She is perverted? Why doesn’t she know it herself?
“No, no! The point is wrong!”
“Kashima Yu shook his head vigorously, and put out all the miscellaneous thoughts in his head, and then asked Bedivere with some concern, “Bedwell, you will see the Lion King soon, how is your arm? “”
“”do not worry. Concerned about Kashima Tour, Bedivere returned a gentle smile, “The arm has been in good condition for a while, and the body is the same… I will go to the Lion King soon, even if there is a little problem, I can help you.” Bear! Thanks to Ms. Matthew for her relief at that time. “”
“Matthew recalled the conversation that night, and her face turned red. She didn’t think she played a big role, but felt that she said a lot of things that she thought were great…”
“”and many more! That’s all for the small talk! “Roman’s figure appeared in front of everyone, and his expression could be described as extremely anxious, “I found a strong spirit base reaction at the rear stairs! This spirit base reaction… can’t be wrong, it’s Gao Wen! Gawain, the Knight of the Round Table, is coming here! “”
“How did Gawain catch up? Didn’t Wang Hassan fight him? Matthew’s face changed, “Could it be that Wang Hassan lost to Gao Wen?” “”
“”Perhaps, we should feel lucky. If he broke in during the confrontation with the Lion King, then we really have no chance of winning. “Kashima Yu smiled wryly. In this situation, she can only enjoy herself while suffering.”
“”That’s right. Bedivere took a deep breath, nodded and said, “There is no need to be confused… We have already come to this point, no matter what kind of accident happened, we must see the Lion King!” “”
“”well said! Following Gawain’s indifferent voice, his figure slowly emerged from the stairs behind, “Knight Bedivere, facing you with such an expression, then I don’t need to show mercy, right?” “”
“”Knight Gawain…you naturally don’t need to show mercy, that is not only an insult to me, but also an insult to you! Bedivere put down his words firmly, then looked at Gao Wen’s side suspiciously, “Are you alone?” “”
“”That’s right, I have given the upright knights their own choices, and their fate has nothing to do with me. “Gao Wen said indifferently.”
“It seems that you have made all the preparations. “Bedwell frowned slightly, he seemed to sense the will to die from Gao Wen’s words!”
“”No preparation required. “Gao Wen shook his head slightly, “Whether I beat you here or be cut by your sword, Holy SpiritThe future of the capital will not be changed. When the Tower of the End appears, our mission is over, and all that remains is what methods we Knights of the Round Table use to die for the king. “”
“Bedwell said softly, “It seems that your determination has not changed in the slightest. Until the last moment, you must insist on being the sword of the king… Even if you expose the evidence of the Lion King here and tell you the truth about the Holy City, it will not work. stop you. “”
“”nature! At the beginning, when I was summoned to this place, the king said to me like this – Sun Knight, this time, you can fulfill your wish. “Gao Wen lowered his eyes slightly, and said with a little sadness, “Wang said, you can do anything…””
“How happy I was at that time! You won’t understand this feeling! When the king is in trouble, you can be by your side, and you who have witnessed the death of the king will never understand my feelings! “”
“”I was once called the right arm of the king, but I failed to let go of my personal grievances, which led to the death of the king… I can’t repeat such a stupid mistake again! “”
“”King Arthur is no longer the original King Arthur, and His Majesty knows this better than anyone else, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to call herself the Lion King! The king gave us all a chance from the very beginning… Hmph, Bedivere, why do you think we are the only ones left at the round table in this holy city? “”
“”The second seat is Percival, the third seat is Kay, the sixth seat is Gahoris, the ninth seat is Palamedes, the advisor supervisor is King Perinoa, and the second seat is eleventh seat Boss…they chose Show the Lion King the loyalty called rebellion! “”
“”They were all excellent knights, and for the king’s honor, they challenged the king…and they were all killed by my own hands! “”
“Bedwell’s pupils shrank sharply, and he said in disbelief, “How could it be… Didn’t they die in the battle with the Crusaders? ! “”
“Leaving aside the rest of the knights… Gahoris, that is Gawain’s younger brother!”
“”Be careful what you say, you can’t be alone! Do you think us extraordinary knights will lose to those grave robbers? ! “Gao Wen broke away from the sad atmosphere, and angrily yelled at Bedivere.”
