Sabaody Archipelago.

Noah and Garp both stopped.

However, many navy officers had resentment on their faces.

After all, these criminals actually walked away in front of them in such a swagger, which was really hard for them to accept.

However, if you think that the local navy still has much character, then you are too naive.

In this dark place, it is impossible for someone like Future Smoker to stay as a navy, and he would have defected long ago.

It is hard to say about the lower-level navy officers, who may have some conscience.

But the top-level navy officers are either confused and decadent, or they are like dust.

The resentment on their faces is just the gap caused by the high-handedness.

After all, they don’t know how much money they have made here, and who doesn’t treat them with respect on weekdays.

However, the girls’ worry about whether Noah and Shanks would fight did not happen. Although

Noah is usually very arrogant and disgusted with people disobeying him, Noah also knows that Shanks is doing it for his own good.

That was true, but Noah still made a note in his little notebook, planning to teach Shanks a lesson someday by giving him instructions or some other excuse.

Vanessa said worriedly,"Lord Noah, let's go back to the ship and take a look. I'm worried about Irene and the others."

Noah turned his head and said,"They are fine, but they are a little weak."

Noah's observation Haki and magical perception both sensed the situation of Irene and the others. Although they were weak, there were only a few people around them who were even weaker.

But they were not Shanks' crew members.

At the same time, there was another aura not far from them that surprised Noah, so Noah was not in a hurry at all.

"That's good!"

The girls felt relieved, but they still planned to go back and take a look. After all, weak breath meant that their condition was not very good.

Shanks did not say anything, but followed silently.

His intuition told him that it was better to keep a low profile.

The girls rushed to the root of tree No. 17 anxiously, fearing that something might happen to them.

Even though Noah repeatedly assured them that nothing would happen, the girls were still worried.

Shanks was also a little worried about the brothers on the boat, but Noah did not say anything, which meant that the brothers on the boat were fine.

In just over a minute, the girls reached the shore by continuously bursting out"shaving" under their feet.

As soon as they reached the shore, the girls and Shanks and others were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"This... this is?"

A look of horror flashed in Liya's eyes.

"How could it be?"

Even Vanessa, who was usually calm and gentle, covered her mouth in shock.

The others were also a little unbelievable.

It was not an exaggeration to describe the area around the shore as"corpses everywhere".

Many people were lying on the ground without knowing whether they were dead or alive. The green grass on the ground would probably grow very lush in the future.

Because the scarlet blood dyed the land on the shore red, the land would probably become extra fertile because of this.

People were lying on the ground in all directions, some with knife wounds and some with gunshot wounds.

Some people had strange expressions on their faces, like joy and pilgrimage, and some seemed to have seen something, their facial features were deformed with anger, and they actually hugged others to die together.

There is no doubt that the girls guessed that it was Alyssa's method.

"You're back!"

Alyssa, with bandages wrapped around her waist and hands, leaned out of the boat and said with a smile.

All the girls could hear the relief in Alyssa's voice.

Alyssa's tense muscles relaxed instantly, and she even staggered back a step.

Vanessa immediately jumped up to support Alyssa and asked:

"Are you okay, Alyssa?"

She turned her head and glanced around, and found that Irene and Kuina also had bandages on their foreheads, stomachs, and arms. They put their knives on their shoulders and sat back to back on the deck.

Seeing Vanessa coming up, she greeted her weakly.

"Hi, Vanessa"×2

Vanessa also nodded and checked Alyssa's condition anxiously.

The wounds were not deep, but there were a lot of them. It was estimated that some of them were anemic due to excessive blood loss.

It was not a big problem.

Vanessa took out a bottle of blood-replenishing medicine and fed it to Alyssa.

Seeing that Alyssa's face was gradually getting rosy, she immediately treated Irene and Guina before she breathed a sigh of relief.

Noah came over and asked,"How is it?"

Vanessa didn't even raise her head, she laid the two of them flat on the ground, and said,"Irene and Guina were both seriously injured, but fortunately, Alyssa gave them simple treatment, so it's not a big deal. They will take some antibiotics and then suture their wounds."

