I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 96- Crossing the Border

[Luna POV]

We got up early the next day and left the inn.  On the way to the gate, we picked up some meat skewers and were eating them when we left the city.

“How far is the border?” (Soleil)

“If we go at the pace we have been, then we will get there in about two hours.” (Luna)

“What about Beria?” (Soleil)

“Hmm.  I would say a week by carriage, so if we run, a few hours to a day if we make frequent stops.” (Luna)

“Do you want to stop in a town or city in Beria, or just find the volcano and camp out?” (Velvet)

“What do the two of you want to do?” (Luna)

“I say we finish up with the island then go to one of the places next to the sea and enjoy ourselves.” (Velvet)

“Sounds like a good plan to me.  What about you Soleil?” (Luna)

“Hehehehe.  Velvet in a swimsuit.” (Soleil)

“Guess she agrees.” (Luna)

{Would you like to see me in a swimsuit?}

‘Of course.’

{I’ll consider it then.}

‘You tease.’


Like I predicted earlier, we passed over the border after two hours of walking.  We had to go through an inspection, but it wasn’t unreasonable since we were let through easier due to our guild ranks.

“I didn’t think our guild ranks would help like this.” (Luna)

“Didn’t you need to do this the first time you entered the Celestia Kingdom?” (Soleil)

“No, that time we were guarding a merchant, so the only thing inspected was the merchant’s carriage.” (Velvet)

“Do you want to run Velvet?” (Luna)

“Let’s walk for a little longer.” (Velvet)

“Ok.” (Luna)

We walked for another two hours when I started to smell rain in the air.

“It’s going to rain soon.” (Luna)

“Great.” Velvet said in a voice laced with sarcasm.

“Don’t worry, I’ll set up a barrier to keep us dry.” (Luna)

Soon after I smelled the rain, it started.  At first it was just a drizzle, but eventually it turned into a downpour.  At one point it was so bad that I couldn’t see in front of me.

“Thank the Goddess for barriers.” (Velvet)

{You should be thanking Luna; she is the one that thought up that barrier and, it falls under her future Authority.}

“Then thank you, Luna.” (Velvet)

“No problem.” (Luna)

“How does this barrier work, big sis?” (Soleil)

“It’s the product of a failed attempt at a space magic spell that would make me immune to ranged attacks.  All it does is put whatever is coming at us into the space magic inventory.” (Luna)

“What should have happened when you use this spell?” (Velvet)

“Mostly the same thing it does now, but it would add a counterattack where whatever tried to hit me would be teleported back at the attacker.  It’s a failed spell because I wouldn’t be able to do all the calculations and concentrate on battle at the same time.  If I was able to make it work like I wanted, I would then work on perfecting it to where the counterattack would also work in a melee.” (Luna)

“If you managed to pull that off, you would be untouchable and would probably be able to take on an army by yourself.” (Velvet)

“I can already do that.  Just use my ice mist and BAM, battlefield of frozen statues, or just call down an endless amount of lightning, or teleport everything high into the sky and wait for them to hit the ground, or…” (Luna)

“I get it already.” (Velvet)

“Will we also be able to do that eventually?” (Soleil)

“I don’t know, we’ll all be in the realm of S-rank in the near future, but that doesn’t really clear that up to me.  What do you think, Velvet?” (Luna)

“Well, all the S-rank adventurers can at least take on a small army, but it’s dubious on if they would come out of that battle alive.  Some would survive without a doubt, but others not so much.  As if you or I could, Soleil, it depends on our stats and skill levels by the time we hit level 100.” (Velvet)

“Well, it would be more depending on stats since you can still earn and level skills after level 100.” (Luna)

“That’s true.” (Velvet)

“Would we need to start finding items for stat growth at that point?” (Soleil)

{Items only raise stats to S.  After that, a person is done with stat growth with the exception of temporary buffs from certain skills or magic.  The three of you can break past S stats with level ups, but Velvet and Soleil will at most reach stats in the SS range.}

I relayed what Tamamo said to Velvet and Soleil.

“Then shouldn’t we start using any stat raising items we come across before we hit level 100?” (Soleil)

“We can, but I want to find and get a stockpile of items like that first.” (Luna)

“Why?” (Velvet)

“It’s just the way I am.  Save up all the things like that, then use them all at once and watch the numbers, or in this case letters, grow.” (Luna)

“If Velvet and I will be around SS level stats, what would you be at by the time you get nine tails, big sis?” (Soleil)

“I don’t know.  Is there something above SSS?” (Luna)

{There is EX, but only gods and a few demigods have that level of power.  When you reach that point, no one would be able to do anything to you except a god.}

‘So, if I have my MP at EX, I’ll have pretty much infinite mana?’

{Not pretty much, you WILL have infinite mana, but your stats will only start reaching EX at and after five tails.}

I relayed this information as well, and my companions were silent for a while after.

“So, this means you’ll be a demigod when you get five tails?” (Soleil)

“According to Tamamo, yes.” (Luna)

“Will you be restricted in any way after that?” (Soleil)

“Tamamo?” (Luna)

{No, demigods aren’t restricted in the mortal world, but that’s only because there aren’t many of them.  In fact, I think there are only two, three if you are included, Luna.}

“They are not restricted.” (Luna)

“That’s good.” (Soleil)

At this point, the rain stopped, and the sky cleared up.  Looking at the position of the sun, it was around noon.

“Want to stop for lunch, then run afterwards?” (Luna)

“That’s fine with me.” (Velvet)

“Sure thing.” (Soleil)

We found a good spot and Velvet and Soleil used some fire magic to dry it.  We all sat down and dug into some lunch that I brought out of my inventory.

“Luna, I love your cooking, but the next time you pull something to eat out of your inventory, can it be something else other than soup.” (Velvet)

“I agree with Velvet.  Soup is nice and all; but eating it as much as we have for the last week is getting tiring.” (Soleil)

“*Sigh*  Fine.  Any requests?” (Luna)

“Meat.” (Soleil)

“What kind?” (Luna)

“What do you have?” (Velvet)

“Let’s see.  I have orc, high orc, beef, chicken, basilisk, several types of fish.  There’s more, but I don’t feel like listing it all.” (Luna)

“Do you have any fried tofu?” (Soleil)

“No, Tamamo ate it all.” (Luna)

{And I’ll do it again.}

“Fufufu.” (Luna)

“What’s so funny?” (Velvet)

“It seems like I conquered Tamamo’s stomach.” (Luna)

““Luna/Big sis, teach me how to cook.””

Velvet and Soleil turned to look at each other at the same time and then they both blushed.

“Hahahahahahahahaha.  Be ready because I won’t go easy on your training.” (Luna)


{How cute.}

‘I know right.’

Author's Note:

Atmos: Llllllluuuuuunnnnnnnaaaaaa.  Can you give me something to eat?

Luna: Any preference?

Atmos: Something edible.

Tamamo: Stop being difficult.

Atmos: Then how about something spicy.

Luna: Have some peppers that I stuffed, wrapped in high orc bacon, then grilled.

*A few minutes of eating later*

Atmos: Amazing.

Tamamo: These are quite good.

Luna: Thank you.

You could have saved me some.

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