"Hyiiiihh! Hah, hah!"

Fear and pain grieve in darkness.

The feeling of being cut off from the neck still remains clearly.

But my neck hasn't fallen off.

Is he alive?

Where the hell are we?

I'm not sure where I am filled with darkness.

While crawling on all fours, I looked around in a fearful maneuver.

Steady. What is this?

I moved my hand up.

Is this armor?

I don't like it.

The armor fell because I leaned against it.

Tension makes your body stiff.

... no one comes. Is there no one nearby?

I keep exploring. [M]

Is the sword lined up?

I also have a shield.

This is a spear.

I wonder if this is some kind of armory.

We reached the wall, and from there, we looked for a door to convey to the wall.

There it is.

Probably the door.

It does not appear to be locked, and the door opens without resistance.

A dark corridor lined with scorching fire entered my eyes.

Hold your breath and gaze.

No one seems to be here.

When I break down a part of the door and get a stick of wood just the right size to grip, I grab the stick and transfer the scorching fire to the stick.

When I returned to my room, I closed the door and checked again to see what was happening.

"Looks like an arsenal after all.But why are you here..... "

Put your hands on your neck to make sure they're connected.

I was certainly decapitated at the execution table.

I can still remember that moment of fear clearly.

Was it some kind of coincidence that you survived, and you weren't actually dead?

No, I'm dead.

It's odd to say, but I feel like I'm dead.


If you look closely, you are naked.

There is no underwear on either.

I was supposed to have been wearing dirty clothes until just before I died.

Speaking of which, I don't have handcuffs.

Doesn't matter now.

Anyway, there was something I could wear.

Find soldier clothing from the shelf and wear it quickly through the sleeve.

"Well, I'm sure it's not wise to wander around defenselessly out of here.I'd like weapons and armor, if possible - oh? "

My magic sword and armor were illuminated by the light.

Has it been stored in such a place since it was taken away?

Very fortunate. I can't believe we found the property where we woke up.

Let's start with wearing black armor.

"... the same armor, right?"

Grip your right hand.

Wonderful. I used to feel so sick, but now I feel safe with this armor.On the contrary, even like a long-time partner.

I put my magic sword on my waist. [M]

Report Synchronization between black armor and magic armor completed.

Report: Restrictions will be lifted.Black Armor has been transformed into the Armor of the Destroyer. "

Report: Ropponga resurrection activated. Five times left.

The character displayed in front of you.

That's all I understand. [M]

It was no coincidence that I woke up here.

Oh, yeah, that's it! Fuck!

This armor and magic sword were meant to be used together.

This unlocks his hidden abilities.

And Rokubana resurrection is the power of resurrection of the dead.

Lisa, you didn't know about this, did you?

Otherwise, you wouldn't have given me such a wonderful thing.

A loud belly sounds in the room.

"... I'm hungry. I also want water.You haven't eaten anything busy in a while. "

A strong hunger attacks me. [M]

The food served in the jail was terrible.

Stiff, small, crispy bread, rotten meat and muddy water.

It was a terrible meal.

When I left the room, I walked quickly through the aisle to avoid making footsteps. [M]

Son of a bitch.

The smell seems delicious.

Unconsciously, my feet turned towards you and opened the door to a place like a cooking place.

"Whoa, whoa."

There was no one in the kitchen, but there was a hot pot and I rushed over.

There is plenty of soup in the pot, and there are plenty of bread on the table, and eggs, meat, and fruit that may have been used for cooking are left in a mess.

I grabbed it and put it in my mouth.

"Ah, hah, muh."

Bite the bread, pour the soup in, and swallow the meat.

I've never had a meal that tastes so good.

Food inflates the stomach, and hunger fills it.

I should have enjoyed more food. [M]

From now on, let's look a little closer to food.You can't eat after you die.

Perfectly, I stopped moving.

Because I heard a voice from outside.

After a while, the voice passed by.

I'll hold the bread, carry the proper backpack, and throw in all the food I have here.

Open the door gently and make sure no one is there.

I ran down the aisle towards the outside.

Outside King's Landing, I look up at the bread. [M]

Tonight is the full moon.

There were many clouds, repeatedly hiding the moon.


Well, we need to think about what's going to happen.

I am certain that I will avenge all those who made me false.

But that's because you've got to be strong.

I'm no match for Thor now.

With the loss of a large backbone called the Demon Clan, it is not helpless to fight each country against the other.

"Ahahah, is that right, I really lost everything?"

Only the sword, armor, and this flesh.

This is the bottom. The bottom.

Admit it, Thor.

I am humiliated by you and have been stunned. [M]

I was a fool. [M]

"We need to do better next time. Take your time."

A small shadow falls on the moon.

It was getting bigger and bigger.

Is that... Birthwell?

A black Wyburn lands in front of his eyes with a gust of wind.

You've been waiting for me.


I rub my face to make it sweet.

It was a rider that Lisa gave me, but I often missed it because of its compatibility.

I liked this guy myself, and I was feeding him myself.

On his back, Birthwell spreads his big wings.

"It's not here. I want to go somewhere far away. I want to start over there."


The black Wyburn flies.

Do you understand what I said? [M]

Well, it looks like it's heading in a different direction from the Dark Zone, so I might as well leave it to you.

I can't go anyway. [M]

I woke up with the sound of wind coming out of my ear.

I felt an unfamiliar smell, but sometimes I was asleep, and it took me a while to understand what it meant.

The sun rises from the other side.

But it wasn't from the horizon, it was from the horizon.

Eh, eh, what's going on!?

Are you on the sea!???

There is a horizontal line in front, left, right, and rear, like a line drawn by a ruler.

"Why are you flying over the sea!Go back now, quickly! "


Don't listen at all.

On the contrary, he cried, "I did what I said."

Is it foolish to go out to sea?

This is suicide.

Even if you're flying in the sky, you won't miss the monsters underneath.

"Damn, if you think I saved you, this is it.Birthwell, at least get up and fly. "


Peek into the backpack I brought.

Two days of food and water.

We need to get him back to land before he starves.

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