“”To be honest, I agree with it as a prop. Because I know that in the original environment, Britain needs a powerful king! But unfortunately, this king is not my mother Morgan, but my uncle King Arthur! “”
“My purpose is only the continuation of Britain. For this, I used King Arthur… yes, just using it! What I am after is a king who can work hard, a king who can make Britain last longer. “”
“”As long as it meets the requirements of my plan, it doesn’t matter to me who sits on the throne… It’s just that King Arthur is the most suitable person in terms of results. Compared to Morgan, King Arthur is more convenient to use. “”
“At this time, Agguiwen was probably affected by madness, and his speech was a little bit here and there.”
“However, this kind of aggrandizement made Lancelot more vigilant. Sometimes, a mad hound is more terrifying than a tiger! What’s more, the man in front of him is a tiger himself!”
“Ignoring Lancelot’s vigilance, Agravin continued.”
“”I’m a misogynist…Morgan is ugly and slutty. Guinevere, who is known as pure, fell in love with a guy like you while being a princess… What kind of purity is this! It’s just the same stuff as Morgan! “”
“”All my life, I have hated women, despised human beings, and hated love. “”
“”When I… when I first found out that the person I was afraid of being hated was a man, the sense of security, you know? “”
“However, because of the stupid love between you bastard and that bitch Guinevere, when I knew the king’s troubles, the blankness and madness in my heart, do you understand? “”
“”I still…have unfinished business to do! Accept the retribution, Lancelot… The only thing I hate about you is that you betrayed our king again! “”
“Wait, wait! He likes men?!” Hikigu Hachiman was completely numb.
In this case, what else can he say? Of course, I can only praise the place in Ingeland as worthy of its uniqueness! It is worthy of being a peerless blessed place specializing in the production of Gai Lao!
“No, that’s not right… Maybe he just thought he liked a man…” Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at the foodie Arturia next to him with a complicated expression, “Judging from the words behind him…he likes Could it be you, SABER?”
Arturia also had a complicated expression, but she nodded, “That’s right.”
“Ah, this…” Although it was expected, Yukinoshita Yukino was still dumbfounded, and Hikigu Hachiman was also dumbfounded.
How should I put it… The current situation is that the misogynistic nephew thinks that his uncle is a man, and then falls in love with him, but in fact, his uncle is a woman. He doesn’t know, and he is still madly in love with his uncle… Nima Yes, why is this so sloppy!
What else can they say? Of course, I can only say that the expensive circle is really messed up!
“Wait a minute, Aggressive is misogynistic, right? Even if King Arthur has Merlin’s illusion, the Lion King doesn’t have it, right? Seeing the Lion King’s appearance, he should realize that his uncle is not actually an uncle. , but aunt?” Hikigu Hachiman suddenly discovered a blind spot.
Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head slightly, “So what if you find out? Sometimes, people only believe what they want to believe… After all, as a misogynist, he has been secretly in love with his uncle for so many years , you tell him now that it’s not uncle but aunt, how could he believe it?”
“Just when the battle between Aggavin and Lancelot finally broke out again.”
“Kashima Yu and his party are finally approaching the throne where the Lion King is.”
“”Finally it’s almost here, and an extremely powerful magical reaction has been detected. In front is the highest position in the Holy Capital, which is the throne of the Lion King. “Roman’s dignified expression was slightly relaxed. At this time, maybe there is still time!”
“”The end of this journey is about to arrive…” Kashima Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, “Let’s go, let’s go to the throne of the Lion King! “”
Chapter 643 Because of Love
“Mash took a deep breath, Xiao QiaoThe palm of his hand was pressed against the door, and then with a light force, the door was pushed open. ”
“With a holy white light shining, they saw the Lion King sitting on the throne—Artoria Pendragon.”
“The Lion King also found their traces. Those lake-green eyes looked at them slowly, as if they were being judged by the gods. Just a sight made them go numb!”
“…No, this is not a judgment like a god, but a real judgment from the Goddess of the Holy Spear—the Lion King!”
“”I am the Lion King, Lord of the End, Lord of Storms who is in charge of the Holy Lance Lungomeniad…Answer me, who are you? Why did you come to my castle, why did you appear before me. “”
“Hearing the voice of the Lion King, everyone backed away involuntarily.”
