“…” Nozaki Umetaro was speechless immediately, “If you only save me, no matter how you think about it, you can’t be considered a savior, right?”
“That’s right…” Mikoto Shibai rubbed her chin and thought, “Then is there any way to avoid causing too much damage and let me be the savior?”
“I was burned to death as the co-author, isn’t that too much harm?” Nozaki Umetaro twitched his lips, always feeling that he was discriminated against by some aspects.
“Anyway, you won’t die anyway, and it’s nothing serious.” Yuzi Chai Shiqin waved his hands and said, “Look at yesterday’s video, you were split in half by Attila, aren’t you still fine?”
“That’s Rafe, it’s the Demon God Pillar, not me.” Nozaki Umetaro corrected.
“It’s all the same, it’s all the same.” Mikoto Mikoto waved his hand perfunctorily, “Instead of thinking about that, why don’t you think about it for me, how can I get the same savior status! Ah, yes, Nozaki, you draw a picture of me as my savior!” Is the manga about the protagonist any good? Just let me be the hero who defeats the devil!”
You are already the protagonist, and you are the heroine… Nozaki Umetaro thought about this sentence in his heart, but he didn’t say it, “Are you sure you want the identity of the savior? You will become like Kashima, and you will be surrounded by various things every day.” A woman is pestering you.”
“Uh…” Miko Chai Shiqin’s face froze and she was a little speechless.
Although he is very handsome, he has also learned a lot of flirting skills in GALGAME, and he is also very popular… But when he faces three-dimensional women, he is a complete rookie, or rather, he will enter a state of social terror That level!
Recalling Kashima Yu surrounded by many women in the classroom, Miko Shiba Mikoto shuddered, “Let’s forget it… I am wholehearted in my two-dimensional wife.”
Umetarou Nozaki thought about Mikoto Mikoto’s second dimension wife, although there are a lot of them, but… at least he is single-minded towards the beautiful girl.
At this time, Kashima Yu, who was being envied by Miko Shiba Mikoto, was perfunctory to the girls around her… She originally wanted to show off to Senior Masahiro Hori, and give Senior Masahyu Hori a princess hug by the way.
But now he is blocked here so hard that he can’t even move…
If only Matthew was here, Matthew would definitely be able to break through the siege and take her out! So, Matthew, where are you! Come and save me!
If it really doesn’t work, Masayuki Hori-senpai is also possible, and Masayuki Hori-senpai can also rescue her!
But unfortunately, no one came to save her… She can only continue to indulge in the hell called Wenrouxiang.
But these women obviously didn’t understand Kashima You’s pain, and surrounded her desperately, chattering there.
“Kashima-kun, did you think of me when you repaired the singularity, that’s why you have such a strong power?”
“Ah…of course, Your Highness the Princess.” What can Kashima Yu say? Nodding of course!
“Call me by name.”
“Ah…” The corners of Kashima Yu’s mouth kept twitching, who knows what your name is, “His Royal Highness.”
“Ahhh, Kashima-kun!” Although Kashima Yu was perfunctory, the girl was still so excited that she even wanted to fall into Kashima Yu’s arms.
“Get out of the way, Kashima-kun is mine!”
“What are you talking about?! Of course Kashima-kun is mine, you idiot!”
“Go away! Don’t bump into my Kashima!”
“Ahahaha…” Kashima Yu was almost crying in despair.
She was wrong, she was really wrong, she shouldn’t have gone to Chaldea in the first place, if she hadn’t gone to Chaldea, she wouldn’t have been burned by human rights.
She wouldn’t have repaired the Singularity if she hadn’t encountered Humanity Incineration.
If she didn’t fix the singularity, she wouldn’t save humanity, be the savior.
If she hadn’t become the savior, she wouldn’t be surrounded by so many women here, and couldn’t even get out.
woo woo woo…
Although Kashima Yu felt very painful about this situation, all the boys in the classroom looked at her with envy, their eyes turned red with envy! Even those who are envious will transform into a real red-eyed black dragon!
