Two Behemoths ran through the earth.

Me and Monica ride.

"I'm sorry, Days. I called each nobleman from your father, but he was still able to gather only 2,000 troops."

"I don't mind. Originally, Petadaus was indifferent to Rudolla.I was a little skeptical about going to help Thor. "

The Queen of Petadaus said Rudola's crusade was enough for a brave man.

If you repeatedly tell him that it is the Spirit King's order to send troops, the Spirit King who laughs with his nose cannot say such a thing.

We didn't want to waste time, we left the royal palace early.

If the Spirit King had been there, perhaps the Queen would have judged differently.

However, Elov preferred persuasion from other countries to his own.

Because I decided it would take that long.

Of course, Monica and I thought that would be fine.

Petadaus is a small country on the edge of the continent.

The number of troops is small, the training of soldiers is low, and they are not ready to march.

In addition, it is the farthest place from where Thor is.

Lowest priority.

Monica, are you here?

"It's okay, Days. I've been to the capital of Johannerne several times, Days.Ichiro, who's following the smell, says here too, Mars. "

"Do you understand the word of a monster?"

"It's kind of a day, the achievement day I've been looking after every day."

Ichiro grunts to respond to Monica.

Behemoth - Thor said it was Tame's monster, but the tremors didn't stop at first due to his vicious appearance and overwhelming intimidating body.

Now I feel comfortable and just a little cute.

It's nice to ride unexpectedly.

By the way, Behsanro, who is not here, is the foot of Rubwe, who is traveling with the army.

I saw it, Dace!

It's the queen of the dark elves.

We entered the capital of Johannerne.

"Elov told me what happened.I can't believe Rudra was after this Yonellon.After all, it encompassed the other side of the mountain range and the height. "

The queen, holding a heart-shaped cushion on a sofa-like throne, turned her face uncomfortably.

Me and Monica waited silently for her reply.

"I thought Jig was useless.If you want me to help you, you usually bring me one of your souvenirs.I can't believe you handed me the information.I took a good look at it because it could be used to waste time.I wonder if you'll give me a souvenir. "

In other words, you want the benefits.

It is perfectly natural to ask for something in return if you cooperate.

Fortunately, with the persuasion of the Spirit King, Her Majesty is already on board.

I've heard that Dark Elf's Summon Magic is powerful.I really need your help here.

"We can strengthen our relationships with neighboring countries.In the first place, Ludla's involvement was due to weak ties between countries.Sharing information is not always hostile or monitoring each other.With all these gaps, it's only natural that you're allowed to do whatever you want. "

"Are you trying to tell me you're in peace?"

"Yes, absolutely.Now is the time to strengthen the connection between the country and the country. "

"Ha, Marianne, that's too much, Days! I'm sorry, Days!"

His Majesty thinks "Hmm".

That alone did not make me feel alive.

The opponent is the LORD of one kingdom, and I am only Marianne.

I can't use the title of Countess here.

"There's one more benefit.Regarding the Roaming Brigade, I promise that you will be able to request the Roaming Brigade as a matter of priority in the future if you go through the investigation team. "

"They have lovely men to take care of.Looks like you're out of strength, and it's good to have a fat connection.By the way, you can trust that promise. "

"The Roaming Brigade is the former hero of the homeland of Arman, and the title has been restored, but their hearts are still in Arman.Again, the Rogue Brigade is also part of the investigation team. "

The request to the survey team is the request to the roaming brigade.

Thor will get an ex post facto approval, but now is the time to respect awkwardness.

Besides, Rubwe (actually from the deputy commander) has said that it is possible to order the roaming brigade if necessary.

The client of the roaming brigade is Rustlia, and formally Thor's boss is Rubwe.

"I heard from the Spirit King that Arman is beyond the open sea."

Yeah, well...

"Really, Dace?"


I am amazed at Monica's recognition.

"Get me on the boat. That's the deal."


I can't promise you that.

Her Majesty's eyes were sparkling like children.

