But it was such a little transparency, who actually smashed Lancelot’s dog’s head without blessing!
If it is said that there is no love bonus, then he does not believe it!
“Ahem…” Arturia cleared her throat, but said nothing… The fact that her sister’s son fell in love with her is really not something worth promoting.
“”Hmm…” Kashima Yu slowly opened her eyes. She is not a heroic spirit. Every time the spirit particles transfer, she will put a certain burden on the body, and it will take a while.”
“Sure enough, after she opened her eyes, Matthew, Da Vinci, and Roman were all around her.”
“”I’m back safely…””
“Senior, you finally woke up! Matthew heard the voice of Ludaoyou, cheered up, and said happily, “All of us have returned safely!” “”
“”That’s right, Kashima, as you can see, there is nothing wrong, and the restoration of the human foundation has been confirmed… Thanks for your hard work, Kashima. “”
“”What happened at the singularity will disappear together with the restoration of the singularity… It will not remain in people’s memory, nor will it remain in human history, and it is difficult to satisfy even leaving some reputation. This is very painful, and this time, as the person involved, I also have a personal experience. “”
“Da Vinci shook his head lightly, and said with a complicated expression… No matter who it is, as long as they know what they have done, no one will know. It’s like they don’t belong to this world, and they can’t leave anything in this world. The traces, the mood will probably be very complicated.”
“Although that’s true…” Kashima Yu squinted and said with a smile, “But, for us, everything we have experienced… the happiness we got from everyone will never disappear of. “”
“Well, Senior is right! Matthew nodded again and again, and said cheerfully, “Even… only a few of us remember it. “”
“Doctor, is the Holy Grail safe? “Kashima Yu turned to look at Roman and asked.”
“Well, it was locked up very tightly just now. Roman nodded slightly, looking very happy, “In this way, there is only the last singularity left… In addition, according to the information of the Lion King, the seventh singularity has been analyzed. “”
“” Has it been resolved? Matthew said in surprise, “Where is it?” The Lion King is said to be earlier than the time of the Magic King, that is, the past is older than 1011 BC…””
“2600 BC! Roman said the result directly, “The last singularity we observed was in ancient Mesopotamia—that is, ancient Uruk!” “”
“Then let’s go now!” Go to ancient Uruk! “Kashima Yu jumped out of the basket with a full face of excitement. Those who didn’t know thought she was going on a trip.”
“But she can’t help but not be excited. Since the burning of human rights, her parents, her friends, her classmates…all have disappeared. The feeling of loneliness and despair, let alone endured, the average person even It’s unimaginable!”
“And now, they finally want to restore the last singularity, defeat the magic king, save all mankind, become the savior, and reach the pinnacle of life.”
“”Although I really want to do it. “Roman scratched his head and said with a dry smile, “but the success of transferring the spirit son to BC is really too low… Even if all the staff work overtime from now on, it will take a lot of effort to successfully transfer the spirit son to BC time. “”
“”As the saying goes, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, so, Kashima, you should take a good rest for the time being and recharge your spirits. Moreover, this time the EX level singularity has been repaired, whether it is you orMash is already very tired, right? A good rest is also a kind of battle. “”
“”That’s… right. “Looking at Roman winking at her, Kashima Yu suddenly came to her senses, Matthew’s body experienced such a super difficult singularity, it would be impossible not to take a good rest!”
“Well, now that you’ve decided, let’s go back to the room and wash away the fatigue of the journey. “Roman said with a smile.”
“”However, don’t relax too much… In 2600 BC, that was the world known as the “Age of Gods”. What awaits you at the seventh singularity will be something unprecedented. “”
“”Because, that is a world where gods, demons, and the kingdom of death all really exist! The Seventh Singularity must be filled with terrifying monsters, as well as amazing human denials! Therefore, you must recharge your batteries before going! “”
“Lu Daoyou’s expression collapsed, “The problem is really one wave after another, isn’t there any good news? “”
“”The good news is that there is indeed one. Roman narrowed his eyes slightly, looking in a good mood, “Just now, a new position appeared in the list of spirit foundations available for summoning. “”
“”Although he didn’t have any feats to become a Heroic Spirit…But, perhaps because of the help of the Lion King, he made an exception and became a Heroic Spirit. “”
“”You will meet soon… Don’t be surprised to hear his name, that name is – Bedivere! “”
“Kashima Yu suddenly widened her eyes. At this moment, she suddenly understood what the Lion King meant by the star… It really is a beautiful and dazzling star!”
“Thank you, Lion King. “”
“The journey is not over yet. The final singularity is coming. The King of Magic is still sitting on the throne… This chapter is over.”
“Oh, Shu Tan…Although I’m just an ordinary person, I never thought I could be a savior.” Kashima Yu leaned back comfortably, looking very happy.
“I will be able to show off to Senior Hori tomorrow! He must be very envious of my experience!”
