A few days into the mountains.

The area is dyed white with snow and feet sink to the ankle.

His exhaled breath is white, and the air he breathes in is too cold.

"Lord, where are you?"

"This way."

"Ah, there it is, white bread."


Frau and Pantai, who were on reconnaissance, are coming back.

Fully accustomed to the mountain temperatures, Fleur looked fine in thin clothes.

I envy Fairy's high body temperature.

Well, it still feels cold when you stop moving, and sometimes it's warm as you dive into my muffler.

From my point of view, it's a very annoying story.

"I'm going to make some warm coffee, so please rest a bit."


Caeda takes the kettle out of the luggage and pours water.

I bowed down to the fallen tree and heard the report.

"So, how was the fort?"

"There were about fifty demonic soldiers.Twenty or so Dark Elves were captured in the cell, and it was confirmed that they had been tortured or weakened.And then I saw him acting like a commander. "

"What does the fort look like?"

"Looks like you're using the ruins.It looks like a pretty old building. It's been repaired a lot. "

I see. Ruins.

I didn't build it from scratch, but I used it as a fortress.

"It's going to take a lot of time to get around.It's way too soon to break through the fort.I also saw the demons riding in Wyburn, so I think it's tough to travel from the sky. "

Coffee, please.

"Thank you."

Receive coffee from the frog and put the mouth on it.

The detour takes too long. The sky is no good.

I guess I'll have to knock on the fort.

It seems to follow Elov, but I have no choice but to proceed here with Ludla the Demon King.

The dark elves caught in it are also worrying.

Perhaps they are Jonellen soldiers sent out to remove the Demons from the mountains.

The bard said the army was moving, so I'm sure it was.

Watch Kaede and Fleur.

"Do as your husband says."

"I'll do anything. Fleur is the slave of the Lord."

It's settled.

We're heading straight for the fort.

The Sentinel Demon clan first noticed and stood up with a bow.

"This place is blocked by the demon king Rudra.I told you not to let any of them through.If you don't want to die, you're leaving. "

"I'm not going to die. I'm not turning back."

"Stupid human, you think you can beat us! Kill him!"

More than ten arrows are fired simultaneously.

But the frog entered between them, and struck them down with two iron fans.

Her white hair and tail flow, and her beautiful dance continues.

"What is that beast! Hey, call the wizards and never let them in the fort!We're going to be killed by Arkansama!! "

Wizards line the outer wall.

They cast spells and exercised ice magic.

There is a fierce cold breeze coming from the fort.

"You think you can beat me with that cold air?Laughing, you weren't the enemy your husband was after all. Ice Crematorium "

The blue flame tore the enemy's magic in half, directly hitting the outer walls where the wizards were.

The exterior walls froze instantly and countless ice statues appeared.

Caeda, who had a cold glance like ice, looked around and smiled as usual.

"We have eliminated the intruders."

"Thank you."

"Hmm, as usual, the magic of frogs is relentless ~"


From the gap in the muffler, Flaw pulls out his face, and Pantai peeks into his face from the coat.

The frog bowed politely, but the tail was shaking vigorously, and there was an aura that I wanted to be praised for seeing.

When I stroked his head, the fox's ears drooped and raised his cheerful face.

"All right, all right."

Goshujima ~

I hugged her and felt a tingling in my chest.

White long eyelashes shake and the lips look more pink than usual because of snow.

Okay, let's go in.


Bayah, shit.

I'll punch a big metal gate and blow it off.

We trespass with dignity through the missing entrance.

"Intruder! I won't let you go to Arken!"

Multiple enemies were ambushed with spears.

They changed their expression the moment they hit the spear.

"Stiff!? I can't penetrate!?"


Just by putting your strength into your abs, the tip of your spear breaks apart.

The Demon soldier ran away screaming.



Rosuke jumped out of the stamp and wiped out the demons.

In addition, Chupimi and Kratan were summoned to accompany Flaw to the Dark Elf rescue.

Me and Kaede go to the middle of the fort.

There was an armed man in the open area.

"My name is Arken, one of the three demon generals who serves the demon king Rudra."

"I'm Thor of the Rover Brigade."

"Rover Brigade... don't know. I don't know, but I'm not a brave man."

Arken holds an iron stick that will be two meters.

It was thought to have sucked a lot of blood, and it emitted red and black and intimidating air.

I'll pull out the big sword on my back and let Kaede and Rosuke back down.

He's just a warrior.

"Well, with the warriors. Not a heavy warrior, not a beast warrior, not a mad warrior, just a warrior came to this fortress.Say your jokes and rest. What's the real job? "

"I'm not lying...."

"So the level, it looks like it's over 500, but no, from the signs, it's over 1000.Then there's no shortage. "

Arken's drifting air increases sharpness, killing him and attacking me.

This is the same intimidation as Bione's grandfather, Mugen.

I don't know the level, but the technology is definitely strong.

Grandpa won't find a gap in me anyway.

Does it mean that the number of places that have been exceeded is also comparable?

"Kaede, what's his level?"


A beast with an appraisal. They do nasty things. "

Lvl 1217 Ah, that number sucks without armor enhancements.

This demon king is definitely stronger than Lisa.

Speaking of which, it's a regular weapon, right?

You don't have a magic sword?

If you think about it, you won't come here and hear about the Holy Armor.

I thought it was too obvious to talk about it, but isn't it over here?

Oh, no way.



Me and Arken collide.

Severe metallic sounds of wood spirits, and the snow under my feet blows with shock waves.

They pushed each other apart and crossed their weapons again as their feet touched the floor.

"Hot dance!"

An iron rod with a flame passes through the rinse of his face.

He takes advantage of the momentum to launch a more powerful series of strikes and push me in.

Were you a magical swordsman!?

"My job is to dance. Attacks are multiplied by magical moves.Oops, the more you dance, the faster and more powerful you will be! "

Dancer, I've never heard of such a job.

Maybe it's something special that only we have here.

Accelerating Iron Stick of Fire.Perfectly the pace over there.

It's just a disadvantage even if you do it properly.

We have to make a gap somehow.

Arken shook up the iron stick at once.

- Right here!


I shake my head and catch the iron stick on my forehead.

The next moment, the iron stick broke apart.

"Ha!? My weapon!?"


Cut down the great sword from head to crotch at once.


Arken's body was in two pieces.

Phew, you can use the weapon to destroy it with a headshot.

Is it strange that you can do it because you're at the upper level?

"Nice work, Master!"

I see.

"Yes, Master, Master!"

"If you're the Lord, do whatever you want.That way of winning is unusual, isn't it?They brought you here. They're pulling the strings. "

Soon Fleur was joining us.

Behind them are several Dark Elf soldiers, all of whose faces are pale with fear.

Running around with the great sword in his sheath.

"I'm here to help. Everybody okay?"

"Ah, ah, thank you... I see, you don't have any healing medicine!There are still a lot of people who can't move! "

"All right, take me there."

We'll lend our shoulders to the soldiers and we'll go to jail.

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