“He actually opened his eyes…Speaking of which, I have a question, can he usually see the road with his eyes closed?” Baiyin Yuxing looked strange, “Can normal people really see the road with their eyes closed?”
“But he is not a normal person, he is a heroic spirit!” Bai Yingui thought it was no big deal, as a heroic spirit, is it strange to have special abilities?
It’s better to say that just walking with eyes closed is not a great special ability! Earthworms don’t even have eyes, can they burrow into the ground?
If Tristan can wash his hair upside down, then she would admire it!
“After Kashima Yu and the others left, Roman quickly reminded, “Everyone, because of the wall of light, the coalition army is in a dilemma, and its morale has been hit hard!” And the Holy Capital Army also saw this opportunity and started to fight back. If this continues, they will all be wiped out! We must find a way to destroy that wall of light! “”
“But, can it be destroyed? Matthew couldn’t help asking, looking at the wall of light, she always felt that it was something that could not be destroyed.”
“”Since it exists in this world, it must have flaws! Kashima Yu said while looking around, “Let’s search the surrounding area quickly to see if there are any entrances or exits, or the source of the wall of light!” “”
“”Fool! Of course there is no such thing! “”
“As a familiar voice sounded, a scarlet thunder fell from the sky!”
“The terrifying thunder shattered the ground in an instant. If Mash hadn’t reacted quickly and quickly pulled Kashima Yu away, Kashima Yu might have been lying there.”
“Kashima Yu, who understood this, wiped the sweat from his brow, feeling as if he had narrowly escaped death.”
“” Mordred! “Bedwell watched the incoming enemy warily.”
“Don’t call me by my name, you coward! Mordred glared at Bedivere unhappily, and then laughed heartily, “I’ve followed the agreement, and am here to attack you with dignity!” “”
“”Miss Mordred, aren’t you fighting outside the holy capital? “Kashima Yu asked puzzledly. At that time, Gao Wen ordered Mordred to be transferred out of the city.”
“Ha, that kind of thing can be handled by Gao Wen alone! Mordred smiled happily like a child, “I’m here to pick up your heads, we made an appointment like this before.” “”
“”Although it is true, I don’t want to be with you…” Matthew lowered her eyes and said in a low tone.”
“Seeing Matthew’s expression, Mordred’s passionate fighting spirit also melted a lot, “Hey, you are really difficult to deal with, you are a shield. “”
“Then, she looked around, “By the way, where did that guy go? “”
“”That rascal? “Mordred’s jumpy speech made Kashima Yu unable to react for a while.”
“”It’s that guy! ARCHER with light brown skin and a red longbow! Mordred said impatiently, “Could it be that you are working as a sniper in the rear again?” Show me up now! “”
“As soon as this was said, everyone immediately understood who Mordred was talking about.”
“Kashima Yu clenched his fists, and said sadly and proudly, “Arash…he has returned to the Hall of Valor. In order to protect the village, he sacrificed his hard-won second life, and died together with the light of sanctions. “”
Chapter 634 Fighting Mordred Again
“Hearing Kashima Yu’s words, Mordred was also a little depressed, “That’s right, that bastard died first, damn it, it’s nothing to run away after winning!” “”
“Kashima Yu asked with some doubts, “Arash, has he never fought without you? “”
“I haven’t fought before, so how can it be called running after winning?”
“As for the arrows that Arash used to prevent Mordred from exploding himself, Kashima Yu didn’t think it was a battle.”
“Of course there is! Mordred said with an unhappy face, “Did that guy break Father’s Holy Spear?” That’s something I couldn’t do until I died, but I was preempted by low-level goods of unknown origin! Ah, I’m really upset… hum! never mind. “”
“Mordred quickly returned to his smile, “It’s just one less fun, anyway, you will all be burned to death by your father’s gun in the end!” Hey, miscellaneous soldiers, get ready to fight! If you can die at the hands of me, the only heir of King Arthur—Master Mordred, you can still retain a little reputation even if you die! “”
“”Do not! We will not die! Mordred, if you want to die, you must die alone! We don’t have time to accompany you to fulfill your desire to be shattered. “Bedwell said coldly without giving any face.”
