I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 61- Taking Care of Business

[Luna POV]

After waking up the next morning, I made my way to the dining room.  When I got there, I found Nia and Velvet there eating breakfast.

“Morning you two.” (Luna)

“Morning Luna.” (Nia)

“…” (Velvet)

I looked over to Velvet since all she was doing was mumbling to herself.

“You good, Velvet?” (Luna)

“Luna.” (Velvet)

“Yes?” (Luna)

“Please forget anything I said to you last night.  I don’t remember what I said, but I do know it was embarrassing.” (Velvet)

“It wasn’t that bad, just some rambling.” (Nia)

“Yep.  Nothing you haven’t said to me when you’re half asleep before.” (Luna)

“That just makes it worse.  When did I even say anything like that?” (Velvet)

“A few times on the way here, but those times I’m the only one who heard you.  Also, the day after we arrived here.” (Luna)

“At least you’re the only person who heard whatever I said.” (Velvet)

“Technically, Tamamo also heard what you said, but we won’t tell anyone else.” (Luna)

“Will you tell me?” (Velvet)

“You mostly just complain about not having a girlfriend.” (Luna)

Velvet let out a groan and placed her head on the table.

“It’s all right, Velvet, we all say things we don’t want others to hear when we’re like that.” (Nia)

“Really?” (Velvet)

“Yep.  I heard from Rex that one time, I started going on and on about things I liked as a child that I kept secret from everyone.” (Nia)

“What about you, Luna?” (Velvet)

“You’d have to ask Tamamo.  I know I’ve had a few moments like that, but I have no clue what I said.” (Luna)

“Will you tell me Goddess?” (Velvet)

{I would share, but the things that Luna says when she’s like that would ruin her dignity.  Let’s just say she gets really flirty.}

“I see, I’ll just take your word for it, Goddess.” (Velvet)

“Am I really that bad?” (Luna)

{I wouldn’t call it bad, for me at least, but it’s like you lose any filter and any desire you usually hide is going on full blast.}

“Wait, you can hear the Goddess as well, Velvet?” (Nia)

“Whenever she deems it worthwhile, I’m an oracle.  It’s nowhere near as much as Luna talks to her.” (Velvet)

“Interesting, the only oracle I’ve ever met was an old women a long time ago.” (Nia)

“It’s relatively rare for humans to be oracles since they have the shortest lifespans among the races.  From what I know, aside from a few gods like the Goddess of the Moon and the Goddess of Fate, oracles aren’t give very often.  Most human oracles die before they get a message from a god.” (Velvet)

The two of them finished their breakfast while I was eating mine which appeared in front of me at some point.  After I was done, I decided to ask the two of them what they planned on doing today.

“Well, I know what I have to do today, but what about the two of you?” (Luna)

“I was going to train with the knights today.” (Nia)

“I would like to join you in doing that, if you don’t mind.” (Velvet)

“I don’t see why not.” (Nia)

“Thanks, I want to get in as much training as I can so that I can pull my own weight in the party.” (Velvet)

“You seem decently strong to me.” (Nia)

“For a normal person, yes, but I’m travelling with Luna.  Last I checked, my highest stat is equal to her lowest, from what she told me.” (Velvet)

“For reference, what is your highest stat Velvet?” (Nia)

“It’s a B in Dex.” (Velvet)

“And your highest, Luna?” (Nia)

“An SS in MP.” I said as I finished off my food.

“What about the lowest?” (Nia)

“B+ in Vit and Def.” (Luna)

“That’s ridiculous, just having one stat at that level would put you on equal footing with an S-rank adventurer if not above that.” (Nia)

“Are there any S-ranks here in the capital?” (Velvet)

“Not in the capital, no.  Last I heard several of them went out to find any new dungeons in the fiendlands.  The only one I know didn’t go there is Skadi.” (Nia)

“Didn’t you say that she’s currently in the Demon Empire, Velvet?” (Luna)

“That’s the last place I heard she was at.” (Velvet)

“She’s still there if my information is correct.” (Nia)

“Maybe we should go there after we finish our business here, how does that sound Velvet?” (Luna)

“I don’t mind, but we should focus on what we need to do here before we discuss our next destination.” (Velvet)

“Fair enough.  I’m going to head to the guild now, I’ll see you two later.” (Luna)

“If you finish your work early, join us at the knight’s training ground.” (Nia)

“Got it.” I said as I left the room.