“”It can make us retreat just by sound… This is like the spell GEIS in Irish legends! Matthew gritted her teeth and said, just resisting the terrifying pressure of the Lion King, she was almost exhausted.”
“Bedwell also gritted his teeth and persisted. Under the terrifying pressure, his body almost couldn’t even straighten up!”
“This is the Lion King, King Arthur who has always held the Holy Lance… He has clearly awakened, but he never thought it would be so terrifying!”
“Bedwell’s heart is full of bitterness. Can he really stop the Lion King when he is so unbearable?”
“No… Even if he is so unbearable, he must face up to that lord!”
“Thinking like this, he slowly raised his head, and those piercing eyes looked directly at the Lion King.”
“Looking at the crowd who didn’t have the slightest intention to answer, the Lion King’s expression didn’t change, but his flat tone seemed a bit impatient, “Answer me, why do you want to visit the end of this world. “”
“”Goo! “The pressure from the Lion King is unbearable even for Matthew and others, let alone Kashima Yu!”
“Under this pressure, she can’t even move a single step!”
“However, even so, she still raised her head and said resolutely, “We are here to correct human beings! I also came here to defeat you! “”
“The Lion King said indifferently, “The two are the same, correcting human reason is equivalent to ending my life. In other words, you are here to kill me. Unfortunately, you will not be selected by the holy gun. Your souls know what good is, yet do evil, which is synonymous with evil. “”
“”Although I had expected that there would be the newest human being who could reach this throne…but, die. In the ideal kingdom I created, your souls are not needed. “”
“A bright and holy white light flashed, and the Holy Lance Lungominiad appeared in the hands of the Lion King, “Then, liberate the round table. Look, this is the end of the wave, after peeling off the surface of the world, this planet really looks like. “”
“Infinite brilliance shone from the Holy Lance, and Kashima Yu and the others couldn’t even open their eyes with that radiant brilliance!”
“After the glow dissipated, everyone took a deep breath. What they saw was no longer the hall before. The wall behind the throne had turned into endless light like raging waves!”
“The raging waves behind the throne are…” Da Vinci looked at this scene in horror, “Could it be that the Lion King has been waiting at the end of the world since the beginning? “”
“The Lion King ignored Da Vinci’s shock, but slowly stood up from the throne. There is no doubt that she has entered a fighting posture.”
“”and many more! Before that, answer me, why do you have to close the world! “Kashima Yu asked the Lion King loudly, regardless of the fact that the Lion King was ready to attack.”
“”senior? “Matthew looked at Kashima Yu in surprise, and was a little startled by Kashima Yu’s actions.”
“Wow, that’s pretty audacious. Da Vinci raised his brows and praised, “When we see such a godlike god, even our followers are too scared to move.” But well said! Keep talking, Kashima! This is something only you, the human being, can do! “”
“…the reason? “The Lion King stopped and said softly, “No matter what era you are in, you humans like to ask this question. Then I will answer you, the reason why I closed the world is to keep human beings. “”
“”Because of someone’s great cause, the history of human beings on this planet has been terminated. Humanity is burned, and human history returns to nothing. “”
“”However, this is contrary to the meaning of my existence… because without human beings, the existence of gods has no meaning. That’s why I want to keep you and protect you at any cost. “”
“”This is my will. If the King of Magic destroys human beings so arbitrarily and recklessly, then I will also keep human beings arbitrarily and recklessly. “”
“I love you guys, you guys mean a lot and I can’t bear to lose you guys. Therefore, I decided to give eternity to human beings. “”
“”Suitable for the souls of future generations—people who do no evil and never tire of doing good. Collect these pure souls, fix them, and make materials. “”
“”In this way, no matter how long the time passes in the future, they will always be stored in my gun as things of constant value. “”
“”What’s wrong with that? My great cause is all for you humans. My great achievements are all due to my love for human beings. “”
“So, why are you wondering? why are you angry Why do you question? “”
“Kashima Yu was stunned. She thought she would hear the answer because human souls are interesting…because she wants to get human souls…because she wants to see the end of the world.”
