“Looking from a distance, there is a mural of a huge closed eye on the body of the pyramid… Suddenly, that huge eye full of mystery suddenly opened! Surging magic power is brewing in it!”
“Hmph, that guy from The Lion King, did you forget Yu? “Osmandis said with a sneer, “It is true that the Eye of the Great Temple has not been activated before to warn you of the light of sanctions, but you can no longer do it now… During the period when you were building the Tower of the End, yes Unable to release the light of punishment! “”
“”Yu saw this opportunity, your holy spear, let Yu’s divine thunder break it! Ha ha ha ha! All sanctions should be brought down by the pharaoh, the king of people who are not gods… although you have become a goddess. “”
“But Yu is the pharaoh! Let you experience the difference in qualifications as a god between you and Yu! “”
“”Big light bulb—Amon Ola, open your eyes! Let’s see it well, MERRYAMMON (Amon’s love)! “”
“As the words of Osmandis fell, the surging magic power gathered by the eye on the pyramid burst out, and the blue light beam crossed the long space in just a moment, and hit the holy capital directly!”
“At that moment, the dazzling brilliance seemed to cover the entire sky, and the terrifying energy collision caused the entire earth to tremble!”
“”Pharaoh, the Great God’s Punishment successfully hit the target, but it didn’t work! There is a magic barrier on the outer wall of the holy capital, and the king’s lightning strikes cannot hit the tower! ’ Nitocris replied quickly.”
“”There is no need to report, Yu already knows it by feeling. “The smile on Osmandis’s face still disappeared, “It’s really annoying, Lion King, you have also started to use tactics!” Then two more rounds, no, ten rounds! “”
“”Convert half of Yu Lingji’s magic power, and let the Great Temple shoot faster! The barriers of the mere holy capital are as fragile as thin paper! “”
Chapter 636: The Tomb of the Sun King
“As Osmandis’ words fell, one after another azure blue beams shot out, hitting the magic barrier continuously.”
“A smile appeared on Nitocris’s face, “The magic barrier of the holy capital is confirmed to be gone! King, just one more blow will determine the outcome! “”
“However, when she turned around, she found that Osmandis’ body had become illusory, as if it would dissipate in the next moment!”
“”Pharaoh? ! “”
“Nitocris exclaimed.”
“”Do not look back! Nitocris, don’t pay attention to Yu! Osmandis scolded angrily, “You just need to be ready to guard against the Lion King’s counterattack at all times!” “”
“Yes… I was being rude, Pharaoh. “Nitocris immediately restrained her emotions and started guarding against the Holy Capital.”
“Soon, just as Osmandis was preparing for the next bombardment, Nitocris’ eyes narrowed and her expression became serious, “There is movement in the holy capital! It was the Tower of the End that sent the light of punishment here! Pharaoh, I’m sorry, please forgive me for leaving. “”
“Soon, Nitocris disappeared inside the temple, came to the sky above the Great Temple, and summoned the mirror of the underworld to defend against the light of punishment.”
“At the moment when the light of punishment hit the mirror of the underworld, there was a crackling sound from the mirror of the underworld.”
“And this voice even reached the interior of the Great Temple, Osmandis asked, “I still have more energy, Pharaoh Nitocris, do you need Yu’s help?” “”
“Osmandis waited for a while, but he didn’t wait for Nitocris to ask for help, but the broken voice in his ear was getting louder! But… the light of punishment still couldn’t fall on the Great Temple!”
“The corners of Osmandis’s mouth curled up slightly, “Hmph, even if you burn yourself out, you won’t ask for help. You are such a woman, so I don’t need to ask. “”
“”Lion King, you won the Noble Phantasm duel, but as far as the outcome itself is concerned, it was a draw with you! This blow to Yu’s head is your opening! God’s punishment is not enough, let you taste the taste of the grave! “”
“”The Sun Stele, the gigantic boulder, the pyramid in charge of the universe! My infinite brilliance, the sun descends here! Come down——RAMESSEUMTENTYRIS (Great Composite Temple of Radiance)! “”
“After liberating the Noble Phantasm, the Great Temple of Osmandis appeared above the Tower of the End in an instant!”
“The entire Great Temple hangs upside down in the sky, and the huge spire hits the spire of the Tower at the End!”
“The spires of the two towers collided, and a strong flash of light erupted, while the barrier of light outside the Tower of the End made a few shattering sounds, and then burst open!”