Mad, why aren’t they the people staying in there?
Chapter 652: Demon Pillar Signing Event
“Yo, Sakura.” During the class break, Seo Yuzuki waved to Sakura Chiyo, “Yesterday, I watched that video… so you have a magician at home!”
“Ahaha…” Sakura Chiyo laughed a few times, she could say that she went back last night, together with her mother,Didn’t she get an answer after asking her father for a long time?
And looking at her father’s appearance, it doesn’t look like she is lying at all!
If it wasn’t for her father’s proficiency in lying, there was only one possibility… Her father had already forgotten everything.
Farewell, her dream of a family of magicians… Farewell, her little Mash… Farewell, her dream of the head of Chaldea…
Forget it, Director Chaldea’s thing is better to roll as far as possible, she doesn’t want to die so early!
“It’s not a magician, is it… Jieyue, why are you asking this?”
“I just want to say…” Seo Yuzuki slowly moved his face in front of Sakura Chiyo, with a very serious expression.
It made Sakura Chiyo’s expression become serious, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a little nervous, mainly because Seo Yuzuki’s expression was too easy to make people nervous.
Then, she heard Seo Yuzuki say.
“Since I’m a magician, can you show me a magic trick? I want to see that, the kind that uses a chainsaw to cut people in half.”
“…Yueyue, this is the magician, not that magician.” Sakura Chiyo said with a dark face.
Let’s not talk about that she is not a magician, even if she is a magician, she is not the kind of magician who can hold a chainsaw and saw people in half!
Besides, even the kind of magician who saws people in half with a chainsaw is still using props to deceive the eye… Well, wait! Is it really a blindfold?
Sakura Chiyo was suddenly refreshed and found a blind spot. Is there a possibility that those magicians are actually this kind of magicians, but because of lack of funds and poverty, they can only live as a performer?
“Hey, hello, hello!” Seo Yuzuki kept waving his hands in front of Sakura Chiyo.
“Hey, ah, what happened?” Sakura Chiyo suddenly realized that she was thinking about those things just now, and her mind was distracted.
Seo Yuzuki said dissatisfiedly, “I was talking to you just now, and you lost your mind… I was talking, is there any difference between this magician and that magician? Aren’t they all magicians?”
“That’s completely different, right?” Sakura Chiyo smiled wryly, not knowing how to explain it.
But she didn’t find it strange at all… After all, Yuzuki Seo is the kind of person who, when watching a movie, falls asleep in a wonderful place, but finds the happiest watching a movie in a bad place!
The ghost knows how long she fell asleep while watching the video last night.
“Well, it’s fine if you don’t want to perform the kind of sawing people in half.” Seo Yuzuki was a little disappointed, and then became excited again in a blink of an eye, “Then you give me a performance, that is, the kind of thing that completely cuts yourself. Tie it up, and then jump off the twenty-story building for an extreme escape magic!”
“That’s not called magic, that’s called suicide…” Sakura Chiyo’s mouth twitched. Even if she was a real magician, she would be cold after jumping so high!
“Huh…” She took a long breath, although Seo Yuzuki was talking about some weird topics, but under the influence of these topics, her mood relaxed a lot.
To be honest, when she first came to the classroom this morning, she found that the students in the class had a wrong attitude towards her.
Not hostile to her, or ignoring her or something…
It’s a weasel seeing a chicken, a traveler seeing a treasure chest, and a fly seeing a xiang… Ahem, the analogy is a bit strange, but that’s what it means. In short, it is such a look!
She didn’t find it strange, after all, she was the director of Chaldea and a magician! And magic can be learned!
It’s not surprising that these people look at her with that kind of eyes. Who doesn’t want to learn magic and get rid of the identity of ordinary people?
It’s a pity to let them down, magic is something she herself doesn’t know…
After school, Nozaki Umetaro returned to his home alone with his schoolbag on his back.
