[Ophidia POV]

It’s been a week since master went to stay with Great One Tamamo.  Velvet and Soleil had been going out and exploring the city every day while Mio kept her word and mostly took naps while ever so often heading out into the city.  Skadi and I had been doing the same as Soleil and Velvet and exploring the city while on our dates.  Today we were doing the same.

“So, Skadi, where to today?” (Ophidia)

“Hmmm.  Oh, I know.  I overheard some people talking about a nice place the other day.  We just need to find it.” (Skadi)

“Did you hear where it was at?” (Ophidia)

“Not the exact location, but I did hear it was basically on top of one of the trees here, so all we need to do is get high enough and we’ll find it eventually.” (Skadi)

“Sounds good to me.  Which tree do you want to climb?” (Ophidia)

“Who said anything about climbing?” (Skadi)

Skadi then picked me up in what master calls a princess carry, moves to a place away from other people, and jumps.  We flew up high before landing on a branch and Skadi jumped once more.  Taking advantage of this position, I hugged Skadi tighter.

“Hehe.  Enjoying yourself, Ophidia?” (Skadi)

“Yep.  I love being this close to you.” (Ophidia)

When Skadi landed on the next branch, she didn’t jump again and stared right into my eyes.

“Then let me get even closer.” (Skadi)

She then kissed me.  I closed my eyes and kissed back.  We stayed like that for a short while before Skadi broke away before she fell over.

“You’re getting better at that.” (Skadi)

“Well, I don’t like losing, and so far, I’ve never won one of these fights.” (Ophidia)

“Hehehe.” (Skadi)

I was going to go in for a second kiss but Skadi jumped again.  After that jump, she jumped to three more branches before we reached the top of the tree we were on.  I unconsciously tightened my hug on Skadi again when I looked down.

“T-this is higher than I though it would be.” (Ophidia)

“Scared of heights?” (Skadi)

“Not normally, but this is different.” (Ophidia)

“Don’t worry, even if we fell from this high, we wouldn’t die.  We’d be a bit sore at most.” (Skadi)

“Oh, that’s a relief.  But I’m still going to hug you.” (Ophidia)

“Hehehe.  Well, we should look to see if we see any building from up here.” (Skadi)

The both of us looked in a direction as we searched for any sign of a building.  The way I was facing I did see a few fancy looking places, but it turns out that they were just the tops of the castle and academy.

“Skadi, what kind of magic keeps these buildings from crumbling off of these trees?” (Ophidia)

“I don’t know.  I’ve never really questioned it?” (Skadi)

“Hmmm.” (Ophidia)

A few seconds later, I noticed a little of what looked like the roof of a building blending in with some leaves a little way away from us.

“I think I found it.” (Ophidia)

Skadi turned in the direction I told her and I pointed out where I thought the place we were looking for was.

“I see it, hold on tight.” (Skadi)

Skadi then leapt from the tree where we were and landed on a branch on the next tree.  She did this a few times until we made it to our destination.  We could see the place better now and Skadi had a contemplating look on her face.

“Is this not right?” (Ophidia)

“I’m just trying to remember what I heard about the place.” (Skadi)

After a few minutes of silence, Skadi leapt down a few branches until we saw a staircase that exited the tree’s interior and led to a door to the building.  She then jumped and landed on the staircase and then she put me down.

“That was fun.” (Ophidia)

“Then should we do that again some time?” (Skadi)

“Hmmm.  Maybe after master ascends and we can look at the sky at night.” (Ophidia)

“I like that idea.” (Skadi)

We then turned and walked toward the door.  It had a sign stating that the place was open.  I opened the door and went inside followed by Skadi.  Once the door was shut and my eyes adjusted, I could see a nice looking place with a long counter in the back with several glass bottles lined up behind a nicely dressed elf.  The elf looked up from the glass cup he was cleaning with a rag and welcomed us in.

“Welcome.  Have a seat and I’ll be right with you.”

Skadi and I looked at each other then moved to sit directly at the counter.  The elf placed the glass down and threw the rag over his shoulder.

“What can I get you two lovely ladies?”

“What do you recommend?” (Skadi)

“Some dwarf whisky and a few wines from one of this country’s vineyards.”

“Then that is what we’ll have.” (Skadi)


The elf walked over to some of the bottles behind him and started to pour the alcohol in glasses.  Once he finished, he slid two of them over to us.  We stopped them, picked them up and clinked them together before drinking.  The alcohol burned my throat, but it was nice once it went down.

“So, tell me, how’d this place come to be?” (Skadi)

“A few years back, a person that was a summoned hero came here and worked with me and a few others to make this place.  He called it a high-class bar.  It’s been a hit ever since we opened, especially to some of the higher-ups in the country.  I’ve even seen Headmaster Mimir here a few times.”

“Interesting.” (Ophidia)

“Indeed.  But that’s enough from me, enjoy yourselves.  If you need any more to drink, just wave me over.”

The elf went back to cleaning a glass and acting like he didn’t see us.

“Come on, Ophidia, let’s drink some more.” (Skadi)

Skadi took another sip from her glass and I did the same.  We stayed there for a few hours slowly drinking and talking with each other.  By the time we decided to leave, both of us were the slightest bit tipsy, but not enough to impede our movement.  We paid what we owed and left the building.  As we were descending to the ground in the normal way, I caught a glimpse of Skadi backed by the moon.  That made my heart start to beat faster.  As we entered the tree from the stairs outside of it, I pushed Skadi against the wall and slammed my hand next to her.


I leaned in and took her lips with mine.  In addition, I stuck my tongue into her mouth as well.  We were like that for a few minutes before Skadi put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me away a bit.

“Ophidia, not here, not now.  I’m not ready to go that far.” (Skadi)

“Sorry, I don’t really know what came over me.” (Ophidia)

“Don’t worry about it, I would just rather do something like that where no one will be able to see or hear us.  Maybe even have Luna set up a domain for us.” (Skadi)

I took in a deep breath and nodded my head.

“Alright.  Let me know when you are ready and I’ll teleport us to your island.” (Ophidia)

“Alright.” (Skadi)

We stood there for a second before I grabbed Skadi’s hand and teleported us to the room I was staying in here.

“I will go and bathe, good night, Skadi, I love you.” (Ophidia)

“I love you as well, Ophidia.” (Skadi)

She then left the room as I went to the bathroom to prepare for bed.

Chaos Realm:

To think Skadi would get that flustered when she wasn't the one making the moves.

Order: Indeed.  It was a cute reaction.

Not as cute as you.

*Order blushes*

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