I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 106- Early Morning Happenings

[Luna POV]

I woke up first the next day and I went over to the window.  When I looked outside the whole city was covered in a thick fog.

‘Heh.  This would look eerie if it was at night.’

{Hey Luna, can you take control of this fog with your ice mist skill?}

‘I don’t know, but I’ll try.’

I opened the window and spread some of my own mist outside.  When the fog mixed with my mist I tried to take control of it.


{What’s up?}

‘I can take control of the fog, but it’s already full of mana.  I think this is the result of a skill.’

“*Yawn*  Good morning, big sis.” (Soleil)

“Mhmm.” (Luna)

“Is something wrong?” (Soleil)

“I don’t know.  We might need to visit the adventurer’s guild before we have our beach day.” (Luna)

While I was trying to figure out what was going on, the fog started to dissipate.  It disappeared too fast for normal fog which confirmed that it was a skill that made it.

“Tch.” (Luna)

“Seriously big sis, what’s wrong?  Why do we need to postpone our plans?” (Soleil)

“There was some strange fog outside.  It was similar to my mist.  I tried taking control of it, but it went away too fast for me to do it.” (Luna)

“If it’s some kind of monster, I’m going to burn it to death.  It’s getting in the way of me seeing my Velvet in a swimsuit.” (Soleil)

“Ugh…swimsuit…Soleil.” (Velvet)

We both looked at Velvet, but she was still asleep.

“I know how she is when half-asleep, but I didn’t know she talks in her sleep.” (Luna)

“…” (Soleil)

I looked over to Soleil and saw she had a smile on her face and she was slightly blushing.

“Hehe.  So, she’s finally dreaming about me.” (Soleil)

“Good for you.” (Luna)

“Ssssssssssssssssss.” (Ophidia)

I turned around when I heard hissing.  I saw Ophidia in her lamia form strangling her pillow.

“I wonder if she’s dreaming about something.” (Luna)

“I don’t know, but I’m glad we got a room with four beds.” (Soleil)

“We would have also been fine if we only had three.” (Luna)

“Now that I think about it, that would have been better.” (Soleil)

“Fufu.  Maybe next time.” (Luna)

“I’ll hold you to that.” (Soleil)

{I’m curious Luna.  What do Ophidia’s scales feel like?}

‘I think one of the books I read said they feel like silk, but I’m not going to try and feel them without her permission.’

{What about wyvern scales, you’ve dealt with a lot of them recently.}

‘I almost tried destroying all of the wyverns we killed and then move on to the ones we were keeping alive.  The scales are so hard and rough, it’s like they’re trying to insult me with their mere existence.’

“B-big sis, why are you getting so angry?” (Soleil)

“Eh?  Sorry Soleil, I just remembered the feel of wyvern scales.” (Luna)

“Ooohhh.  Then you are completely justified.” (Soleil)

It was then that I started to smell something from the still open window.  It seems like Soleil smelled it as well because her stomach started growling.

“I guess we should wake these two up and go get something to eat.” (Luna)

“I agree.” (Soleil)

“Oh, and Soleil, for now, don’t worry about what I was saying earlier about the fog, for all we know it could be a normal thing that happens around here.” (Luna)

“Ok.  So are our plans still fine for today?” (Soleil)

“Yes, unless something happens, we will keep to our plans.” (Luna)

“Then-” (Soleil)

“Don’t finish whatever you are about to say.” (Luna)

“Why not?” (Soleil)

“Because if you finished that sentence, the exact opposite would have happened.” (Luna)

{Doesn’t that apply to what you said as well?}

“Gah!” (Luna)

“Eh!  Master, what’s wrong?” (Ophidia)

“Don’t worry about it, Ophidia.” I said as I slumped my shoulders.

Soleil started trying to wake Velvet up, but instead was grabbed by sleepy Velvet and was then put into a hug.  Instead of trying to break free, Soleil decided to snuggle into the embrace.

“Oh no, I have been captured and can’t break free.  Big sis, you should take Ophidia and run.” (Soleil)

“I won’t forget your sacrifice Soleil.” I said with fake tears in my eyes.  “Let’s go Ophidia.”

Ophidia transformed into her human form and followed me to the door.

“I will offer you some ‘cooking’ for your valiant sacrifice Soleil.” (Ophidia)

She shut the door after saying that.

“I didn’t expect you to play along.” (Luna)

“I know the way I act when it comes to new things seems childish, master, but I am several hundreds of years old.  I can read the mood and play along.” (Ophidia)

“Sorry, it’s just easy to forget that sometimes.” (Luna)

“There is no need to apologize.  I can see why you would think that.” (Ophidia)

We left the inn and I followed the smell from earlier.  We found out that the source was a man at a stall grilling some kind of fish.  We went up to him and bought several.  Ophidia took the first bite of hers and her eyes started to sparkle.

