

Clang clang clang!

Bang bang bang bang bang~!

Garp had murderous intentions towards Noah, so his movements became more and more fierce.

The collisions between his punches and kicks with Noah were earth-shaking.

The dark red lightning spread wantonly, and the sea became restless.

Many people chose to flee. Those who had finished coating did not care about playing and shopping, and went directly to the New World.

There were still many people who had not finished coating yet, and they did not care about coating, and went out to sea.

However, there was a person whose face was different from the fear of others. Instead, he was extremely happy, and he could even be said to be running towards the battlefield against the crowd enthusiastically.

"Big news, big news!"

A young man wearing a top hat and a camera hanging around his neck rode a bubble car to the middle area, where Noah and others were fighting.

But soon he jumped off the bubble car in disgust and ran in the direction he had just gone, still complaining:

"What a broken bike! You can't even ride it faster than I can run, and you delayed my big news!"

As he said this, he squinted his eyes and laughed strangely, imagining how President Morgans would reward me if I took big news?

The president of the Four Seas Branch?

Or the general president of the Four Seas Branch?

Anyway, I, Jest, will finally bring honor to the family!

From now on, I will call at least three girls to go to the Joy Cruise, one in each hand, and one to help massage my feet.


This is Garp's battle, but I don't know who he is fighting against.

But anyone who can fight with Garp like this must be a master.

Soon he ran to the place where Noah and Garp were fighting.

"Finally, we're here."

Jest wiped his sweat. For a gold medal reporter like him, let alone his fighting ability, his escape speed and stress resistance were absolutely amazing.

It took him only one minute to run from another area to the middle area, and he remained awake under the domineering color of Noah and Garp.

But even though he was awake, Jest was sweating profusely, his hands and feet were weak, and his hand holding the camera was shaking.

"This is……"

He quickly took the camera and took the opportunity to shoot.

Because at this moment, Noah and Garp were in a high-speed collision and fighting. The two of them were fighting each other instantly and then separated immediately. Noah occasionally slashed out a few flying slashes.

Garp still did not get carried away. In order not to damage the island too much, he tried his best to direct these slashes into the sky.

Jest saw Noah's face clearly, and he suddenly realized:

"It turned out to be the [Legendary Hunter] Noah! The man who ended the Golden Lion legend!"

Jesty excitedly aimed at Noah and Garp and took a series of photos.

However, there was no response after several clicks.


Jest looked at the camera-specific Den Den Mushi with a puzzled look on his face, and found that the Den Den Mushi had been stunned by the Conqueror's Haki.

"Oh~, I hate Conqueror Haki!"

Jest put away the camera Den Den Mushi with an annoyed look on his face, but soon said with a smile:

"Fortunately, I begged President Morgans for a long time before and got this improved Den Den Mushi for photography. Hehehe! God really let me get a promotion!"

As he said this, he carefully took out a Den Den Mushi that looked similar to the camera Den Den Mushi, but a little bigger.

Although this Den Den Mushi was a little timid and weak, it was still strong.

Jesty was excited and kept clicking at the battle between Noah and Garp.

"Big news!"

"【[Legendary Hunter] Noah vs [Hero] Garp!"

"Could it be that Noah had heard of Garp's legendary navy and came here specifically for hunting?"

"No, I heard before that someone attacked the Celestial Dragons!"

"Big news! Is Noah about to hunt the Draco?"




Noah crossed his two swords to block Garp's fist and said with a smile:"Garp, your fist of this level can't do anything to me!"

Garp grinned and said without giving in,"Your sword is also very weak and blunt, it can't even cut my skin."

In fact, both of them were stubborn. After a fierce fight, neither side was pleased.

Noah had more than a dozen bruises and purples on his body, and there was even a slight dent in his chest. It can be seen that several ribs were broken.

Garp's chest was also cut with a big slanted cut, and there were countless wounds of all sizes.

However, Garp's arrogant smile concealed a solemnity. The confrontation had lasted for several hours during this period. Even Shanks' crew came from other places. The battle was not favorable.

