I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 105- The Journey Resumes

[Luna POV]

Since it was about time to get up, I left my room and went to the kitchen.  I was cooking breakfast when the others walked in.

“Morning everyone.” (Luna)

“Velvet, why is master so giddy?” (Ophidia)

“She’s still riding the high from last night.” (Velvet)

Ophidia tilted her head and I thought I could see a question mark appear above her head.

“Every full moon, big sis and the goddess get to be together.  She gets like this for a while after that.” (Soleil)

“I see.  It must be hard for master.” (Ophidia)

“I’ve dealt with is since I was five, so it only bothers me a little.” (Luna)

“A good thing about when Luna is like this is that we get a more luxurious breakfast than normal.” (Velvet)

“Master’s ‘cooking’ can be even better than it already is?” (Ophidia)

“Naturally.  I’m normally holding back with it, don’t want to ruin normal food for everyone.” (Luna)

I finished making everything and placed it on the table.  We all sat down and dug in.  I paid careful attention to Ophidia’s reaction, and I wasn’t disappointed.  After her first bite, she started to scarf down the rest with vigor.

“Slow down Ophidia, if you eat like that, you won’t enjoy it.” (Luna)

“Mmmmm. Mhmm.  Hmmm.  Mmm.  Hmm.” (Ophidia)

“I have no idea what you said.” (Luna)

She swallowed what she had in her mouth and spoke again.

“You don’t understand master.  I’ve lived for hundreds of years, but I have never had cooked food before I met you.  Even when the ancient people were here, they only ever offered me raw meat and every-so-often fruits.  After they perished, I hunted wyverns and other animals for sustenance, but without hands or the knowledge, I could only ever eat them raw.” (Ophidia)

“I see, but if you eat slowly, it becomes even better.” (Luna)

Her movements completely stopped.  She stared down at what was left on her plate and her shoulders slumped.

“Don’t worry, I made enough for all of us to have more.” (Luna)

She looked at me with shining eyes and a smile that made her look like a princess saved by a knight in shining armor.

“I’ll follow you for eternity master.” (Ophidia)

“You’ve already promised me that.” (Luna)

“Then I’ll follow you for two eternities.” (Ophidia)

{Quite the zealous follower you have, Luna.} Tamamo said as my mirror appeared by itself.

“Good morning, Goddess.” (Soleil)

{Hello everyone.}

“Of course, I’m zealous, Great One, that is the nature of the contract I formed with master.  Not to mention that she has given me a new joy in life in the form of ‘cooking.’” (Ophidia)

{I’ll agree to that, Luna’s cooking is hard to beat.}

“I say you’re at least on par with me, Tamamo.” (Luna)

{Luna, I already love you, complimenting me won’t get you anything.}

“Who says I can’t compliment you just because I want to?” (Luna)

{Very true, though now I’m obliged to do the same.  Your tails are stunning, and I want to pet them all the time.}

“Why thank you.” (Luna)

“Is this also normal?” (Ophidia)

““Yes.”” (Velvet and Soleil)

“Hey!  The two of you can’t say anything, you’re the same.” (Luna)

“Now hold on just a minute.” (Velvet)

“Stop Velvet, she’s right.” (Soleil)

“Hahahaha.  You were right master, this is so much more fun than slithering around the jungle with nothing to do but turn away the occasional trespasser.” (Ophidia)

“And we haven’t even restarted travelling yet.” (Luna)

“Speaking of that, when will we start?” (Soleil)

“I was thinking today.  That is, of course, if you all agree.” (Luna)

“To the capital of Beria!” (Velvet)

“To the sea!” (Soleil)

“To somewhere not the jungle!” (Ophidia)

{Umm.  Hooray!}

We continued our lively chatting as we finished breakfast.  After cleaning everything up, we prepared to leave.

“Master, though I don’t think we need to worry, people do sometimes come here.  How will we keep this place from being trespassed upon?” (Ophidia)

I cracked a grin.

“In my past life, there were many stories about hidden places protected by mists and illusions.  I just so happen to have two abilities that match those descriptions well, though my mist is a bit different.  Luckily, you had in your possession enough mana diamonds to keep an illusion barrier going for a good long while.  I’ll put one up and it will cover both the island and the jungle you protected.” (Luna)

“Then there is no need for me to worry.” (Ophidia)

When everyone was done with their preparations I went to the front of the mansion and pulled out one of the mana diamonds Ophidia gave me.  I charged it with illusion magic and dropped it onto the ground.  I pushed it under with my foot then sent mana to it.  I felt a pulse go through the air which told me the barrier was successfully activated.

“With that, we’re ready to go.” (Luna)

Everyone put their hand on my shoulder or arm, and we teleported to the place we camped out at before meeting Ophidia.  From here we ere going to go back to the main road.

