I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 75- New Years Festivities: Divine Style

[Luna POV]

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar sight of Tamamo’s home.  I didn’t see her anywhere, but I did see Atmos and Grey standing by the large tree that me and Tamamo like to sit under.  I walked over to greet them and ask where Tamamo was.

“Hello.” (Luna)

“Heya Luna.  I like the third tail.” (Atmos)

“Evening Luna.” (Grey)

“Do either of you know where Tamamo is?” (Luna)

“She’s getting ready for her performance tonight.  You’ll get to see her in a bit.” (Atmos)

“I see.” I said as my ears and tails drooped a bit.

“Hohohohohoho.  Don’t look so down little one, the performance will happen very soon.” (???)

I was surprised by the unfamiliar voice and turned around to see two people I’ve never seen before.  One of them looked like a stereotypical old fantasy wizard complete with big hat and long white beard.  The other was a stern looking man that wore a monocle and was reading a book.  He also had an hourglass floating around him.

“Hello Old Man Crate.  Gear.” (Atmos)

“Mmm.” (Gear)

“Good evening, Little Atmos.  Young Grey.” (Crate)

“Luna, this is Old Man Crate the God of Creation, and Gear the God of Time.” (Atmos)

“Nice to meet you, I’m Luna, Tamamo’s future wife and aspiring goddess of fluff, space, and stars.” (Luna)

“Hohoho.  I like your confidence Little Luna.  Here take this.” (Crate)

He handed me a small bottle of something that I will check out later.

“It’s nice to meet you, young one.  I look forward to working with you eventually.” (Gear)

“The two of you never change, do you.” (Atmos)

“It’s not that Atmos, you’re just too chaotic to notice changes in others.” (Gear)

“Don’t be like that Gear, she has calmed down significantly since meeting Young Grey.” (Crate)

“I won’t deny that.” (Gear)

“Little Luna, would you tell this old man how you and Little Tamamo met while we wait for Young Quetz to arrive and for the performance to start?” (Crate)

“I don’t mind.” I answered and began the tale of how I met Tamamo.  A little while later after I finished my story, Crate had happy look on his face.

“I see, while the beginning was a bit sad, everything after is quite nice.  Thank you for loving Little Tamamo as much as you do, it makes this old man happy.” (Crate)

“Of course, I’d do anything and everything for Tamamo.” (Luna)

“Haha.  I bet there are many in the divine domain that are jealous of you, young one.  Many consider Tamamo as one of the most beautiful goddesses and try to court her often.” (Gear)

“Hey Grey, what’s going on?  Gear actually laughed at something.” (Atmos)

“I don’t know.  Maybe he ate something weird before coming here?” (Grey)

“Hoho.  Very good Little Luna, I haven’t heard my brother laugh in a very long time.” (Crate)

“*Hmph*” (Gear)

“Fufufufu.” (Luna)

“Hello everyone, did I make it in time?” (Quetz)

“You’re just in time Quetz.” (Grey)

“Oh.  We have a newcomer?” (Quetz)

“Indeed we do.  This is Little Luna, Little Tamamo’s future wife.” (Crate)

“Nice to meet you Luna, my name is Quetz, the Goddess of the Sun, Day, and the East.” (Quetz)

“Pleased to meet you.” (Luna)

“Hey Quetz, stop ignoring me.” (Atmos)

“*sigh* Hello Atmos.” (Quetz)

“I’m sorry about her Quetz.” (Grey)

“It’s fine Grey.  I’m trying to get over my problems with her.” (Quetz)

“That’s good.  I’m happy to see you trying to get along again.” (Crate)

“Well, I figured that it was about time I got over it.” (Quetz)

We all talked about random things for a few more minutes when the moon in the sky started to focus a moonbeam on a space a little away from us.  In the middle of the moonbeam was Tamamo in shrine maiden clothes with blue pants and a white top.  She was holding an instrument with bells in both hands which made a beautiful and clear sound.

“Now I know you want to immediately run up to her, Luna, but that can wait for when she is done.” (Atmos)

“Hoho.  Oh, to be young.” (Crate)

Tamamo gave us a small bow before backing away a bit and starting her dance.  Her movements flowed together in a beautiful way while the bell things provided a wonderful tune that continued to ring in my ears even after the sound actually stopped.  Around halfway through the performance, small flower petal-like moats of light started to rain down from the sky and flowed along with the dance, adding to the mystical feel of the whole thing.

When the dance picked up the pace, the motes of light started to swirl around her and formed into a giant fox that ran up into the sky and away from us.  It fanned out its tails which spread the moats out over everything as it ran into the distance.

“She’s going all out this year.” (Quetz)

“What do you mean?” (Luna)

“Well, every few years either Tamamo or I do a ritual dance for the new year which will give a symbolic blessing to the people who see whatever forms out of the moats of light.” (Quetz)

“What’s a symbolic blessing?” (Luna)

“A weak blessing that really only makes people feel good.  It lasts about a day.  Anyway, I said she’s going all out this year because that’s the biggest thing she’s made in a long time.” (Quetz)

“She’s probably trying to impress Luna.” (Atmos)

“Well, I certainly am impressed.” (Luna)

Tamamo’s dance continued for a while longer until she finally started to make smaller, shorter movements.  She ended the performance with another small bow before disappearing in a flash of light.