“”You said this…” Kashima Yu said tentatively, “Isn’t it because you want Bedivere to get rid of the guilt in your heart? “”
“Gao Wen glanced at Kashima Yu, and then continued, “Knight Bedivere, as you have heard, the cannibalism at the Round Table is not your exclusive privilege…We who swear allegiance to the Lion King are already sinners, No matter what happens, we will not betray The Lion King. “”
“”At the same time, I am also very grateful… Although I don’t know why King Arthur became the Lion King, but without the Lion King, I can’t realize my wish! “”
“Now I am not a knight of the King of Knights, but a knight of the Lion King, Gawain! That’s all I have to say to you, draw your sword, knight Bedivere! “”
Chapter 641 I hate you from the bottom of my heart
“Bedwell slowly raised his right arm, and the sad expression on his face gradually became resolute.”
“My right arm is the end of allegiance, the proof of irreparable sin! What I dream of seeing is the figure of the king, in order to really save the lonely figure that keeps moving forward! Whoever dares to stand in the way will be killed without mercy! My one arm is now AGATERAM (silver arm)! “”
“”Humph. A little smile appeared on Gao Wen’s face, “Then I will crush you and this arm together!” The old round table, the last reverberation of the chivalry of goodness… Now is the time for you to be martyred! “”
“Gao Wen, Bedivere, Matthew, and Da Vinci quickly fought together, and the sound of weapons colliding echoed throughout the space.”
“Relying on the blessing of the Lion King, Gao Wen did not defend at all, and attacked Matthew and the others recklessly.”
“On the other hand, Matthew and the others had no choice but to dodge or defend against Gawain’s attack…but their attack hit Gawain without pain at all!”
“Thus, even if it’s one against three, Gao Wen still has the absolute upper hand!”
“”It can’t go on like this! Bedivere, you have to use your treasure, you can’t fight until you get rid of the blessings on him! “Da Vinci once again dodged Gawain’s attack and said hastily.”
“”I also want to use the Noble Phantasm, but…” Bedivere was also extremely anxious.”
“How bitter he is at the moment, only he himself knows!”
“Gao Wen probably also knew that only Bedivere’s treasured phrasing could break his blessing, so he focused on Bedivere’s attention. Once Bedivere planned to use the precious piece, he would immediately launch a fierce attack and kill Bedivere. Will’s Noble Phantasm was interrupted.”
“In the five or six minutes since the battle, Bedivere has been interrupted three times!”
“”What’s wrong? Only choosing defense is not the way of knights! “Gao Wen was waving the holy sword Caventine while talking trash.”
“Soon, a fiery flame erupted from Caventine’s sword!”
“Sparks danced, and the air, which was originally quite suitable, became hot and dry in an instant, but the fiery red light seemed to be full of holy breath, as if it wanted to burn away all the sins of the world!”
“”This sword is the incarnation of the sun, the sun flame that burns all impure flames, EXCALIBURGALLATIN (Sword of Wheel of Victory)! “”
“”It’s a treasure! Everyone, get behind me! Matthew said anxiously.”
“Kashima Yu and Da Vinci dodged quickly, but Bedivere didn’t move, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes!”
“The moment Gao Wen released the Noble Phantasm, naturallyIt means that he cannot act by himself! This is the only time to break Gao Wen’s blessing! ”
“”SWITCHONAGATERAM (holds its sword, silver arm)! “”
“Bedwell activated the Noble Phantasm almost at the same time, and the right arm erupted with incomparable brilliance.”
“One side is the holy flame that burns everything, and the other side is the bright light that shines on the world.”
“The two collided together, and a surge of turbulent energy suddenly exploded centered on the two of them! The powerful impact even made Mash, who was focused on defense, take half a step back!”
“But when the surging energy finally dissipated, Bedivere and Gawain appeared in front of everyone.”
“Bedwell half-kneeled on the ground with a face full of pain, he tightly grasped his right hand, and the burning smell continued to radiate.”
“On the other side, Gao Wen was still standing there… However, there was a huge wound on his chest with deep bone visible! The wound stretched from his right shoulder to his left abdomen, almost He’s split in two!”
