
Aokiji used ice to make a hand armor to block Rosalind's side kick.


But the high temperature of Rosalind's legs instantly melted his ice hand armor. If he hadn't used the armed color to protect it in time, his hand would probably be severely burned.

Aokiji said depressedly:"My compatibility with you guys is seriously incompatible, young lady!"

There are actually three people in Noah's group who can use fire or high temperature.

Rosalind smiled contemptuously:"We don't want to have any compatibility with you!"

Aokiji said a little depressed:"Fire and high temperature are fine, why is there a young lady with almost the same ability as me here?"

Aokiji glanced at Xibel who was rushing towards him with a sword.


Aokiji quickly condensed an ice knife to deal with it.


Because of her strength, Xibel's swordsmanship is similar to Zoro's, with a wide range of openings and closings mixed with exquisite control.

Clang clang clang!

The movements of Sibel and Aokiji were as if they had pressed the fast forward button.

You advance, I retreat!

In just a few seconds, they exchanged dozens of moves.

Aokiji was a little surprised. Although he only practiced swordsmanship and was not even a swordsman, his Armament Haki was as good as Mr. Garp in hammering warships.

What's wrong with this young lady? Her

Armament Haki improved so fast!

However, Aokiji quickly took advantage of Sibel's weakness and swung his sword directly at Sibel's waist, and then hit Sibel back with a heavy blow.

There was no way. Aokiji's freezing moves were just impact force for Sibel, and the freezing and cold air in them were useless to Sibel.

Although Sibel's ability was the same for him.

Of course, what bothered Aokiji the most was that Sibel could actually absorb the cold air around him, which greatly reduced his plan to use the freezing power to consume the opponent's physical strength.

Sibel had just retreated when Liya and Roland also stepped forward to attack.

Liya summoned a spear with a barrier, and after wrapping it with armed color, she swung it and smashed it at Aokiji.

Aokiji quickly blocked Liya's attack.

He had a headache when he saw Liya. In the previous battles, Liya's barrier had always been a headache for him.


Not just ordinary hard!

Even when fighting Kaido, he had never been so desperate.

Fortunately, Liya could only summon one barrier at a time, and the area was limited.

But this time, Liya actually abandoned the defense of the barrier and turned it into a spear to attack, which was beyond his expectation.

Aokiji said,"Young lady, it is not a good idea to give up your strengths."

But the action in his hand showed no mercy at all.

He fiercely pulled away the spear that Liya threw at him, and disappeared in an instant.


Liya's pupils shrank, and she felt a little cold on her back.

Aokiji appeared behind her, just as he stretched out his hand to freeze Liya.



Aokiji paused, and his entire head turned into an ice block, with a big hole in the middle of the ice block.

Liya took the opportunity to leave the battle range.

She came to Luolan and said,"It seems that using it as a weapon is a bit of a waste of time."

Luolan nodded and said,"I think so, but it is very useful in some special situations."

Liya nodded.

Aokiji's head slowly recovered, and he turned his head to look at Luolan and said,"It was a close call, the young lady's attack was so fierce."

He was really shocked. He had fought with Luolan before, but they all used physical skills, and Luolan did not use firearms.

The impression he gave was that she was a young lady with very good physical skills, and her body structure was somewhat special, as if she was a cyborg.

When he attacked Luolan, it felt like the flesh was hit, but it was terribly hard.

At this moment, Luolan confirmed his point of view.

Luolan's right hand turned into a sniper rifle, but there was no trigger or buttstock, just a scope and a gun body.

As soon as Loran got the Swallow-Swallow Fruit, she experimented with several alloys that she had wanted to try for a long time, and created an alloy that was dozens of times harder than steel and had strong plasticity.

She named it"Loran Alloy No. 1".

She armed her entire body with Loran alloy. Although nothing could be seen from the outside, she was now a veritable body of steel.

At the same time, she also swallowed all her materials and weapons into her Swallow Space for storage, so that they could be used at any time.