“Before she came, she thoughtI have lived a lot, thought about many possibilities, and many answers. ”
“But the only thing I haven’t thought about is love? She said that she loves humans, that’s why she slaughtered humans, and that’s why she wants to make human specimens? Are these all out of love?”
“”Even if you get eternity in this way, it’s just a specimen! “”
“Hearing Kashima Yu’s reprimand, Lion King’s expression didn’t change a bit, “Do you think so?” “”
“Then, she turned her gaze to Mash again, “Shield Knight, what do you think? Mash Kyrielight, although people have a lifespan, yours is even more shallow… You should be able to understand my ideals, right? “”
“”what? ! “Roman only felt his scalp go numb. The fact that Matthew won’t live long… In order to let Matthew live happily, how much effort he had to hide it from Matthew!”
“Why was it so easy to be exposed by the Lion King!”
Chapter 644 Holy Spear, Anchor Pulling
“”This… this…” Matthew hesitated and couldn’t speak.”
“She really longs for a longer life…but among all creatures, who would not be afraid of death? Fear of death is an instinct engraved in DNA!”
“But… if this eternity must be obtained through such a method, then she would rather not.”
“Looking at Matthew’s expression, Kashima Yu immediately understood, “Matthew, you already knew about that, didn’t you? “”
“”Um. Matthew nodded lightly, but didn’t answer the Lion King’s question… But if he doesn’t answer, it’s already tantamount to answering.”
“Don’t even you understand me? The Lion King seemed to be sighing and said, “This is clearly the happiness of human beings… Turning limited life into eternity, freezing and preserving burnt life, and stopping it into something of constant value, this is to protect life , the final conclusion of protecting humanity. “”
“”No, no! Matthew loudly denied, “This is wrong!” “”
“Mash? “”
“Kashima Yu, Da Vinci and Bedivere all looked at her in amazement.”
“Matthew didn’t care about their eyes, and said in a deep voice, “I don’t agree with the happiness you mentioned! Because, a child said that as long as he is still alive, his mother’s life will continue! “”
“”The end is not meaningless, life is continuous, and it does not only exist in the present! No matter when, no matter how much you lose, it will continue to continue! “”
“Mash was right. Kashima Yu raised his right arm, revealing the command spell on the back of his hand, “Lion King, whether you are a storm, a raging wave, or the end of the world…we will fight you with all our strength!” “”
“”Good enlightenment, let you experience it. “The Lion King stood the holy spear in front of him, and the endless light descended from the sky, wrapping the holy spear little by little.”
“Holy Lance, pull out the anchor! It is the anchor of the storm that tears the sky and connects the earth. It releases light from the end and shines on… the gun of the end! “”
“The holy spear wrapped in glow turned into golden light and flew into the sky.”
“The next moment, a strong and shining light illuminated the entire space, and everyone’s eyes could no longer see anything except pure white! Whether it was others or my own body… I couldn’t see anything. clear!”
“At this moment, they seem to have become blind.”
“Golden light suddenly appeared in the sky, just like the first ray of light that opened up the world, dispelling all the haze in the world.”
“But Kashima Yu and the others know very well that for that ray of brilliance, they are the haze to be dispelled!”
“Senior, I’m going up! At this moment, Matthew no longer had the slightest confusion in his eyes, “Please watch, Director!” Now is the time to prove the foundation of human reason! “”
“”That is my homeland that heals all wounds, all grievances, appear! LORDCAMELOT (already far away ideal city)! “”
“Under Kashima Yu’s shocked eyes, with Mash at the center, an illusory city appeared out of nowhere, and it was Camelot!”
“At this moment, Mash has finally used the most perfect and correct Noble Phantasm! It is no longer the pseudo Noble Phantasm before, but the real Noble Phantasm!”
“Well, Mash-chan, I will watch carefully!” Sakura Chiyo nodded heavily, watching the video without blinking.
Although I don’t know what Matthew asked her to watch…but it doesn’t matter, just watch and it’s over!
Kashima Yu was quite speechless, “Xiao Chiyo, what Mash said should be for you who were already cold at that time to watch, not for you now. You don’t have to stare so big at all.”
“Is that so? That’s great… My eyes are sore.” Hearing this, Sakura Chiyo blinked vigorously, which made her feel a lot better.
Kashima You: This kid doesn’t seem to be very smart.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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