“But even so, there was no pain on his face, and he just said with great sadness, “Is this the end… That guy said, the so-called destiny is the same thing. “”
“”Until the end, I couldn’t catch up with the king’s battle… This seems to be my destiny as a disloyal knight. “”
“”What are you talking about? Bedivere gritted his teeth, clutched his right hand, and stood up with great difficulty like an old man on the verge of death, “There is no more loyal knight than you. You, like me, admire Wang’s character more than his reputation. How can a man like you be a disloyal knight? “”
“…” After a long silence, Gawain let out a long sigh, “Bedwell, why… why did you not show up until now? Not before things start, but at this moment when everything is about to end, why…why is it so late…””
“”If you were here, Wang… Wang, maybe I could win back her heart… I really hate you…””
“A tear fell from the corner of Gawain’s eye, and he disappeared on the spot amidst endless grief.”
“Listening to Gawain’s sad words, Bedivere pursed his lips, “That’s right, Mrs. Gao Wen…I am the one you should hate, the disloyal knight. The most sinful and stupidest knight. “”
“He also thought about how great it would be if he could come here sooner, but… nothing if.”
“Agguiwen stood quietly in the tactical command room. Usually, he would pass orders to the solemn knights here, but today… it is no longer necessary. The holy city was attacked by bandits, and the whole holy city was destroyed. confusion.”
“And more importantly, the tower at the end is already under construction, he just needs to wait silently for the tower at the end to be successfully built.”
“He felt a strong breath, which was advancing towards him rapidly!”
“A huge spear passed by his ear and sank into the wall behind him.”
“Agguwen turned around slowly, looked at the person in front of him indifferently, “Lancelot. “”
“Lancelot strode into the tactical command room, and the solemn knights behind him poured into the room and surrounded Agguiwen.”
“”That’s it, Aggavin, your attempt is over! I will not kill you. From the moment I killed my compatriots at the Round Table, you and I are both traitors. As a traitor, I have no right to initiate sanctions against you… But I cannot ignore your conspiracy! “”
“”You have to pay for the inhumane acts done by the king’s assistant now! “”
“”traitor? “Ageguiwen raised his eyebrows in surprise, “You, and me?” Same? “”
“”Hahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahahahahaha…””
“Aggewen laughed wildly, he pulled out the spear that had sunk into the wall behind him with his backhand, and killed an upright knight with a single swing, the spewing blood stained his pitch-black armor , also stained his cold and crazy face.”
“”I can’t stop laughing, it means this kind of thing! “”
Chapter 642 Your circle is in chaos
“Aggewen swung his spear furiously, knocking away the solemn knights surrounding him in an instant!”
“Afterwards, the spear was like a dragon. The originally ordinary spear brushed the air at an extremely terrifying speed. At that moment, a large number of sparks burst out!”
“Lancelot’s pupils shrank, his scalp was numb, and he felt that every cell in his body was sending a dangerous signal to him!”
“At the critical moment, Lancelot barely blocked the blow with his sword Arondette, but his whole body was still blown away on the spot!”
“Lancelot adjusted his body in the air and landed on the ground unharmed. Although he was not injured, he looked very embarrassed… and his face was full of horror!”
“The arm that just received the blow from Agguiwen is still faintly numb!”
“You know, he has the blessing of the Lion King! But Agguiwen doesn’t!”
“It’s unbelievable, this is an attack that an unblessed knight of the round table can make!”
“These thoughts flashed through my mind, and suddenly, Lancelot thought of a completely impossible possibility!”
“”This level of power…Agguwen, is it possible that you used the berserk that you applied to the solemn knight on yourself? ! “”
“This madnessIt is the result of the previous adjustments made by Agguiwen, and it will make ordinary solemn knights much stronger! But the price is that life is greatly shortened! ”
“Even if Aggie is a Heroic Spirit, if you use this kind of madness, the ending will definitely not be any better!”
“Aggewen didn’t continue to attack, but he didn’t intend to answer either. He threw away the spear that was almost burned out in his hand, and drew out the saber at his waist.”
“He took a step forward and walked towards Lancelot step by step. The cloak on his shoulder knocked over the oil lamp on the table, and the flame rose instantly.”
“Shining in the light of the fire, his ferocious face is like an evil spirit coming from hell!”
“My mother . . . she’s crazy. Always whispering in my ear that she will be King of Britain one day. I was raised on these words of resentment. “”
“”I obeyed my mother Morgan’s strategy and became a knight of the round table like you. Although I don’t want to be a round table at all, this is the shortest distance to achieve my goal… In the eyes of my mother, I am just a prop, a prop just to take away King Arthur’s throne and return it to my mother. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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