[Luna POV]

I sleepily opened my eyes a bit and patted around to try and find Tamamo.  After a few tries of not finding anything, I sat up.


I was close to falling asleep again when I saw movement in the corner of my eye.  I looked over to see Tamamo sitting in a chair and watching me.

{Morning sleepyhead.  Hungry?}


I slowly got up from the bed and went over to Tamamo before hugging her.

“Hehehe.  Who needs food when I have you to fill me with all the energy I ever need?”

{Ufufufu.  But I made us breakfast.}

“Oh?  Guess I’ll eat that as well.”

I was about to move when Tamamo did first.  She picked me up in a princess carry and brought me to the dining room.  She placed me in a chair and then sat next to me.  Spread out in front of me was a table full of food.

{Forgive me for using so much stuff.  I kinda got lost in the moment and ended up cooking too much.}

“Fufufu.  It’s fine, it’s not like it really put a dent in what I have stockpiled.  I think I have enough stuff to feed a medium sized city for a few days at least.”


We started to eat and I enjoyed every bit of what Tamamo made.  Once we were done, I stood up and stretched.

“I guess I should get dressed.  I have to go back today after all.”

{True.  I had a lot of fun Luna.  I think this was enough to keep me satisfied until you get at least eight tails.}

“Fufu.  I’ll keep that in mind.  Now, are you just going to sit there, or are you coming with me?”

{Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.}

We made our way back to our room and I started to get dressed.

{Luna, when are you going to start getting used to just wearing illusions?}

“When I ascend.  I’m not sure why, but I get the feeling that I should still wear normal clothing while in the mortal world.”

{I see.}

Once I finished getting dressed, I went over to Tamamo and gave her a hug and a kiss.

“I’ll see you on the next full moon, by beloved.”

Tamamo hugged me tighter.

{I’ll be waiting with bated breath.}

She gave me another quick kiss before disappearing.  Now alone in our room, I dissolved the domain and teleported to the Elf Nation.  I appeared in the room I stayed in previously.  I then used my connection to find the others and followed it.  I found them all in the dining room.  While I had calmed down considerably, that didn’t mean that I couldn’t mess with them a little bit.  I used my stealth skill and walked into the room.

“So, anyone know when big sis is coming back?” (Soleil)

“It should be any time now I think.” (Velvet)

“Nyehehe.” (Mio)

“What’s so funny, Mio?” (Ophidia)

“Nothing nya.” (Mio)

I walked up behind Soleil and put my hands on her shoulders.

“Say my name and I will appear.” (Luna)

“MIKON!” (Soleil)

“Fufufufufufufu.” (Luna)

“Big sis!  Don’t do that again!” (Soleil)

“Sorry, sorry.” (Luna)

“Welcome back nya.” (Mio)

“Indeed, welcome back master.  Did you enjoy yourself?” (Ophidia)

“Yeah.  I feel refreshed now.” (Luna)

I sat down in an empty seat and took out a cup of coffee.

“Now tell me, what did you guys get up to while I was gone?  Anything interesting?” (Luna)

“For the most part, we just went on dates.” (Skadi)

“Same here.” (Velvet)

“I took a lot of naps nya.  There are some good places here that get just the right amount of sun and shade nya.” (Mio)

“Hmmm.  At least you all had fun as well.” (Luna)

We sat around and chatted for a bit when Lia entered the room.

“Oh, welcome back, Luna.” (Lia)

“Heya Lia, how’s it going?” (Luna)

“Good.  Cres is still being educated and hasn’t gone on another recruitment spree and Dia is…Dia.” (Lia)

“What’s up with Dia?” (Luna)

“Nothing really, but I need to ask you some things in regard to spirits at some point.” (Lia)

“I’ll answer what I know and relay what Tamamo will inevitably answer.” (Luna)

“Thanks in advance then.  Oh, and I have that introduction letter to the Academy for you, I’ll hand it over next time you come to my office.” (Lia)

“Thanks.  I’ll pick it up later.” (Luna)

Lia sat down.

“Luna, since you left right after you did it, how did you deal with the cult?” (Skadi)

“Oh that.  I just gave them something that they could dedicate the rest of their lives to.  So, get ready to start seeing products that increase the softness, shine, and other things related to hair and fluff in general being sold.” (Luna)

“Hmm.  I guess that’s better than you just wiping them out.” (Skadi)

“I wouldn’t do that.  I’m not a ruthless deity.” (Luna)

“Hehe.  It was joke.” (Skadi)

“Hmm.” (Luna)

I stared hard at Skadi.  Seeing me, she started to sweat a little.

“What?” (Skadi)

“Hmmmm.” (Luna)

Seeing me staring at her harder, Skadi seemed to get even more nervous and moved a little closer to Ophidia.  I smirked at her reaction.

“The two of you got closer.” (Luna)

“…” (Skadi)

“Master, leave Skadi alone.” (Ophidia)

“Fine, fine.  I was just messing around.” (Luna)

“I thought you went to spend tome with Goddess Tamamo to get all of that out of your system.” (Velvet)

“I did.  But this is also just me being me.” (Luna)

“*Cough* Anyway, what do we do now that you’re back, big sis?” (Soleil)

“Not sure.  I do want to go and check the Academy out for a bit.  Also, I want to go around the city.  After that, we can just go and do whatever.  Not to mention that I need to find a place to level up.” (Luna)

“Got a new goal nya?” (Mio)

“Well, that’s always been the main goal.  I can’t be with my wife forever if I don’t after all.” (Luna)

I might have had a strange or scary look on my face since everyone backed up a little.

“What?” (Luna)

“You were a bit scary for a second, big sis.” (Soleil)

“Oh, sorry about that.” (Luna)

“Well.  I’d love to stay and chat, but I have business to attend to.  Luna, come get the letter from me before you go anywhere today.  Oh, and just let me know when you want to have that competition so I can free up some time.” (Lia)

“Ok, I’ll come and get it shortly.” (Luna)

Lia then left the room.

“Ok, want to go and check out the guild?  I feel like taking a quest.” (Luna)

“Sounds fine to me nya.  I want to get out and stretch my legs nya.” (Mio)

“Let’s get to it.” (Skadi)

“I hope we find something interesting.” (Ophidia)

“With big sis back, it can’t be anything other than exciting.” (Soleil)

“I agree.” (Velvet)

“Then it’s decided.” (Luna)

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: So Tamamo, feel better now?

Tamamo: Yep.  I needed that and so did Luna.

*A portal opens up in the middle of the room and cold air starts to flow out of it.  A woman dressed in white furs and with a wildish look walks out of it.*

Fenrir: Where am I?

Tamamo: Oh, hello Fenrir.

Fenrir: Tamamo?  And Atmos?  Seriously, where am I?

Atmos: I'll explain, so sit down.

Fenrir: Mm.

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