"But they all have serious internal injuries, probably injured by a strong physical practitioner. I'll use silver needles to clear them and prepare some medicines to treat internal injuries."

Vanessa leaned over to listen to the sounds in the bodies of the two people, then pressed their bodies and added.

Hongo also found his brothers, all lying neatly on the deck. It can be seen that it was Alyssa who treated them.

While checking the injuries of several people, Hongo said jokingly:"You are so useless. You are injured like this, not as good as Noah's sisters!"

After listening to this, Lime Jones straightened his body with some difficulty and said:"Uh..., idiot! You don't know how cruel people were at that time! [Blood Hand Evil Doctor] Siera, [Mission Must Be Accomplished] Vivas, and [Thunder Swordsman] Dos Santos, as well as several physical masters, and a group of bounty hunters, all kinds of people came"

"These people kept rushing in like sharks smelling blood. If it weren't for Miss Alyssa, we probably wouldn't be able to stop them."After all, they were people who had experienced the new world. They were just playing with the supernovas, but what could they do?���The opponent they faced was really a match for them!

Hongo paused after hearing what he was doing, and his expression was so surprised.

Those guys were all strong men who had made a name for themselves in the New World!

"" Huh?! You can actually stop them?!"

Hongo looked at Rem Jones and others in disbelief, as if he met them for the first time.

Could it be that these guys have secretly become stronger without our knowledge?

Rem Jones and others scratched their heads in embarrassment and said,"We only stopped two."

Hongo's expression froze instantly, and he looked at them with disdain.

Rem Jones was a little anxious and shouted,"You can only stop one when you come, and I also stopped [Mission Must Accomplish] Vivas! He is the user of the Speed Fruit ability, and he is also an invincible killer in the New World!"

To be honest, if he hadn't made a breakthrough in his observation Haki at the critical moment, and used the ubiquitous resin on the ground on the island to conduct electricity, he really wouldn't have been able to defeat Vivas.

Hongo then restrained the smile on his face.

Shanks also smiled and handed Rem Jones and the other two brothers a bottle of wine, and said with a smile,"Well done, brothers."

Lime Jones gulped down a few sips of wine and sighed in relief. Even the pain in his body seemed to have lessened a bit.

He recalled:

"Having said that, Miss Alyssa on Brother Noah’s ship is really strong, and the mythical beasts are really unreasonable!"

"With just a glance, she controlled one of the minions, and severely injured one of the physical masters with a sneak attack. Then, she used her ability to incite most of the minions to rebel and make them kill each other."

"If it weren't for the Blood-Blood Fruit that could dissolve Miss Alyssa's poison powder, Sierra would have been controlled long ago!"

"Even those strong taijutsu masters can only concentrate their will and use their whole body armament color to fight Miss Alisa. If they are not careful, they will be charmed by her ability."

"Miss Irene and Miss Kuina are also very strong. They defeated [Thunder Swordsman] Dos Santos, and there is also a strong physical fighter. It's incredible!"

On Noah's side,

Alyssa and others also told their own experiences. It was really dangerous. If it weren't for Alyssa's abnormal ability, she stopped several strong men and dealt with those minions at the same time, I guess they would be in danger.

"But why did they come to kill you?"

Liya asked in confusion.

Is it for money?

Although they are rich, they don't show how rich they are.

Kuina pondered and said:"At first, they didn't seem to want to kill us, but later found us difficult to catch, so they started to kill us."

Irene nodded and said:"Oh, that's right!"

Alyssa dragged out a man with great effort, and said:"This is the physical training expert who was severely injured by my little brother in the beginning."

This man is also miserable. Judging from the breath revealed from him, although he is a little weak, he is undoubtedly a strong man. Who knew that he would lose at the beginning.

"Interrogate him, I didn't have the energy to interrogate him just now."

Luo Lan said in admiration:"You are worthy of it, Alyssa!"

But just as Luo Lan was about to drag her into the laboratory for interrogation, a voice came

"No need!"

A handsome old man walked out from the shadows in the corner.

Noah was not surprised at all, but the girls and Shanks shouted in surprise:

"Eh?! Uncle Rayleigh (Mr.)!"


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