“”……what? Mordred was startled by Bedivere’s attitude, “What did you just say?” How dare a mere coward find fault with me? “”
“”So what about finding fault? ! No matter how inhuman you are, you have fulfilled your duties as a general in the past, but now you have completely abandoned your subordinates and come to fight alone! Are you still the son of King Arthur? “”
“”What’s more, when you see the current situation, don’t you feel any emotion at all? The king intends to burn the world together with his soldiers! “”
“Hearing Bedivere’s reprimand, Mordred curled his lips, “I thought you were going to say something, it turned out to be this kind of thing, I said your head was hit by a rock. The father doesn’t care about the life and death of his soldiers? This kind of thing is natural, right? “”
“”listen! For The Lion King, an army is the last thing necessary! The goal of The Lion King is to create an ideal city without war. Don’t you think it’s strange if there is still an army since there is no war? “”
“”So, it was decided from the beginning that we will guard the holy capital, die here, and become the cornerstone of the human principle established by the Lion King! This is the round table of The Lion King! It is impossible for you who have not shown your face until now to understand us! “”
“”Mordred…you…” Bedivere’s eyes widened, and he was completely surprised. He never thought that for the Lion King, these soldiers were just unnecessary from the very beginning. thing!”
“”Stop talking, coward! “However, Mordred no longer wanted to talk to Bedivere. She interrupted Bedivere’s words directly, and the Brilliant King Sword instantly burst out with terrifying magic power, and crimson thunder wrapped around the sword.”
“”I am not a king, but a man who follows in the footsteps of a king. For the peace of the king, I will drive out all enemies—rebellion against my magnificent father! “”
“With the release of Mordred’s Noble Phantasm, the evil sword that had already fallen from the holy sword burst out in an instant with a stream of turbulent particles entwined with countless red lightning bolts, and the light beam shot at everyone with the force of electricity chasing the wind! ”
“Mash quickly put the shield in front of everyone.”
“The moment the light beam hit the shield, Matthew gritted his teeth and bent his knees slightly. The heavy pressure was stronger than last time!”
“But it doesn’t mean that Mordred’s strength has become stronger… It’s that Mordred doesn’t care about his body at all, and only wants to release the magic power in his body as much as possible!”
“This is not a normal fighting method, it is a fighting method that people who pursue destruction while pursuing fighting will choose!”
“”Miss Mordred…””
“Mash doesn’t know what to say, I just feel sad in my heart.”
“”That’s right, you shield-player, you can actually defend all my treasures. A bloodthirsty smile curled up on the corner of Mordred’s mouth, “But, can you defend once and the second time?” ! “”
“As Mordred said, he will activate the Noble Phantasm again.”
“”Don’t ignore me! “Da Vinci appeared behind Mordred at some point, and the gauntlet on his right hand changed rapidly, becoming something like a hammer.”
“The rear part of the hammer spewed out a large amount of steam. Driven by the huge power, the hammer burst out with a terrifying sound of piercing the air, and swung towards Mordred’s head.”
“”Tsk, mere miscellaneous soldiers, you just need to stand there obediently and wait for death! ” Mordred clicked his tongue in displeasure, but she still had to jump away into the sky.”
“But this time, the magic power in her hand didn’t dissipate, but continued to gather!”
“The next moment, the beam of particle stream entwined with crimson lightning spewed out again!”
“But… at this moment, she suddenly felt a chill!”
“It’s aFacing the chill of death threats! ”
“It’s Bedivere!”
“Mordred quickly realized that that guy didn’t say a word, and ran off to somewhere when she wasn’t paying attention! Now it seems that he is already preparing to sneak attack her!”
“Bedivere’s gleaming golden right arm fell directly on Mordred’s chest.”
“”Woo! ! ” Mordred snorted and fell to the ground. Before she got up, Da Vinci’s treasure had arrived!”
“There was a loud bang, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.”
“”Uh… mere, this level…””
“Mordred’s mournful cry came from the smoke and dust, and soon, Mordred limped out with blood dripping all over his body.”
“Regardless of her physical condition, she liberated the Noble Phantasm twice in a row, then was hacked by Bedivere, and finally ate a Da Vinci’s Noble Phantasm… She is not as hard as Gawain, she can feel it My life has already begun to come to an end.”
“But…how can this be done? How can this be done! As a rebellious knight, how could she die here so easily!”
“”How can I die so simply…the only one who can end me is King Arthur…””
“”Mordred…” Kashima Yu looked at the girl in front of him with heartache… even though this Mordred was not the Mordred they fought with before.”
“Enough, Mordred! “Bedwell roared, and once again slashed at Mordred’s chest with his sword.”
