We are on our way to the city in the dark.

They were accompanied by Ultina and General Gio.

They both said they had business in the city and that they would accompany us until just before we left.

"Ultina, are you sure?Breaking through the dark road is a big deal. "

"Never mind. Without the Rogue Brigade, we wouldn't have been able to complete our request, La.Please report to His Majesty in their name. "

"If that's all you have to say, let's do it.But the Rogue Brigade is a name I've heard of somewhere.I think I've heard that quite recently. "

The General, who was leading with a lamp, seemed to be thinking while scratching his jaw.

Cucumber ~!


Flaw and Pantai flew through the dark road with a lot of momentum.

We also left the dark road late.

The General, who turned off the lamp, turned his body towards us.

"I have a report.Let's move on as soon as we get back to the promise. "

He shakes hands with the general and turns his cloak to the capital.

The promise of an example is to search for a companion.

Instead of giving away the high-power lamp for free, we were still able to find our missing companions.

I was lucky to know General Gio here.

"I enjoyed working with you guys. Good luck, sir."

"Oh, and Ultina."

Shake hands with Ultina.

She was a truly reliable guide.

I wanted you to follow me as an official companion if possible, but I was refused that I liked Solo.


Don't be silly!


Break up with Ultina and we'll head west.

We visit a village near the border.

The mountains are far apart, and they cannot go west without crossing them.

"You don't have a house anywhere."

"Hey, maybe that's not the village."


Oh, my God.

Above the tree I looked up was a house with lights.

There is a suspension bridge from the house to the house, and I see residents walking flatly in a high position that seems to be harassing, perhaps not falling.

"I heard it's a village that lives in the old-fashioned, but living on a tree is fun."

"You're kind of cute and stubborn.And it's nice to be sparkling like a star. "

We stop and see the dark elf colony.

Aruji-sama, hurry up!

Kyu ~

Oops, Fleur called earlier.

After walking up the wooden staircase, a narrow passage was passed by a suspension bridge made of vines, which finally led to a place like a square.

"It's bigger than you can see from below.There's a lot of shops. "

"What is that sparkling thing?From the bottom, it looked like a candle fire, but if you look at it carefully, it's different. "

"Really, there's a lump of round leaves shining."


I ask the dark elf man, who is a passing dweller, for the identity of the light.

"That's Morihoshiyadrigi. It gathers light during the day and glows at night.It's the only plant around here, and it's the only tourist resource. "

Morihoshiyadrigi, you have an unusual plant.

The rounded lumps attached to the branches of the tree are blurry and orange.

The decorations created by nature make you forget time when you look at them.

"This is the first time I've seen this place.If you're going to the tavern, I'll show you. "

The man seems to be going to the tavern from now on and invites me gently.

"I love alcohol!I can heal the tiredness of my journey! "

"Cucumber, cumber"

"Last time? What happened to it?"

Pantai seems to be suing for hangover, but Fleur leans her head.

It didn't seem like you were squeaking at me and I couldn't really remember.

She forgot it was beautiful.

On the other hand, the frog refuses to drink while laughing bitterly.

"This time, I just want to drink water... so I don't want to drink for a while."

"That's good. I'll just fill it up."

A tavern is good for gathering information.

I'd like to ask you about the White Wolf and the missing members.

When I opened the tavern door, I heard a beautiful tone.

"The bard is coming."


Break up with men at the entrance.

As I got to my seat, I looked around.

In the corner of the shop, you can see the bard Beast family playing string instruments.

That ear, that tail, that wolf tribe.

He noticed his gaze and stopped his hand.


"No, I saw it because it was very similar to the tribe I was looking for."

"Wolf tribes aren't that rare."

"No, I'm looking for a tribe called the White Wolf."

I stopped snugly to resume playing.

"Looking for a white wolf?"

"I'm not exactly a Beast."

"... even if you ask me the purpose"

"I'm looking for my mother's home.If they knew, Elov the Spirit King. "

Spirit King, a lot of big things have come out.

He sits right next to me.

Then I slapped the table with my fingers.

He wants to tell me to give him a drink.

The clerk put the liquor in front of him.

"I'll sell you the information. What do you want to hear?"

"Let's start with the white wolf."

"Hmm, there's a mountain range from here to the west.Among them is a small village of the wolf tribe, where the white wolf tribe is enshrined as a god.However, only a limited number of people can see the white wolf directly. "

Give me a gold coin.

Received, he raised his mouth slightly.

"Ney, Soala, Alicia, Lynn, Pione, Marianne, what name do you recognize in this?"

I don't think so.

I'm disappointed.

I thought he knew when he was traveling around.

Do we have to keep searching the tunnel?

"I'll go to that settlement. Thanks for the info."

Wait, how are we going to get there?

Well, on foot?

"It will be difficult to go to the settlement as it is.The Demons are completely blocking the road at the fort.After all, the army is trying to get rid of it, but the situation doesn't seem to be good. "

Fort, I think.

And the demons.

"Could it possibly be Rudra the Demon King?"

"I don't know that much. But I've been stuck for more than two weeks.The mountains are so cold, I prefer not to go far, but I can't say luxury at this time. "

He joked, "You can take care of it."

The next morning, we left the village.

On the way is the mountains where the white wolves are said to be.

I've been wearing it more as a measure against the cold than usual...



It's been a few hours since I started climbing the mountain.

Fleur trembles over the thick bread in the cold.

It's cold enough to pierce it with a needle to say it's still starting to go up.

Scrolling through the map revealed that the mountains would take a long time just to cross deep.

Moreover, snow seems to be piling up at the top of the mountain, and it is expected to be even colder.

Something wrapped around my neck.

"Please, Master."

"Could it be the scarf I was making?"

"Yes, I'm not good at it yet, but I've made it a little warmer for you, Master."

It was a pretty long muffler because I made it for the first time.

I don't care if I'm good or not, I'm so happy that I can't express my concern.

Fine, Fleur wants a muffler too.

It's true.

Kaede also wraps a muffler around Flaw's neck.

"Oh, thank you, Kaede!"

"Fufu, I'm glad you're happy."

A smiling frog, but he didn't have his own muffler.

So I remembered something.

"So there was a cold resistant jacket."

It's a relic I found in Einark.

I took the hooded jacket out of the luggage and put it on the frog.

Then I'll gently untie the muffler and wrap it around her neck.

It's long enough for both of us to wind it up well.

"I don't care!I hope your husband is warm! "

Don't be shy.


Decoping lightly.

Then I held his hand.

If you get too far away, the muffler will come loose.

"Master's hands are warm....."

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