an instant.”
“But just when Lancelot was about to give the order to charge, the yellow sand all over the sky suddenly rose, and the manic sandstorm instantly enveloped the entire holy city!”
“Here, what happened? ! Lancelot controlled the frightened horse and said in great surprise, “A sandstorm happened in the holy capital?” It’s never happened before! “”
“Suddenly, some soldiers cheered, “Oh, look! A storm descended from the northern sky and swallowed up that hateful Holy City! “”
“Mashu narrowed her eyes slightly. In the huge sandstorm, she seemed to see a huge skull.”
“Senior, I seem to have an illusion? Matthew said uncertainly.”
“”That’s not an illusion! Before Matthew could say what she saw, Roman immediately answered, “I did see the pattern of a skeleton!” But what is shocking is not this, but this storm does not contain any magic power, it is a purely natural phenomenon! “”
“”However, it obviously does not contain magic power, but it is extremely directional! Although I really want to treat this as a natural storm, this is too coincidental! “”
“Just when Roman was shocked, a melodious bell sounded suddenly from afar.”
“”Oh! What is this bell? ! Hassan the Cursed Wrist said with great joy, “Mr. Lancelot, this is the power of the first generation of adults!” The first generation of adults has undoubtedly abided by the agreement, and now is the time to march! “”
“”Um! As long as there is this sandstorm, bows and arrows will not be able to shoot! “Kashima Yu said happily.”
“Even a novice in warfare like her can understand that under such a manic sandstorm, visibility will inevitably decrease, and the accuracy of enemy archers will naturally decrease! At the same time, under the influence of the sandstorm, those arrows shot It will inevitably deviate from the original direction, and at the same time, its power will also be reduced, greatly reducing the threat to them.”
“Lancelot immediately ordered, “All throw away the bows and arrows, don’t get close to Gawain at the main gate of the holy capital, go around him and march towards the city wall!” Speed ​​is everything! All, march! “”
“”Oh! “”
“The soldiers cheered and dropped their bows and arrows, and charged forward!”
“After all, this sandstorm has also affected them. Instead of carrying bows and arrows that are useless, it is better to just throw them away, which can also reduce the load.”
“Mash, let’s go too! “”
“Yes, senior! Matthew nodded heavily, “I will bring you victory!” “”
“In less than ten minutes, the coalition army has already rushed under the city wall and began to attack the city.”
“Gao Wen, who is at the main gate of the holy capital, dare not leave here. After all, once the city gate is captured, it is much more serious than the enemy’s climbing the city wall. In this case, he can only pass orders here to preside over the overall situation.”
“After observing the surrounding battle situation, he called the messenger and said, “Send the order quickly, let the archers on the city wall shoot at the foot of the city wall!” Although the power will be weakened by the sandstorm, it should be useful…Damn it, if rolling stones and rolling logs could be stored here, it wouldn’t be so embarrassing! “”
“Master Gawain! A solemn knight suddenly trotted over, “The third team on the right asks for reinforcements!” There’s a strange cavalryman that unleashes waves of white grain that we can’t deal with! “”
“”cereals? “Gao Wen frowned slightly., “Such extravagant means, I’m afraid they are followers! Let them hold off as much as possible, don’t fight directly, let Mordred lead the guerrilla troops there… Although most of the knights under her command have been dragged to defend the city, but still The rest are good enough to serve as hounds.””
“Just as the solemn knight was running to give orders, a solemn knight ran up from the left, “Master Gawain, the first team on the left is in danger of being defeated! “”
“”What did you say? first team? ! Gao Wen’s eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief, “That is an elite who has been selected through layers of selection. Could it be that they will lose to a group of mobs?” Who is the opponent? Is it the master and her servants from a foreign land? “”
“”This…” the solemn knight said hesitantly, “I may be wrong… but the enemy shadow is a uniform cavalry team in purple armor, which is the army of the guerrilla knight Lord Lancelot. . “”
“…” Gao Wen’s original unbelievable expression suddenly fell silent, and his expressionless face seemed to be filled with endless killing intent, “That’s right, what a pity… What a pity! “”
“”Gao, Lord Gawain? “The solemn knight swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a frightened expression on his face. Surrounded by this terrifying killing intent, not only his body, but even his soul trembled!”