Chapter 635: God’s Punishment of Osmandis
“”There is no need to insist anymore… I am sorry, I have tarnished your dream. “”
“”The reason why I was able to witness the king’s death is because of my weakness, and the reason why you failed to give the king the time to die is also because of your weakness. “”
“”We are all useless knights, and we are not qualified to meet the king from the beginning… But even so, you still have such an innocent dream, the dream of hating the king and serving the king at the same time. “”
“”On this point, you are better than me, you live a more pure life than a sinner like me, even if you scold me, it doesn’t matter… Your atonement, let my sword inherit it! “”
“Listening to Bedivere’s rare and gentle words to her, Mordred’s expression changed from madness to astonishment, and finally he sneered, “Tch… what are you doing. “”
“Although this smile is combined with the blood on Mordred’s face at the moment, it looks like an evil spirit… But Kashima Yu can say with certainty that Mordred is smiling, smiling from the bottom of his heart .”
“”Ahhh, how boring…to lose to a coward at swordsmanship and lip service, it seems that my reputation has really been discredited. The rebellious knight actually lost to the traitor, it was really embarrassing. “”
“In the end, in that smile, Mordred’s figure turned into a spot of light and disappeared completely.”
“”…Confirm that Mordred’s spirit foundation has dissipated. Matthew said rather sadly, “In this way, there are only three enemy knights of the round table left.” “”
“”Although it is very sad, there is no time to continue to be calm now, so let’s explore the surrounding situation! “Roman’s image appeared in front of everyone, reminding, “If this wall doesn’t disappear as soon as possible, everything will be over. “”
“”No, I took the time to observe it during the battle just now. This is something made by the Lion King who is Wang Chengzhong. There is no external device that can stop this thing! “”
“”If you want to enter the royal city, you can only use super firepower to destroy this wall! But it’s a pity that none of the treasures of us can destroy this wall… I can say for sure that we are at our wit’s end! “”
“Following Da Vinci’s decisive words, everyone fell into dullness and despair in an instant.”
“Is this the end of everything?”
“I can’t get through it? Isn’t it?! Doesn’t it mean that we are going to be completely finished?” Kashima Yu was dumbfounded. He never expected that after putting in so much effort, Sanzang even sacrificed his life. In the end, he would be stuck here Block the wall!
“This, there should be a solution, right?” Umetaro Nozaki guessed, if it hadn’t been resolved, we would have been burnt to death by now.
“There must be a solution… But I’m worried that something will happen to Matthew. After all, I don’t even have the memory of Matthew now. Thinking about it, the possibility of something happening to her is quite high…” Kashima Yu Said with some worry.
Although she has no memory, but watching the contents of these videos, she still has a great impression of Matthew, a gentle and kind girl.
“Don’t worry, a person like Mash will become a heroic spirit even if he dies!” Sakura Chiyo patted Kashima Yu’s shoulder, and shed tears of grief while comforting, “It’s not like me, it’s cold when it’s cold .”
“Well, Chiyo, you seem to be fine…” Kashima Yu said with a dry smile.
“Hey, that’s right!” Sakura Chiyo immediately realized, no matter how miserable her death was, she’s fine now anyway!
“On the other side, Nitocris said respectfully, “Pharaoh, your prophecy has come true, and the Tower of the End appeared in the holy capital. “”
“Hahahaha, it’s exactly as I expected! Osmandis laughed wildly, “It seems that the Lion King has also been cornered.” But, after all, that Kashima guy also participated in the battle, so it’s only natural to have such a result! Rather, it is impossible not to do this to this extent! After all, that guy is a brave man who can make Yu laugh out loud! Ha ha ha ha! “”
“The expression on Nitocris’s face softened a bit, obviously very satisfied with Kashima Yu and others’ record.”
“”Well… I have to give corresponding rewards. “Osmandis smiled wildly, “Open the eyes of the Great Temple! Light of Dendera, activate!””
“”Introduce all the magic power allocated for defense against Suzheng into the big light bulb! Next, Yu will use all the savings in the Great Temple to give the Holy Capital a super long-distance punishment from God! “”
“Yes, Pharaoh! Nitocris bowed slightly, then lightly tapped the floor with the scepter, and gave an order, “Pyramid composite armor, remove it!” Big light bulb, magic acceleration ritual, start! “”
“Then, the pyramid began to tremble violently, and then slowly flew into the sky.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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