And Noah's domineering was increasing at an extremely abnormal speed.

Originally, his armed color was not as strong as Garp's armed color. After all, Garp practiced it by hammering eight mountains.

But after a period of fighting, Noah's Armament Haki gradually became solid, so solid that he suspected that Noah was hiding his weakness beforehand.

Even his Observation Haki was the same. Originally, Noah could only predict for two or three seconds, and he had to calm down before using it.

Garp was different. He had been through many battles and took the initiative by attacking fiercely. At the beginning, it did interfere with his Observation Haki's prediction, but it was useless after more than ten minutes.

Little monster!

Garp secretly cursed Noah for being a pervert.

"Two-Sword Style: Glimpses of Light!"

Garp quickly came back to his senses from his thoughts, but how could Noah be so easily resisted when he saw the opportunity?

Noah disappeared like a stream of light, and even Garp did not notice this speed, and he did not even have time to use his observation Haki.

Noah appeared behind Garp and slowly put away his sword.


Two intersecting green lights appeared on Garp's chest.


The sound of two blades entering the flesh was heard in the air.



Karp covered the two new wounds on his chest and gasped. The wounds that were still bleeding stopped bleeding in an instant as his muscles tightened slightly.

"I was careless!"

Garp thought with a frown.

However, this wound was nothing for a pure physical warrior like Garp. Although he didn't have time to resist just now, he also used armed color defense at that time.

Noah turned around and smiled:"Are you really old? Garp!"

"Or do you look down on me?"

"How dare you be distracted while fighting with me?"

Garp did not lose his temper and grinned,"I thought that the punch at the beginning was too heavy, and I was afraid that you couldn't handle it, so I'll let you have a break!"

"Don’t underestimate the navy’s power of justice!"

"Fist bone——"

Garp's muscles swelled, and then he disappeared from the spot, but in Noah's sight he could vaguely see Garp rushing towards him with his fist raised.


Garp came to Noah in an instant and punched him.

Noah greeted him with a smile, and did not forget to taunt him:"Garp, your moves are a bit old!"




Garp widened his eyes, and with a sudden force of his fist, Noah was instantly knocked out.



Garp landed steadily and said with a smile:"But it works!"

Noah was knocked out. After rolling in the air for an unknown number of times, Noah clenched the two knives in his hands and stabbed them into the ground.

Kara Kara Kara!

The knives stopped after leaving two long marks on the ground.

Noah's face was a little surprised, and his hands holding the two knives trembled slightly. He said:

"I didn't expect that a sixty-year-old man like you would have so much strength!"

But soon Noah laughed excitedly and said,"It really makes my blood boil!"

Seeing this, Garp was slightly surprised, but soon he grinned and said,"Then let me teach you a lesson about my iron fist!"

The two of them each had their Ryusakura domineering aura flowing, and the domineering domineering aura wrapped around their bodies, and two beams of light shot up into the sky.

The clouds in the sky had long been dispersed by the continuous battles.

The sky was constantly torn apart and then gathered again.

The two men collided fiercely, with sword lights and fist shadows constantly intertwining, and from time to time Noah was hit by a punch and Garp was hit by a knife.

The shock waves caused by the impact of Garp's fist bones and Noah's great swordsman's slashes occasionally intruded into the battlefield of Shanks and others.

"That was a close call! Was Noah just playing around when he fought me before?"

Shanks narrowly dodged the incoming slash. Shanks knew from his perception that this slash was more than twice as powerful as the previous one.

However, this kind of slash flew around on Noah's battlefield without any physical effort.

Beckman also came from other places at this time. He rolled over to avoid the slash from Noah and complained,"Shanks, I think it's more troublesome for us to stay here. These two people don't care whether their moves will hurt friendly forces."

Lakiru also fired two shots at Aokiji and said,"Boss, we are not needed here at all. Why don't we just guard it."

"Uh... that seems to be the case."

Shanks glanced at Aokiji who was struggling to cope with the situation and nodded in agreement.

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