I was banished from bed with my lover by a brave man, but my 'XP Savings' skill broke and

Episode 170: A warrior's sword is faster and stronger than his companion's courage

Move forward with your hips in front of the enemy.

Ten thousand Demon soldiers turned a sharp, cold gaze.

I can't move. What's the matter?

There are dwarves in front of the enemy with blades on their necks.

Resident of Bixgear left behind.

Dressed like a rag, his face is exhausted and full of despair, no matter how old or young he is.

Thousands of people, no matter how fast they move, only a few can help.

Hundreds of people are killed while rescuing a few.

I can't make it.

Even with my physical abilities.


Besides, there are five mini evil dragons around me.

This is the rumored roaming brigade.You look like a human being everywhere. "

A skinny man in armor approaches and observes.

What about you?

It's the new Miki Shogun's Mappa.

When Mappa waves his arms, chains pop out of the ground and tie me up.

"Your strength is relaxing...?"

"The chain is a precious relic called the de-energizing chain.Even higher-level people can't shake it.Madame Rudolla prepared it for Roswell. "

Shit. I can't help you.

Is there even such an artifact here?

"Don't worry, your defenses won't drop.We don't want to die easily.If someone like you turns to Rudra, you have to shake him thoroughly and kill him! "

Suddenly they hit me in the face.

But it was almost no-damage.

"Kukuku, it's time to be flat."


"How did it work? This level 1521 Mappa-sama's punch!"

I've been beaten many times, but it doesn't hurt at all.

"It's pretty sturdy. All right, I'll give you more fear."

Mappa uses the magic of electric shock.

I felt tingling and numb.

The amount of magic is directly connected to the magic resistance.

I have a lot of magic like an idiot, so even if people scream magic, the damage is greatly reduced.

"It's going to hurt. I'm going to feed you more."


How long will it last?

It stings all the time and I don't like it.

No physical damage, but great mental damage.

Very uncomfortable.

"Why don't you just scream?Hey, bring me the whip! "

Shit, you hit the whip that shakes Mappa down.

It tingled slightly.

You'll notice that none of this is working.

Then we'll find a way to really do the damage.

Before that happens, we need to free the hostages.

"Well, here's the show.This Mappa has a mental damaging skill, for example... "


The pain that I haven't felt in a long time runs into my body.

No, it's not physical pain.

Mental pain is an illusion of physical pain.

Worst skill for me right now.

"Agu, ugu, ugi"

"In front of this skill, I beg you, no matter how forged a man is, to kill him.It'll hurt, it'll hurt, it'll hurt.You can cry as usual. I'll laugh. "

I can't figure it out because of the pain.

If the hostages are released, these are them.

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Enemy soldiers fall apart.

What is it, man?

What's going on?

However, Mappa is unaware of the anomalies on his side.

"That's it, that's it, I'll make it harder!"


The whip slaps his body hard.

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Another enemy soldier is defeated.

The soldiers were beginning to notice something strange.


Something like a tail pops out of the enemy's shadow and instantly penetrates the enemy's head.

More dog-like creatures rushed out of other shadows and bite relentlessly into the soldiers' necks.

In an instant, the enemy forces were in a state of chaos.

I could no longer afford to focus on slaves.

"Stay with the slaves! Get back in position!"

"Master Mappa, look at that!"

One of the soldiers points to the distance.

I looked back and saw that there was something rushing above the horizon.

He's armed.

There are countless of them.

Frogs and furrows on rock rats lead the way.

"Grandpa, reinforce me!"


Wow, thank goodness.

But I thought you said you didn't have reinforcements in advance.

I found a familiar face and opened my eyes.

"Follow me! Write in the journal that you helped Lord Thor!"


Rubwe, riding on the saburo, leads the Garbalan army against the enemy's left wing.

By the way, the Garbalan army was flying the flag of Kaede Love.

Momentum is the best of reinforcements.

"Gun Attack Days! Days to fight the combined attacks of Elves and Dark Elves!"

Monica, who rides Jiro, gives instructions.

A big black and white snake with a dark elf pokes his fangs at the enemy.

Likewise, the Elves on the body of the serpent use Spirit Magic to attack the Demon Clan from a distance.

I wonder if that snake was summoned by Summon Magic.

"Come here! It's going to be a demon!"


A big shadow falls on the ground.

Looking up, Fairy formed a group and threw a large chunk.

The chunks landed right in front of us.

Shake the earth from its weight.

With his gigantic body in front of him, Mappa poked his buttocks with his teeth rattling.

"Behemoth, Behemoth, why are you here?"



Mappa trembles even more with a roar.

I knew Ichiro well.

Marianne, daughter of the Count of Roanne.

"Ah, Master Thor, we finally meet.We made it. "

She gets off Ichiro and unties the chains that tied me up.

"For now, I'll hear more about it later."

"Yes, sir."

I snapped my neck and looked at Mappa who managed to get up.

It's kind of a reversal.

"You're a coward, I can't believe you called for reinforcements!"

"Don't tell me."

Mappa slaps me hard with a whip.

When I hit him about 30 times, he trembled flat at me.

Didn't it work?

"I forgot to tell you, I'm Level 3000."

"─ Ah, yabe"

I erased Mappa's head with a decouple.

The Kaede and the others will rendezvous as we take care of the Commander.

"Master! Master, Master, Master!!"

"Hey, don't cry."

Arrji sama! Wow!

"Don't wipe your nose with my clothes."

Your cheeks relax relieved by the two slaves holding you in tears.

I didn't mean for him to kill me.

I just wasn't ready to abandon the hostages.

I wanted to help if I could, but I thought so.


"The fear of fairies, you know demons."

Countless fairies are attacking the Mini Evil Dragon.

The giant body was twisting and scratching the algae in pain.

The remaining four are also being held back by reinforcements as they strike and keep away from us.

Kaede, Flaw, let's get this fight over with.


Let's go!

I also gave orders to the Chupi beauties to help the reinforcements.

Receive the Great Sword from Kaede and I will run across Ichiro at once.

"First one!"

Shine with a big sword to match Ichiro's jump.

Cut the Dragon's torso in half.

The Evil Dragon has amazing regenerative abilities, but if it is temporarily disabled, reinforcements will take care of it.

If you burn it, you can't regenerate it.

"Second, third!"

Slash two mini evil dragons.

Nice, Ichiro. You're breathing just fine with me.

There are only two left.


Cut off the fourth.

Ichiro and I passed through the vertically broken dragons and ran towards the last one at the same time we landed.


The last one was about to swallow me, opening a big mouth of mucus.

I think so.

Isn't the inside of the Dragon spectacular in a sense?

At least it's not a normal sight.

"Jump in!"

Ichiro enters the big mouth.

Oh, is this the contents?


I waved my sword at the moment.

It's minced.

The flesh of the evil dragon falls apart. Ichiro and I, while showering with blood and pieces of flesh, escape to the side of the evil dragon.

Ichiro slipped and landed on the ground.

The evil dragon, who lost his head, lay down.

"I will go to the Devil."

"I'm coming with you!"

And Fleur!

Ichiro slammed the gate of the city with his bare hands and ran through the city in a vigorous manner.

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