“What the hell is going on with that front door! Neither my treasure nor the transferred Sphinx can shake it in the slightest! Da Vinci said irritably, “Although I already knew from Lancelot that the main entrance is difficult, this is too difficult!” “”
“They took advantage of the time when King Hassan and Gao Wen were fightingThey brought two sphinxes over, wanting to break through the main entrance, but the fact poured cold water on their hearts. The main entrance was harder than they imagined! ”
“But the troops attacking the city wall are currently at a disadvantage. If they continue to dawdle, they will all be wiped out sooner or later!”
“”Is there no way to break through the main gate of the holy capital? “”
“While Kashima Yu was restless, suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes from a distance.”
“Following the sound of the horse’s hooves, there was also Fujita’s panicked voice, “Hey, wait for me, you idiot! “”
“Hehehe, in this situation, we must destroy the main entrance to move forward, right? ! Then look at my ultimate Tathagata palm! “”
“Hearing that familiar voice, Kashima Yu immediately realized, “It’s Sanzang and Fujita, aren’t they on the west side? “”
“”I’m afraid you also realized that the main entrance must be destroyed, so you rushed here, right? ! Da Vinci immediately said, “Kashima, Matthew, Bedivere, we can take the Sphinx away without hindering Sanzang.” “”
“Just as they took the sphinx and stepped aside, Sanzang and Fujita galloped over on horseback.”
“”Okay! Perfect aim for the front door! High-speed chanting is fully open! Let you experience my true strength after returning from Tianzhu! If this door only allows good people to pass through, then use the fist of mercy to pass through! Break the mountain and worship, Sakyamuni Tathagata palm! “”
“As Sanzang’s words fell, the golden Buddha’s light enveloped the earth, and a golden giant palm that seemed to cover the sky and the earth blasted towards the main gate of the holy capital.”
“The sound that seemed to open up the world resounded through the sky, and the fighting on the scene came to an abrupt end as if the pause button was pressed.”
“After a long time, a soldier near the gate of the Holy Capital trembled and shouted in panic, “The main entrance… the main entrance of the Holy Capital was blown away! “”
“At the same time, amazing cheers erupted from the United Army, “Everyone, hurry up! “”
“Senior, look quickly, the entire main entrance has been blown away! That is Miss Sanzang’s treasure, she did it! “”
“”As expected of Tripitaka’s relatives! Bravo! “”
“Kashima Yu and Matthew praised Sanzang without hesitation, and even Bedivere was extremely surprised, “I didn’t expect to actually destroy the main entrance of Camelot… Your Excellency Sanzang is an incomparable high priest?” ! “”
“”Yes! But let’s save the words of praise for later, the most important thing now is that we must enter the holy capital! “Da Vinci glanced sadly at the white horse carrying Sanzang away, and with her wisdom, she had already guessed Sanzang’s ending.”
“at this time……”
“The white horse carrying Sanzang and Fujita gradually slowed down and stopped under the west wall.”
“Fujita said softly, “Sanzang, according to your request, has reached the city wall on the west side. What’s next? “”
“”Next? “”
“This time, Sanzang’s voice is no longer as energetic as before, but like a patient who is seriously ill, his voice is ethereal and soft, “Ah, yes, it’s next… sorry, wait a minute… …my mind is blank…I can’t think of anything…””
“The corner of Fujita’s eyes was stained with crystal tears, “That’s it, then you can rest for a while, as an apprentice, I will work hard instead of the master. “”
“”Hehehe…Fujita is really a hard-working apprentice…Although it’s a bit wordy…I usually don’t want to call me master…””
“There was a smile on Sanzang’s pale face, her voice was so weak that only she could hear it, “Yes… Next… Tianzhu… seems to have been there…””
“Among the sand and dust all over the sky, Sanzang’s body turned into a spot of light, merging with the yellow sand.”