“”Oh…this is the majesty of the pharaoh…” Nitocris praised while resisting the light of punishment, “as expected of a pharaoh, Such a perfect defeat of the Tower of the End! That being the case, then I too… don’t hesitate to sacrifice my soul to the god of the underworld, and also protect the king’s residence! “”
“My mirror, become the darkness that swallows all light! “”
“She has made up her mind, even if she burns everything, she will keep this great temple!”
“”unnecessary! “”
“Hearing Osmandis’ words without the slightest hesitation, Nitocris was stunned, “Pharaoh? “”
“Not only that, even the sacrifice she had already started was forcibly stopped by Osmandis.”
“Facing Nitocris’ doubts, Osmandis said softly, “You have worked hard, there is no need to continue. Moreover, it will be very troublesome if you are taken away by the underworld. Yu doesn’t like that dark country very much. “”
“”I’m going to rest here, and you should rest too, Pharaoh Nitocris, don’t force yourself too much, with your personality, it is too whimsical to want to rule the darkness. “”
“”No, it’s all because I’m an immature pharaoh…” Nitocris smiled softly.”
“The sound of the mirror shattering sounded again, and Nitocris slowly disappeared into the sky… At the same time, Osmandis and his great temple also disappeared.”
“A Union soldier looked at the sky in surprise, and then cheered, “Did you see that just now? The pyramid shattered the beam of light standing in the holy capital! The Lion King is no harm anymore… Woohoo! ! “”
“Before he finished speaking, he was hacked to death by a soldier of the Holy Capital Army, “You mere thief, don’t get carried away! Wangcheng is still alive, and the round table is still alive! Lord Tristan is stationed in the holy capital, and the bandits who broke into the holy capital must have died at the hands of Lord Tristan! “”
“”And Lord Gao Wen is still at the main gate of the Holy Capital! As long as the sandstorm passes, it will be our advantage! “”
“However, Gao Wen, who was expected by the soldier of the Holy Capital Army, fought with Wang Hassan with a face full of irritability… No, maybe it should not be called a fight. Just dodge sometimes, sometimes block his attacks with the cloak.”
“”what! what! “”
“The prolonged battle made Gawain’s breathing a little short, but his eyes did not flinch, instead the fighting spirit became stronger!”
“It’s been an hour since the fight… Although this swordsman didn’t show any signs of fatigue, I’ve gradually gotten used to his movement skills, and I’m sure I’ll be able to find a flaw!”
“Gao Wen fought against him with this mentality.”
“Just as he attacked again, Wang Hassan took a step back, “So far, the evening bell has passed. “”
“After the voice fell, the yellow sand in the sky disappeared instantly, and the clear sky appeared again.”
“”The storm stopped? No, it was you who stopped the storm! “Gao Wen looked at the tall swordsman in front of him suspiciously, wondering what exactly he wanted to do?!”
“”Sandstorms are unnecessary, there is no need to cover the sky with my robes. The day is a reflection of the evil of the Lion King, and the evening bell will move to the city. “Wang Hassan said calmly.”
“Feeling Wang Hassan’s attitude of ignoring him at all, Gao Wen roared angrily, “You are so proud! As long as the sun comes back, my holy sword is invincible! “”
“The sky is fine, the sandstorm has stopped, and Gao Wen feels that he is doing well again!”
“Gao Wen felt the surging power in his body, held up the holy sword Caventine, and with a jump cut, he was about to hit King Hassan’s head!”
“But in the face of Gao Wen, who has the blessing of the sun and three times his strength, Wang Hassan still easily blocked this blow.”
Six hundred and thirtieth chapters slip away
“”Of course I can be proud, this is just a mere daylight that can’t even wake people up, what can I do? “”
“Wang Hassan exerted a little force on the hand holding the big sword, and knocked Gao Wen away.”
“Gao Wen was in the air, adjusted his movements, and landed safely on the ground, but the shocked expression on his face at this moment can’t be dispelled no matter what.”
“”Actually… actually blocked me who stood under the daylight and liberated the holy sword Caventine? ! “”
“Gao Wen finally understood at this moment, the tall swordsman in front of him is definitely a strong man who can rival the Lion King!”
“But, because of this, he is even more puzzled!”