“”The left retreated to the position of the fourth team, and conveyed the order to the right to meet. Gawain seemingly calmly gave the order, “I will use the holy sword to burn all the enemy troops on this side, including the traitors, to ashes!” “”
“Oh, Lord Gawain is finally going to use the holy sword Caventine? “The solemn knight immediately shouted, “Listen, knights of the holy capital!” Lord Gawain is finally about to use that invincible holy sword, it can be said that this war does not need me anymore…””
“Before the solemn knight finished speaking, a flash of sword light flashed, and his head fell down.”
“”! ! ! “Gao Wen’s pupils shrank suddenly, just now, even he didn’t see how this solemn knight died!”
“He looked up, and saw a tall skeleton swordsman standing not far in front of him… The enemy was clearly approaching so close to him, but he didn’t even notice it before the opponent made a move !”
“The tall figure is naturally Wang Hassan, he said softly in his hoarse voice, “Sand dust covers everyone, your path has been obliterated. “”
Chapter 631: The Ending of Tripitaka
“After being surprised for a while, Gao Wen quickly regained his composure. He is very confident in his own strength!”
“”You are the culprit of this sandstorm, right? Whether it’s the technique of evoking sandstorms, or the technique that came before my eyes and was never discovered by me, they are all quite wonderful. “”
“”But you are too stupid! Since you can avoid being discovered by me, why not just cut off my head? He even took the initiative to show himself in front of me, Gao Wen! I am invincible in the daytime, and my sword can even rival the holy sword of the Lion King! No matter who the opponent is, there is nothing that my sword cannot cut! “”
“As soon as he finished speaking, Gawain pulled out the holy sword Caventine in a snap. A raging flame was burning on the blade, as if it was about to burn everything in the world!”
“The flames drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the sword light cut towards King Hassan like a thunderbolt!”
“Wang Hassan stood on the spot, standing motionless with his great sword, his posture was proud between heaven and earth.”
“Just when Gawain’s holy sword Caventine was about to hit King Hassan, there seemed to be a breeze blowing, and the wind blew the cloak on King Hassan.”
“The cloak, which was supposed to be extremely soft, hit the holy sword Caventine under the breeze, but it made a sound like gold and iron!”
“However, under this seemingly gentle bump, Gao Wen not only interrupted his relentless attack, but also staggered a few steps, almost falling to the ground!”
“”Hmm! How is this possible, to block my Caventine with only the cloak? ! Who are you? ! “”
“It’s no wonder that Gao Wen was so surprised. Anyone who sees his almost full-strength blow being blocked by the opponent so lightly will doubt his life!”
“Even Wang Hassan didn’t even move his body, relying on the “breeze” to blow his cloak up, he blocked Gawain’s holy sword!”
“Wang Hassan still stood where he was, with a calm tone, and said unhurriedly, “I am Hassan Sabah, who came from the valley just to take away the living. Look up at the sky, knight who is proud of being upright, do you still have the sun of the sun on your head? “”
“Is Wang Hassan actually so strong?” A firefly was stunned, saying, is this really an assassin?
Which assassin can confront warriors head-on, and even crush warriors!
“When King Hassan was confronting Gao Wen, the soldiers of the United Army and the soldiers of the Holy Capital Army were still fighting each other. Although there was a sandstorm, the situation was still not good for the United Army… After all, the soldiers on their side Compared with the soldiers of the holy capital, their quality is far behind.”
“”Senior, the arrow tower advancing towards the city wall will soon be destroyed! “Mashu conveyed to Kashima Yu while observing the situation.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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