[Luna POV]

After our lunch, we rested for 30 minutes, then got ready to run.  I was stretching a bit and Velvet was making sure to hold Soleil in a comfortable way.

“You ready?” (Luna)

“Yep.” (Soleil)

“Let’s hope it won’t take us long to get there.” (Velvet)

We took off running at full speed and the world blurred around us.  We ran nonstop for about an hour when I got an interesting idea. I slowed down until I was running next to Velvet and grabbed onto her arm.  I then focused on a point far away and used some space magic.  I imagined that we were in a tunnel and where the end was the point I was focusing on.  I tried ‘folding’ the tunnel where the point I was focusing on was brought closer to us and it worked.  We arrived at the point where I wanted to go, and we stopped running.

“What was that; Luna?” (Velvet)

“An idea I had.” (Luna)

“Big sis, why did everything around us turn all weird and wavy?” (Soleil)

“Is that what it looked like the two of you?” (Luna)

“Yeah, you grabbed my arm and then it was like the space around us distorted and we ended up here.” (Velvet)

“What I did was fold space.  I focused on a point that was in the distance, then made it so that we reach that point in a single step rather than run for several.” (Luna)

“Isn’t that the same as a blink?” (Velvet)

“I think it’s close, but this was less disorienting than a blink.” (Luna)

“That’s true, I honestly don’t get how you can reliably blink around in combat big sis.  I’m used to teleporting, but not like that.” (Soleil)

“It helps that in combat, everything feels slowed down.” (Luna)

“Why am I not surprised that you are the type of person to enter a battle trance.” (Velvet)

“Is that what that feeling is?” (Luna)

“Yes.” (Velvet)

“Well anyway, now that we have a new option, do you two want to do this instead of running?” (Luna)

“Sure.” (Velvet)

“Why not.” Soleil said as she transformed back to her normal form.

“Aww.” (Velvet)

“Sorry Velvet, I just want to stretch my legs a bit.” (Soleil)

“It’s fine, I just miss the fluffiness.” (Velvet)

“I’ll let you brush my tail later then.” (Soleil)

“Yay.” (Velvet)

“I know that I wanted this to happen, but I didn’t realize that it would make me so jealous.  I want to brush and pet Tamamo’s tails.” I mumbled.

“What was that Luna?” (Velvet)

“Nothing.  Let’s go.” (Luna)

I grabbed onto Velvet and Soleil and started to do what I did earlier.  I did this several times until I noticed that the area around us started to get more tropical.  There was some humidity, but it wasn’t terrible and the trees that were around looked like they did on the 27th floor of the dungeon.

“I think it’s safe to say we’re in Beria now.” (Luna)

“Seems so.” (Velvet)

“How are you going to find the place we’re looking for?” (Soleil)

“I’ll try looking around from high up first.” I said as I created an ice pillar that rose up very high.

The new vantage point helped, and I could see very far.  In the distance I could see the outline of a mountain.  I memorized the direction that we needed to go and dispelled the ice pillar.  I started to fall and when I hit the ground, I performed a superhero landing.


“Are you ok big sis?” (Soleil)

“Yeah, but whoever made up that landing should be smacked in the face.” I complained as I healed my legs.

“Did that really hurt?” (Velvet)

“No, it was more the feeling.  Ever tried walking around after your legs fall asleep?  It was that feeling but three times worse.” (Luna)

“Ugh.” (Velvet)

“So do you know which way to go now?” (Soleil)

“Yeah, or at least maybe.  I don’t know how many mountains are in Beria, but I saw one from up there, so we’ll head that way first.” (Luna)

I looked in the direction we needed to go and we walked as I folded space again.  After I did this five times, we were close to the mountain that I saw.  It was quite tall and it was surrounded by a jungle.

“I say we set up camp for now and we can tackle this place tomorrow.” (Velvet)

I looked at the position of the sun and saw it was closing in on evening.

“I agree.” (Luna)

I pulled out our camping supplies and we got to work setting everything up.  After we were done, Soleil got a small fire going and I pulled out some meat to cook our dinner.

{I’m back.  Atmos said hello.}

“Welcome back Tamamo, what did she want?” I asked as I pulled out my mirror.

{She just came over to visit.  Where are the three of you now?}

“Just before a jungle that surrounds a mountain in Beria.  I’m not sure if it’s the right one yet, but right now we’re setting up camp and will explore it tomorrow.” (Luna)

{Why not just check it with space magic?}

“Because that will take all the fun out of it.” (Luna)

“Luna, we finished setting up the tents.  Oh, hello Goddess.” (Velvet)

{Hello Velvet, Soleil.}

“Hello.” (Soleil)

{Did the three of you do something to get this far so quickly?}

“I tried making it so we travelled a long way in less steps by folding space.” (Luna)

{How’d you think to do that?}

“My mind thinks up a lot of stuff when I’m doing something monotonous and you’re not there to talk to me.” (Luna)

{I don’t know whether to say sorry for not being there; or praising you for doing something like that.}

“It’s fine, you were entertaining Atmos, after all.” (Luna)

{Thanks for understanding.}

“Is the Goddess of Fate that bad?” (Soleil)

“She’s not bad, she just likes pranking people.” (Luna)

{It’s gotten a bit tiring to handle ever since she started to cake people again, though it’s not as bad as the old days.}

“Out of curiosity, how bad was it back then?” (Luna)

{Most people couldn’t go three days without getting a cake to the face at least once.}

“Oof.” (Luna)

“That sounds difficult.” (Velvet)

{It wasn’t that bad for me since she never tried to do that to me after the first time.}

“What got her to stop?” (Soleil)

{Grey being summoned to this world and her granting him her divine protection.  At that point onward, she was completely enamored with watching him that she stopped pranking completely.  Of course, that didn’t last, but it was a nice reprieve.}

“Was it during this time that that room was made?” (Luna)

{Yes.  It was a project that Gear and a few space spirits worked on.}

“Guess I’ll be in charge of that eventually.” (Luna)

{Not really, I don’t know what happened, but it became its own independent space at one point, though it only lets Atmos in now.}

“I don’t think that’s a good thing.” (Luna)

{Probably not, but none of us can do anything about it.  At least until you get here.}

I finished making our dinner and we ate it happily.  My companions kept asking for more until I put a stop to it.

“Big sis, you could probably take over the world with your cooking.” (Soleil)

“Too much trouble, and I’d use my fluff instead.” (Luna)

“That would just turn everyone into fluff addicted zombies.” (Velvet)

“And that would make the world boring.” (Luna)

{I, for one, am happy you don’t want to rule the world.  It would lead to you spending less time with me.}

“I agree.  I would rather spend time with you than rule the world.” (Luna)

“Guess it’s time for us to let them talk with each other.” (Soleil)

“Right, now let me brush your tail.” (Velvet)

“Ok.” (Soleil)

Author's Note:

There might not be a chapter tomorrow.

Luna: Why not?

My cousin is getting married.

Luna: Oh, the congratulations to them.

Tamamo: Indeed.

Luna: You also need a break, you haven't really taken a break from writing for a while.

I'm fine on that front, but I guess I don't mind taking tomorrow off.

Tamamo: It'll be fine, it's not like we will go anywhere.

Then I guess I'll see everyone on Sunday.

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