"I wonder what it's like across the sea.I've always been interested.It's a ship that crosses the open sea, and I'm curious about you. "

"I'm sorry, but I can't make that promise."

"Oh, yeah, but that's fine. I'll talk to the person in charge when this is over."

A man who looks like a soldier appears in front of him.

He poked one knee in front of the queen.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready. As soon as you say so."

"I command you to go to Bixgear in the west and assist the Rogue Brigade in its Rudola crusade.Never leave another race behind.Then let Rudra the Demon King regret stepping on the tail of a sleeping dark elf. "

Thank you!

Her Majesty smiled at me.

And when we had arrived at the palace of Garbalan, we greeted the king.

"I heard from Elov the Spirit King.He said he was working to defeat Rudra the Demon King. "

"Thank you very much. Petadaus and Yonellon have already decided to march and have begun marching towards their destination.Can you help me? "

"Please, Dace. I want to help the Rover Brigade, Days."

"An example of an adventurer..."

His Majesty throws his gaze at the person beside him.

I don't think you can expect to do it with the Rogue Brigade.

"Ha, that's definitely an SS rank class.I thought it would be better if I succeeded.It's personal, but I wonder if mistakenly perceiving it could be related to the survival of the country. "

"I don't know if that's what you, the general, say... Hmm"

I didn't miss it.

There is an embroidery of "Kaede-chan Love" on the inside of the general's cloak.

Kaede-san... what have you done?

"It is not my intention to fight the frontier race, but Rudola is more of a hindrance.You say he was responsible for the disturbance in the country and planned the rest of the assassinations.Also, the Spirit King said, "Strengthening the connection."

"Yes, it is a suggestion from Elov to strengthen the connection between the country and the country and to protect the area even more by sharing information."

"Include this country in that framework.I changed my mind a little about this.No matter how powerful you are, it is inevitable that you will be defeated behind your back.Sharing information is great. "

Me and Monica smile.

Your Majesty already seemed ready.

By the way, I mentioned earlier that Elov proposed it, but the real proponent is me.

He recalled the roundtable meeting and told him that countries should work together to confront the Demon King.

Instead, I can't help wondering what I've been up to.

Has peace been maintained around here so far?

"You're not ready to deploy."


"Put an iron hammer on the evil, rebellious demon king! Make sure you win!"

Swear to His Majesty the King and to his country.

The general bowed his head respectfully.

The next destination is Ainova Country.

The kingdom of Fairy and the Spirit King said there.

As a matter of fact, there was one problem when I joined Thor.

It is a large forest.

There are detour routes, but we can't make it.

There was a need for a major shortcut through which the troops of each country could pass.

Me and Monica will reach the entrance of the great forest in Behemoth.

"It's too late, you're waiting for me!"

You're the guide?

"Say hello, Naomin."

A lovely fairy will welcome you.

The situation has already been reported by the Spirit King.

That's why she waited here.

But can Fairy make a way across the vast forest?

Or will you let me use the path they are using?

"We discussed it, but it was time for Fairy to interact with other species.But all of a sudden, I can't. That's why I decided to choose the front.I said, "Let's make a road and interact little by little."

We were listening in silence.

"If there's a way, we'll get more knowledge and stuff.Opening the door may increase enemies, but will it increase allies?If we think about the future of our species, we need to make sure we don't miss this opportunity. "

"I guess I let you make a choice."

"No, on the contrary, we're going to show the world how bad Fairy is."

Dzun. Dzun.

The ground shakes.

The mountains were moving in the forest.

That's not true. That's a giant human form.

"Behold, our Guardian Ross!Now, make way for cancer! "

Yes, my dear dear friend.

The ancient demon king Roswell.

I've only heard stories from the Spirit King, but I can't believe there's such a monstrous existence.

The other continents are still far beyond our common sense.

Just walking Roswell makes the trees a broken path.

The fairies were also eliminating garbage, which would be an obstacle.

At this pace, we can quickly cross the great forest.

Master Thor, please wait a little longer.

I will definitely rush back to you.

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