Chapter 632: The Tower at the End
“”Master Agguivin, the main gate has been breached! “”
“A soldier of the holy city guarding the city wall ran into the holy city in a panic and reported to Agguiwen, “It’s only a matter of time before the bandits come to the city… Please report to His Majesty the Lion King immediately, and let the lion Your Majesty uses the Light of Judgment! “”
“”There is no need for that. “Ageguiwen still had that flat expression, as if nothing in this world could change his expression, he picked up the teacup and took a sip, “Even if the main entrance is breached, there is still Tristan With Mordred, there is no need to disturb the king for such a trivial matter. “”
“”The enemy’s momentum is temporary, as long as the sandstorm disappears, it’s time for us to counterattack. You just stick to the defense until that moment. “”
“That…” the soldier said in shock, “Lord Mordred’s guerrilla army has been defeated! “”
“…” Agguiwen said after a moment of silence, “This is surprising. It can be said to be the most surprising thing since I came to this holy place… What happened? “”
“”Yes, that…” The soldier faltered with horror and disbelief on his face, “You may not believe it, but Lord Mordred’s guerrilla troops were captured by Lancelot.” The King’s guerrilla force has been defeated! Lancelot has rebelled, and the knights on the lake are no longer the knights of the Holy City! “”
“”…” After a long silence, Agguiwen squeezed the teacup into pieces with great force.”
“Even though he still has that flat expression, that soldier felt an unprecedented killing intent from that expression!”
“The current Aggui is just like before the eruption of the volcano. It seems calm, but once it erupts, it will definitely make the world tremble!”
“”realNoisy. “The Lion King suddenly appeared in the hall, “Aggewen, has the Holy City been invaded? “”
“Ageguiwen quickly restrained his emotions, and bowed his head respectfully, “Yes, His Majesty the Lion King…the other party has a strong man who can trap Gao Wenqing, and a master who can break through the main gate. These are all my miscalculations. Now the main gate has been breached, and the bandit army has entered the city. so……””
“Aggewen raised his head and stared at the Lion King, “My lord, there is no need to procrastinate any longer, the Holy Baptist is over, and you are the only one left to make the decision! “”
“”Open the tower of the end here, and establish a millennium kingdom that has not been realized in Britain… an ideal country that will not be invaded by anyone, and will not invade anyone. And I will witness your achievements. “”
“…” The Lion King was silent for a moment, then said flatly, “Okay, since you said so, let’s make it happen for you. The wave of the end has passed to my Jade Throne, close the round table, this area will become a ladder. Camelot will usher in an era of turbulent waves. In the name of the Storm King, it is time to bring everything into my palm! “”
“”This is the holy capital… a Camelot made with a holy gun? I’m finally here! “Bedwell looked around, his heart was surging and he was extremely excited.”
“Speaking of it, it seems that none of the residents have seen it? “Lu Daoyou said suspiciously, “Only the soldiers of the holy capital are active in this city. “”
“Matthew also nodded, “That’s right, not only can’t you see the residents in the city, but you can’t even see the residents in the buildings… Could it be that the Holy Baptist is over and people have been sucked into the holy gun? “”
“”If that’s the case, then the outside of the holy capital should have become the end of the world long ago. Da Vinci shook his head, “Maybe the Lion King asked them to take refuge in a safe place after the battle started?” After all, for the Lion King, the people here are irreplaceable valuables! “”
“”Well…that’s true. “Bedwell bit his lower lip with a sad face. He still couldn’t accept that King Arthur has become a god who regards humans as playthings…”
“Okay, let’s discuss the matter of the residents of the Holy Capital later! “Roman’s figure appeared in front of everyone, “The coalition army is currently suppressing the solemn knights near the main gate of the holy capital, while advancing towards the royal city in the center of the holy capital. Although I don’t know how long they will fight…but this is an opportunity, let’s take this opportunity and rush into the royal city! “”
“”Yes! Before the other knights of the round table catch up, let’s set off to the royal city, senior! “”
“Just when Matthew was about to advance first, Roman’s expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely frightened, “Wait a minute! The magic reaction has broken through the limit! This is already a reaction at the time-space fault level! Something is about to appear! “”
“Just as Roman exclaimed, the entire holy city suddenly began to tremble violently, and the ground began to rise and collapse…”
“As for the center of the holy capital—the royal city, the covering part of its body gradually fell off in the process, revealing a tower-like shape.”
“Then, the spire of the tower suddenly burst into a bright golden light, reaching the sky!”
“”This is… is this the Tower of the End? ! “Da Vinci was startled. Could it be that Shengba has already been completed? If so, it will be too late!”