In the hallway that led out of Nia’s villa, I ran into Bas.

“Good morning. Mister Bas.”

“Good morning, Lady Luna.  Is there anything I can help you with?”

“I was heading towards the guild; do you mind leading me to the place to get out of the castle?”

“Please follow me.”

Bas led the way from Nia’s villa to the place we entered from yesterday.

“Thank you very much.”

“Think nothing of it, it’s an honor to help.”

After saying that, Bas went back the way we came and I left the castle.

{Wouldn’t it be easier to just teleport to Grey’s office?}

‘It would be, but he has safety measures set up there that even block my illusion magic, so I assume he also has something that blocks space magic.  Plus, it would look suspicious if, when I finish my job, I leave the guild without ever entering through the front door.’

{Fair enough.}

After a fair bit of walking, I arrived at the guild.  When I entered, I was greeted with a relatively empty building.  I walked up to the reception desk and found Tomoe.

“Good morning, Tomoe.”

“Good morning, Miss Luna.”

“Is the guild always this empty?”

“No, you just got here before the morning rush.”

“That’s a first, anyway, I was told there would be a nominated quest for me today.”

“Let me see.”

She started to go through a stack of papers until she found what she was looking for.

“Here it is, let me put down that you accepted and I’ll bring you to where you’ll be working today.”

I nodded my head to her words and waited for her to process the quest.  Once she was done, she brought me over to the stairs we went down yesterday.  After walking down the hallway of vaults, we arrived in front of Grey’s office.

“Grand master, I’ve brought Miss Luna.” Tomoe said after knocking on the door.

“Let her in.”

She opened the door and stepped to the side for me to go in.

“Have a good day, Miss Luna.”

She left after saying that, leaving me and Grey here alone.

“Before I start working on the quest, can I ask for the things I requested?”

“Sure, the portraits and orichalcum are over here.”

He pointed to the corner of the room and I saw several paintings and three pieces of orichalcum that were about the size of my head.

“Where did they even get orichalcum pieces of this size?”

“No idea.  Can I ask what you want it for?”

“I’m going to ask my friend Blake to make two pieces into mirrors that I’ll enchant with space magic.  Then I’m going to give one to Tamamo, and we’ll hopefully be able to talk face-to-face instead of just through telepathy.”

“That’s sounds interesting.  Even though I have an idea, what are you using those portraits for?”

“Archery targets.  I want to max out the skill and needed some good targets.  I figured that using pictures of people I hate would be fun.”

“Heh.  Then the special enchantment put on them won’t go to waste.”

“What is the enchantment?”

“Their souls will feel pain in the places you hit with an arrow.  Of course, it probably won’t register for them with what they’re going through right now though.”

“Sounds fine to me.” I said as I walked over to the stuff and put it all into my inventory.  “Now, what about the box materials?”

“There over there, I got several pre-made boxes, all they need are the enchantments.”

“Ok, I’ll carve some things on them for you as a service.”

“You can woodcarve?”

{I didn’t know you could do that, either.}

“It was my hobby in my past life.  I haven’t done it enough here to get a skill related to it, but I can still do it.  Not to mention that it will be quite well done with how high my Dex stat is.”

I sat down and got to work.  It took me a few hours to go through carving things into the boxes.  All of them had the Adventurer’s Guild crest as well as some things that denoted what guild branch they would go to.  Once I was done with the carvings, I started enchanting which took me another hour.

“I’m done.”

Grey picked up one of the boxes and looked it over.

“This is really good.  Which branch does this one go to?”