“Why, why did the dust storm stop? No, perhaps, I should ask more directly, why have you kept silent so far even though you possess such great power? “”
“”You originally called yourself Hassan Sabah, right? Then the old man in the mountain is right! Half a year ago, when we were building the holy capital, you were already able to stop our actions… With your strength, it is not impossible to defeat the Lion King! “”
“Wang Hassan did not answer directly, but said softly, “My sword only cuts those who violate the destiny. “”
“”A person who violated the destiny? “Gao Wen frowned slightly, he admitted that he didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence.”
“”Sun Knight, you have proved your innocence with this sword, and the departure of the evening bell is the proof… Your destiny has entered the city, if you still want to be a knight, go quickly. “”
“After all, Wang Hassan disappeared right where he was.”
“”and many more! There is no winner yet! “Gao Wen shouted quickly, but… Wang Hassan did not appear again.”
“Wang Hassan… slipped away?” Megumi Kato was stunned, the big advantage slipped away?
How did she feel that Wang Hassan was here to fish?
Although it was agreed at the beginning, only to fight against Gao Wen… But if this situation slips away, can Gao Wen go to find him?Kashima visit them?
So what does this battle mean to Kashima Yu and the others?
Don’t Kashimayou and the others have to face Gao Wen in the end?
It’s nothing more than a change in the order of battle…
“Master Gao Wen, fortunately you are all right! A soldier of the Holy Capital Army ran over and said excitedly, “You are undoubtedly our pride for being able to defeat such a powerful enemy. If you guard the main entrance of the Holy Capital, we will not have any worries!” “”
“Although judging from the course of the battle, Gao Wen is undoubtedly at a disadvantage, and it can even be said that he was played by King Hassan.”
“But the little soldier doesn’t care so much, he only knows that Gao Wen is still standing here, and Wang Hassan has slipped away!”
“At this time, this little soldier has already made up 10,000 mental confrontations in his mind!”
“That’s right, he felt that the reason why Gawain was at a disadvantage in reality was because Gawain fought the swordsman in the spiritual world, which resulted in Gawain’s ineffective control of the body, and the final result, naturally, was that Gawain won in the spiritual world. No! Didn’t you see that skeleton swordsman running away in desperation?”
“”Crush? Do you think so? Gao Wen sighed helplessly and shook his head, “Next, you guard the main entrance, I want to go back to the royal city!” If the royal castle is on fire… then everyone, head north. Although the journey will be difficult, I still hope that more people can return to their hometowns. “”
“”Lord Gao Wen…” The little soldier looked at Gao Wen incomprehensibly. With the invincible Lion King around, how could the royal city be on fire?”
“Gao Wen didn’t mean to explain to the little soldier, and said to himself, “Of course, I’m not willing to lose like this! There are compatriots from the round table fighting in the royal city! Then… Knight of the Round Table, Gawain, attack! Even at the last moment of my life, I will become the sword of my king! “”
“On the other hand, the time has moved forward a little bit, because of Da Vinci’s words, Kashima Yu is in despair.”
“Then, a series of powerful beams of light hit the holy capital, smashing all the magic barriers of the holy city, and then a huge pyramid, smashing the light barrier of the holy spear Already!”
“”The pyramid came down from the sky…was that the support of King Osmandis just now? “Kashima Yu watched this scene in shock.”
“The wall of light that was previously judged by Da Vinci to be indestructible by any of them was directly crushed by Osmandis with an unstoppable force!”
“Even Da Vinci’s face was full of shock, “It’s really unparalleled power… The power of this level of Noble Phantasm, even if it is not comparable to the crowned heroic spirit, it is almost the same!” “”
“”Huh…” Da Vinci took a long breath, “The Tower of the End has been shattered, which is fatal to the current Holy Capital Army. Seeing their sluggish expressions, it almost seems to have broken their spirits.” What about the pillars! Now, there should be soldiers willing to be persuaded to surrender, right? “”
“”Soldiers may be like this, but the real target is not! “Roman continued, “The gravity changes that want to squeeze the era have not stopped, and the Holy Lance of the Lion King is still alive! The thing that was destroyed just now should be something like the holy spear sheath, right? As long as the Lion King is still there, the collapse of mankind will not stop! “”
“Then let’s go!” “As soon as he heard these words, Kashima You’s expression immediately became serious, “As long as you break through this area under the city, you will be able to reach the king’s city!” “”
“Just when they were about to move on, they heard a sound of hooves, and Lancelot came before them.”
“”Your Excellency Kashima, Sir Bedivere, Your Excellency Da Vinci, and… Matthew. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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