“”wall! A light-like wall surrounds the royal city! Bedivere frowned tightly, “This light is the same as the holy sword!” It’s the armor of the Holy Lance Lungominiad! “”
“While a few people were talking, a circle of light in the outside world began to shrink rapidly, hitting the holy capital like a sea wave, and everything touched by the circle of light began to melt!”
“This world… is turning towards the end of the world!”
“Da Vinci regained his composure and hurriedly asked, “Romani, how is the heat around the holy capital now? “”
“”It is rapidly rising! Roman said quickly without hesitation, “And the collapse of gravity is felt all around in this era!” The world is starting to close! The end of the world that Master Sanzang saw, the space of nothingness, is rapidly advancing towards the holy capital! “”
“”Have you started building the tower at the end? It’s so fast! “Kashima Yu gritted his teeth, his heart became impatient.”
“Suddenly, an invisible blade flew from a distance.”
“Matthew hurriedly pulled Kashima Yu to push away, and Bedivere and Da Vinci also dispersed.”
“The invisible blade hit the ground and instantly shattered the ground.”
“”For me, fate is like death, ah, I am so sad… I am so sad that I have to fight my friend again. “”
“Amidst the smoke and dust, a red-haired figure slowly walked out. It was Tristan, the Knight of the Round Table!”
Chapter 633 I am here to attack you
“Mr. Tristan! “Bedwell raised his right arm in a defensive gesture.”
“Tristan lightly plucked the bowstring, and the invisible blade shot out again, flying towards everyone.”
“”give it to me! “Mash came in front of everyone, waved his shield, and knocked away all the invisible blades.”
“Boom boom boom…”
“After the invisible blade was bounced, it hit the surrounding houses, but in a blink of an eye, the nearby houses were turned into ruins.”
“”In vain, in disgrace, in disgrace… This is the end of your journey, Bedivere. “Tristan didn’t continue to pluck the bowstring. When facing this former friend, he couldn’t help but want to say a few more words.”
“”You should be talking about the current you, right? “Bedwell said coldly.”
“”…” Tristan knew that BedivereWhat do you mean, the knights of the round table who wantonly massacre the people have any reputation at all? ”
“”Bedwell, from the very beginning, the Round Table as you know it does not exist on this land. We are lions, demons with the minds of beasts. I have given up my identity as a knight and become a despicable beast… Now I no longer have the possibility of communicating with you. “”
“Bedwell clasped his hands tightly, and said with a sad face, “Sure enough, you are no longer the Sir Tristan I knew, your blessing…””
“Bedwell heard from Lancelot that the blessing given to Tristan by the Lion King is called Reversal!”
“It was Tristan who was worried that he would not be able to carry out the Holy Baptist, so he took the initiative to ask for the blessing bestowed by the Lion King. That blessing not only reversed Tristan’s attributes, characteristics…even his personality was reversed! Originally gentle, sentimental Tristan, already under the effect of that blessing, has become ruthless!”
“This Tristan is no longer the Tristan he knew!”
“Yes, this can only be called a tragedy… Ah, I am so sad. “Tristan slowly raised the demon string Fernott in his hand, and the demon string that played the song of death is about to be plucked again.”
“Dozens of silk threads flew over, binding Tristan’s hands tightly in an instant, and in the next second, more than a dozen daggers flew towards him!”
“Eyes, ears, arms, legs, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys…every part of his body was targeted with daggers!”
“”tragedy? Your tragedy is comedy to us! Hassan the Cursed Wrist showed up with a sneer, and afterward, Hassan the Quiet and Hassan the Hundred Faces also appeared one after another.”
“There is no doubt that all of this is the masterpiece of Hassan!”
“Just when those daggers were about to hit Tristan, a huge explosion covered the entire space!”
“However, daggers will naturally not explode… The answer is already obvious, it was Tristan who plucked the demon string, and the invisible blade smashed those daggers!”
“Cursed Wrist Hassan immediately turned to look at Kashima Yu and the others, “This man is our prey, Kashima, get out of here quickly!” “”
“”…” Kashima Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily, “Be careful! “”
“Shortly after Kashima Yu and others left, the smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated, and Tristan stood there unscathed.”
“”I am very sad now, the conversation with my friends has been interrupted, and I have to deal with the bugs in front of me. “”
“Tristan slowly opened his eyes, and the invisible killing intent spread all over the audience, “The price of ignorance is very expensive! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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