I was banished from bed with my lover by a brave man, but my 'XP Savings' skill broke and

Episode 169: A warrior's heart jumps to a tearful samurai

Throws iron balls around.

Far away, there were more roars and earth smoke.

"Sorry, I have to fight properly!"

A ball thrown from a level 3000 shoulders reaches the target at an incredible speed, and its power sweeps through the ground to blow away Demon soldiers.

Every time the earthen pillars rose, a human shadow was dancing in the sky.


Well, maybe so.

But there are only three of us, and three thousand opponents.

I can't have a decent opponent.

I like one-on-one, but I like a lot of people.

"Enemy moving."

"Looks like you finally realized it's a disadvantage."


The Ludla army rushed.

I couldn't afford to stay in formation, so I was heading for a squat.

"Fairy Demon Ball Three! Haaaaaa!"

Fleur's thrown sphere shreds the enemy's left wing.

Is that a technique name?

Then so am I.

Tall Special Big Straight!

If you throw the ball seriously, it will explode and disappear as soon as it leaves your hand.

Ah, really.

I don't think I can stand a real pitch because of the roughness.

Continue to throw with a little backwards and back.

"Uh-oh, damn it!"

There was a man screaming as he screamed at the ball.

He leads with tears.

What a splendid run.

"Where is he?"

Looks like a Miki Shogun named Tiba.

Tiba is a medium-sized, black-haired man.

And human.

The weapon is an unfamiliar thin curved knife.

Maybe he's not Katana.

I remember using it as a weapon on the island.

The sharpness is good, but it was difficult to handle and almost useless.

Instead, it is a pretty powerful weapon to use.

It's about time we ran out of balls.

Are you sure you want to end your physical ranged attacks here?


"Yes, Twin Tornado, Ice Age!"

Spreading two iron fans, Kaede unleashes the magic of wind and ice.

An extreme cold tornado froze the enemy as it struck.

"Zabuuuuuuuuu! Kouuuuuuu!"

Still running, Thiba was snapping his teeth.

He's not sticky.

That's General Miki.

Kaede was releasing twin tornades and ice age in succession.

The battlefield is already a hell of a picture.

Countless tornadoes mercilessly attack the demonic army.

Still, hundreds of people led by Tiba go through the middle.

Honestly, I'm impressed with the enemy.

Tibba, maybe he's amazing.

Fairy Flash!

"Gyaaaahh, my eyes! What the hell!!"

Fleur's fierce flash strikes the enemy.

Tibba and the others who lost sight will run in the direction of the day after tomorrow and fall apart.

But Tiba was the only one heading straight for us.

Even though my eyes are closed.

Wow, he's amazing!

It's overflowing with enemies!

I'm excited to be a warrior!

"Hah, hah, come, you're the enemy!Compete against the unusual! "

Tibba, who came back to me, held Katana with a crying face.

Maybe it's because you can't see, but it's not me, it's Kaede.

"I will."

"No, I'll take care of this.They will continue to take care of their enemies.Chupimi will give instructions to Rosuke to clear out the Wyburn unit. "

"Yes, sir."



Pull out the big sword on your back.

Tor of the Rover Brigade.

"One of the three demons is Tiba.I've heard that brave name.I've stopped Rudola-sama's hegemony several times and finally come here to defeat him.The temperament of challenging only three people is just enough.But that's the end of it. "

He said, "This man is an awkward man.Get rid of the other two. "

My vision is still paralyzed and I think I have people behind me.

Should I tell Kaede and Fleur that they've been slaughtered away?

"You can wait until your eyes are back."

"Fuhahaha, don't worry.I can see your movements in my hands even if I can't see them.I commend you for fighting fairly. "

I see.

"Here we go, let the fight begin!"

Tibba holds Katana in her pocket and takes her time.

Are you good at reading, have you received special training, or have you the skills to read signs again?

You seem to recognize me even when I'm blind.




The sword and Katana collide.

There was a feeling that the force of penetration had been released.

Are you alert to the destruction of weapons, just skinny weapons?

Tiba launches her next attack quickly.

Connects to a continuous attack so there is no wasteful movement.

Not surprisingly fast.

It's rather late.

However, I noticed that the blade was approaching.

What the hell is this?

"If you're just getting it, you're far from winning, roaming!We're still doing a little digging! "

Increases Attack Speed and Severity.

I can't see. This is it.

Perhaps the strongest of the Miki generals.

"I didn't want to kill you without looking at your face.But this is also destiny. You will die for my lord. "

I was studying motion as a copycat.

He's superior to me in technology.

It has a different strength than Mugen's grandfather.

It is subtle whether Katana's technology can be used with the Great Sword.

"Oh, my eyes are starting to turn back. With you..."


An explosion occurs in the immediate vicinity of the frog's voice.

Tiba and I were blown away by shock.

"What the hell...."

Wake up and check the situation for now.

There were countless explosions on the battlefield.

Looks like a magic attack.

The magic released from King's Landing is pouring down like rain.

A massive attack with allies.

What's wrong with Tiba? Check the perimeter.

He's still down.

Either you passed out or you're dead, I can't help but say that the master who served you was wrong.


"Kura ~"

Chupimi returned Rosuke and ordered Kratan to act as an umbrella.

The returning Kaede and Fleur fled under Clayton's umbrella, just like me.

"I can't believe I killed my allies."

"They must have been stallers, just as we were stallers."

Is that the main unit?

Check the entrance to King's Landing with the artifact's binoculars.

One after another, the main team is in line, and the number is roughly 10,000.

It's not a force for the three of us.

And the soldiers take something else out of the city.

Is that a slave?

Dwarves with collars were lined up in front of the soldiers.

I hear voices from afar.

"Surrender immediately. If you resist, the innocent people here will bleed."

Are you going to be a hostage?

He'll do it.

I already know that you are brave men. Hey, Rover Brigade. "

The story goes on.

I don't know who asked me, but I have a stomach ache when I try to defeat this Rudola.Brave men are not enemies.Look at my men and tremble. "

Oops! Oops!

Five evil dragons came out of the ground.

The size is many times smaller than what I've seen before, but it's still big enough.

Get out before you drop your weapon.If you make a sacrifice, your people will miss it. "

I see. A deal.

Kaede and Fleur have to be killed instead of me.

If you move poorly, the hostages will be killed.

We have no choice but to follow it here for now.



"Neither of you move. I'll handle it."


Drop the Great Sword, and I went all the way to the enemy army.

Well, I don't know what to do.

It's plain pinch.

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