I was banished from bed with my lover by a brave man, but my 'XP Savings' skill broke and

200 Episodes Former Best Friends Fallen by Warriors and Monsters

A human form that grows on the head of a pitch-black snake.

He calls me by my name with Sein's face.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey."

Sein, is that you?

I salivated from my mouth with a faint face.

It is unclear whether he is the person himself, but if he is, I don't think he is very sane.

The words I just uttered seem to be dreams, and I don't feel a clear consciousness.

"What the hell is this guy?" Why is he in there? "

"This is like a monster, not a person..."

We missed the attack.

I was also confused about how to accept the reality in front of me. Sein showed up in an alien form. It's only natural to be confused.

"Whoa, whoa, Tor?"

"My consciousness--"

Sein's eyes got a good look at me.

"Please, kill me." I always thought of him as a handy tool, but he wasn't. Day by day, you're trying to rape my consciousness and take it in. Ahhhhhhh! "


"Lisa, Lisa, what have you given me?" Then I will be gone. [M] My consciousness is being eroded, and my consciousness continues to be raped by something evil. No, it wasn't supposed to be like this. This can't be my revenge. [M] Before I kill Thor, roll me up and cum!! "

Sein's body weakened and he lost consciousness again.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Countless tentacles grow from the back of the great serpent, rushing towards me.

I jumped up and down.

Tentacles were pierced from where they were.

Sai Yi Inn!


More than 20 tentacles were pointed at me while I was falling.

I twisted my body and slashed it.

Leave the vehicle as it is.

"You're kidding, man."

Unlike the thin tentacles just now, the extremely thick tentacles that are only three meters wide now extend from the torso. That's ten. Contrary to what it looks like, it moves fast. I reflexively sliced the four that were coming towards me.

- The tentacle instantly regenerates the new tip through the incision.

I had a big sword as my shield.

The regenerated tentacles bounced through the walls of the building.

”Beep, beep, beep, beep!”

I stood up in a dusty room.


"You couldn't evacuate?"

Inside the house that broke through the wall, a young boy is shaking under the table.

There are no parents nearby.

Did you run late, or did you get lost?

"It's all right now. I'll get you to safety."


The boy nods while holding the knight's doll.

I took her in my arms and ran to Pione behind me.


Sein, who lost sight of me, flashes.

Gradually destroy nearby buildings with tentacles.

Takigi and Nambara, who were supposed to be on the sidelines, were raiding the roof and attacking.

It's a heavily poisoned test tube!

Takigi throws several glass cylinders.

The barrel shattered as it hit the Great Serpent's torso, and the purple liquid splattered.

Juuuu. The liquid melts the scales and meat.

It only took a few moments to do the damage.

The melted part is regenerated again.

Eat my magic power, relic great axe Valgaryver

Numbara's pulled metal mass deformed and instantly turned into a great axe.

Her violent blow crushes the scales of the great serpent and cuts through the flesh. However, the damage remained minimal. It had the same regenerative power, but it seemed that the flesh itself was quite stiff.

Go out through maze-like alleys onto the main street.

I have located an evacuation guide.


"I found the kid who was running behind."

Deposit the child with Pione.

The kid grabbed my pants and stopped trying to get back.

"Thank you...."

Don't get separated from your parents anymore.

Yeah. I hope oniichan gets a lot of praise from the gods and saints.


I stroked the boy's head.

Now, we need to get back to our people.

Quickly return to the battlefield.

How about this, Flower Blizzard!

The Great Serpent's whole body froze.

The thin ice peeled off, and the great serpent peered through his tongue to appeal to him that he was alive and well.

Break hammaaah!

The swung hammer crushed the great serpent with the building.

More shockwaves are blowing through the city.

"Cut it out, this is the city!"

"Because! He's strong!"

The big snake, which was supposed to be crushed in a mess, changed its shape like a soft body and completely regenerated to its original shape. It's like a slime.

The long pupils of the great serpent caught me.


A flash of light emanates from the mouth of the great serpent. Probably a brace attack.

Unpleasant, there are troops and evacuees behind them.

Maple leapt forward and fanned the iron fan gorgeously.

"Ice Wall"

Thick walls of ice appear at an angle.

The brace hit is diverted from its orbit.

Moreover, she struck back immediately.

"Air Valet"

Air bombs hole up enemy flesh like cheese.

But even so, his body regenerates instantly.

If I had the ability to regenerate, I would have the same or more of the Evil Dragon, plus an indefinite shape with no grip like a slime.

It was like collecting a nasty part of a monster.

"I can't swallow it, I can't hear it from the lintel. Not yet. It feels like a stiffness. Pick, now pick"

The Great Serpent's head changes to a cone-like shape and starts spinning at a high speed.

The dirt was thick, but the great serpent dug back the dirt vigorously and dived more and more to the ground.

"Don't miss out! Aeroslash"

The blade of wind slashed the torso, and the open wound healed instantly.

Maple's attack is almost nullified, and the Great Serpent-Saine escapes.

A big, empty hole.

How dare you dig the ground and run away.

Was that really Sein?

Is there a way that a man can fall into monsters?

"I'm sorry." I let him go. "

“I can't help it. Don't worry about it.”

"Hey, are you okay? You look pale."

"It's too unexpected, and I'm confused about how to accept it."

Sein begged me to kill him because he hated me.

The same is true of that figure. I don't know what I am.

