[Luna POV]

I was still laying on the bed contemplating the last bit of my conversation with Tamamo.

‘Am I still a bit drunk or was that how Tamamo is when she’s drunk?  Does she want me to make a move in that direction first?  But didn’t she say that we won’t have enough time for that while I can only see her during the full moon?’

My thoughts continued to spiral around in my head that I didn’t notice how much time had passed.  I didn’t even realize when Velvet came into the room to see if I was up.  I was finally snapped out of my own thoughts when she pinched one of my ears.




“You will never speak a word of this to anyone.” I said in an emotionless voice.

“I…pft…I understand.”

“What do you need Velvet?”

“I was coming to check on you since you haven’t left your room even though you normally are training around this time.  When I got here, you were laying in the bed, dazed and with a red face.  I tried to get your attention, but nothing worked, so I pinched your ear, and here we are.”

“I see, guess I was still a little drunk after all.”

“I thought that couldn’t happen?”

“Well, apparently, there is an alcohol that can get me drunk in the divine domain, even if it’s only for a little while.”

“I see.  How was it meeting several of the world's most important gods?”

“Well, the God of Creation is a kind grandpa.  The God of Time is stern and aloof.  You already know Grey and I’ve told you what Atmos is like.  The Goddess of the Sun seems like a reliable person from the few conversations we had.  Speaking of, the Crate gave me something and I haven’t checked what it is yet.”

“Whatever it is, it’s probably ridiculous.”

I took out the small bottle I was given.  It had a gold liquid inside that looked like sunlight.  I appraised the bottle and was surprised.

Sundrop Potion: A potion made of liquid sunlight.  If ingested by races weakened by the sun, that weakness is permanently removed, and the drinker will be able to double their stat gains every five levels.

“Velvet, drink this.”


“It will remove your racial weakness to sunlight, and you will get double stats every five levels.”

“Are you sure you want me to drink it?  Didn’t the God of Creation give it to you for you to use?”

“What would I do with an item that seems to be specifically made for you.  Aside from your mother, you are the only vampire I actually know.  Not to mention that my stats will pretty much not grow anymore until I get another tail.”

“But aren’t you the one who says that you never know when you might need to use something like this in the future?”

“Velvet, the future that I use this is the one a minute from now where you are drinking this potion.”

“Fine, but don’t complain to me if you find yourself in a situation that you need something like this later.”

Velvet took the potion from my hand, removed the lid, and drank it all in one go.  While she was doing this, I was tempted to start chanting shot, but I refrained.  Once it was all gone, she stood there in a daze for a minute then started to press her hands to her head.


“Want to sit down?”


I moved over and she sat down next to me.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I’m being burned from the inside while being soothed at the same time.”

“Anything you want me to do?”

“Nothing you can do.”

“Then sit here for a while until the feeling stops.  Tell me if you need anything and I’ll get it.”


Since Velvet was now out of commission for a bit, I decided to watch over her while I did some things to pass the time.  First, I was going to send some letters home since I haven’t in a few days, but when I pulled out my letter box, I already had one waiting for me.  I opened the letter and read its contents.

[Hello Luna, this is Ana, the next time you get a chance, can you come home for a few days, I need to talk to you about Soleil.]

“I wonder what that’s about?”

“What’s up?”

“Ana wants to talk to me about something with Soleil.  Once you’re feeling better, want to head over there?”

“I don’t mind, though we should probably tell Nia.”

“That’s true.  How about we go tomorrow if you feel better?”

“Sounds good, I’m actually feeling a bit better already.”

“Anything feel different?”

“Not really.  I’ve become pretty used to walking under the sunlight since meeting you, so the only difference is I won’t need to wear this ring.”

I replied to Ana’s letter and told her we would be there tomorrow.  After that I wrote my other letters and sent them off as well.  I then pulled out the things to make another plush like the one I gave Tamamo.  The only difference this time was that I was making a tiny Tamamo for myself.  When I finished it, my sewing skill hit level 10.

“Only four more skills till everything reaches level 10.”

“Don’t you mean until you gain another skill?  You always say that when you got close, then gained another skill relatively soon after.”

“Why’d you have to point it out, now it’s definitely going to happen.”

“I’m only stating the truth.”

We bantered like this for a long time until Velvet was back to normal.  She stood up and stretched a bit.

“I just thought about this, but if what your appraisal said is true, and my stats will double every five levels, does that mean that most of my stats will be S or S+ by the time I reach level 100?”

“It’s highly likely.”

“Then should I put time into trying to get the restraint skill as well?”


“Why is that a question?”

“Well, I only got the skill because at the time I wasn’t confident I could properly hold back.  You on the other hand, have been leveling a lot longer than I have, so you already limit yourself without having to try.”

“Fair point.”

“Anyway, we should go and find Nia to tell her our plans for tomorrow.”

“Let’s go then.”

We left the villa and went to look for Nia.  It didn’t take long to find her since she was in the place we expected her to be at.  She was in the middle of watching a mock battle between two knights when we arrived.  Since we didn’t want to get in the way of her work, we waited for the fight to finish.  Once it was over, Nia ordered everyone to take a break and walked over to where we were sitting.

“What can I do for the both of you today?” (Nia)

“We came to tell you that we’re leaving tomorrow.  I was asked to come back home for a bit by Ana.” (Luna)

“Thanks for telling me.  We’ll throw a goodbye party tonight.” (Nia)

“That’s not necessary.  Knowing Luna, we’ll be regularly popping up here again and again for whatever reason.” (Velvet)

“That’s true, it’s a very Luna thing to do.” (Nia)

“…” (Luna)

“Have something to say, Luna?” (Velvet)

“No, because what the two of you are saying is true.” (Luna)

“You agreeing takes the fun out of teasing you about it.” (Nia)

“Can’t help it.” (Luna)

“Anyway, what time are you thinking of teleporting away?” (Nia)

“Probably after breakfast, I don’t know about what, but Ana wants to talk to me about something with Soleil.” (Luna)

“Then leaving early is best.” (Nia)

We talked with Nia a little more then went back to the villa to prepare for tomorrows departure.  That night, we had a grander dinner than usual to celebrate our time here and we all went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Luna: You were very quiet today, Tamamo.

Tamamo: zzz

Luna: Tamamo?

Atmos: Sorry Luna, she's actually been asleep all day hugging that plush you gave her.

Luna: Again, I feel jealous of my plushie self.

Atmos: But didn't you make a plush Tamamo so you could do the same thing?

Luna: Doesn't stop me from feeling how I feel.

Atmos: Fair enough.  By the way, can I commission myself a pair?

Luna: I'll consider it if you tell me more things Tamamo likes.

Atmos: Hmm.  She likes open air baths.

Luna: How about something that won't make me lose self control around her?

Atmos: Then how about some sweets made with honey?

Luna: Better.  How big do you want the plushies to be?  I have enough to make two more the same size as mina and Tamamo's.  If you want bigger, you'll need to wait for a few more years.

Atmos: I'll take one of each at the same size as yours and Tamamo's.  Out of curiosity, though, what is the bigger version you were talking about?

Luna: To scale of Tamamo's fox form.

Atmos: While tempting, I'll stick to the smaller version.

Luna: I'll have them done in a week or two.  I'll pass them to you through Grey.

Atmos: Thanks.

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