“Ophidia, pay close attention to what is about to happen.  When you max out your space magic you will be able to do this too.” I said as I started folding space to make our trip a bit easier.

When we reached the place that I made the focal point of the spell, Ophidia spoke up.

“Master, how much mana does that use?” (Ophidia)

“Not much, but that’s because of how I am.  I have an item that helps reduce mana consumption, my stats and titles help as well.  For a normal person, I think they would be able to do this at least twice and only go a third of the distance I did.” (Luna)

“I agree with your assessment.  If I tried to do this same thing, I would only be able to move myself.  Doing this with multiple people would be impossible unless I either increased my already large mana pool or had items, stats, and titles like you do.” (Ophidia)

“It also helps that Luna has nearly infinite mana.” (Velvet)

“Really!?” (Ophidia)

“I don’t have infinite mana yet, though going by how my stats have been growing with each new tail, I will by my fifth.” (Luna)

“As a reference master, how high are your stats?” (Ophidia)

“The lowest ones are all S+ and the highest are SSS.” (Luna)

“I see.  Though I don’t regret my past decisions, I should have just immediately submitted to you instead of testing you.” (Ophidia)

“Don’t be like that Ophidia.  Even if that wasn’t really a fight, it was fun.  Even you enjoyed it for a while.” (Luna)

“That’s true.” (Ophidia)

We continued on our journey by folding space using the road as an indication of our heading.  By late afternoon we could see city walls in the distance.

“We’re almost there.” (Luna)

“I can’t wait.” (Soleil)

I folded space one more time and we ended up close to the city.

“I think we should hold off on travelling like that for a while after today.” (Velvet)

“Why?” (Luna)

“If we get used to moving around like that it might affect how we perceive space.” (Velvet)

“I never considered that.” (Luna)

“Why does it smell so weird here?” (Soleil)

“Because we’re close to the sea.  You’re smelling the salt in the air.” (Luna)

“Oh.  How strange.” (Soleil)

We got into the line at the gate and entered the city.

“This is different than the other city.” (Ophidia)

“Not every city will be like the capital of a country.  I don’t know the average size of cities in the Demon Empire, but this should be the right size for a normal city.” (Velvet)

“It seems I know less than I should.” (Ophidia)

“Well, you spent your whole life in a jungle and while I don’t know what it was like when those ancient people were around, I doubt they lived in cities like this.” (Luna)

“That’s true.  Back then, the people lived in many separate places and all came together at certain points of the year.  When the island was reachable by them was the only time they I ever saw them gather in large groups like this.” (Ophidia)

When Ophidia was talking about the people she used to watch over, she got a sad look on her face.

“Do you miss those people?” (Soleil)

“I do sometimes.  They were genuinely good people for a long time.” (Ophidia)

“Why did they fall to ruin?” (Luna)

“There was a sickness that they couldn’t survive.  It killed off their young ones and the adults were weakened too much to have more.  It was a hard time for them and all I could do was watch.” (Ophidia)

“Sorry for bringing up bad memories.” (Luna)

“It’s fine master.  This all happened hundreds of years ago.” (Ophidia)

“Do you know if that sickness is still around?” (Velvet)

“It isn’t.  I learned later that it was spread through some of the plants the people ate, and I destroyed all of them.” (Ophidia)

“How did you learn that?” (Soleil)

“When several of the more stubborn trespassers came to try and take the island, I observed them and after they started eating that plant, they started to look like how the people did when they fell sick.  After that, that particular group left and never returned.” (Ophidia)

“I wasn’t expecting to learn all of this today.” (Luna)

“Neither was I.  Now, on a completely different topic, are we going to stay at an inn, or teleport back to the island?” (Velvet)

“I say stay at an inn.  It’ll be annoying to go back and forth everyday.” (Luna)

“I agree with master.” (Ophidia)

“Then let’s find an inn to stay at.  Tomorrow we can look for a place to buy some swimsuits and then go to the sea.” (Soleil)

Like that, we looked for and found an inn to stay at.  We rented a large room and we all went to bed excited for the next day.

Author's Note:

Luna: So why is Atmos unconscious over there?

Things happened.  When you ascend, please keep a tight hold on the Fluff spirits.  I don't want another trip into the Abyss.

Luna: I'll try?

Atmos: Ugh.  Eh?  I'm still sane?  That's a relief.

Sorry for everything that happened.

Atmos: Don't worry about it, just make sure you don't do that again.

We won't have to worry about that, the Fluff spirits have their own space now and Luna will make sure to reign them in in the future.  Right?

Luna: I don't know what happened, but I will.

Atmos: Good.  By the way, how did you free yourself from their influence?

I had some help.  By the way, we need to talk about why the water pressure has been increased.

Atmos: Look at the time.  I must go, my people need me. *Poof*

She got away.

Luna: I'll ask Tamamo to do something about her.


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