“That one is for Savanna’s capital’s guild branch.  I can teleport there and deliver it for you, but only that one.”

“There’s no need for that, I already have some parties that will deliver them.  With this, you’ve finished your quest, thanks for your hard work.”

“Great, now I have to go report this to Tomoe and then I can go about the rest of my day.”

“Nah, I can process the completion here, just give me a second.”

He went back to his desk and did the quest completion procedure.  Once he was done, he thanked me again and I left his office.  When I got to the top of the stairs I waved to Tomoe and left the guild.

{Are you going to teleport to Blake’s place now?}

‘You got it.’

I hid myself in a deserted alley and teleported away.  I was now in Blakes forge area.  I saw him hammering away on a piece of metal, completely in his own world.

‘Well, this is going to take a while.’

{Anything you want to talk about while you wait?}

‘Hmm.  I can’t think of anything.’

{Then how about you do some archery?}

‘I guess I could.’

I pulled out one of the portraits and leaned it on a log I had in my inventory.

{Why do you have a log in there?}

‘Logs are surprisingly useful.  They can act as a chair, a cutting board, emergency firewood, archery target, substitution target, and more.’

{Huh.  I never thought of that.}

‘All of that stuff is stuff I just thought up right now, the real reason I had that is so I could carve a statue of you sometime.’

{Ufufufufufufu.  You flatterer.}


I pulled out my bow and several arrows.  I knocked one and fired it.  The arrow landed right between picture Shin’s legs.  For a second, I thought I heard a scream of pain, but I ignored it.

‘And that’s for hitting on Tamamo when I was in the room.’

{You’re still hung up on that?}

‘Of course, it happened yesterday after all.’

{How many times do I have to tell you that I only have eyes for you, Luna?  No matter what, I’ll always be yours.}

‘I know that, it’s the same for me after all.’

I continued to shoot arrows at the portrait for another hour when my bow snapped.

“Damn, and I really liked this bow.”

“Want me to make a metal one for you?”

“Oh, are you finished with what you were making earlier, Blake?  And sure, if you don’t mind.”

“I wouldn’t bring it up if I did.  What else can I do for you today?”

“Well, I recently put an end to those two and they had something interesting in their inventories.”

“And that would be?”

I pulled out the three pieces of orichalcum from my inventory.  Blake’s eyes went wide when he saw them.

“Luna.  Is this what I think it is?”

“Use two of these for the mirrors I want, and I’ll let you have the third piece.”

“You must be the goddess of fortune.”

{No, that spot is already taken.}

“I’m not, Tamamo said that spot is taken.”

“Oh.  Anyway, I’ll start on these right away.  Come back in a week and I’ll have them done and waiting for enchanting.”

“Got it, what about the metal bow?”

“I have some that I made a while back as practice, so just take them.”

“All of them?”

“Yeah, they’re not that great, so I don’t know how long they’ll hold up.”

He showed me to the place where he keeps all of the things he forges for practice and I picked up seven metal bows.

“These are lighter than I thought they would be.”

“Well yeah, they’re made of mithril after all.”

“I think these will hold up for a while, thanks.”

“Don’t mention it.  Remember come back in a week, and look forward to the finished products, I’m going all in with my skills.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

{I am as well.}

“Tamamo said she is as well.”

“Now I definitely can’t mess this up.”

I thanked Blake again and then teleported back to the Celestia Kingdom.  I tried to teleport to the room I stayed in last night, but it took longer than normal.

‘I guess there is a barrier that tries to stop people from teleporting here from the outside.’

{Of course there would be, but I guess they didn’t take into account someone with such a high level in space magic and the amount of mana that you do.}

‘Guess so, that took triple the amount than a normal teleport.’

{Now what are you going to do?}

‘I guess I’ll go to the knight’s training ground and see if Nia and Velvet are still there.’

I left Nia’s villa for the second time today and went to the training grounds.

Author's Note:

I'M FREE!  To celebrate I give you all a longer chapter.  I hope the wait was worth it.  Thanks for reading.

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