Sakura Chiyo cried and said nothing, she was just a little bastard who was cold when she first appeared on the stage, what can she say? Do you envy Kashima Yu as the savior, or show off that you died early?
“However, Kashima’s experience is really long. I can’t finish watching a single video…” Nozaki Umetaro touched his chin and pondered, “By the way, Kashima, I was thinking, maybe you are that Gudazi Bar?”
“Gudazi? Who is that?” Kashima Yu looked dazed, she had no memory of this character at all.
Chapter 650: You Don’t Want Your Heroic Spirits To Be Useless For Noble Phantasms?
“Oh, I know, I know!” Sakura Chiyo raised her hand and said, “It was the person who received Jonathan Joestar there when the Hall of Valor was first revealed in the video.”
“Oh, it’s that one.” Kashima Yu also had a little impression at this time, “But why do you say that Gudazi is me? I remember that Gudazi didn’t show his face, right?”
“Yeah, Nozaki-kun, why do you say that Kashima-kun is that Gudazi? I remember that Gudazi was the devil who destroyed the world seven times. Kashima-kun is just an ordinary person, so he shouldn’t be able to destroy the world… …And it’s still seven times!” Sakura Chiyo asked uncomprehendingly.
The corner of Kashima Yu’s mouth twitched, “I’m an ordinary person, I’m really sorry.”
“Emmmm… I just think that the seven singularities are very similar to saving the world at seven degrees.” Umetaro Nozaki said uncertainly, “To put it bluntly, I’m just guessing…”
“However, if you are really a Gudazi, you have to be careful. If the villain is still exposed, it will be very miserable… especially if you are still an ordinary person.”
“Shouldn’t it?” Kashima Yu blinked and said, “I don’t have a reason to destroy the world either?”
“Could it be that something happened to little Mash, Kashima-kun went berserk, summoned the crowned heroic spirit, and then merged with it! At the same time, he awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, saying that I want to create a Yumash The world that exists, while flying into the sky and saying to make the world feel pain!”
Sakura Chiyo became more and more excited as she spoke, and then she felt the speechless expressions of Nozaki Umetaro and Kashima Yu.
“Hey hey~” Sakura Chiyo laughed dryly, “I see that’s how it’s written in manga.”
“Look less at Hokage, if you have the time, why not read more of my manga – “Moe Love”.” Umetaro Nozaki took the opportunity to promote his own manga.
“I read Nozaki-kun’s manga every day!” Sakura Chiyo clasped his hands and said, “It’s just that I read other manga occasionally… Ah, by the way, compared to Kashima-kun, Nozaki-kun’s situation should be Is it more dangerous? Will it really not be controlled?”
“Me?” Umetaro Nozaki pointed at himself, “It is said in the video that there are three personalities in my body, and the other two are going to be burnt. It should be raining on me, right?”
“But, didn’t the Lion King say that those who use the Holy Grail are all descendants of the Magic King? Does this mean that your family has the blood of the Magic King?” Sakura Chiyo said, “If that’s the case, the government of our Sakura Kingdom Maybe it will control you!”
“Yes, yes, maybe slice it, and then use it as sashimi to taste the saltiness… Hey, it’s scary!” Kashima Yu guessed and frightened himself.
“Shouldn’t it?” Umetaro Nozaki was also a little uncertain, “I remember that those people who were exposed before were not controlled, let alone tasted salty after being sliced.”
“No matter what, Nozaki-kun must be careful!” Sakura Chiyo warned, “What if it is sliced ​​into pieces?”What to do? ”
“Even if you really want to attack me, you still want to know some knowledge of magic through me. Don’t think too much, but slicing is too impossible.” At this time, Nozaki Umetaro has gradually cleared his mind, “how about Speaking of Sakura, you are actually in danger in this regard too.”
“Although Kashima is the master, he is not a magician. He is just an ordinary person. Generally speaking, the government doesn’t care much about it. But you, Sakura, are different. Don’t forget, Chaldea belongs to your family. It looks like a family of magicians.”
“However… don’t worry too much. After all, not only the magician family, but also those substitute messengers, Kamen Riders, and Saiyans that were exposed before are all fine.”
“Oh, yes, our family is still a family of magicians!” Sakura Chiyo’s eyes gradually lit up, “Dad has been hiding it from me, it’s too much! I will ask my father to understand when I go back!”
“Your father should be the same as you, you don’t remember anything…” Kashima Yu guessed, and got up to say goodbye to the two, “Well, since I have already asked what I wanted to ask, and I have finished watching the video , then I’ll go back first.”
“Ah, it’s about this time! Then I should go back, or my parents will be angry.” Sakura Chiyo looked at the time, was shocked immediately, and quickly got up and said.
Nozaki Umetaro also got up from his seat, “Then I’ll see you off.”
