Three days have passed.

We spent time in the settlement without being able to make the decision to accept the request.

"Be careful, you're going down."

Tightness, giant mushrooms slowly tilt.

With a mushroom axe in one hand, I was watching residents flee.

Soon the mushrooms will fall.

Immediately, residents with baskets gathered to cut mushrooms into pieces with knives.

Among them is the appearance of frogs.

"Master ~, I'm going to make a delicious mushroom juice tonight ~"

"I'm looking forward to it."

The lovely slave who found me waves with a smile.

All the housewives around me said, "It's nice to be young" and "It's not new."

I wonder what they are.

Mushrooms are valuable food in this settlement.

It grows everywhere and can be eaten. The flavor of the ingredients themselves is not flavorful, but it tastes pretty good when cooked.

More than anything else, it feels good.

"Why are you targeting Fleur?"

Ju ~

"Cucu, cucu, cucu"

"Because it looks delicious, it's not!Don't look at me. Help me! "

Running around the settlement, Flaw.

Behind it was a large rat called a rock rat chasing him.

Rocky mice are kept as transporting creatures in this settlement.

The appearance is round and adorable, and the appearance of eating dexterity fruit with both hands is healed.

It seems to be cowardly and familiar, but I was only actively involved in the flaw, whether it was small or large, but I licked it all over my head and was covered in saliva.

I think she likes it, but as you can see, Flaw is quite reluctant.

"Shit, by the wall!"

Ju ~

"Stop, don't lick me."



Being hunted down by the wall, the flaw is licked from the ground.

"Chu, chu, chu"

Ju ~


The rock rat looked back and stared at the chuckling breadcrumbs.

By the way, the bread is licked as well as the flaw.

I wish I'd run while Fleur was attacked.

"Looks like you're used to it."

"Oh, Hensel's old man"

The old man flashed his face.

Was he out hunting earlier, or was he holding a rabbit in his left hand?

"I rent a room for free.I have to help you. "

"That's discipline. Oh, no, I don't think we have much time left."

"Nothing in particular."

"The blacksmith's father wants to see the sword you're carrying."

My sword?

Well, I don't mind.

Weapon shop visited with Hensel's old man.

Inside the shop, high-quality, eye-catching weapons are placed in narrow spaces.

But more eye-catching are the old people.

"I don't know. It's metal. It's definitely metal."

"I'm sure it's not from around here.How are we going to process this?It's like I can't imagine it. "

"It looks like casting, but it also looks like forging.What the hell is this weapon? "

"Let me see all of them.Oh, what is this? "

The blacksmiths are gathered to discuss this.

In addition, there were fierce men who tapped lightly with hammers, tried to shine light, and licked their swords.

Don't lick people's weapons. Tiny.

"Don't you know the Holy Armor?"

"Let's cum??"

The old men took their eyes together.

Oh, I don't know how this goes.

"It's a holy weapon that only the chosen are allowed to have.It's a great sword, but it's a holy sword. "

"Holy sword... oh, who chooses it?"

"The Temple? Anyway, it's a powerful weapon for heroes and braves."

"To put it simply, is this a relic?"

"It will be."

The old men said to each other, "Is it an artifact?" "I don't know." "It's not the same as the Holy Sword we know."

"Don't you have the sacred armor?"

"I don't know where I'm pointing, but I've never seen anything like it.There are many relics called holy swords, but I have never seen or heard of anything related to the temple. "

Well, maybe the sacred armor isn't on another continent.

Or are they too minor to be known to exist around here?

This artifact is rich in varieties and performs well. Maybe even the Holy Sword performs better than the Holy Armor.

Well, I like this guy, so I have to change trains.

It's time to give it back.

"Not yet. Just a few more things to look into."

"Don't get weird."

"Tell me more about what's weird."

"Enough. Whatever."

The old men gladly researched the Great Sword again.

I don't know what you're going to do, and you'll have to wait and see for a while.

No, I wanted to ask Hensel's old man something.

Looking at him, he lowered his hips to a chair near the counter.

It is still a barbarian style painted naked.

"I was going to ask you, why are you dressed like that?"

"If you get caught, you think you're a barbarian."

"Are you suggesting torture?"

"To protect this place. Rudra is still looking for you."

He takes out his skill and puts it in his mouth.

I realized it was alcohol because of the smell.

Hensel is a general.

Originally said to have been a staff officer, both the general and deputy general were killed in the previous battle, leaving him to take over the army.

But now the army is also on fire.

Six thousand soldiers are in less than a hundred.

"Can't we get back together somewhere else?"

"If the last operation fails, I will.I wouldn't even be alive then.Your Majesty and the rest of the people will seek refuge in Garbalan. "

"Why did you go so far..."

In reply to Kaede's question, he said, "I think I want to reward you."

"Rudra, who suddenly showed up, took everything away, despaired without a hand or leg, and couldn't be convinced.At the very least, if we don't pay them back, we won't have a face to match the dead.I don't think you understand this feeling. "

No, I understand.

I know how it feels, too.

The pain that is taken away tears your heart apart.

I can't be convinced.

The more important it is, the more it drags the mind into darkness.

And hate this damn world.

There's no hope anywhere, screaming.

"I'll take your request. Well, I have to ask my buddies."

"Really! Your Majesty will be delighted!"

I call the blacksmith's old man at the counter.

"I'd like you to make a sphere this big."

"I don't care, what the hell are you using it for?"

"That's what you're talking about.Whatever the quality, just get a hundred. "

The shopkeeper strangely leans his neck and says, "Ball?"

I will not forgive him who takes mercilessly.

Whether it's the Devil or the Brave.

And I need to thank Rudolla for taking care of Soara and Pione.

Drop a country?

That's good. I'll drop it.

This is ex-hero, ex-husband, ex-demonster killer.

If you don't have hope, we'll make it happen.

Khan, Khan, Khan.

Suddenly, a bell rings in the settlement.

It sounded like an urgent alarm.

Hensel stepped forward and guided the nearby inhabitants inside.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"What is this?"

"Demon tribe! Rudra's men are nearby!"

Evacuation is complete, Hensel and I peered directly above the entrance.


Shadows of multiple Wyburns pass through.

This rocky mountain has countless valleys that extend like blood vessels, and the valleys themselves are deep, and shadows cannot be easily found.

In addition, the innate giant mushroom has become a good hiding place.

This is a great place to hide.


You finally found out!

After Hensel's words, there was an explosion in the settlement.

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