The two appeared behind the two strongest fighters in their own camp and put their hands on their shoulders.

Noah said angrily:"Shanks! You are getting more and more presumptuous!"

Garp was also unwilling and struggled and said:"Let me go Kuzan! How dare you give orders to me, you are not even a general!"

"Even if you are a general, I am still your master! How dare you interfere in my affairs!"

Aokiji frowned helplessly and said,"Don't be like this, Mr. Garp.……"

Do you remember that I am your disciple now?

Usually when I say I am your disciple, I seem to be reluctant.

It is like"When there is trouble, Zhong Wuyan, when there is nothing, Xia Yingchun"!

Kapu said: Hehe, I can eat you for this for the rest of my life.( ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ

"Okay, Mr. Garp, give Mr. Sengoku's phone number."

Aokiji handed over the Den Den Mushi helplessly.

As Garp's student, how could he not know Garp's temperament?

When he was in the mood to fight, only Marshal Sora, Mr. Sengoku and Vice Admiral Tsuru could stop him.

Boss Garp looked at the Den Den Mushi unwillingly, and wanted to ignore it and pretend he didn't hear it.

But as a good brother, how could Sengoku not be familiar with his temperament?

""Garp! If you dare to play dumb, you will not be able to go back to see your grandchildren this year, no! Next year!"

The Den Den Mushi that looked like a Sengoku shouted, spitting on Garp's face.

Garp had no choice but to tighten his muscles and took the Den Den Mushi and said:

"Ah, Zhan Guo, what's going on? I'm going to deal with Noah right away.……"

"None of this matters! Garp, come back!"

Garp asked in disbelief,"Why? Sengoku! Give me another day, no! Half a day, I can definitely catch this guy and take him into the city tomorrow."

He admitted that he was bragging, but Sengoku probably didn't know the real situation.

Den Den Mushi also had a helpless look on his face, and said,"Even if Aokiji hadn't called, I would have called!"

"Cap! You have to understand where you are fighting!"


Garp was somewhat speechless, and he also understood why Sengoku wanted him to come back. If the war continued like this, not to mention whether Noah could be captured, the Sabaody Archipelago would definitely become a mess.

"The Five Elders have called. Once the Celestial Dragons are rescued, please let Noah go first and don't sink the Sabaody Archipelago."

"That is the back garden of the Celestial Dragons!"


Karp curled his lips in anger and cursed,"Have those five old men lost their minds?"

""Be careful with your words!"

Garp shouted into the microphone:"Those five old men will definitely regret it!"


Garp hung up the Den Den Mushi fiercely.

When Noah saw Garp restraining his muscles, he knew that it was impossible to fight anymore.

He could force Garp to continue fighting, but it would be a waste of time after all.

So far, Noah glared at Aokiji and Shanks angrily.

Shanks looked innocent and waved his hand and said:"Don't look at me, didn't they give up first!"

If it weren't for you, Aokiji would not have thought of retreating.

Of course, the Warring States would stop it, but who told Shanks' actions to make Noah unhappy!

Noah felt unhappy no matter how he looked at Shanks.

You wait Shanks!

Noah wrote it down in his little notebook!

As the saying goes: You can't hide the look in your eyes when you want to kill someone.

Shanks saw Noah's eyes and felt a chill on his back.

He wiped the sweat secretly and said:"Don't show up in front of Noah recently."

So far, the battle between Noah and Garp is over, and the winner is still undecided!


Jesty cursed with a depressed look on his face,"Damn Aokiji, he actually called a halt like that! And Red Hair, my big news has become much smaller in an instant!"

If Noah and Garp were fighting to the death, it would undoubtedly be big news.

But now the fight is so anticlimactic, although it is also big news, who can blame it for being better!

"Forget it, I’ll think about how to write the content after I go back. Of course, I have to think of a good title first!"


Marijoa, in the meeting room.

The Five Elders were either sitting, or standing leisurely drinking coffee, or leaning against the wall.