"Thor, you're safe!"

Pione brings her men together.

Maybe she knows what's going on.

Pione, did you know that it was Cain?

"I knew that was what they called it." Honestly, I didn't believe it was real until now. I'll share the information I've gathered with Thor and the others. "


Takigi and Nambara meet.

The two of them approached me in excitement.

"I was allowed to see the strength of the regiment leader." Nambara is moved "

Ah, yeah. Moving?

"How many levels of Commander Thor do you think they're eating and pinning?" The other two are so damn strong, you're embarrassed that you were supposed to be escorting them. "

"I'm sorry, I missed the time to say it."

Apparently, the previous battle had raised my reputation.

Maples and Frau aren't a big deal. At best, I cut my tentacles into pieces.

I don't feel bad being praised.

“We're going to help rescue the missing. Let's go, ten thousand years, man."

"Sneezes. Oh, you're waking me up every day, aren't you?"

"Higu, that's not true."

"Don't cry. How did you live with that weakness?"

Pione is thrilled by their offer.

We told them we were going to help, and we kept working until nightfall.

Dosun. A pile of papers on a table.

I'm sitting on the couch and I'm like, "Why are you doing this? 'and look up at Pione.

Pione smiles exhaustedly as she says, "Do you understand my struggle?"

These are all the details of the incident involving Sein.

Not only has he turned into a monster in this country, but he is still active without being dealt with while damaging multiple countries.

"--It seems that the cause of the accident has not been described."

"When I showed up, I was a monster that had already lost its reason." The purpose is not clear at the moment, but I think that's why it's important to fight Thor like that. "

It was Sein's words that made me think back.

That Sein begged me to kill him.

The one who didn't show the color of reflection after the execution.

Are you so cornered?

Is it possible to make a crusade?

"I don't want to say this, but I think it's difficult under the current circumstances." Many adventurers have embarked on a crusade, but most of them have not returned alive. The army also became extremely difficult to move in this case, so Tall and the others came to us. "

Pione bitterly smiles at the glittering eyes.

I guess I'm the one who came to save her in a double sense.

With all due respect, Our Lady ordered me to come to the Royal Palace as soon as possible.

The knight who entered reported lightly.

Pione's face turned pale.

"Thor, run now! I'm sure I found out that Thor is here!"

"What? Suddenly." You're dealing with a saintly lady, right? "

"Haven't you noticed yet!? It's the Holy Maiden = Soara!"


Is the Sacred Maiden Soara!??

“She's different now than she used to be. It's really dangerous."

"It would be disrespectful to make such a plea, General Pione."

"Hi, Isabella."

The one who entered late was the Beast Tribe's female knight.

With his sharp eyes like a beast, he has a more general-like style than a general.

"That's Thor, isn't it? You've become quite a feat, Lord Pione, trying to deceive the other one. I think it's because of who is in that position.”

"I didn't ask you to be a general!" He recommended it on his own and forced it halfway! You almost didn't even give me permission, but you let me come in on my own! "

It seems we still need to make the faithless statement understood again in the [strip card sermon].

It breaks my heart!

Pione hid her face with both hands in embarrassment.

What the hell is that strip card sermon?

I was really curious.

Either way, I was going to meet Soara. If you call me, there's no reason to refuse.

I'll accompany you quietly, so please don't give up on that sermon.


"There's a carriage parked on the front. Come when you're ready."

Isabella turned the cloak and left the room.

We look up at all the majestic buildings.

It is a cathedral that Saintess Soala made the Devil King build.

How much power did they have?

Anyway, I can understand that I have a great speaking power.

Go through the wide entrance to the room where Soarer will be.

This was an unbelievably large room, and only one of them, Soarah, was praying.

Soara-sama, I've taken you with me.

"Thank you, Isabella. You can step back now."

Well then, I'll be waiting outside.

As Isabella leaves the room, Soala runs in with a smile on her face.

She pressed her big breast hard against me.

"Ah, Thor. It's finally been a pleasure."

"Marianne told me what happened." It must have been tough.

"Not so much." All are trials imposed by God. And I have beaten this hard test of faith. It's a reward for you to show up like this. "

"Ah, yeah... as usual."

In any case, Soara is no different than Soara.

She turns her gaze to the maples behind me.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Maple." And so did Mr. Frau. "

I'm relieved you're looking well.

"It looks like the platitudes aren't changing at all." A priest is a little more discreet, isn't he? What's with all the gems and clothes and stuff like that? "

"If you become a saintess, you can't dress shabby." For the time being, you designed it to Tor's taste... would you like it? "

Thin clothes raised Soarer's style.

It has a sacred and harsh atmosphere, but it's sentimental because it's exposed everywhere.

Very embarrassing. If you ask me out, I'll probably call you.

Master, you're in danger.

"That's why I said it. Stay away, Thor."

Maple and Pione grab my arms.

Oh, is that dangerous?

"Speaking of which, there is no Pan Ta-san." Normally, when I stroke it, it flies straight to the top.

"White bread is in the process of gaining strength."

I see. I'm sorry.

Soarer had come up with something, and he pangs his hands.

"I will introduce Thor to His Majesty." Although he is a demon king, he is a wonderful man who understands faith very well. I'm sure the two of you will understand each other. ”

Anxiously, he asked Pione softly.

She said, "I'm just sick, I'm basically a calm person."

Is that all right?

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