A sign was hung on a mansion with a big gear.

Glittering "Investigation Team Headquarters" text.

The leader of the regiment, Rubwe, bashed the sign to see it.

"This is the real base of my investigation team I dreamed of.This is where we begin to solve the mysteries of vast different continents.Lieutenant Commander, keep a close note of this anniversary in your journal! "

"It's thanks to the Roaming Brigade that I was able to sit back and encourage the investigation.On behalf of the Commander, I would like to express my deep appreciation. "

Hey, Lieutenant, don't ignore me.

"We will cooperate as much as we can in searching for your people.Of course, I'd appreciate it if you could take care of this. "

The deputy commander talks indifferently with his glasses up.

Rubwe, with tearful eyes, complained not to ignore him as he circled around.

I feel that the power relationship is gradually changing.

"Lord Thor?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go. I asked for the rest."

"I understand. Good luck."

I waved to Rubwe and the deputy commander, and I stayed behind.

Leave the kingdom of Bixgear for a while.

On the trident road, we stop our feet.

"As I told you, we're heading north."

"Are you sure you're okay without me?"

"No problem, Days. I have a letter written by King Bixgear. Days.I leveled up by the time I got here, and Ichiro was with me, so there was nothing to be afraid of. "

Their current level is 1,500.

I spent a lot of time gaining experience just in case, but honestly, I'm still worried.

But if you're looking for a companion, there's a lot of manpower, but I'm sure you've never moved on.

Even the other continents are vast.

We may not find it in our lifetime alone.

"We're going after the rumored Rogue Brigade."

"Is that Thor's fake?I'm curious. They seem to be doing a lot of work. "

Yes, fake roaming brigades are more famous than us.

The rumors Bixgear people heard were fake, not ours.

Currently, in the West, adventurer parties, known as Rogue Brigades, are hunting famous monsters one after the other.

All three of the constituent members are said to be more than that.

The only thing clear is that the leader is Thor.

"That's right. Here."

Marianne takes something out of the valley of her chest.

It's something like a key.

The surface was gold, but shined rainbow in contact with light.

It's still warm when I grip it.

"What is this?"

"Looks like Thor's mother left it behind.I don't know the details, but Master Caius told Thor. "

"Uncle... thank you. I did get it."

"Good luck. Kind regards, Kaede-san, Frau-san, Thor."

"I will always protect you from this life."

"Please come back alive.Then I'll give you the beautiful voice of Fleur. "

Monica's Ichiro rang from loneliness.

Marianne, riding on a horse, runs north with Monica.

Well, we need to get back on the road.

Goshujima ~

"Oh, my God, why are you crying?"

"Master grabbed the key with joy....."

"I can't help it, Kaede. 'Cause I took it out of the valley, and if you like the boobs, I'll hold it tight."

"No, I'm not. I was totally jerking off."

It seems that she unconsciously had a smelly face.

"Here we go."

Take the two of you down the road.

"--Any reaction?"

Sprinkle the bacon for lunch while looking at the guiding needle.

They don't have any friends around here either.

I don't know, I wonder if this scroll will really help me find my friends.

I don't want to chew on Yatsufusa's grandfather, but if there is no reaction at all, I suspect it will not be effective.

No, I don't think this is just for looking for people.

Talk about scrolling to show what you're looking for.

The needle pointed to the frog and then to the flaw and the breadcrumbs when the conditions were changed with "the person I like".

... well, it looks like it's working.

It's rough, though.

"Ah Mu Mu! Refill!"

"You don't have to hurry. There's more."


And Panta-san.


"Fufu, the rat too... eh?"

There was a rock rat in the dining room at some point.

He has a neat face.

"Hmm, it's not like the rat I saw before."


"If you ask me... is it a wild child?"


If you think you've tilted your neck, grab the fruit and squeeze it out.

There seems to be no hostility and strange followers.

When I touched it, it felt fluffy and pleasant.

You're so cute.

"I wonder if someone kept it.I'm getting used to people a lot. "

"Neither Kaede nor the Lord should come near you.They're going to make the Fleurs sticky. "


Several mice came out of the grass.

After watching for a while and finding out it was safe, they rushed towards us all at once.



"Chu, chu"

Chuu ~

Looks like they're looking for food.

Rub your face against me and Kaede to be sweet.

Oops, a mofmoff from all directions is a spectacular view in a sense.

This is also romantic.

It's a bad experience.

"Hey, you've been chasing me so persistently before!Why aren't any of them here!? "

"Cumming, cumming!"


a mouse tilted its neck to sue Fleur

/(adv-to, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) snapping/(2) (on-mim) (on-mim) snapping/snapping/snapping/(3) (on-mim) (on-mim) snapping/(P)/

The sound of the example echoed from within me.

That alone makes my body twitch.

― ― The sound of a broken savings system.

At first, I was kind of happy to say it, but now it's just fear.

Whether you want it or not, skills try to make me stronger.

I'm good enough.

I wish I had enough power to protect people close to me.

I knew it.

Report: Your skill savings Lv has reached its maximum and you will be ranked up and paid.

Report Payment ranked up due to the effect of Skill Effect UP

Report: Skill savings have been corrupted.It will take a while to repair.

Report: I've acquired complete pain arrest.

Report: We have acquired the Deva King Wall.

Report: Freedom to throw acquired

Report We have acquired the fastest no-motion moment.

Report: You have acquired the energy of solidarity

Hee, hee!?

It's just a skill I've never heard of!?

And let's check one by one for now...

Perfect pain blocking - literally blocks pain.It seems like I can turn it on and off, and it doesn't seem like I don't feel pain all the time.

The Deva King Wall - probably the top of the Warrior's Skill [Iron Wall].Their defenses have increased dramatically, and they seem to play all the bad attacks.

Free Throw - I think it is the Dragon Knight skill.You can freely manipulate what you throw and control it until it falls to the ground.

The fastest no-motion moment - it seems to be able to move without performing preliminary motion and accelerate to maximum speed at once.However, it seems to put a considerable load on the body and the whole body hurt after use.I don't think I can use it much.

Cheer Energy - Unknown about this.I didn't know the effect even when I used it.I am accustomed to unknown skills, so I think that this will prove effective.

I took another step forward.

It may be a luxurious problem, but this is still painful.

I wonder if it's time to throw a stone called a monster.

No, it's okay.

There are bad guys on this continent.

About me, it's still small.

I mean, let me stay in the small stuff.

"I'm no stranger, I'm just a warrior everywhere. Yeah, it's still okay."


The mouse tilted its neck.

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