"--Thank you very much for giving Sein the opportunity to worship you."

A man lying dumb in a garden.

His name is Eos.

It has huge experience points and is one of those who boasts the nickname "Shogami".

"So, what can you do?"

I'm a clown.

“I'm tired of seeing things like that. How long do you think I've lived?"

"Of course, it's not just a clown." This Sein is also a brave man who emerged from the edge of the East End. "

At last, Ios saw me.

A hero who calls himself a clown should be enough to attract interest.

Of course, this is not the end.

From here, if the production fails, I will die.

The opponent was a demon king who killed people in the mood.

"Oh, I'm curious. Let me hear it."

"This Sein has a reputation as a clown. Honestly, I don't think it's a mistake, but it looks like it to others.”

"You've become an unconscious clown." However, there are people like that who rot in my place. "

"Of course I know. However, are there any brave ones who want to become a demon king?"

He gave an unexpected answer and set his eyes to the point.

Do you want to become a demon king?

"Yes, preferably more powerful than Ios-sama."

"Kuku, Kuku"

She turned her face in the opposite direction and tried to hold back her laugh.

You must have had a lot of fun laughing.

In the end, he laughed with anger, unable to bear it.

"You're such a shocking clown." Fascinating. A hero wants to be a demon king. I've seen a lot of people defeat and try to make a name for themselves, but this was the first time anyone had ever said they wanted to become a demon king. Besides, I want to be stronger than you. "

"It is undoubtedly true. Please stay with us and let us learn about your strength and behavior."

I've gathered information beforehand, and I knew that Ios was running out of time.

He seems to love seeing funny things.

Observing stupid humans is the only pleasure.

I was observing Jig, and he was a very interesting man.

In other words, I thought it would be funny if I did something similar. [M]

Objection, of course.

I was unhappy, but I had no choice but to use my strengths to join the Demon King.

To avenge Thor, I have to crawl up in the mud.

I'll hire you as a bodyguard.

“Thank you, Sein, for being a crusher.”

“At best, that sounds more funny.”

Permission came down surprisingly lightly.

After that, Sertina and I were assigned a room and started working as clowns.

There is nothing surprising about the job of bodyguard.

Ios didn't need such a presence in the first place.

I stood by him like a decoration. [M]

"What the hell is this overpayment?" You want to die? "

"There is no annihilation." Defying your own will. However, given the circumstances, there have been frequent bandits lately, and as many loads have been stolen. It's going to go bankrupt. ”

Even an adventurer can let it out and clean it up.

"Of course I'll let you out, but the bandits are so strong." Some people say that one of the bandits has a demon king. "

The Demon King, the bandits and the Demon King are quite interesting.

It's a ridiculous place. There's no such thing as a different continent.

I encountered the Demon King like I was hitting a stone.

Both the Demon King and the Brave One were rare jobs.

Eos turns to me.

You were a brave man.

"Yeah, well..."

"You can take care of this."

Do you want me to?

"I guess you want to become a demon king." What do you do if you can't defeat such a small object? "

It turned out to be a strange story.

I get on the royal platform and watch the flowing scenery. [M]

The carrier was accompanied by Sertina and Eos's subordinate Audith.

Odyssey is just a lookout. I will not cooperate at all.

I'm too busy toask ~ I wonder when they'll attack me

"I'm pretending to be a transporter by choosing the most raidable path." The chances of encountering them were quite high. If you're tired, you can stay asleep. "

"Sweet words."

Sertina rolled around on the luggage carrier.

If Sane becomes a demon king, I'll become a queen.

I don't think so.

"My dreams are swelling up.I chose my jig for asumptuous meal, lots of cute clothes, and a shimmering life. That was the right answer."

As usual, he was a bastard.

Well, I like the fact that I complain so much, but I don't ask too much.

Some of them are true to their desires.

Excellent as a tool.

"You haven't found the bandits yet?" I'm so tired of waiting for you. "

Odis, who was still silent, opened his mouth.

It's been five hours since he's had a conversation.

He was a subordinate close to Ios and a powerful demon king himself.

“We're almost there, please wait.”

"Tch, I'm having trouble with Ios-sama's fun." I don't know any horse bones, but I don't know if I can keep a clown nearby, or if I have an important project to take care of. ”

I ignore it with a smile on my face.

But if you don't come out soon, I'll be in danger.

I showed off a wealth of merchandise and gold coins everywhere.

You didn't get caught in the hook, did you?

No, it's on.

Three men waited at the end of the road to block the road.

The races are scattered, with the Beasts, Demons, Dark Elves, and other races joining the Cabal.

When he stopped, about twenty more cowboys appeared from the bushes.

I saw it in the appraisal, but it looked like there was no Demon King.

"Leave your luggage and money behind." And so are the women. "

One of the bandits throws up a dialogue he's heard somewhere.


I didn't even know you were luring me out.

In all cases, the level is less than 1000.

My current level is 1,200, so it's a miscellaneous fish. [M]

"Let's do it, Sertina."