Nasujuro Saint said with an unpleasant expression:"I didn't expect that kid named Noah to be so difficult to deal with. In just a few hours, the area of tree roots from No. 10 to No. 19 was directly cracked. If it continues for a while, I'm afraid the entire area will be sunk!"

Pit Saint smiled and said,"It's a small matter. At most, we have lost a place for those guys to play. Those idiots running around are also bothering us!"

There was a lot of contempt in his words. Although they were all Celestial Dragons, they were the elites among the Celestial Dragons, and they were different from those who only knew how to eat, drink, whore and gamble.

Vochuli Saint also nodded and said,"At most, there is only one Rocks."

How arrogant Rocks was back then, and he almost occupied the entire New World with just one pirate group.

But that's all.

If Rocks hadn't rushed into the Valley of the Gods like crazy, killing many Celestial Dragons and snatching devil fruits.

They wouldn't even care about Rocks.

After all, this kind of person has appeared in the long rule of the World Government, but the long time tells them the answer. These people are dead, but the World Government is still standing tall.

Saint Maz nodded indifferently and said,"Not even D, but it is not ruled out that there may be some hidden names. After all, his information is only a little bit of the East China Sea, which is really weird."

Saint Satan knocked on the floor and said,"He is not a Nika fruit ability user, don't worry about it!"

Saint Nasujuro also knocked on the floor with a knife, squinted at Saint Satan and said,"Don't forget, he has a good relationship with the kid in the Figalando family!"

"That fruit was taken away by the little devil from the Fegalando family!"

The other four also fell silent.

"I think that Noah, whose strength has reached this level, should not eat any devil fruit. Although the fruit is powerful, its power is mediocre before it awakens. After eating it, it only adds a fatal weakness for a long time."

"That kind of strong person would not choose to eat this kind of fruit.���

Saint Peter said hesitantly.

Saint Maz nodded in agreement and said,"This fruit has been eaten by people before, but it has never been awakened. Will he choose to eat this fruit?"

"Strong people generally don't like to gamble, they believe in their own strength more."

Saint Wolchuli was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and said:"Keep an eye on him, regardless of whether he will eat the fruit or not, just the fact that he beat the Celestial Dragon will make it impossible for him to survive!"

"When the opportunity is right, issue the Demon Killing Order to him!"

The other four nodded in agreement.

Saint Satan added:"We have to warn Morgans not to talk nonsense!"

The four also nodded in agreement.

They were a little helpless about this guy Morgans.

He is a good sword for the World Government, but unfortunately he is also a demon sword. Fortunately, he is very obedient most of the time.

Saint Wochuri said:"Then the next question is how much should Noah's bounty be?"

Saint Nasujuro put his sword finger against his forehead and thought:"For a fight like this with that guy Garp, 2 billion berries is not too much!"

Saint Maz nodded and said:"It's feasible. If it weren't for the battle between Garp and him, we don't know what reason to increase his bounty."

"But since it's already 2 billion, let's raise it a little bit, 2.375 billion Baileys!"

The others nodded without objection.

If it weren't for Noah, who only had a dozen people and no territory, it wouldn't be impossible to raise it to 3 billion.

Peter Saint held the report in his hand and smiled:"Speaking of bounties, I didn't expect that this kid Noah actually offended the shipping king Umit"

"Hmm? What's going on?"

The others looked at Saint Peter curiously. They usually deal with a lot of things and don't pay attention to small things.

Saint Peter said:"A few days ago, Umit began to spread the bounty about Noah and others in the dark underground world. The bounty for each woman is 500 million Beli for capturing her alive and 300 million Beli for killing her. The bounty for capturing the captain alive is 1 billion Beli and 800 million Beli for killing him."

Saint Vochuli was a little curious and said,"How can they be related?"

Saint Peter said:"I don't know."

"What a troublemaker! And the trouble he caused is not a small matter. We need to send people to surround and kill him immediately."


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