Aokiji stopped and realized that every time he beat back one or two opponents, other opponents would come to fill in the gap, and someone would even intervene to rescue them. And after each rescue, the rescued people would retreat obediently.

""Oh, I won't be used as a sparring partner by you guys, will I?"

Aokiji scratched his head and said a little depressed.

Liya and Luo Lan said in surprise:"Huh? Did you realize it now?"


Aokiji was about to complain, when suddenly a red light flashed in his eyes, and then he rolled away quickly.


Suddenly a shock wave plowed through the place where he had just stood, and a clearly visible trace was left after the dust flew up. It was as if the ground was pushed by a bulldozer.

Aokiji turned his head with dissatisfaction and said,"Mr. Garp, please be careful, you almost hurt me!"

Even the elementalization would have spit out blood in that situation, because that attack was mixed with Conqueror's Haki.

Conqueror's Haki can disrupt the natural elementalization and thus attack the entity.

But Garp turned a deaf ear to it and continued to fight with Noah.

Aokiji sighed when he saw it. He looked around and found that there were only two navy men around, him and Mr. Garp.

The others were all pirates!

It was already difficult for him to fight Shanks, Noah and their female companions. If Shanks didn't seem to want to break up with the navy, he might have been seriously injured at this moment.

After all, Shanks' strength was only a few steps behind him.

One-on-one���After all

, Shanks is a great swordsman, and has the blessing of Conqueror Haki, but his Observation Haki and Armament Haki are not strong enough, not to mention that Aokiji also has the power of Devil Fruit.

But with the addition of the girls, it's a bit of a collapse. Not to mention that there are four who can't cope with Aokiji's fruit power, the rest of the girls are also very strong.


Aokiji took a deep breath and silently calculated in his heart:

I have no chance of winning the battle.

Although Shanks has no intention of fighting to the death, if those young ladies are in danger, Shanks will definitely rescue them.

Aokiji looked at the battle between Noah and Garp again.

Mr. Garp was actually caught in a fierce battle. That Noah was really amazing.

Aokiji looked at Noah's somewhat childish face, and his expression was a little complicated.

Thinking about it, he is also a child of destiny. In the navy and even on the sea, everyone calls him a monster. But now he is almost forty years old, but his strength is not as good as a child.

At this time, he somewhat understood that he used to When Aokiji learned the Six Styles easily, he thought about the mood of other trainees in the training camp.

Thinking of this, Aokiji shook his head and pulled his thoughts back to the original place.

Even if Mr. Garp could gain the upper hand later, Shanks would definitely go to support him. That Beckman was enough to withstand his pace.

No matter how you look at it, it is a battle that is bound to be lost.

The situation of the Navy Headquarters cannot send other strong men, and it will be useless even if a normal vice commander comes.

Anyway, the Celestial Dragons have been rescued, and the important goal has been achieved.

Thinking of this, Aokiji suddenly became lazy, and a feeling of salted fish emanated from his whole body.

Aokiji raised his hand lazily to signal Shanks and said:

"Shanks! Anyway, I have rescued the Celestial Dragons, so why don't we stop? After all, there is no reason for us to fight to the death!"

"I believe you don't want to fall out with the navy!"

Shanks nodded after hearing this. He could not possibly assist Noah in killing Aokiji or Garp.

Killing them would mean a life-and-death struggle with the navy.

After all, Aokiji and Garp are not ordinary vice admirals.

The death of any one of them would be a detrimental factor to the stability of the ocean.

Shanks shouted to Leah:"Liya, why don't we just do this, after all, Marijoa is not far away, you know!"

Although Leah also felt that this was a bit dangerous, she still said firmly:"It is Lord Noah's right to make decisions, and we will only obey."

"All right~"

Shanks scratched his head helplessly, then exchanged a glance with Aokiji, and the two nodded to each other.


Aokiji and Shanks instantly appeared on the battlefield between Noah and Garp.

They stood on each side and said in unison:"Mr. Garp (Noah)! Let's stop here today!"


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