"I'm going to burn you to pieces."

Certina's magic rushed through the ground.

Confusion made me run the blade. [M]

"Nice to meet you, you fucking elves!"

Noo, nnhhhh, wow


A single flash of light from the Black Vassal Beast ran silently.

I cut the bandits off with ease.

"It's Sankyu."


There were bandits on the lookout for Odyssey, but he had a cool face and took care of it.

Without even pulling out my weapon, I poked it with my sword.

Exactly level 70,000.

After cleaning up, the person of interest finally appears.

“Who the hell are you? You don't look like a transporter, but you're a hired adventurer?”

"It's not close, it's not far."

A man who didn't look like a demon king appeared as if he had come for a walk.

The tribe is a tribe of Beast Rats.

Is it a kind of demon sword? I gently pulled out my evil knife.

The man licked the knife gently and gave a lowly smile.

"Come on, it's my hobby to kill a good-looking bastard." You've got a beauty worthy of your face, haven't you? It's annoying. I want to rip off that flesh and spit on it. "

"It's a coincidence. I don't like naughty bastards either." When I look at it, I want to step on it and let it shine. It's a mystery why there are so many ugly people in the world. I always hope that we can dispose of them collectively. "

"You're the only one with a mouth, elf boy." It's no use begging for your life anymore. "

The other way around. I've already activated the Hero's Job.

Your level is falling every second.

It was inconvenient to be a guy without an appraisal.

I don't even know the other person's job.

I don't think so, let go of my eyes.

"Eh, ahhhhh!?"

He takes off his gaze for a moment by my consciousness.

Enough time to pierce the heart.

He would have suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's not boring to kill like this.

I spun my sword around.


Hee-hee, that's fun.

To take a person's life.

Draw the sword and pay for the blood.

”Up, I can't even resist this... giggle”

The fallen man crawled over and grabbed my pants.

He looks up at me with hateful eyes.


"Hahaha, you're going to be sorry."

I spat on the man's face and trampled him.

Still, I wouldn't let go of my hand.

"To you, to you, to your shameful life!!"

Slurp, slurp.

The trousers fell down with the pants.

Oh, oh, wait, no.

The man is exhausted, but my crotch remains exposed.

He threw out his sword and tried to raise his pants.

However, the man's hand is tightly closed and his pants are hard to lift.

I lost my balance and got a rice cake.

"Phew, that looks pretty good." I think I'll be able to report to Eos-sama to your satisfaction. "

Odyssey holds back the laugh.

Damn it.

Don't look.

"Buhahaha, you're going to make me laugh and die!" And they took off my pants! It's too clownish, Sein! "

Ios, who had received a report from Audith, laughed angrily.

My face became hot with shame.

This ridicule is unbearable, even if you peddle it with clownishness.

Patience. This is not the kind of power we need.

"Let me compliment you for now." One problem has been solved. "

"Wasteful words"

Tonight you'll have to escort me, Sein.

Ios snarled.

I replied with intolerable shame. [M]

A late-night palace full of tranquility.

I've been a late-night guard many times, but I still can't get my stats.


I'm the only one protecting the room. [M]

There is no one around.

Open the door gently.

A dark room that can be seen from the gap.

Eos opens his eyes on a luxurious bed.

No matter what I see, I'm awake.

Are you sleeping with your eyes open?

But he notices us and turns his gaze.

Definitely awake.

Moreover, when I look at it, it makes me nervous. What the hell is that?

If you don't show me the gap, I won't be able to steal your status.

"You're not coming in here?" I can't even protect you while I'm away? "

Oh, that's true, too.

I enter the room with a bad feeling.

I guess I found out that they were after my status.

Or do you expect me to be a clown?

Either way, it's a great chance to get close.

As long as you can stab the tube, you can paralyze it.

"What's the matter, I can't get any closer?"

"... yes"

Approach the bed as ordered.

No one will get in the way here.

I wanted to take my stats off guard, but this was a tough move.

Damn, the futon dances through the air.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from bed.

Where is it?!

Where did you go!?


I grabbed my right arm from behind and it was twisted up.

I was pushed to the bed.

"It's really my favorite face." It's so beautiful to be a clown. "

I couldn't see my face, but there was Eos behind me.

Gah, what a power.

I can't peel off my arm.

... wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Ah, why are you putting your hands in your pants?

There's an ass there.

"First one. But don't worry, you'll get better soon."

"No, um,"



- The next morning.

I was pure white. [M]

I can't think and I can't get a meal.

Sein, you've been out of your mind for along time.

"... yes..."

"You look like you've been robbed of something important."

"... yes, it was taken away"

My buttocks hurt.

I can't believe you're going to take it.

I didn't come back to do this.

Avenge Thor...... Ugh.

I wonder why, tears spill naturally.

I don't know if I can take away your status.

"I want to die."

"I don't know, but do your best.I want to be a luxury soon."

This woman... damn it, you don't even know what I'm struggling with.

My ass, my ass.

My uncle aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

I was so full of tears that I remembered.

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