[Luna POV]

I spent the week that it would take Blake to make the mirrors practicing my archery and managed to get it to level nine.  Dad also arrived here during this week as well as the dwarf and demon generals.  The only person who hadn’t arrived yet was the elf general.

The day that I went to pick up the mirrors, I found that old man Reve was there as well.  When I enchanted them, they turned into divine artifacts.  Now, I’m back at Nia’s villa and was waiting for dad, Nia, Uncle Rex, and Velvet to show up so I could show off my new treasures.  All of them showed up that evening with Velvet looking tired.

“Hello everyone.” I said with a wide smile spread across my face.

“Hello Luna, did something good happen?” (Deacon)

“Very much so, but before I go on.  Are you alright, Velvet?  You look exhausted.” (Luna)

“I’m fine, just had another day of hard training.” (Velvet)

Everyone sat down and Bas appeared with a tea set in hand.  He poured some for everyone and left.

“Well, Blake finished the mirrors today and I want to show them off.” (Luna)

“No wonder you’re so happy.” (Nia)

I pulled out the mirrors and they started floating on their own.  They were quite large where if you held one, you would need to use two hands.  They were a goldish color with frames that looked like nine tails.  On the back of one there was a motif of the moon and on the other, what looked like stars.  The one with the moon on the frame had colors that matched with Tamamo, while the one with stars matched me, just like our rings.

“They look great, but why are they floating?” (Velvet)

“Well apparently, since they were made by a master smith and enchanted by a Fated One, they became divine artifacts.” (Luna)

Once I said that the room fell completely silent.  It stayed like that for several minutes when dad broke the silence.

“Luna.  Will you please stop, common sense can only take so much before you accidentally kill it.  Divine artifacts normally can’t be crafted by mortals.” (Deacon)

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting this to happen either, it just did.  All I did is enchant the mirrors that Blake made.” (Luna)

“Anyway, do they do what you want them to?” (Rex)

“They should according to appraisal, though they will only work for their owners.  I’ve already claimed ownership over this one.” I said pointing to the one with stars on it.  “Next time I see Tamamo, I’m going to give her the other one.”

{I’m looking forward to it Luna, the mirror that you’re giving me looks beautiful.}


I put the mirrors away and asked about everyone else’s day.

“The elf general, Lia, arrived today and the date of the party has been decided to be tomorrow night.” (Nia)

“What should I wear to this party, Nia?  Do I need to get a dress, or something else?” (Luna)

“If you don’t have something elegant enough, I’ll lend you something.  Do you have anything in mind?” (Nia)

I thought about the wardrobe I have at home and what I have with me in my inventory.  After a few minutes I remembered about the thing I bought in Savanna’s capital.

“Would this work?” I asked as I pulled the kimono out of my inventory.

“That’s perfect.” (Nia)

“When did you get something like that, Luna?” (Deacon)

“I’ve had this for a while.  I bought it in Savanna during my second week of guild punishment.” (Luna)

“What about you, Velvet?  Do you want to come?” (Nia)

“I’ll have to decline.  If it’s anything like the kind of parties vampire clans hold, then I’m not very fond of going.” (Velvet)

“Bad times?” (Deacon)

“If having every single man asking for your hand in marriage at every one is bad, then extremely.” (Velvet)

“That is annoying, I remember that happening a few times when I was younger.” (Nia)

“Even though I’m taken, I’m starting to feel reluctant about going now.” (Luna)

“You don’t need to worry Luna, the only people that will be there that are close to your age is the crown prince and first princess.  The other people there might ask about you connection to me, but that’s about it.” (Nia)

“On the side of the crown prince, he was told by the king to stop at greeting you and some small talk.  If he goes beyond that, the first princess will stop him.” (Rex)

“I guess that means the illusion I cooked up to put a stop to that will be useless now.” (Luna)

“What would that illusion be, exactly?” (Deacon)

“Just freezing the toes off and making them bald.” (Luna)

“Why the toes and balding?” (Velvet)

“Not sure, just felt compelled to.” (Luna)

It was then that I felt something change.  It was an indescribable feeling.

“What’s wrong Luna?” (Rex)

“Did none of you feel that?” (Luna)

“Feel what?” (Deacon)

{Use your spirit vision and you’ll find out what happened.}

I did what Tamamo said and what I saw was surprising.  Instead of uncountable numbers of spirits floating around me, there was something that looked like a Pomeranian.

“Dad, Uncle Rex, use your spirit vision.” (Luna)

They activated the skill and saw what I was seeing.

“Luna, is that the great spirit that the Goddess said was close to being born?” (Rex)

“I think so.” (Luna)

[Of course, I am the Great Spirit of Fluff.  You mortals shall now serve and pamper me.]

I was taken aback at how deep the voice I was hearing was.  It was the exact opposite of what anyone would expect from something that looked like that.

[Why do you ignore me mortals?]

{Calm down you upstart.}

[And who would you be, voice?] Asked the spirit, angry.

{I am the Goddess of the Moon, Gravity, and the Night.  The one who is sitting in front of you is the one who will become the Goddess of Space, Fluff, and one other thing.  Show some respect to the person who made it possible for you to exist.}

The great fluff spirit started to shake a bit after hearing Tamamo’s words.

[I apologize, great one, and I am sorry for my attitude, oh goddess mine.]

{That’s better.  Luna, make sure to find that one a proper spirit mage to contract with or it’ll never treat anyone else but us fairly.}

‘Got it.  I just so happen to have someone in mind.’

[Truly, oh goddess mine?]

‘Yes.  We’ll meet her tomorrow.’

“Luna, what is the spirit saying?” (Deacon)

“It’s a bit haughty and Tamamo was telling it off.  By the way, elf general Lia is a good spirit mage, right?” (Luna)

“Yes, she’s one of the best.” (Rex)

“Perfect.” (Luna)

“Hey Rex, what’s going on?” (Nia)

“The spirits that have been surrounding Luna for a while have disappeared and a great spirit took their place.  It seems that, for now, only Luna and the Goddess can communicate with it.” (Rex)

“*Sigh* What did I say about common sense, Luna?” (Deacon)

“Lord Deacon, I think it’s best if you just give up on that.  She’ll continue to break common sense without even trying.” (Velvet)

“*Sssssssssiiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhh*” (Deacon)

Like that, the night continued.

Author's Note:

Well common sense is being systematically killed by Luna so let us all have a moment of silence. ... ... ... I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.

Luna: Sorry common sense.

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