“This is amazing master.  I’ve never eaten this kind of thing before.” (Ophidia)

“I would have thought you would have eaten river fish before.” (Luna)

“I tried when I was small and the fish in the river almost ate me instead.  I avoided going after them after that.” (Ophidia)

“You never went back after getting bigger?” (Luna)

“No.  I tried one time, but the first one I saw immediately started trying to eat me again and I ran away.” (Ophidia)

“Are you going to be ok at the sea then?” (Luna)

“Why wouldn’t I?  If the sea has fish in it, then I just need to let you or the others kill them.  Not to mention that they are probably different.” (Ophidia)

“I would say that the sea has more dangerous fish than a river.” (Luna)

“They’re still different.  I can handle monsters and large fish, it’s just those ones in the rivers back home.” (Ophidia)

“I’ll take your word for it then.” (Luna)

We made it back to the inn with Velvet and Soleil’s share of breakfast.  When we made it to the room Velvet was finally awake and was still holding Soleil in her arms.  They both had blissful expressions on their faces.

“Are we interrupting anything?” (Luna)

“Welcome back, big sis, and no, you’re not.” (Soleil)

“I’m just hugging Soleil.” (Velvet)

“I can see that.” (Luna)

“Is this the half-asleep Velvet you have told me about?” (Ophidia)

“No, but what happened earlier was close.” (Soleil)

“Anyway, what did you bring for breakfast?” (Velvet)

“Some fish a man at a stall was cooking.  It’s really good.” I said as I handed a few over to Velvet.  Ophidia did the same for Soleil and we waited for them to finish eating.

“That was good.” (Soleil)

“I agree.  Now, Soleil was telling me something earlier about you saying we need to go to the guild today.” (Velvet)

“Yeah, there was some fog this morning that is like my mist, so I think we should go to the guild and ask if that’s a normal thing here or not.  If it’s normal, then we won’t worry about it.  If it’s not, then well figure something out from there.” (Luna)

As we were waiting for Velvet to get ready to go, I felt a strange feeling in the direction of the city entrance.

“What is that?” (Luna)

“What is what?” (Ophidia)

“None of you feel that?” (Luna)

“Feel what?” (Velvet)

“The feeling of someone really strong.  I think there is some divinity mixed in there as well.” (Luna)

{Hmm.  Ooohhh, so she is here.}  Tamamo said as my mirror appeared.

“Who?” (Luna)

{One of the two demigods in the mortal world and the person that you wanted to meet.}

“The person I wanted to meet?” I mumbled as I started to think.

{You know, that S-rank adventurer.}

“Oh, Skadi the Abyssal Hunter.” (Velvet)

{Yes, that one.}

“She’s a demigod?” (Luna)

{Did I not mention that before?}

“You only said that there were two in the mortal world with me being the third in the future.” (Luna)

{Oh, sorry about that.}

“Don’t worry about it.” (Luna)

“I never would have though that she would show up in Beria.” (Velvet)

“Great One, do we need to be wary of this Skadi person?” (Ophidia)

{No.  I actually think all of you will get along with her.  Though if she is showing up here, then something big must be happening out at sea.}

“Why?” (Soleil)

{I shouldn’t say much, but one thing I will say is that her mother is the Goddess of the Sea.}

“So, this place is partially her domain?” (Luna)

{Something like that.}

“Then maybe we should hurry to the guild.” (Luna)

Everyone nodded at my words and we hurriedly left the inn.

Author's Note:

I wonder what's going on at sea.

Tamamo: You already know, don't you?

I do.

Atmos: I do as well.

Tamamo: Care to enlighten me?

Atmos: And ruin the fun?

All I'll say is that it is strong enough to level Luna up to a lot if she kills it.

Tamamo: As in push her to five tails a lot?

Yes, but after that she will have even more trouble leveling.

Atmos: Out of curiosity, why is it so much harder to level everything after the halfway point?  Skills get harder to level after five and people after 50.

Because it's no fun if a person isn't challenged some when they gain power.

Atmos: I guess Luna is special since most people she knows  are level 100 or very close.

I though that was your doing.

Atmos: It's not.  If I used my Authority over fate to make everything go right for Luna, Gear would get angry with me.  Don't show favoritism and all that.

Tamamo: He is strict like that.

Now that you mention it, you hardly ever use your Authority over fate when Luna is involved in something.  The last time you did, it was to keep Deacon alive.

Atmos:  Yep.  But that means that if neither of us are manipulating fate like that, then Luna is just extremely lucky to know a lot of strong people.

I'll agree with that.

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