Today, Sakura Chiyo’s family has something to do. It is said that she is going to ask her father again with her mother, whether she can do magic…
Although Nozaki Umetaro feels that Sakura Chiyo’s father really doesn’t know, just like them, don’t they remember nothing? It would be strange if her father could remember!
However, Sakura Chiyo has helped him so much, and it is appropriate to take a break once in a while.
Just as he was walking downstairs.
Jingle jingle jingle…
Suddenly the phone rang, he picked up the phone, his spirit lifted, and he immediately straightened up, full of vigor like a soldier undergoing a review! It was like the imperial concubine who had not been favored for twenty years suddenly learned that the emperor was coming tonight, her face was full of spring breeze.
“It’s Brother Jian!”
The caller is Miyamae Ken, editor-in-chief of Nozaki Umetaro! The man whom he respectfully called Sword Brother!
Although that sword brother doesn’t like him very much at all…
Nozaki Umetaro didn’t dare to delay at all, he answered the phone immediately, “Hello, Brother Sword!”
“Ah, it’s Mr. Mengye… Today, our company discussed for a day, and finally decided to hold a separate signing event for you. It’s called the Demon God Pillar Signing Event… Cough, although the name is a bit ugly, Mr. Mengye , what do you think?”
“Ah, this…” Nozaki Umetaro hesitated, and returned to the signing event of the Demon God Pillar. The name of this hot chicken is just to catch the heat!
Moreover, he is not the Demon God Pillar either! If he really wanted to go, wouldn’t that be the same as admitting that he was the Demon God Pillar, and also the murderer of Humanity Incineration?
If he really wanted to go, he always felt that he was going to be beaten to death…
“If you don’t want to, forget it. There is no mandatory requirement from the company.” Miyazaki Ken probably heard Nozaki Umetaro’s hesitation, and said hastily.
“…” Umetaro Nozaki gasped immediately, it was rare for Brother Jian to come to him for help.I was busy, but he refused. Is this plausible?
How sad brother Jian must be! How uncomfortable it is for Brother Jian! Brother Jian must be so desperate! Brother Jian wants to die so much! Brother Jian must die with regret!
No, you can’t make Brother Jian sad, let alone let Brother Jian die with regret!
“I’ll go!” Nozaki Umetaro said decisively, at this moment, his face exuded a divine radiance.
He helped Brother Jian, and he was extremely proud of it!
“Ah, is it really okay? Teacher Mengye.” Ken Miyazaki asked again. He clearly felt that Nozaki Umetaro was unwilling before, why did he suddenly change his attitude?
“No problem at all! Don’t worry, brother sword!” Umetaro Nozaki patted his chest, assured with special confidence.
Chapter 653: Great Villain Alliance
After agreeing to Sword Brother, Nozaki Umetaro walked home again.
But as soon as he opened the door, he found that there was a person in his home who he could say he knew or didn’t know at all!
The reason why he said he didn’t know him was because he had never met this person in real life… The reason why he said he knew him was because this person was exposed in the video!
And it also appeared in the news before, once outside a hospital he turned into a four-meter-tall werewolf-like guy, and then he was beaten into a dog by Kamen Rider BLADE.
Naturally, he had seen this person in the video, and this person was the man who was beaten into a dog while shouting “Kamen Rider’s end is here” – Nobuyuki Sugo!
How did this guy get in here? And, why come to him? !
Nozaki Umetaro became vigilant in his heart, it must be a bad thing for such a bad guy to come to his room!
So he didn’t enter the door directly. If there is anything wrong, there is still time to run quickly… He is not a Kamen Rider, and he can’t become a Demon God Pillar, so he must not be able to beat this person. If he can run, it is better to run quickly .
“Don’t be so afraid…” Nobuyuki Sugo also saw Nozaki Umetaro’s vigilance, and he smiled lightly, “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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