Afterwards, Umetaro Nozaki sent the two of them all the way to the tram station.
“Oh! So much fantasy power! This wave has made a lot of money!” A Xing looked very excited when he saw the fantasy power pouring into Cheng Yang’s body, jumping up and down, “There are so many fantasy powers. , can you make a lot of heroic treasures again?”
Thinking of that scene, Ah Xing, who suffers from a lack of firepower phobia, instantly feels relieved… After all, all the fear in this world comes from the lack of firepower!
Otherwise, why do the protagonists in horror games have no means of attack? If you really have an attack method, no horror game will be scary anymore! No matter what the hell he is, he will be beaten into a dog by the players!
When Ah Xing was fantasizing, a sudden strange noise interrupted his fantasy.
“Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Cheng Yang screamed strangely as if he was stimulated by something while accepting the power of fantasy.
“???” Ah Xing had a question mark on his face, Alaya started to get sick again, it was so strange… Ah, no, this time the feeling was not so strange, but so stinky!
Although I don’t know why, Ah Xing just feels so smelly!
Ah Xing jumped up, threw out the strange thoughts in his mind, and then looked at Cheng Yang expectantly, “Cheng Yang, should we also expand the Hall of Valor? This time we can get a lot of heroic spirits out.” Ah! I’m going to play the game first, you get out the treasure of the heroic spirit.”
The reason why we want to make games is because these heroic spirits are pirated heroic spirits created through the Bengyuan virus, and there is no game.
Cheng Yang rolled his eyes, looking like a fox, and looked at A Xing with a strange smile, “Hey hey, this planet’s will, you don’t want your heroic spirit to be useless, do you?”
“???” Ah Xing had a question mark on his face again, “Although I don’t know what it means, but I always feel weird… You have been sick a lot today.”
“Ahem… There’s nothing I can do if I don’t understand it.” Cheng Yang looked overwhelmed, “Life is as lonely as snow.”
“Oh…then I’m going to play games.” Ah Xing jumped up and down with a blank expression and walked away.
“Okay, then I’m ready to start working.” Cheng Yang patted his face to wake up, and then started working. After all, a heroic spirit really cannot live without a treasure.
Chapter 651 How do you defile people’s innocence out of thin air?
The next day, as soon as Nozaki Umetaro arrived in the classroom, everyone looked at him and smiled, and some shouted, “Nozaki, you have a new bandage on your face!”
Nozaki Umetaro did not answer, but murmured to himself, “I was too tired from drawing yesterday.” Afterwards, nine textbooks were printed out.
They yelled loudly again on purpose, “This must be a magic book, you must be planning to burn it again!”
Umetaro Nozaki opened his eyes wide and said, “How can you insult people’s innocence out of nothing?”
“What innocence? I saw with my own eyes last night that you summoned Altila, the whip of God, and then you were chopped in half and hung up.”
Nozaki Umetaro blushed, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing, “Leif was beaten, it’s none of my business… Lefe… Lefe’s matter, can I be counted as being beaten?”
Then there were difficult words, such as “girl manga artists can’t destroy human beings”, and “it’s none of my business if you want to find Leif”, which caused everyone to laugh, and the classroom was full of joy.
Seeing the people who were smiling happily, Umetaro Nozaki shook his head with a light smile. He knew that these students in the class did it on purpose, just to tell him that they would not treat him as the demon who initiated the incineration.
In their eyes, he is him, neither Leif nor Demon God Pillar… Otherwise, how could they dare to joke with him?
“Although they usually dislike me…but they are actually very good classmates.”
After such an experience, Umetaro Nozaki felt a lot more relieved, despite the swearing he said last night… But in fact, he was also very timid.
He was really afraid that he would be beaten to death on the way to school…
Fortunately, not only did he arrive at the school safely, but he was not squeezed out by his classmates.
After finishing a class as usual, a handsome red-haired guy rushed to the door of the classroom, “Nozaki!”
“Oh, Mikoshiba.” Nozaki Umetaro got up and walked out with a flat face.Come on, “what can I do for you?”
“Nozaki!” Mikoshiba burst into tears as soon as he saw Nozaki, “Kashima… that Kashima guy pretended to be the savior to pick up girls, and completely stole my limelight!”
“Ah… You don’t seem to have snatched her away, do you?” Nozaki Umetaro said speechlessly, “And, aren’t you two best friends? When you are surrounded by girls, you still use her as a shield… At this time, why do you think that the limelight will be robbed?”
“That’s different! Usually, even if I use her as a shield, those girls will still scream around me next time they see me! But now, they only have Kashima in their eyes!”
Mikoto Mikoshiba cried, and looked at Nozaki Umetaro eagerly, “Nozaki, why don’t you launch the Human Force Incineration again? The range doesn’t need to be too large, just burn you alone! Then I’ll go find Xiao Chiyo , this time I will be the savior!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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