“Aww.” (Luna)

“Hehe.  She’ll be right back, Luna.” (Atmos)

Atmos was right because a few minutes later Tamamo was back wearing her usual outfit.  She walked over to us and hugged me before greeting everyone else.

{Hello everyone.}

“Hey Tamamo, good job tonight.” (Atmos)

“You were as elegant as always, Tamamo.” (Grey)

“It was fun to see you get so fired up about this after so long.” (Quetz)

“Wonderful job, Little Tamamo.  Take this and have some fun.” (Crate)

“It was nice.” (Gear)

Instead of saying anything, I just hugged her tighter.  She placed a hand on my head and started patting.

“Hehehe.” (Luna)

{What did you think, Luna?}

“Watching you made me speechless.” (Luna)

{Then all the extra effort was worth it.}

“Now now, the two of you can flirt all you want later.  Come and join us in some festivities.  Grey, bring out the drinks!” (Atmos)

“I already did, Atmos.” (Grey)

“Woohoo!” (Atmos)

{*sigh*Grey you know how she is when she’s drunk.}

“Hahaha.  Don’t worry, what I brought out for her is just juice.  Even I don’t want to deal with drunk Atmos tonight.” (Grey)

{Thanks for that.}

“I did, however, receive something from those two.  Said it was something you requested a while ago.” Grey said as he handed Tamamo a bottle.

{Ufufufufufu.  Thank you, Grey.  Luna why don’t you try drinking some with me?}

“Ok.” (Luna)

She pulled out two glasses from the air and poured the alcohol she git from Grey into them.  She handed me a glass and we clinked them together.  When I drank, I could taste a fruity taste then felt a burning sensation in my throat.  My head also felt kind of fuzzy.

“♪Hehehehehe.  Tamamo.  There are so many Tamamos.♪” (Luna)

I tried to pet one of the Tamamos in front of me, but my hands passed right through her.

“♪Where did you go?  Let me pamper you.♪” (Luna)

{Ufufu.  So, this is what Luna is like while drunk.}

“Oh.  You asked those. Two for something that will get Luna drunk for a bit.” (Grey)

{Yes.  Though I have to say, it is quite strong.}

“I agree.  I think that just that bottle could knock out a group of dragons.” (Grey)

“♪Fufufufufu.  If you don’t stop running away, I’ll freeze you in place.♪” (Luna)

{You don’t need to do that, I’m right here.  Sorry Grey, it seems like I will be occupied the rest of the night.}

“It’s fine, I’ll let the others know.” (Grey)

I sat down on the ground and pulled Tamamo into a lap pillow and started brushing her hair and tails.  Although everything else was a bit hazy, I could now clearly see only one Tamamo.

“♪No more disappearing, ok.♪”

{I understand Luna.}

I continued to brush and pet Tamamo until the fuzzy feeling started to go away.

“So that’s what being drunk feels like.”

{Already over it?}

“For the most part.  I think it would be best if you keep that here, I don’t want to be responsible for keeping that with me.”

{I understand.  Now, let me have my way with your new tail.}

“You could have said that in a less alluring way, you know.”

{Yes, I could have, but I didn’t.}

“*Sigh* Sometimes I hate this time constraint we have.”

{I get it, but at least we get to spend SOME time with each other.}

“That’s true.”

Tamamo thoroughly groomed my third tail, and when she was done it was close to the time I would leave.

“Before I leave, I’ll give you the thing I’ve been working on.”

I reached into my inventory and brought out a plushie of my fox form.

“I made it with things from places Atmos told me about and stuffed it with excess fluff from my tails.  It’s not the actual me, but it feels the same as my tails so I thought it would be able to fill the void while I’m not here.”

{Thank you, Luna, I’ll treasure it.}

She took the plushie from me and hugged it to her chest.

“Never thought I’d feel jealous of a plush version of me.”

{Don’t worry, you only have six tails to go, and you’ll be able to do this and so much more.}

“And I plan on it.”

{The feelings mutual.}

It was then that a light started to surround me.

“Guess I’ll see you next month.”

{What do you mean, you can see me whenever you want.}

“You know what I mean.”


I was fully enveloped in the light and found myself on top of the bed in Nia’s villa.

Author's Note:

Atmos: Tamamo you need to calm down some.

Tamamo: What do you mean Atmos?

Atmos: You don't usually lead Luna on like that.

Tamamo: Huh.  Guess I'm a little drunk as well.

Atmos: You did drink some of the stuff you gave Luna, so it's highly likely.

Tamamo: I guess if one glass was enough to get Luna drunk for a bit, it would do the same to me.

Atmos: By the way, what did Old Man Crate give you earlier?

Tamamo: Something to deal with a hangover.

Atmos: You'll probably need it.

Tamamo: I agree.

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